Stacktrace.txt error in installing android studio - android-studio

I just installed Android Studio on my laptop and it shows an error stating ide fatal error. How can i fix this? Anyone who faces the same problem as mine?

An error code or picture of the error would help but my first suggestion would always be to uninstall and reinstall Android Studio.
Possible Duplicate:
Android Studio IDE Fatal Error - "Exception in plugin Gradle."


Gradle Distribution URL issue in Android Studio

Facing error -"The specified Gradle distribution '' does not exist." when I'm running android studio normally.
But if I start the android studio as administrator above error is not coming.
I tried deleting the .gradle and .idea file and restarting the android studio, but same error is coming.
So, after trying out lot of solutions on stack nth helped and sort out this problem. Eventually, I had to restore my android studio to default settings. So, that how my problem was resolved.

Json output file error after upgrading to Android Studio Arctic Fox

My android app will not longer compile after upgrading to Arctic Fox. In the idea.log file I find the following warning: "GradleBuildOutputUtil.kt - Failed to read Json output file from C:\EJW\Programming\Projects\DrillSelector\DrillSelector\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\output-metadata.json. Build may have failed."
The Build Output window in Android Studio gave this error:
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: couldn't make a guess for com.xxxx.DrillSelector.databinding.FragmentMainBindingImpl" followed by
"Cause: couldn't make a guess for com.xxxx.DrillSelector.databinding.FragmentMainBindingImpl".
The error from the idea.log file makes me think that the new version of Android Studio wants to find a file that the older version of Android Studio does not make but I am at loss as to what to do a bout it. Any suggestions?

flutter error in running app in andriod studio

I have installed Android studio with the latest Jdk version and flutter SDK and configured it to my studio by installing flutter and dart plugin but when I run the sample code it doesn't run properly and shows some errors.
I am a newbie to programming so plz tell me solution how to fix that error and I also attached a screenshot of that error here

Android Studio Error About Gradle And License

I'm using ubuntu and I am coding with flutter in android studio. When my run my first app, android studio give me this error.
I am already tried what error text told me.
Here's the error

Android Studio throws java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

When i am trying to open my android studio it throws Following errors . I attached the actual screen-shot . I tried to disconnect the INTERNET and then open android studio even i un-install the android studio completely and install the latest on but still it throws the same error .
Please help me to resolve this error .
Thanks in advance.
Internal Error. Please report to
Error Image
