reuse browser instance puppeterr - node.js

I would like to know if it is possible to have one .js file that opens a browser instance, creates new page/tab logs in to a website (with username/password) and just stays idle. And in a second .js file use file one browser instance and its page.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
args: ['--no-sandbox'],
ignoreDefaultArgs: ["--hide-scrollbars"]
const page = await browser.newPage();
const response = await page.goto('');
console.log('Browser open in the background (headless)!');
//await browser.close();
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
// instructions on browser instance/page from 1.js ...

The crawler object keeps the state of the browser instance and
wherever you call/pass that instance, it refers to the same chromium
in the "background". If this is an overkill, and you just want to
connect to an already running chromium using puppeteer, you can do it
with puppeteer.connect. take a look at this:
How to "hook in" puppeteer into a running Chrome instance/tab – mbit
Yeah I guess its to overkill for me :). But the link you posted was what I wanted but have 2 questions.
This Is a sample what I have.
// 1.js
// open chromium, new tab, go to, print browserWSEndpoint, disconnect
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
var browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false});
var page = await browser.newPage();
var response = await page.goto('');
var browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint();
console.log(browserWSEndpoint); // prints: ws://
// 2.js
// connect to the open browser with the browserWSEndpoint manualy put in, ... , disconect.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
var browser = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint: 'ws://'});
// somehow use the tab that is open from 1.js (
await browser.disconnect();
I get the browserWSEndpoint string from the console.log 1.js.
It works great but I have two difficulties.
1 - How can I use the variable browserWSEndpoint from 1.js so I dont have to always copy paste it to 2.js.
2- If I open a new page/tab on 1.js and go for example to google and disconnect (browser.disconnect()), how can use that page/tab on 2.js.

Working tested code
getEmail.js is where actual page will be exported. ask clarifications in comments.
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
module.exports = {
browser: {},
getBrow: async function(){ try {
this.browser = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint: this.pptr_instance_url}).catch(async e =>{
console.log("end point",this.pptr_instance_url);
this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({timeout: 0});
this.pptr_instance_url = this.browser.wsEndpoint();
console.log("line 11",this.pptr_instance_url);
return this.browser;
return this.browser;
}catch (e){
} }
const abc = require("../getBrowsernew")
const pageRenderer = async (request) => {
const {reactProjectUrl} = constants, uuidStorageKey = uuidv4(),
localStorageObject = {[uuidStorageKey]: request.body};
const browser = await abc.getBrow();
let url = ""
await setLocalStorage(browser, url, localStorageObject);
const page = await browser.newPage();
const response = await page.goto(
waitUntil: "networkidle0"
}, {waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 0}
return page;
module.exports = pageRenderer;
const pageRenderer = require("./pageRenderer");
const getEmail =async (request) =>{
const page = await pageRenderer(request)
const emailbody = await page.content();
return emailbody;
module.exports = getEmail;

You can implement this in many ways like having separate modules with functions, or different classes, and it depends on your particular need.
You can have a class that launches the browser and creates pages plus some extra functionalities.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
class Crawler {
constructor() {
//init with whatever values you'll need in your class
//or throw an error if the object wasn't created through build
static async build() {
let crawler = new Crawler();
await crawler._init();
return crawler;
async _init() {
//launch the browser and keep its state
this._browser = await puppeteer.launch({timeout: 0});
//create a page and keep its state
this._page = await this._browser.newPage();
get browser() {
return this._browser;
get page() {
return this._page;
async login(url) {
await this._page.goto(url);
//do whatever is related to the login process
module.exports = {Crawler};
Note that we can't have async functions in the constructor. Since launching browser is async, we use something like a build function to initiate the browser when creating the object. Then we create the crawler object like this:
const {Crawler} = require('./1.js');
(async() => {
let crawler = await;
await crawler.login("");
//access crawler's page
Keep in mind that this is only an example and by no means representative of the best practices. So first, you need to understand what you want to achieve out of such encapsulation, then adopt the method that suits you best.
Read more on JS classes here


Can't click link using puppeteer - Thingiverse

I'm trying to automate away downloading multiple files on thingiverse. I choose an object at random. But I'm having a hard time locating the link I need, clicking and then downloading. Has someone run into this before can I get some help?
I've tried several other variations.
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
async function main() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
const page = await browser.newPage();
const response = await page.goto('');
const buttons = await page.$x(`//a[contains(text(), 'Download')]`);
if(buttons.length > 0){
} else {
console.log('no buttons');
await wait(5000);
await browser.close();
return 'Finish';
async function wait(time: number) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, time);
function start() {
.then((test) => console.log('DONE'))
.catch((reason) => console.log('Error: ', reason));
Download Page
I was able to get it to work.
The selector is: a[class^="ThingFile__download"]
Puppeteer is: const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra');
Before the await page.goto() I always recommend setting the viewport:
await page.setViewport({width: 1920, height: 720});
After that is set, change the await page.goto() to have a waitUntil option:
const response = await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' }); // wait until page load
Next, this is a very important part. You have to do what is called waitForSelector() or waitForFunction().
I added both of these lines of code after the const response:
await page.waitForSelector('a[class^="ThingFile__download"]', {visible: true})
await page.waitForFunction("document.querySelector('a[class^=\"ThingFile__download\"]') && document.querySelector('a[class^=\"ThingFile__download\"]').clientHeight != 0");
Next, get the buttons. For my testing I just grabbed the button href.
const buttons = await page.$eval('a[class^="ThingFile__download"]', anchor => anchor.getAttribute('href'));
Lastly, do not check the .length of this variable. In this case we are just returning the href value which is a string. You will get a Promise of an ElementHandle when you try getting just the button:
const button = await page.$('a[class^="ThingFile__download"]');
if (button) { ... }
Now if you change that page.$ to be page.$$, you will be getting a Promise of an Array<ElementHandle>, and will be able to use .length there.
const buttonsAll = await page.$$('a[class^="ThingFile__download"]');
if (buttons.length > 0) { ... }
Hopefully this helps, and if you can't figure it out I can post my full source later if I have time to make it look better.

How to intercept downloads of blob generated in client side of website through puppeteer?

I have a page on this link ( with 3 export buttons.
These export buttons generate XLSX, CSV, PDF on the frontend, and hence there are no URLs for XLSX, CSV, PDF.
I need puppeteer to be able to download or get or intercept the blobs or buffers of these files in my node backend.
I tried different ways to achieve this but still haven't figured out.
It was possible through playwright library through the code written below. But I need to be able to do it with Puppeteer.
const {chromium} = require('playwright');
const fs = require('fs');
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext({acceptDownloads: true});
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('http://localhost:3000/');
const [ download ] = await Promise.all([
page.waitForEvent('download'), // <-- start waiting for the download'button#expoXLSX') // <-- perform the action that directly or indirectly initiates it.
const path = await download.path();
const newFile = await fs.readFileSync(path);
fs.writeFile("test.xlsx", newFile, "binary",function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
console.log("The file was saved!");
await browser.close()
Is there any way?
Any reason not to simulate the click on the frontend and allow puppeteer download the file to the location of your choice? You can easily download the file this way with the following:
Edit: You can determine when the file download completes by listening to the Page.downloadProgress event and checking for the completed state. Getting the actual filename saved to disk isn't 100% guaranteed with this method, but you are able to get what is termed the suggestedFileName from the Page.downloadWillBegin event, which in my tests thus far (at least on the example page in the question) does match the filename persisted to disk.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const path = require('path');
const downloadPath = path.resolve('./download');
(async ()=> {
let fileName;
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(
{ waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }
await page._client.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {
behavior: 'allow',
downloadPath: downloadPath
await page._client.on('Page.downloadWillBegin', ({ url, suggestedFilename }) => {
console.log('download beginning,', url, suggestedFilename);
fileName = suggestedFilename;
await page._client.on('Page.downloadProgress', ({ state }) => {
if (state === 'completed') {
console.log('download completed. File location: ', downloadPath + '/' + fileName);

Why am I not able to navigate through iFrames using Apify/Puppeteer?

I'm trying to manipulate forms of sites w/ iFrames in it using Puppeteer. I tried different ways to reach a specific iFrame, or even to count iFrames in a website, with no success.
Why isn't Puppeteer's object recognizing the iFrames / child frames of the page I'm trying to navigate through?
It's happening with other pages as well, such as
const Apify = require('apify');
const sleep = require('sleep-promise');
Apify.main(async () => {
// Launch the web browser.
const browser = await Apify.launchPuppeteer();
// Create and navigate new page
console.log('Open target page');
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await sleep(15 * 1000);
for (const frame in page.mainFrame().childFrames()) {
await browser.close();
Perhaps you'll find some helpful inspiration below.
const waitForIframeContent = async (page, frameSelector, contentSelector) => {
await page.waitForFunction((frameSelector, contentSelector) => {
const frame = document.querySelector(frameSelector);
const node = frame.contentDocument.querySelector(contentSelector);
return node && node.innerText;
}, {
timeout: TIMEOUTS.ten,
}, frameSelector, contentSelector);
const $frame = await waitForSelector(page, SELECTORS.frame.iframeNode).catch(() => null);
if ($frame) {
const frame = page.frames().find(frame => === 'content-iframe');
const $cancelStatus = await waitForSelector(frame, SELECTORS.frame.membership.cancelStatus).catch(() => null);
await waitForIframeContent(page, SELECTORS.frame.iframeNode, SELECTORS.frame.membership.cancelStatus);
Give it a shot.

Puppeteer doesn't recognize selector with just type and class but accepts full selector

I'm trying to click on a cookiewall on a webpage, but Puppeteer refuses to recognize the short selector with just the type and class selector (button.button-action). Changing this to the full CSS selector fixes the problem but isn't a viable solution since any chance in parent elements can break the selector. As far as I know this shouldn't be a problem because on the page in question using document.querySelector("button.button-action") also returns the element I'm trying to click.
The code that doesn't work:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const main = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false,});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("", { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });
const cookiewall = await page.waitForSelector("button.button-action", {visible: true});
The code that does work:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const main = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false,});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("", { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });
const cookiewall = await page.waitForSelector("#InfoPopupContainer > div.ipBody > div > div > div.row.actionButtonContainer.mobileText > button", {visible: true});
The problem is that you have three button.button-action there. And the first match is not visible.
One thing you could do is waitForSelector but without the visible bit (because it will check the first button).
And then iterate through all items checking which item is clickable.
await page.waitForSelector("button.button-action");
const actions = await page.$$("button.button-action");
for(let action of actions) {
if(await action.boundingBox()){

nodejs How to fix `browser.newPage is not a function` using puppeteer-core?

I am trying to use pupetteer-core but when I run my code.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core');
module.exports= run = () => {
const url = ''
const browser = puppeteer.launch();
const page = browser.newPage().then(function(page){
return browser
I get this error
TypeError: browser.newPage is not a function
The problem in your code is that puppeteer works with Promises, meaning that most functions will return a Promise instead of the value directly. This means that you ether have to use then function or await statements to get the value.
Code sample
module.exports = run = async () => {
const url = '';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url);
return browser;
Note that the function is marked as async now, making it implicitly returning a Promise. That means to wait for the run() function to finish, you would have to call it from within another async function like this:
(async () => {
const browser = await run();
