How to force route users to HTTP - node.js

Just updated our website, and migrated our DNS routing to the new server. The issue we are having now, is sometimes when a user types in our website '', it will sometimes route them to an HTTPS:// which isn't currently enabled.
Is there a way to have users routed to our HTTP:// instead of HTTPS://, while we are waiting for SSL to be enabled on the new site?

DNS is for resolving the hostname ( to an IP address. You can't tell the browser to use HTTPS or HTTP via DNS.
I'm assuming that in the past, you've supported HTTPS. Once you've done that, the browsers often remember. The best thing to do is get your certificate place ASAP. You can use Lets Encrypt and Certbot and be done in a couple minutes in most cases.


How to fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on custom github pages domain?

So I had github pages set up with a custom domain without problem on namecheap a day ago. Then I tried switching to Https via github's newly added support for https on pages. After too much frustration I switched over to CloudFlare for Https but I'm now getting an error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
Here's my DNS settings on CloudFlare.
Check your SSL setting in the Crypto tab. You should have it set to "Full". If it is set to "Flexible", then Cloudflare will use HTTP to connect to the origin, even when the client browser connects to Cloudflare over HTTPS. GitHub is probably responding with a redirect to HTTPS in this case -- not realizing that the original client is already using HTTPS, and so this redirect creates a loop.
More info here:
The two typical causes of redirect loop errors are:
Cloudflare SSL options that are incompatible with your origin web
server’s configuration, and
Page Rule misconfiguration.
you can update in Custom domain github pages
Custom domains allow you to serve your site from a domain other than with www, i was clear this issue with this way.

Domain forwarding not working with HTTPS

I am using ‪CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 with Plesk Onyx 17.0.17 to forward (301) to has a valid SSL certificate.
However, if I go to, then I get a certificate error and the domain does not get forwarded. How do I make forward too. Do I need to host my old domain and use .htaccess to make the redirect? I don´t want to leave it as it is because that means having duplicate content and that´s obviously bad for SEO.
The forwarding works fine for all non https requests.
This free service will forward the old domain to the new one...
Once you set up the account there, you then need to update your A record and CNAME record in the DNS for the old domain to point to the servers.
They use LetsEncrypt to generate the certificate for the old domain. I have been using it and it works perfectly.
Note that doing this could potentially let put up anything they wanted on your old domain rather than forwarding to new domain, so you have to trust them. If you are worried about this, you could monitor the old domain and if they ever stop forwarding, then you could defensively update you DNS to no longer point to them.
You need to have a server at the old domain, and it has to have a valid certificate for the old domain name, in order to provide a redirect under https.
This is because of how https works. First the secure connection must be established, which requires the certificate. Only then can the http request and the redirect response be made.

How to resolve HTTP and HTTPs config in DNS level?

I have my domain pointed in Cloudflare with SSL. My website runs with HTTPS protocol. The reason i mention them running is this.
I have my blog at blogspot and want to give it custom domain name which google allows. Unfortunately google wont allow HTTPS there. I had created my blog like this in DNS as which runs as and if i host this subdomain via Github, it opens correctly. The problem is when i use this subdomain in blogger, then there arises conflict and my site goes offline. Where am i mistaking in setting up all this?
Don't enable full or restricted SSL option in cloudflare. Use flexible SSL instead. This will setup things correctly.

Force http for subdomain without SSL

I recently moved servers and redeveloped the website at the same time. Previously all pages were served via https and I wanted to change this so only cart pages were via https. Also I wanted to clean up the url a bit. Old urls were:
and I removed the secure prefix and the subfolder so it is now:
Problem is I wanted people who clicked on old links or bookmarks to be redirected to the new page. I got this working with htaccess. However the new SSL only covers the root domain and not the secure subdomain. So if someone clicks an old link it brings up "This Connection is Untrusted" before it can redirect. Works fine if i change https to http.
So what I want to know is if there is anyway I can force http instead of https before it checks the SSL cert.
Hope that makes sense!
The short answer is no. With conventional SSL, your web server doesn't even get to see the URL before certificate negotiation happens. It just sees a connection on port 443 and starts doing SSL negotiation. The browser then sees the mismatched cert and throws an exception.
However, more modern browsers and web servers (see Wikipedia for the list) support a TLS extension called Server Name Identification (SNI), which allows the client to send the hostname it's requesting before the server has to respond with a certificate. At that point you'll need to have certificates for both and on that server, and it'll need to be configured to respond with the proper certificate.

How should I get rid of an SSL error on accessing parked domain in https using .htaccess?

I'm a beginner in .htaccess and I need help. We have this website with its store module in https. We also have a parked domain pointing to this website. The problem is, when I type "" in the address bar, I get an SSL error. However, when I type "" on the address bar, it redirects to "" without getting any SSL errors. How can I view the store w/o SSL errors when I type "" in the address bar?
In general, you can only have HTTPS running on a single domain name for a site.
There are exceptions, for example a certificate for * would let you run HTTPS on both and subdomains. Also, some certificate providers will issue certificates for a fixed list of several domain names.
But in common usage, one IP address can have only one certificate, and one certificate can have only one domain name.
The behaviour you describe of the http URL redirecting the the https URL without warnings does not sound like it is possible. Perhaps try a few different browsers - they all act a bit differently on this front. How you reached the URL is not relevant. If you access over HTTP and the certificate says then you will get SSL warnings.
You're best off running the site only on e.g. and redirecting any other domains to that one, rather than hosting the site from multiple domains.
I hope this helps.
