I Have a requirement to pull the orders based on the Order Type conditions.I'm able to get the data by passing one order type,but i need to get the orders of two order types,couldn't find Or condition to Implement.
Here the code.
private static SalesOrder SOStokItem(DateTimeSearch whereCondition, StringSearch Condition, int rowCount)
SalesOrder item = new SalesOrder()
RowNumber = new LongSearch { Condition = LongCondition.IsLessThan, Value = rowCount },
ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.OnlySpecified,
OrderType = new StringReturn(),
OrderNbr = new StringReturn(),
if (whereCondition != null)
item.LastModified = whereCondition;
if (Condition != null)
//item.OrderType = new StringSearch() { Condition = StringCondition.or, Value = "RC" };
//item.OrderType = new StringSearch() { Value = "RW" };
return item;
The SOAP API doesn't include or filter conditions on string fields.
You need to issue two SOAP requests to filter the sales orders with an or condition.
In Opportunity screen, the definition of the data view for Relations is simply :
public CRRelationsList<CROpportunity.noteID> Relations;
When a Sales Order is raised from the Opportunity. I'd like to display the Relations defined from the source Opporunity in another tab. And I'm just struggling how to write the the data view and pass the Opportunity noteid.
public CRRelationsList<???>Relations;
Thanks !
The generic type in dataviews often resolve to the current record.
In CRRelationsList class the generic type is named TNoteField:
public class CRRelationsList<TNoteField> : PXSelect<CRRelation>
where TNoteField : IBqlField
ssuming the dataview is declared as CRRelationsList<CROpportunity.noteID>.
The generic type value will be resolved like this Caches[typeof(CROpportunity)].Current.NoteID.
protected virtual void CRRelation_RefNoteID_FieldDefaulting(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e)
// Get a cache object of type CROpportunity
var refCache = sender.Graph.Caches[BqlCommand.GetItemType(typeof(TNoteField))];
// Get the NoteID field value of the current CROpportunity object
e.NewValue = refCache.GetValue(refCache.Current, typeof(TNoteField).Name);
So to set DAC.Field of CRelationsList<DAC.field> you would do:
// In a graph extension (PXGraphExtension)
Base.Caches[typeof(DAC)].Current.Fied = ???;
// Or in graph (PXGraph)
Caches[typeof(DAC)].Current.Fied = ???;
If current DAC object is null you need to insert a record in a dataview or directly in the cache object.
I'm not sure re-using CRRelationsList list is the best approach if you want to simply display records because it does much more than that. It should be possible to extract the select request out of it and directly substitute the TNoteField value:
private static PXSelectDelegate GetHandler()
return () =>
var command = new Select2<CRRelation,
LeftJoin<BAccount, On<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<CRRelation.entityID>>,
On<Contact.contactID, Equal<Switch<Case<Where<BAccount.type, Equal<BAccountType.employeeType>>, BAccount.defContactID>, CRRelation.contactID>>>,
LeftJoin<Users, On<Users.pKID, Equal<Contact.userID>>>>>,
Where<CRRelation.refNoteID, Equal<Current<TNoteField>>>>();
var startRow = PXView.StartRow;
int totalRows = 0;
var list = new PXView(PXView.CurrentGraph, false, command).
Select(null, null, PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters,
ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows);
PXView.StartRow = 0;
foreach (PXResult<CRRelation, BAccount, Contact, Users> row in list)
var relation = (CRRelation)row[typeof(CRRelation)];
var account = (BAccount)row[typeof(BAccount)];
relation.Name = account.AcctName;
relation.EntityCD = account.AcctCD;
var contact = (Contact)row[typeof(Contact)];
if (contact.ContactID == null && relation.ContactID != null &&
account.Type != BAccountType.EmployeeType)
var directContact = (Contact)PXSelect<Contact>.
Search<Contact.contactID>(PXView.CurrentGraph, relation.ContactID);
if (directContact != null) contact = directContact;
relation.Email = contact.EMail;
var user = (Users)row[typeof(Users)];
if (account.Type != BAccountType.EmployeeType)
relation.ContactName = contact.DisplayName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relation.Name))
relation.Name = user.FullName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relation.Email))
relation.Email = user.Email;
return list;
When I release a Cash Sales document, after everything verifies successfully and the GL Batch is created, I execute code which created a second GL Batch that handles other transactions related to the cash sale. After that batch is created, I want to save the second GL Batch's Ref Nbr on the Cash Sales document as well. When I try to save it, I get an error:
Here is my code overriding the normal Release process:
public delegate IEnumerable ReleaseDelegate(PXAdapter adapter);
public IEnumerable Release(PXAdapter adapter, ReleaseDelegate baseMethod)
ARCashSale cashSale = Base.Document.Current;
PXGraph.InstanceCreated.AddHandler<JournalEntry>(delegate (JournalEntry oldJournalEntry)
oldJournalEntry.RowPersisted.AddHandler<Batch>(delegate (PXCache sender, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e)
Batch oldBatch = oldJournalEntry.BatchModule.Current;
if (oldBatch != null && isCreated == false && e.Operation == PXDBOperation.Insert && e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Completed)
isCreated = true;
if (CFBSAdjustments.Select().Count > 0)
JournalEntry newJournalEntry = PXGraph.CreateInstance<JournalEntry>();
Batch newBatch = new Batch();
newBatch = newJournalEntry.BatchModule.Insert(newBatch);
Customer customer = PXSelect<Customer, Where<Customer.bAccountID, Equal<Required<Customer.bAccountID>>>>.Select(Base, cashSale.CustomerID);
newBatch.Description = "Fund Entry for Cash Sales Reference " + cashSale.RefNbr;
newBatch.FinPeriodID = oldBatch.FinPeriodID;
newBatch.LedgerID = oldBatch.LedgerID;
newBatch.DateEntered = oldBatch.DateEntered;
decimal? debit = 0;
decimal? credit = 0;
foreach (CFBSCashSalesAdjustment row in CFBSAdjustments.Select())
GLTran tran = newJournalEntry.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert();
tran.SummPost = true;
tran.BranchID = cashSale.BranchID;
tran.TranType = GLTran.tranClass.Normal;
tran.TranClass = GL.Messages.RoundingDiff;
tran.LedgerID = newBatch.LedgerID;
tran.FinPeriodID = newBatch.FinPeriodID;
tran.TranDate = newBatch.DateEntered;
tran.CuryInfoID = Base.currencyinfo.Current.CuryInfoID;
tran.AccountID = row.Account;
tran.SubID = row.Subaccount;
tran.DebitAmt = row.DebitAmt;
tran.CuryDebitAmt = row.DebitAmt;
debit += row.DebitAmt;
tran.CreditAmt = row.CreditAmt;
tran.CuryCreditAmt = row.CreditAmt;
credit += row.CreditAmt;
tran.RefNbr = row.CashSalesRefNbr;
tran.TranDesc = customer.AcctCD + " - " + customer.AcctName;
newBatch = newJournalEntry.BatchModule.Update(newBatch);
if (GLSetup.Current.GetExtension<GLSetupExt>().UsrAutoRelease == true)
newJournalEntry.BatchModule.Current.Hold = false;
if (isCreated)
isCreated = false;
cashSale.GetExtension<ARRegisterExt>().UsrFundBatch = newJournalEntry.BatchModule.Current.BatchNbr;
//Base.Document.Current.GetExtension<ARRegisterExt>().UsrFundBatch = newJournalEntry.BatchModule.Current.BatchNbr;
//TODO - Figure out why the fund batch isn't saving to the Cash Sale
//Base.Persist(typeof(ARCashSale), PXDBOperation.Update);
return baseMethod(adapter);
I left in all of the different methods I've tried to get the ref nbr to save. I've ever tried to add a field updated handler for the BatchNbr field and force the new number in that way, but it did not work.
EDIT: I also noticed that I cannot successfully set an extended field on the Batch DAC. For example, I have the line newBatch.GetExtension<BatchExt>().ExtRefNbr = cashSale.RefNbr; to set the ref nbr in that document as well, but any time I run 'NewJournal.Press.Save()' it changes the set value of the extended field to null. If anyone knows how to set the extension field, I may be able to work with that instead to go down a different path that may do what I need.
I believe the appropriate place to perform your update is in graph ARDocumentRelease. Try something like this....
public class ARDocumentReleaseExtension : PXGraphExtension<ARDocumentRelease>
public override void Initialize()
ARSetup setup = Base.arsetup.Current;
delegate (List<BalancedARDocument> list)
List<ARRegister> newlist = new List<ARRegister>(list.Count);
foreach (BalancedARDocument doc in list)
ARDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc(newlist, true);
private void CreateSecondBatch(List<ARRegister> docs)
foreach(BalancedARDocument register in docs)
if (register.DocType == ARDocType.CashSale)
//create the second batch and assign the 2nd ref nbr to the cash sale user field
I have a custom line number field in opportunity product tab for customer to re-sequence the selected products and the grid is sorted on custom field value.
I am trying to pass the value from opportunity to sales order which also having a similar field.
the following code i have tried and it did not work
PXGraph.InstanceCreated.AddHandler<SOOrderEntry>((graph) =>
graph.RowUpdated.AddHandler<SOLine>((cache, args) =>
CROpportunityProducts product = (adapter.View.Graph as OpportunityMaint).Products.Current;
CROpportunityProductsExtNV productext = PXCache<CROpportunityProducts>.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExtNV>(product);
SOLine soline = (SOLine)args.Row;
SOLineExtNV solineext = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<SOLineExtNV>(soline);
solineext.UsrLineNo = productext.UsrLineNo;
The following piece of code returns same value for all line numbers
You can implement RowInserting Event handler as below:
graph.RowInserting.AddHandler<SOLine>((cache, args) =>
var soLine = (SOLine)args.Row;
CROpportunityProducts opProduct = PXResult<CROpportunityProducts>.Current;
SOLineExtNV soLineExt = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<SOLineExtNV>(soLine);
CROpportunityProductsExtNV opProductExt = PXCache<CROpportunityProducts>.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExtNV>(opProduct);
soLineExt.UsrLineNo = opProductExt.UsrLineNo;
wish they could split up the call to create the order and the call to insert the lines to make it easier to customize. We have done something similar. Here is a sample from what I tested using a graph extension and overriding the DoCreateSalesOrder call in the opportunitymaint graph. (This assumes the select on products is the same order the transaction on the sales order were inserted. I am sure there could be a better answer, but this is an example I have handy.)
public class CROpportunityMaintExtNV : PXGraphExtension<OpportunityMaint>
public virtual void DoCreateSalesOrder(Action del)
catch (PXRedirectRequiredException redirect)
var products = this.Products.Select().ToArray();
int rowCntr = 0;
foreach (SOLine soLine in ((SOOrderEntry)redirect.Graph).Transactions.Select())
// Assumes inserted rows in same order as products listed (default should be the key)
//Current product
CROpportunityProducts currentProduct = products[rowCntr];
var productExtension = currentProduct.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExtNV>();
((SOOrderEntry) redirect.Graph).Transactions.Cache.SetValueExt<SOLineExtNV.usrLineNo>(soLine, productExtension.UsrLineNo);
throw redirect;
The problem you had with your code is the Current product was always the same which resulted in the same value.
As I mentioned in my previous question( How to customize the sales order process to trigger an automatic "adding contract" process when sales order is successfully completed), I need to automatically add a contract for each of some particular products that are in a sales order after this sales order is added.
I have learned adding contract part in previous questions,thanks to #Gabriel's response, and now I need to know how to get those order information such as inventory id in order items, customer id and location id in a sales order business logic (screen SO301000). Would anybody please kindly provide me some sample code?
Now I seem to be able to get customer id and location id from code:
SOOrder SalesOrder = (SOOrder)Base.Caches[typeof(SOOrder)].Current;
int customer_id = SalesOrder.CustomerID;
int Location ID = SalesOrder.CustomerLocationID;
but I still need to find out how to iterate through product list (SOLine item) in the order...the code I found as below (it was an example for implementing a SO release operation) in T200 training PDF seems too old and not helpful to me:
public static void ReleaseOrder(SalesOrder order)
SalesOrderEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SalesOrderEntry>();
graph.Orders.Current = order;
foreach (OrderLine line in graph.OrderDetails.Select())
ProductQty productQty = new ProductQty();
productQty.ProductID = line.ProductID;
productQty.AvailQty = -line.OrderQty;
order.ShippedDate = graph.Accessinfo.BusinessDate;
order.Status = OrderStatus.Completed;
This is how you have to loop through the lines while you override persist in your extension
foreach (SOLine line in this.Base.Transactions.Select())
What you are doing here is you are looping through the valid records in the cache by executing select method. For this you have to find the view definition (Transactions) related to the DAC(SOLine) from the Base BLC definitions.
I figured out how to do it and the below is the code what I have and it's working for me so far - you can see I use "SOLine_RowPersisted" instead of customizing "Persist()" as I did before.
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisted(PXCache sender,PXRowPersistedEventArgs e)
if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Completed)
if ((e.Operation & PXDBOperation.Command) == PXDBOperation.Insert)
SOOrder SalesOrder = (SOOrder)Base.Caches[typeof(SOOrder)].Current;
SOLine line = (SOLine)e.Row;
// Lookup inventory
InventoryItem template = PXSelect<InventoryItem,
Where<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Required<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>
.Select(Base, line.InventoryID);
if (template.InventoryCD == null)
throw new PXException("Inventory CD can not be blank.");
if (template.InventoryCD.StartsWith("AAABBB"))
ContractMaint contractMaint = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ContractMaint>();
CTBillEngine engine = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CTBillEngine>();
DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Now;
string contractCD = ......
Contract contract = SetupActivateContract(contractMaint, contractCD, StartDate , line.CustomerID, SalesOrder.CustomerLocationID, engine);
} else if ((e.Operation & PXDBOperation.Command) == PXDBOperation.Delete)
} else if ((e.Operation & PXDBOperation.Command) == PXDBOperation.Update)
I have an entity LeaveType with two attributes, 1. Type, 2. Available Days, where Type is an optionset and Available days is a text field. I want to fetch all such LeaveType records where the Type = 'Annual' selected in the optionset. I am not able to find how to add a filter the query expression for the option set value. Below is my in progress method:
public Entity Getleavetype(Guid LeaveDetailsId, IOrganizationService _orgService, CodeActivityContext Acontext)
QueryExpression GetLeavedetails = new QueryExpression();
GetLeavedetails.EntityName = "sgfdhr_leavetype";
GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_type");
GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_availabledays");
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, "Annual" ); //Is this correct????
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_employeeleavecalculation", ConditionOperator.Equal, LeaveDetailsId); //ignore this
EntityCollection LeaveDetails = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(GetLeavedetails);
return LeaveDetails[0];
In your condition you need to set the integer value of the optionset, not the label.
Assuming that Annual value is for example 2, the code will be:
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, 2);
You should use RetrieveAttributeRequest to find an int value of OptionSet text.
In my code it looks like:
private static int findParkedOptionValue(IOrganizationService service)
RetrieveAttributeRequest attributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
EntityLogicalName = Model.Invite.ENTITY_NAME,
LogicalName = Model.Invite.COLUMN_STATUS,
RetrieveAsIfPublished = false
// Execute the request
RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse =
var attributeMetadata = (EnumAttributeMetadata)attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
// Get the current options list for the retrieved attribute.
var optionList = (from o in attributeMetadata.OptionSet.Options
select new { Value = o.Value, Text = o.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label }).ToList();
int value = (int)optionList.Where(o => o.Text == "Парковка")
.Select(o => o.Value)
return value;
In https://community.dynamics.com/enterprise/b/crmmemories/archive/2017/04/20/retrieve-option-set-metadata-in-c you found a perfect example.