File existence with monit - linux

Does monitblocks until file exists in the specified path? I have a shell script which checks for file existence in a while loop and then execute a binary. How can I use monit to avoid the while loop?
while [ ! -f /root/initt ]
sleep 1
echo "waiting for /root/initt"
echo "initt done"
/usr/bin/myprocess &

check file initt with path /root/initt
if exist then exec "nohup /usr/bin/myprocess </dev/null >/dev/null &"


Background rsync and pid from a shell script

I have a shell script that does a backup. I set this script in a cron but the problem is that the backup is heavy so it is possible to execute a second rsync before the first ends up.
I thought to launch rsync in a script and then get PID and write a file that script checks if the process exist or not (if this file exist or not).
If I put rsync in background I get the PID but I don't know how to know when rsync ends up but, if I set rsync (no background) I can't get PID before the process finish so I can't write a file whit PID.
I don't know what is the best way to "have rsync control" and know when it finish.
My script
if [ -f $pidfile ];
echo "PID file exists " $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
rsync -zrt --delete-before /repository/ /mnt/backup/repositorio/ < /dev/null &
echo $$ > $pidfile
# If I uncomment this 'rm' and rsync is running in background, the file is deleted so I can't "control" when rsync finish
# rm $pidfile
Can anybody help me?!
Thanks in advance !! :)
# check to make sure script isn't still running
# if it's still running then exit this script
sScriptName="$(basename $0)"
if [ $(pidof -x ${sScriptName}| wc -w) -gt 2 ]; then
pidof finds the pid of a process
-x tells it to look for scripts too
${sScriptName} is just the name of the can hardcode this
wc -w returns the word count by words
-gt 2 no more than one instance running (instance plus 1 for the pidof check)
if more than one instance running then exit script
Let me know if this works for you.
Test both for presence of pid file and status of the running process like this:
is_running =0
if [ -f $pidfile ];
echo "PID file exists " $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
previous_pid=`cat $pidfile`
is_running=`ps -ef | grep $previous_pid | wc -l`
if [ $is_running -gt 0 ];
echo "Previous process didn't quit yet"
rsync -zrt --delete-before /repository/ /mnt/backup/repositorio/ < /dev/null &
echo $$ > $pidfile
Hope this helps!!!

Bash script to re-launch program in case of failure error

In linux (I use a Ubuntu), I run a (ruby) program that continually runs all day long. My job is to monitor to see if the program fails and if so, re-launch the program. This consists up simply hitting 'Up' for last command and 'Enter'. Simple enough.
There has to be a way to write a bash script to monitor my program if its stops working and to re-launch it automatically.
How would I go about doing this?
A bonus is to be able to save the output of the program when it errors.
What you could do:
while :
echo "New launch at `date`" >> "${LOGFILE}"
${LAUNCH} >> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 &
Another way is to periodicaly check the PID:
while :
if [ -n "${PID}" ]; then
CHECK=`ps -o pid:1= -p "${PID}"`
# If PID does not exist anymore, launch again
if [ -z "${CHECK}" ]; then
echo "New launch at `date`" >> "${LOGFILE}"
# Launch command and keep track of the PID
${LAUNCH} >> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 &
sleep 2
Infinite loop:
while true; do
your_program >> /path/to/error.log 2>&1

how to check whether one instance of shell script is already running - Linux

I have two different shell script say like
**code of**
#some code
./xyz/ &
Here we can see i am running through file which is postboot script. Each time when device gets reboot it is adding ./xyz/ & which i am trying to avoid.
what i am trying to do :
i need to write a code in such a way that will find if ./system/xyz/ & is already there then no need to add again.
Code :
if pgrep /xyz/ > /dev/null 2>&1
echo aplog is running
exit 1
these code is not running. Do not know where i am doing mistake.
Just try:
pgrep > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ 0 == $? ]
pgrep will only work on process name, not full path to process name.
Try pgrep -f or pgrep -x instead of pgrep -x /xyz/
Hi test your file existence before creating it with:
if [ -f "$filename" ]
echo "$filename found"
echo "$filename not found."

How to check if script is running or not from script itself?

Having below sample script
if ps aux | grep -o "" >/dev/null
echo "Already script running"
exit 0
echo "start script"
while true
echo "script running"
sleep 5
In above script i want to check if this script previously running or not if running then not run it again.
problem is check condition always become true (because to check the condition require to run script) and it always show me "Already script running" message.
Any idea how to solve it?
You need a proper lock. I'd do using flock like this:
exec 201> /tmp/lock.$(basename $0).file
if ! flock -n 201 ; then
echo "another instance of $0 is running";
exit 1
# cmds
exec 201>&-
rm -rf /tmp/lock.$(basename $0).file
This basically creates lock for script using a temporary file. The temporary file has particular significance other than it's used to tell whether your script has acquired a lock.
When there's an instance of this program running, the next run of the same program can't run as the lock will prevent it.
For me will be safer to use a lock file , create it when process start and delete after completion.
Let the script record its own PID in a file. Before doing so, it first checks if that file currently contains an active PID, in which case it exits.
pid=$(< ${PID_FILE:?} || exit
kill -0 $PID && exit
The next exercise is to prevent race conditions when writing the file.
Try this, it gives number of run by the user
ps -aux | awk -v app='' '$0 ~ app { print $1 }' |grep $USERNAME|wc -l
Wtite a tmp file to the /tmp directory.
have your script check to see if the file exists, if it does then don't run.
# our tmpfile
# check to see if it exists.
# if it does then exit script
if [[ -f ${tmpfile} ]]; then
echo script already running.
# it doesn't exist at this point so lets make one
touch ${tmpfile}
# do whatever now.
# end of script
rm ${tmpfile}

launch process in background and modify it from bash script

I'm creating a bash script that will run a process in the background, which creates a socket file. The socket file then needs to be chmod'd. The problem I'm having is that the socket file isn't being created before trying to chmod the file.
Example source:
# first create folder that will hold socket file
mkdir /tmp/myproc
# now run process in background that generates the socket file
node ../main.js &
# finally chmod the thing
chmod /tmp/myproc/*.sock
How do I delay the execution of the chmod until after the socket file has been created?
The easiest way I know to do this is to busywait for the file to appear. Conveniently, ls returns non-zero when the file it is asked to list doesn't exist; so just loop on ls until it returns 0, and when it does you know you have at least one *.sock file to chmod.
echo -n "Waiting for socket to open.."
( while [ ! $(ls /tmp/myproc/*.sock) ]; do
echo -n "."
sleep 2
done ) 2> /dev/null
echo ". Found"
If this is something you need to do more than once wrap it in a function, but otherwise as is should do what you need.
As pointed out in the comments, using ls like this is inferior to -e in the test, so the rewritten script below is to be preferred. (I have also corrected the shell invocation, as -n is not supported on all platforms in sh emulation mode.)
echo -n "Waiting for socket to open.."
while [ ! -e /tmp/myproc/*.sock ]; do
echo -n "."
sleep 2
echo ". Found"
Test to see if the file exists before proceeding:
while [[ ! -e filename ]]
sleep 1
If you set your umask (try umask 0) you may not have to chmod at all. If you still don't get the right permissions check if node has options to change that.
