conda.exe: error while loading shared libraries: - linux

Unable to install Anaconda3-2019.10-Linux-x86_64 in my RHEL machine; Getting the error -> conda.exe: error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted.
Anaconda or Miniconda version: Anaconda3-2019.10-Linux-x86_64
Operating System:"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" VERSION="7.7 (Maipo)"
Steps to Reproduce
bash ./
I've followed the resolution steps mentioned in Github #11493, and #11154 by #davidlowryduda, #Pastthesun, but that doesn't fix my issue. Have posted the issue in Github as #11587.
I tried with older version of Anaconda --> Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64 and Anaconda3-2019.03-Linux-x86_64. Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64 did not give the same issue related to, but gave another error. But I had a smooth installation with Anaconda3-2019.03-Linux-x86_64.

The problem may be your /tmp is set to noexec in /etc/fstab. Verify with grep tmp /etc/fstab.
Run the installer with TMPDIR set to a directory you have write permissions to, on a file system with executable permission. i.e.:
mkdir /users/$USER/tmpconda
TMPDIR=/users/$USER/tmpconda bash
Solution was found at Anaconda Issues 11587
A quick test of executability on a file system:
$ touch foo && chmod +x foo && ./foo
-bash: ./foo: Permission denied
noexec will cause "Permission denied" even if x is set on the file.

I faced similar issue in Debian 10 and fixed the issue by exporting a writeable path to TMP environment variable.

I solved it like this:
-- run the command >>>
mount |grep tmp
check a tmp partition that does not contain the attribute: noexec
and that contains the attribute: rw
in my case:
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs
run in terminal:
export TMP='path/to/tmp'& export TMPDIR='path/to/tmp'& bash


wine can only find libs with sudo

I have installed wine recently, but I can only run programs with wine using sudo.
/opt/wine-devel/bin/wine: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It gives this error, I checked to see if wine was trying find the libs in the wrong dir, but isn't the case since if I use:
sudo wine program.exe
it runs correctly.
I solved the problem just doing a chown <user> /opt/wine-<branch>. But doesn't do it after has used the wine with sudo and installing some packages or programs, they will be yet unreachable locked by the permissions, use chown just after download wine from the winehq page.
/opt/wine-stable/bin/wine: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
wine-5.0.1 *
Mate 1.24.0 *
Linux Mint-20 *
Kernel 5.4.0-40
After changing to Mint 19 wine didn't work any longer. What shall I do?

CMake: Fail to install symlink on ssh-mounted filesystem

I am cross-compiling a project on my desktop, and installing it on a device which is mounted via ssh, using sshfs, like so:
sudo sshfs -o allow_other -o follow_symlinks user# /mnt/remote
The build is successful, but when I try to "sudo make install", I receive the following message:
-- Installing: /mnt/remote/usr/lib/
-- Installing: /mnt/remote/usr/lib/
CMake Error: failed to create symbolic link '/mnt/remote/usr/lib/': i/o error
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:176 (file):file INSTALL cannot duplicate symlink
"/home/ubuntu/libprop/build/lib/" at
The library and the symlink are copied and created. That is, it seems that the installation actually succeeds, but CMake thinks otherwise.
The filesystem is not ro, as can be seen in mount output:
user# on /mnt/remote type fuse.sshfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other)
And I can see the entry under /mnt/ (I chown'd and chmod'd it for user access, thinking it might solve the problem):
drwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Mar 11 13:43 remote
and I can access it event without root permissions, copying and deleting files without a problem.
This process has been working for me. I have no idea what was changed that it stopped. Could be something in my environment or maybe in the destination platform.
I would be grateful for any assistance.
OK, I have found the problem... I shouldn't be using -o follow_symlinks. I guess this can cause other problems (I used it for a reason), but for the purpose of compiling and installing, it works.

Cygwin error that sysctl cannot be found in directory /usr/local/bin

Running on Cygwin results in the error:
sysctl not in directory /usr/local/bin or Error: Needed command "sysctl" not found in PATH!
I have added sysctl code that I found on this url
and created files sysctl.c, sysctl.h using notepad++ and put it in the dir /usr/local/bin but still this error occurs.
Any solution ?...
sysctl is not available on cygwin. Please note that there is no Kernel to tune.
If (what ever is, you have not mentioned) expects to find sysctl than probably it is not supposed to be run on Cygwin

sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Please suggest a solution for solving this issue?? While giving the command:
sqlplus /nolog
the error that occurred:
sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The minimum configuration to properly run sqlplus from the shell is to set ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For ease of use, you might want to set the PATH accordingly too.
Assuming you have unzipped the required archives in /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1:
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1
$ sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 31 14:06:06 2014
sudo sh -c "echo /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib > /etc/";sudo ldconfig
I did solve this error by setting
yes, not only $ORACLE_HOME/lib but $ORACLE_HOME too.
You should already have all needed variables in /etc/profile.d/ Make sure you source it:
$ source /etc/profile.d/
The file's content looks like:
export PATH
If you don't have it, create it and source it.
I know it's an old thread, but I got into this once again with Oracle 12c and LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set correctly.
I have used strace to see what exactly it was looking for and why it failed:
strace sqlplus /nolog
sqlplus tries to load this lib from different dirs, some didn't exist in my install. Then it tried the one I already had on my LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
open("/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/lib/", O_RDONLY) = -1
EACCES (Permission denied)
So in my case the lib had 740 permissions, and since my user wasn't an owner or didn't have oracle group assigned I couldn't read it. So simple chmod +r helped.
On Ubuntu Server 20.04 and using instant client version, I used alien to install the rpm package. I got this error when I just used the -i option. However when, I added -c I did not have this issue. from the man page for alien:
-c, --scripts
Try to convert the scripts that are meant to be run when the package is installed and removed. Use this with caution,
because these scripts might be designed to work on a system unlike
your own, and could cause problems. It is recommended that you
examine the scripts by hand and check to see what they do before using
this option.
So it seems the correct configuration (in 19c) or the environment variables (in earlier versions) are set in these scripts which are not generated unless you run alien like this. (Thanks #Christopher Jones for correcting me on this)
sudo alien -i -c BasicPackage.rpm
sudo alien -i -c SqlPlus.rpm
I want to stress the importance of permissions for "sqlplus".
For any "Other" UNIX user other than the Owner/Group to be able to run sqlplus and access an ORACLE database , read/execute permissions are required (rx) for these 4 directories :
Environment. Set those properly:
(example: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oranpgm/product/12.1.0/PRMNRDEV/)
(example: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oranpgm/product/12.1.0/PRMNRDEV/lib)
export PATH="$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH"
You can try usage:
# echo "/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib" > /etc/
# ldconfig
This problem are because oracleinstant client not configure shared library.
Could you please check if LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the oracle libs
Don't forget
apt-get install libaio1 libaio-dev
yum install libaio
On Oracle's own Linux (Version 7.7, PRETTY_NAME="Oracle Linux Server 7.7"
in /etc/os-release), if you installed the 18.3 client libraries with
sudo yum install oracle-instantclient18.3-basic.x86_64
sudo yum install oracle-instantclient18.3-sqlplus.x86_64
then you need to put the following in your .bash_profile:
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client64
in order to be able to invoke the SQLPlus client, which, incidentally, is called sqlplus64 on this platform.
This worked for me: sudo dnf install libnsl
It means you didn't set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables. Kindly set proper working $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID and after that execute sqlplus /nolog command. It will be working.
#laryx-decidua: I think you are only seeing the 18.x instant client releases that are in the ol7_oci_included repo. The 19.x instant client RPMs, at the moment, are only in the ol7_oracle_instantclient repo. Easiest way to access that repo is:
yum install oracle-release-el7

Accidentally deleted symlink in CentOS 6.4. How to get sudo privilege to re-create it?

I accidentally deleted the symbol link /lib64/ -> /lib64/ with
$ sudo rm
Then I can not use anything including ls command. The error appears for any command I type
ls: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I've tried
$ export LD_PRELOAD=/lib64/
After this I can use ls and ln ..., but still can not use sudo ln ... or sudo -E ln .... I always get this err
sudo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It's a remote server so I can not use a live CD. I now have a ssh bash session alive but can not establish new ones. I have sudo privilege, but don't have root password.
So currently my problem is I need to run sudo sln -s to re-create the symlink, but I can not run sudo without
How can I fix it? Thanks~
I resolved the issue by using a statically linked version of "ln" that was already in the server's /sbin.
E.g., this restored it for my configuration:
/sbin/sln /lib64/ /lib64/
A bit embarrassing :) but it happened to me as well on Ubuntu 12.04.3 (which is not CentOS 6.4 but I thought this could still help maybe).
Because my Ubuntu wouldn't start I used a liveUSB to boot up and then mounted my hard drive and created the symlink (I did have the file itself and that did it.
Just a few specific details:
I asked a good friend to use his computer for half an hour
I Downloaded my exact Ubuntu iso (12.04.3, if you're on;y missing the symlink, it could be any version so much that it can mount drives) from here: link
I made sure his Ubuntu has usb-creator-gtk ($ sudo apt-get install usb-gtk-creator, I'm sure Windows has an equivalent usb boot creator)
Created the liveUSB using usb-creator-gtk
Booted my computer with it (you'll probably need to change your BIOS settings to allow external USB to be booted first)
Once I booted from the live USB I figured where my hard drive partition by running the Ubuntu partition tool (the live USB has one) - mine was of type ext4 and in /dev/sdb1
I mounted it by doing $ mkdir /home/ubuntu/mnt and then $ sudo mount-t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /home/ubuntu/mnt
I then proceeded to that folder $ cd /home/ubuntu/mnt
From that location I then created the symlink by $ sudo ln -s lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
After a reboot I was good.
Hope it helps you (or someone..)
I would add some thing more to #wilfo answer as same also happened with me [accidentally deleting and was getting /sbin/init missing on boot up] .
After creating liveUSB in windows (using UNetbootin etc []) or in ubuntu as #wilfo suggested.
Booting from liveUSB, I selected "experience ubuntu without installing it" and was happy applying wilfo's method until step 6 and then i couldn't find my hard drive partition of type ext3/4. All were nftf/fat/extended stuff.
So i recovered previous ubuntu (the one with missing by following this link
make sure to follow all necessary steps and take a backup of your ubuntu partition.
you can see your previous ubuntu files inside /mnt/boot-sav/wubi1/home
take a backup from here to your windows partations /mnt/boot-sav/sda...
and follow remaining procedure here
