Azure Application Insight Work items authorization error - azure

My purpose is to create bug in Azure DevOps directly from Azure Application Insight, I am doing to attach the work item (bug) feature available in Azure Application Insight but on clicking Authorize button it give me following error
Authorization token provided through OAuth does not have access to read/write work items for requested uri/project collection/project
for reference please find the below image.
I didnt understand what you meant by private browser, and I have full admin access over Azure Portal.
basically I have the link in which is the devop url
HealthTechnologies is the organization
ReportItNow is the Project
so in Azure insight workitem section, URL I am putting and in project I am putting ReportItNow, I dont know what i am doing wrong.
Still waiting for this glitch to solve.
Oky let me make it more simple, if I want to automatically create bug in Azure DevOps when ever any new exception came in to the Azure
Application Insight How I can get this into real practical.

I solve this when I took a detailed look at the error message url. It's saying that the missing authorization is for https://uri/Project Collection/Project. Based on that, I changed my url from to and it worked,


Unable to post message to Azure Service Bus Queue from Azure API using Managed Identity

I am trying to test out the sample code by azure "Authenticate using Managed Identity to access Service Bus" and its on github:
Azure API Management Policy Snippets
What I have done is in below steps:
Created an Azure API Management Service. In this I added an API which has a POST method
I also enabled a System Generated Managed Identity for this APIM
I created a Service Bus and create a queue
I added the managed identity to a role of "Azure Service Bus Data Sender" on the queue.
Last, I modified the code from azure to have names from objects I created above and it looks like below:
On running a test on API I get error: "500 Internal Server Error". The message of course is not being sent. Any idea what I may be doing wrong here? Help appreciated.
It seems to be issue with your Authorization header and the calling URL. All other steps looks good.
Please find below Policy code snippet which works fine at my end. I am able to send the data to service bus successfully. My operation endpoint is '/messages' with POST method.
I found the issue which is almost what #pankaj has suggested.
I made a mistake when I created a POST operation on the api I created. When we add an operation for an api in azure apim, it asks for a URL also as shown below:
[![Azure API - adding an Operation][1]
The issue was that I added a random text something like "/message".
What this does is, it adds this path to the set-backend-service base-url
As that modified backend url was incorrect, so was the reason for error. I updated it to just a "/" in the POST operation path and the error got resolved.
I then again faced this issue when my request had some query parameters. It was again appending these query parameters to the backend url. To resolve that I added below:
<set-query-parameter name="{{replace-with-query-param}}" exists-action="delete" />
Thank you everyone for trying to help me. Hopefully, this post will be of some help to others

Unable to add permissions to App on Azure Portal

I have created an app on Azure Portal to access some information via Microsoft Graph API but I am not able to add any permissions to it. It was working earlier but not any more. I also tried to register a new app, the app gets register but yet again the permissions could not be added.
As soon as I press the button to add the selected permissions these two popup notifications come up ..
1. Your session will end in a few minutes. You will have to refresh your browser to start a new session.
2. The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps
This is happening since last 3 days now. I also searched on Google and found that people had similar issues earlier as well. Though I have raised a ticket on the portal for this but haven't received any reply yet.
Any help here would be very much appreciated. Also is there any way to check any logs on the portal itself. I did try to check the network logs via browser developer tools but they aren't much help.
It seems to be an issue with the Azure Portal for your region.
As #Hury Shen suggested, you should contact Azure Support for further investigation.
See how to open a support ticket on Azure portal.
Seems like there was an issue with my account address. I changed the address to one of US and it worked for me.
#Allen Wu Thanks for the suggestions. I had already asked them about it but no one replied.

Azure portal error while trying to change client app scopes

I have several client apps registered in the Azure portal. Each app has different scopes that are enabled/disabled. I used to be able to modify the scopes and save the updates for each of the register apps. Now I get the following error from the Azure portal:
Failed to update {my app} application. Error detail: Property identifierUris is invalid. [mURNc]
I also get this same error even if all I try to do is rename the client app. If I create a brand new app there are no issues. This appears to be a bug in the azure portal, but I'm looking for a workaround as I don't want to redefine all the scopes again, there are quite a few!
I've tried to rename things, change the client app ID, etc, but nothing seems to fix the issue, I get the same error. Again, this all used to work fine and now suddenly with no changes I get this issue.
The error says the identifierUris is invalid, but it isn't descriptive at all on which URI it is referring to. Any suggestions on how to correct this?
As junnas said, click try out the new experience in the Authentication tab of App registration and try again.
Also, when you see the above error, we recommend the following:
1.Edit the attributes individually in the manifest editor instead of uploading a previously downloaded manifest. Use the manifest reference table to understand the syntax and semantics of old and new attributes so that you can successfully edit the attributes you're interested in.
2.If your workflow requires you to save the manifests in your source repository for use later, we suggest rebasing the saved manifests in your repository with the one you see in the App registrations experience.
Hope this helps.

Unable to add API access entry

I have created three B2C applications:
Both API applications were created the exact same way. Web API access is enabled, reply URLs have been specified, an App ID URL has been assigned, and keys have been generated. Both APIs have an additional read and write scope.
In TestWebApp API access, I am able to add TestApiOne with all three scopes without an issue.
When trying to add TestApiTwo to the TestWebApp API access list, the operation fails with the following error.
Failed to add the API access. Reason: The B2C service has an internal
error. If you created this B2C directory just now, please try again
after couple of minutes. If the problem persists, please contact
If you do not have a B2C directory you can refer
I thought maybe there is a limit of one API per application. To test, I created a temporary application "TempApp". I received the same error displayed above while trying to add API access for both TestApiOne and TestApiTwo.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
There's not a limit of one API per application. I have done research and it works fine by my side.
Please have a look at the guide and check your steps.
I have tried to replicate the issues that you are facing by putting diff redirect reply url domains and also by making one application to be native and one normal web app but it doesn't help.
Could you try to delete all the webapps and try making 1 and then adding another to it.
Then create the 3rd one.
Please check this or if you can share some screen shots. That would be helpful.
You can definitely add multiple web apps to api access of one web app.

Error 80045C17 when trying to login at Azure to manage account

Everytime I try to login im my azure account (, I keep receiving the same error 80045C17, and the error message says nothing more then ask my to try later.
I Tried Every possible browser and the same result comes everytime!
I use the same username to log at every microsoft service.
I can't even stop my sites!
How to fix this?
I was able to fix this by first signing in to and then go to . It is using your Microsoft Live login session anyway so you have to log in to anything Microsoft. For example
I think it happened to me because the azure portal was currently opened on another machine with the same account. Make sure you always sign out when you end using the Azure portal.
Alex Vezenkov
