Log file highlighting for vim - vim

In VIM I would like to highlight my files ending with extension .log as shown below
I tried installing https://github.com/MTDL9/vim-log-highlighting .
Vim version = IMproved 8.0
.vimrc file = https://github.com/aseem-hegshetye/vim_setup/blob/master/.vimrc
Following steps got me a certain highlights structure shown in an image below, but not as good as what I am looking for :
create ~/.vim/syntax/log.vim from this file:
Create ~/.vim/ftdetect/log.vim from this file:


Smalltalk syntax highlighting in Sublime?

I'm trying to get sublime to highlight smalltalk .st files but am running into some trouble.
A quick search found this package, but after adding the repository like it says in the README, I don't see the package that its supposed to add when doing Package Control: install package.
I also tried looking into this one but am completely lost when it says This syntax file can be converted to .tmLanguage using PackageDev 'Convert to PList'. Place the converted file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage and reopen any .st file.
Can anybody help me out please? I'm running ST3 on MacOSX.
The installtion instructions using Package Control did not work for me either, but you can take the language file, Smalltalk.tmLanguage, from Smalltalk syntax for Sublime Text 3 and use the manual installation instructions you cited:
Place the file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
As you asked about macOS, on macOS this means:
/Users/<your user name>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
The Library folder might be hidden by default. Use the Terminal or Finder's Go ▶︎ Go To Folder… to access it.
For Smalltalk/X you can download a highlighting package at - sublime highlighting for smalltalk/X called Smalltalk.sublime-package.
You can copy it to the path provided by #MartinW above.

MacVim unable to load settings from custom gvimrc or vimrc files

Ok so I'm setting up MacVim on my new macbook with Yosemite, using a homebrew installation.
To start off with I have no ~/.vimrc or ~/.gvimrc files setup at all.
Also I'm already familiar with links on stackoverflow which have explained that the .gvimrc file settings are usually applied after the .vimrc settings
When I execute the following command directly in MacVim my color scheme is applied fine
:colorscheme twilight
However, when I add the following line to a newly created ~/.gvimrc file the colour scheme does not load when I restart MacVim
colorscheme twilight
Keep in mind that I have nothing else apart from this line in my .gvimrc file and I have not setup a .vimrc file. If I execute the following command in MacVim
I get the following output (not all lines included for clarity):
1: /usr/local/Cellar/macvim/7.4-73_1/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim/vimrc
14: /usr/local/Cellar/macvim/7.4-73_1/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim/gvimrc
20: ~/.gvimrc
You will noticed that MacVim thinks it has loaded the .gvimrc file. Anyone got any ideas why the color scheme won't load?
Ok so it looks like I've figured out what the problem is. The gvimrc and vimrc files were setup fine in the end, the problem is to do with what command you're supposed to execute to run MacVim
I came across the following link:
It was post #6 which made me realise that I was possibly running MacVim in the wrong way. I'm figuring that initially I probably mistakenly ran the MacVim binary directly which according to that post is the incorrect way to do it. Of course because I was running MacVim from spotlight it was repeatedly rerunning the incorrect command.
Anyway, I ran the command Vim -g from the command line instead and it worked fine.

unable to use cscope multi key stroke via vim editor

I am using VIM 7.0 on RHEL release 5.4, and downloaded cscope plugin from: http://cscope.sourceforge.net/cscope_maps.vim
and copied it to path(one instance at a time): ~/.vim/plugin/cscope_maps.vim & /usr/share/vim/vim70/autoload
and generated cscope -qbR from root dir of source files, & opening *.C files from same dir.
According to this(point 5) & cscope_maps.vim, I should be able to do keyword search by multiple keystroke: CTRL-\ <option> or CTRL-# <option> by placing the cursor under the keyword as we do for ctags. But I am able to access the cscope keyword search only through the vim's command line argument (ie., :cs f d or :cs f c) and not with multiple key stroke shortcut.
I've also tried pasting all the contents of cscope_maps.vim to ~/.vimrc, but it didn't help
Is there something I am doing wrong/ any other way to make it work?
As described in the plugin's documentation, copy the plugin to
The autoload directory you've chosen is wrong, this is for plugins' on-demand functionality.
Also, /usr/share/vim/vim70/ is owned by the default Vim package, don't touch anything there (in general), or you'll run into problems when reinstalling / upgrading packages! If you do need to have a system-wide plugin, check :help runtimepath and find / add a proper location that you own on the system.
Probably your code base is other then .c files. I was facing same issue as my code base includes c and c++ both. I was trying with c++ functions and was facing same issue you mentioned.
Hint- Build cscope data base with all required files.
Probably, you are missing the CSCOPE_DB environment variable - i.e, it should point to the valid cscope.out file
To check, once you are in vim, run :echo $CSCOPE_DB, mine shows:
I had the same problem with cscope and Vim 7.4. I could solve it in Arch uncommenting in cscope_maps.vim the bellow lines:
set timeoutlen=4000
set ttimeout
BTW I followed this tutorial to install cscope vim plugin on Arch:

Cannot load CoqIDE plugin for vim

I'm trying to use the CoqIDE for vim plugin I found on this page.
I put the coq_IDE.vim file in ~/.vim/ftplugin folder. My current .vimrc file is:
set showcmd
set number
imap hl <Esc>
filetype plugin on
But when I start vim CoqIDE doesn't load automatically (I see no change whatsoever compared to normal vim, so I don't think it did). And when I try to load it manually by the command :source coq_IDE.vim, I get the following error message:
E484: Can't open file coq_IDE.vim
What could be the source of this error?
Here are some additional information that might be relevant:
1) I am running Ubuntu 14.04.
2) I checked that :version in vim shows +perl.
2) I am running vim from terminal, not gvim.
3) I tried removing and reinstalling different versions of vim (vim, vim-gtk, vim-gnome)
4) The CoqIDE installation guide says that coqtop.opt should be accessible via the PATH variable. Since I'm not even sure what this means, this might be the problem here, but that seems unlikely. From what I understand vim is getting errors when trying to read coq_IDE.vim, so it's not even getting to the part where it's looking for coqtop.opt.
5) I have CoqIDE installed from Ubuntu Software Center.
6) With :echo &runtimepath I get: ~/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim74,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
The instructions are bad.
Put the file in ~/.vim/plugin not ~/.vim/ftplugin
The file layout should look exactly like the file layout found in this mirror for the plugin. https://github.com/vim-scripts/CoqIDE. (Maybe take a look at pathogen or vundle,).
The reason the :source coq_IDE.vim fails is vim is looking for the file coq_IDE.vim in the current directory and it isn't there. Use the full path to file if you are going to source it manually. (You shouldn't need to though.)

Vimball error, unrecognized character in path

I have a problem with installing SuperTab from vimball. I get an error:
E739: Cannot create directory: C:\Users\Pawe<b3>\vimfiles
I guess the problem is the directory name which is C:\Users\Paweł\vimfiles. Is there a way to solve it without changing directory name? Btw: I have set encoding=UTF-8 in my vimrc.
The way I install it is so: download .vmb file, open it with vim (using context menu: 'edit with vim') and then I write :so %. And the error occurs.
Using :set verbose=20 I get http://pastebin.com/BLaeLzuU (those are things I found interesting).
And here's the wider story. I was trying to install plugins using vimballs, because I failed running plugins with pathogen (identical case as here: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/issues/110. In fact my output of :scritpnames is here: http://pastebin.com/YBTBvsvz). To tell you the truth I even tried to copy folder plugin form plugins git repo to my ~\vimfiles. With no success (they are not mentioned in scriptnames). And so I don't have any clue what is going on. Only that output from vimball tells me that it could be the path name. Other then that, I'm hopeless.
Btw: using Windows 8 if that's a deal breaker.
Eventually I have renamed the user name and user folder because the directory name was a problem for other aplications too. Here are the instructions: https://superuser.com/questions/495290/how-to-rename-user-folder-in-windows-8
