Pass username and other data to connection - node.js

I'm wondering if it's possible to pass any data to socket client?
What I want to archieve?
I have nodejs + Angular app where I need functionality. I configured connection and it's working. I'm able to retrieve clientId but I want to pass also username and maybe avatar of logged user so when user is connecting it will show his name nad photo. And behavior should be reversed when user is disconnected.
Does anybody know the way to do it or it's not possible?

You can pass the required data as an object on emit and use it in frontend. Create an object with required key values.
var obj= { username:'xyz',avatar:imageUrl };
//do something with data


Can I access twitter auth data via firebase cloud functions Admin SDK? If so, how?

I'm currently using firebase for the backend of a project I'm working on. In this project, the client authenticates using the firebase-twitter sign in method. For the purpose of security, I'm trying to minimise the amount of communication between the client and backend when it comes to auth data. In jest of this, I'm wondering if there is a way to access the auth data i.e. the user's twitter key/secret (as well as things like the user's twitter handle) from the server-side after the user authenticates ? I figured there might be a way as the authentication happens through twitter + firebase, but I'm struggling to find the exact solution I need in the documentation (been stuck on this for a week now) so was hoping someone else already knows if this is possible and how :) cheers
Maybe not the best way, but you can try: on client side use RealTime database and add a new entry every time the user log in. They call this 'realtime triggers'.
You don't mention what front are you using, but on ionic is something like:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user)
On database class function:
let path = "/logins/"
let ref = this.db.list(path)
let body = {uid: uid}
return ref.push(body)
On the server side, listen the path using child_added
var ref = db.ref("logins");
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot, prevChildKey) {
var newPost = snapshot.val();
console.log("Uid: " + newPost.uid);
console.log("Previous Post ID: " + prevChildKey);
More information about triggers

How to preserve sockets app-wide

I am trying to add functionality to my App.
I have never used before, so I have no idea how to progress from here.
I've used the MERN Stack until now, and the next step would be to implement for chat functionality. The problem is, I don't know when to connect, and how to preserve my sockets. The user can sign in, so I thought I could just connect after signing the user in, but then the socket is created in a component, and I can't access it from anywhere else.
The problem is, I use JWT tokens for authentication, so I have a function, that "signs the user in" when going to a new page, if the token hasn't expired yet.
const token = localStorage.jwtToken;
const user = jwt_decode(token);
store.dispatch(setGroupsOfUser({ id: }));
const currentTime = / 1000;
if(user.exp < currentTime){
window.location.href = './login';
I thought I could just connect in here, but then my ChatView component can't access it to send messages and stuff. I need a socket to send notifications, even if the user isn't in a chat room, and the ChatView component needs it to send messages.
Tried to connect after the login dispatch, and store the online users on the server, with their socketIDs.
If I try to search for a solution, every hit I get is about authentication using, but the authentication is already done for me so I'm not sure how to proceed.
As suggested, I decided to create the socket in my App.js and store it in my state.
I can use this stored state then in my subcomponents, and assign it on the server to a user after sign in.
You might want to look in redux. Since your having all the auth stuff and all . It might get messy handling app wide authentication .

How to create multiple instances of nodejs server

I am building a notification application in which every time an event is triggered the associated user gets a notification. I am using localstorage of NodeJs to store the information of the logged in user. The problem is that when two users are logged in,the localstorage values are overridden by the new users value.
I need to create multiple instances of NodeJS server so that every user has its own localStorage.
For example
If two users log in with credentials
then two separate localStorage should be created one having userName:name1 and one having userName:name2.
I have tried all the solutions available online but I am unable to create multiple states of NodeJS server.
Thanks in advance
You do not have to create a new server for each user. Take the IP address and port instead. This means that each user can be uniquely identified. You can simply name the files of the users after the variable client.
Here an example code
net.createServer((netSocket : net.Socket) => {
netSocket.on('data', (data) => {
var client = netSocket.remoteAddress + ':' + netSocket.remotePort;
I wasn't able to create multiple nodejs instances hence I stored the user data in session storage and passed it to nodejs server every time I triggered a request.

How can I identify user when user reload the page

I'm creating a card game like crazy8. And I already publish prototype.
Look here
My problem is, when I reload the page during the game, socket is disconnected and my is changed.
So server side program can't identify me. Now, server remove player from table when socket is disconnected.(because if server don't remove the player who server can't identify, game is stopped, so I program). But if I can identify user, I don't want to remove player who just reload the page from table.
QUESTION: how can I identify user when user reload the page?
I think using cookie as ID is best for this problem. Are there Other solutions?
Other options would include:
Using local storage on the client
Passing query string values in the url
Posting the user id as part as the refresh
Storing the user in a server side session
Storing user information in redis cache.
I'm sure there are many more but this should be enough
After reading your question I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that once a user refreshes the page (reconnects his socket) the socket ID changes (obviously) and you can't identify the user.
First of all, you shouldn't keep track of user using his socket ID as the socket ID will change every time the user reconnects. You should keep track of the socket ID for communication with the user AFTER you have identified the user.
So, what I would do is make an "authenticate" event on the server side and disconnect those sockets who don't emit the "authenticate" event. This event can expect any form of credentials (JWT, username:password etc).
After the user has been authenticated, you can take that socket ID and map that to the user ID and use the socket ID for further communication.
So the server side flow will be like this:
io.on("connect", function (socket) {
socket.on("authenticate", function(data) {
// do auth and then make other events
// if auth
socket.auth = true;
socket.emit("message", "User authenticated");
// If socket fails to authenticate within 3 seconds after connect, disconnect it
setTimeout(function() {
if (!socket.auth) {
}, 3000);
After going to your app, I found that there is no authentication required. This should not be the case as I can highjack any user's slot at the table by just sending his/her name.
If you are okay with that then perhaps you can just keep track of the user name and map it to socket ID on connect.

reuse socket id on reconnect,, node.js

is it possible to reuse a or use it multiple times?
Let's assume a user views multiple pages of the same site in different browser tabs. I want to use a single, socket to handle them all.
If a user receives a notification it should popup on all tabs with a single socket.emit.
It is possible
From the dates of previous responses I assume it might not have been possible in previous versions of, but I can confirm that I'm successfully reusing socket ids on reconnections with 2.3.0.
You just need to override io.engine.generateId. Whatever that method returns will be the id assigned to the socket. Here are the docs about generateId.
As far as I've experimented myself, there are two situations when that method is called. During connections and reconnections.
The method io.engine.generateId receives the originating request object as the argument, so we can use it to figure out if we want to reuse the id or get a fresh new one.
As an example, I'll show how you would reuse an id sent from the client, or create a new one when the client doesn't send it. The id will be sent on the handshake request as the query param socketId.
1. Override io.engine.generateId
First you need to override io.engine.generateId, which is the method that assigns IDs. On the server you need to do something like this.
const url = require('url')
const base64id = require('base64id')
io.engine.generateId = req => {
const parsedUrl = new url.parse(req.url)
const prevId = parsedUrl.searchParams.get('socketId')
// prevId is either a valid id or an empty string
if (prevId) {
return prevId
return base64id.generateId()
That way, whenever you send the query param socketId in the handshake request, it will be set as the socket id. If you don't send it you'll generate a new one using base64id. The reason to use that library in particular is because that's what the original method does. Here you can find the source code.
2. Send the information on the connection request
Once you have that, you need to send the socketId param from the client. This is described in the docs.
const socket = io.connect(process.env.WEBSOCKET_URL, {
query: {
socketId: existingSocketId || ''
process.env.WEBSOCKET_URL would be the URL where your web socket is listening.
Note that this will work when connecting, but you might want to update the query on reconnection.
3. Send the information on the reconnection request
On the same section of the docs it explains how to update the query params before reconnection. You just need to do something like this.
socket.on('reconnect_attempt', () => { = {
socketId: existingSocketId || ''
Just like that you'll be reusing the same socket id as long as it is sent from the client.
Security concerns
It's probably a bad idea to trust information sent from the client to assign the socket id. I'd recommend sending a cryptographically signed payload, storing that payload in the client, and send it back to the server when connecting and reconnecting. That way the server can check that the payload can be trusted by verifying the signature.
Using the same example above, we would send something like this to the client, maybe .on('connect'):
socketId: 'foo',
signature: SHA_256('foo' + VERY_SECRET_PASSWORD)
The client would store that payload and send it back on connecting or reconnecting, in the same way we were sending socketId before.
Once the server receives the signed payload, inside io.engine.generateId we could check that the signature in the payload matches the hash we produce using the ID and the VERY_SECRET_PASSWORD.
You can't reuse Socket.IO connection IDs since they are created during the client-server handshake, but there are alternative methods. I don't have any examples, but you can modify the Socket.IO client to pass along a query string when the handshake is being performed. Then you can tell the server to handle the client based on the query string, and later fetch all client IDs with a certain query string.
Another method you could use would be to use namespaces. Assuming you have some type of session system, you could create a session-specific namespace, and connect clients with that session ID straight to that namespace.
Multiple sites?
No, that's not possible. It would be possible if you open those sites into iframes in your webapp, I guess.
Another option would be to build a browser plugin that opens a socket connection.
