Non rendered p:dataTable ends up in pe:exporter PDF - jsf

I have 2 dataTables:
<p:dataTable id="tbl1" var="prop1" value="#{bean.prop1}" rendered="#{bean.listP1.size() != 0}">
// ...
<p:dataTable id="tbl2" var="prop2" value="#{bean.prop2}" rendered="#{bean.listP2.size() != 0}">
// ...
On XHTML page, after some action, I got the correct result depending on the size of both listP1 and listP2.
My problem is after clicking on export button
<p:graphicImage value="/resources/icons/download.png" style="width : 35px; height:35px"/>
<pe:exporter type="pdf" target="tbl1, tbl2" fileName="SurveyResults"/>
I got wrong result : I got the two tables instead of one because one of them is with size = 0
Have you please any idea about solving that?

Prior to version 8, the pe:exporter does not care whether the data tables you provide are rendered or not, see
If you are not on version 8 yet, you can use EL to create a dynamic value for the target attribute though. For example:
<pe:exporter type="pdf"
target="#{empty bean.listP1 ? '' : 'tbl1'}#{empty bean.listP1 or empty bean.listP2 ? '' : ','}#{empty bean.listP2 ? '' : 'tbl2'}"
As these expressions are a bit hairy, you might want to create a method in your bean which creates a target string and do:
<pe:exporter type="pdf"
And in your bean for example:
public String getExporterTargets() {
return Stream.of(listP1.isEmpty() ? null : "tbl1",
listP2.isEmpty() ? null : "tbl2")


c:forEach + Data table multiple row selection crashes old selected values

i use JSF 2.0 and primefaces 4.0
my JSF code :
<c:forEach items="#{materielbean.materielist}" var="list" >
<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{materielbean.listeitemsmaterielbyidmateriel(list.idmateriel)}" rowKey="#{car.iditemsmateriel}"
selection="#{fournisseurbean.selectedItemsMateriel}" selectionMode="multiple" style="width : 664px; ">
<f:facet name="header">
<p:column headerText="designation">
<p:column headerText="Unité">
and the used function
is defined like this
public List listeitemsmaterielbyidmateriel(int i){
return itemmaterielDAO.DisplayItemsMaterielDAOselonmMateriel(i);
And finally this is the DAO code
public List DisplayItemsMaterielDAOselonmMateriel(int idmateriel )
Query q = em.createQuery("select LIM from ItemsMateriel LIM inner join LIM.materiel where LIM.materiel.idmateriel= :idmateriel");
q.setParameter("idmateriel", idmateriel);
List l = new ArrayList();
l= q.getResultList();
return l ;
when i run this code , i got no errors , but selection="#fournisseurbean.selectedItemsMateriel}"
returns only the values of the final iteration(final datatable) , it's because in every iteration the list crashes old selected objects and put new selected objects , how can i do to prevent this ??
It's dangerous to mix JSTL core tags with JSF- and/or *Faces tags. Basically JSTL tag handler get executed during view build time, while JSF UIComponents get executed during view render time. See the very good answer at "JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense?"
Have you already tried to solve the issue using Facelets ui:repeat component?
Well sorry for late , but i discovored that the solution is easier than i thought :
First create a new list
List<ItemsMateriel> Tampon = new ArrayList<ItemsMateriel>();
Second modify the setter to :
public void setSelectedItemsMateriel(List<ItemsMateriel> selectedItemsMateriel) {
this.selectedItemsMateriel = selectedItemsMateriel;
And finally to use the new list (Tampon) and you'll find all selected objects

How to evaluate a FacesComponent property inside a custom component

Lately, I've been working on a dynamic form project but is stop with a custom component problem. What I have:
A faces component for formField:
#FacesComponent(value = "formField")
public class FormFieldCompositeComponent {
private boolean email;
A custom component jsf:
<o:validator for="email_text" validatorId="emailValidator" disabled="#{not}" />
<c:if test="#{not}">
<f:validator for="email_text" validatorId="emailValidator"></f:validator>
<f:validator disabled="#{not}" for="email_text" validatorId="emailValidator"></f:validator>
And the validator:
public class EmailValidator implements Validator { }
My problems are:
1.) If I use an ordinary f:validator, like the one I use above and then use c:if to enable/disable it, then it will not work. According to some articles I've read it's because f:validator validates on build time, not on render time.
2.) If I use o:validator, it works but the problem is every time you hit submit a new line of invalid email error is added to p:messages. Example I clicked submit button 3 times, then I get 3 times the email error.
Any idea?
More info (anatomy of the project)
Example I have a page user with field email, it will include the following custom components:
+formField (this is where the validator is defined)
+formButtons (the action button)
+p:messages is defined
<formField field="email" />
<formButtons />
Command button is like (formButtons):
<p:commandButton id="saveButton" rendered="#{cc.attrs.edit}"
action="#{cc.attrs.backingBean.saveOrUpdate()}" icon="ui-icon-check"
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.backingBean.lcid != null}">
<f:param name="cid" value="#{cc.attrs.backingBean.lcid}" />
The p:messages as defined on formPanel:
<p:messages id="formMessages" showDetail="true" showSummary="false" redisplay="false"></p:messages>
1.) What I've noticed is that the validator is called n times, where n is the number of submit or click done.
xhtml -
the tags -
bean component -
Seems like there's no chance for the f:validator so I push through o:validator and come up with a workaround. Need to catch if the error is already in the FacesMessages list:
boolean match = false;
for (FacesMessage fm : context.getMessageList()) {
if (fm.getDetail().equals(message)
|| fm.getSummary().equals(message)) {
match = true;
if (!match) {
throw new ValidatorException(facesMessage);

Reset value to null in primefaces autocomplete event

I have an autocomplete event that fires correctly once a value is selected. I want another event to fire once I erase the value in the textbox and reset the value to null. I was thinking of using the onChange attribute but I was having issues so I reverted back to my original code.
<p:autoComplete id="deviceAuto" dropdown="true" scrollHeight="250"
<p:ajax event="itemSelect"
update="printThis" />
public void handleDeviceSelect(SelectEvent event) {
String deviceSelect = event.getComponent().getId();
if (deviceSelect.equalsIgnoreCase("deviceAuto")) {
Device selectedDevice = deviceMgr.getDevicebyNickname(device.getNickname());
When you modify the text content of the AutoComplete textfield, the search method (aka. completeMethod) will be called on the backing bean. You can reset the value to null there if you get an empty string.
Backing Bean
// insert getter and setter for the device property ...
/** Search for devices by name */
public List<String> deviceComplete(String search) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(search)) {
setDevice(null); // textfield was cleared, reset device value!
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
// search for devices ...
return deviceNames;
Note that I used Apache Commons StringUtils.isBlank(String) to check if the string was null or did only contain whitespace characters.
JSF View
In your XHTML file you probably want to listen to any Ajax event to update your view -- or you figure out the event you need (blur, change, whatever) yourself:
<p:autoComplete ...>
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="..." update="..." />
<p:ajax process="#this" update="..." />
I hope this helps.
An alternative could be something like a "clear" or "reset" button next to the search textfield to make it clear to the user that the value will be cleared.
The default autoComplete minQueryLength attribute equals 1 and your search string will be updated when you deleting it until it has lenght of 1 character.
You entering 'foo' - and this string is provided to search method (updating after entering first character - minQueryLength = 1)
But when you delete search string - it is also updated until it will have length of 1.
set attribute minQueryLength="0"
if you need bigger value add to your autoCompleteMethod(String search) condition:
if (search.length()<={your minQueryLength attribute} ) field = null;
Old question, but I think it worths another view.
The problem with minQueryLenth = 0 or minQueryLenth = 1 is that it can return hundreds of options (and for sure the user won't read all of them to choose one). My solution was as follows.
First of all I need the input to be sent to the server as soon as the user select one of its values (in my use case the user is not allowed to go to next step in a wizard if this value is null or empty). So I put an ajax function triggered in the event of a selected value.
onblur="autoCompleteLostFocus('someId', 'someCommand()')">
update="commandButtonGoToNextStep" />
update="commandButtonGoToNextStep" />
disabled="#{myViewScopedBean.selectedValue == null}" />
If the user clean the text, I need to send that value to "myViewScopedBean" and update the component that allows the user to go to the next step. I solved that putting a javascript function that is called when the autocomplete lose focus.
function autoCompleteLostFocus(autocompleteId, comand) {
if ($("[id='" + autocompleteId + "_input']").val().trim() == "") {
in myViewScopedBean:
public void setValueNull() {
selectedValue = null;
I hope it helps. A lot of work, but the behaviour is exactly what I wanted. The reason for the javascript function is that it just send information to the servlet if the value is equals to "", otherwise it does nothing.
From a completely different angle...
Why do you have summaryReportController.device.nickname as a value in autoComplete?
I'd suggest you to use device as a value and specify
in your autocomplete, while your completeMethod will return list of devices filtered by nickname. Converter is implementation of javax.faces.convert.Converter.
See the POJO case in PF Showcase.

PF's graphicImage doesn't render

I'am using JSF/PF anf I can't make a graphicImage work. Reviewing the tons of topics published on forums, this PF's graphicImage seems to be so tricky. I am obviously doing somethig wrong, but, as long as I am replicating code that worked for others (see post), it must be something in the environment of the component. I hope to find a solution here, i'm stuck for weeks. Thanks
Here is my original question in PF forum:
I encounter a problem rendering the image. I have followed the code explained and I correctly retrieve the id for image to display in a separate method:
public StreamedContent getStreamedImage() {
StreamedContent streamedImage = null;
UIViewRoot uiRoot = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
UIComponent component = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent("itemDataForm:imagesTbl:itemImgComp");
Map attributes = component.getAttributes();
Integer image_id = (Integer)attributes.get("item_img_id");
if(image_id != null && editionItem != null && editionItem.getImages() != null){
for(ItemImageView img : editionItem.getImages()){
if(image_id.intValue() == img.getId()){
streamedImage = new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(img.getImage()), "image/jpeg");
streamedImage = new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(editionItem.getImages().get(0).getImage()), "image/jpeg");
I could't manage to retrieve the (always null) so I tried with attribute and it works. So, the DefaultStreamContent is loaded, by the image doesn't render at all. My code for xhtml:
<p:dataTable id="imagesTbl" var="itemImg" value="#{itemEditionBean.editionItem.images}">
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:outputText value="#{}"/>
<p:graphicImage id="itemImgComp" value="#{itemEditionBean.streamedImage}">
<f:attribute name="item_img_id" value="#{}"/>
Exactly the same that the code working in this topic above. PS: I have mt dataTable enclosed within a tab. Maybe a dependency on the enclosing component, or form, or what?
There is a huge amount of code from other related topics that can be viewed in the link below:
Based on another page I found on building dynamic images, <f:param .../> should be used to supply a parameter to the getStreamedImage() method rather than <f:attribute .../>. Are you using a ConversationScoped backing bean? I was having the same problem displaying dynamic images, but found that there is a problem using them with ConversationScoped beans. I switched my backing bean to Session scope and now it works fine.

JSF Temporary Variable

Is there a way to temporarily save the value of calcuation in a JSF page?
I want to do the following without calculating twice:
<h:outputText value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount.currency}">
<h:outputText value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount.amount}">
I've tried using the alias bean but I get an error saying java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - row is unavailable.
<t:aliasBean id="bean" alias="#{bean}" value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount}">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.currency}">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.amount}">
Two ways (at least):
Using lazy-init field of your complexModel. something like:
private Currency currencyAmount;
public Currency getCurrencyAmount() {
if (currencyAmount == null) {
currencyAmount = calculateCurrencyAmount();
return currencyAmount;
Using the JSTL <c:set> tag:
(the namespace first)
<c:set var="varName" value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount}" />
And then the calculated value will be accessible through #{varName}.
In JSF 2.0,you can use <ui:param/> which it's powerful.
<ui:param name="foo" value="#{}"/>
