How to make an API accessible all the time and not just when the project is executed? - azure

I am making my first mobile app using Xamarin.Forms and FreshMVVM as the architecture and I want this app to get info off my SQL database (which is located in azure) by calling an API Rest. I already know how to develop an Api, and all the SQL and Azure related stuff, as well as how to get info from my API.
But what I don't know is how to access this API when the project in which is created is not executed, in other words, I don't know how to make my API Rest accessible all the time, so the App can access to it whenever is needed.
How do you do this?
Thank you all for your time, hope you have a good day.

You need to publish the API to a web host. Azure App Services. AWS. Digital Ocean VM running a web server. Possibly GoDaddy, though I have never used them. Your own server.


How to deploy Api Rest C# in Virtual Machine Azure

I have an Api Rest developed with entity framework core 3.1 in C #, I need to deploy the application in a virtual machine in Azure, but it does not work, most of the tutorials that I have taken talk about how to create the virtual machine and publish a web application simple, any guide, help or tutorial?
Generally the error is 500 (internal server error), and problems with the web config
You need to make sure that external requests can land and be processed by the Web Server (typically IIS) running inside the VM. For that you need to open firewall ports to allow inbound traffic within the VM as well as through the network interface (found on the Networking tab) of the VM within the portal.
An API is technically deployed as part of a web application. Hence the following links would help.
Link 1
Link 2 (Note: Video has no voice)
That being said, deploying your API as a App Service in Azure (PaaS) is a much better approach rather than using VMs (unless your API has specific requirements that it needs to be deployed in a VM). App Services also makes setting up other associated services e.g. Logging and monitoring, authentication, etc. much easier.

how to run a node server in an azure virtual machine permanently?

I build a web based mobile app (using react), which I'm hosting as an Azure Web app. This website is connected to a node server, which I'm hosting using a azure virtual machine (I don't know if this is the best approach, maybe I should host this as a webapp instead of VM ?).
I'm still new to this strategie of developing a web based mobile app and connecting it to a hosted backend in the cloud so I apologize if this is a trivial question.
I'm using websockets to connect my frontend to the node server and then I consume messages. I don't have a database it is a simple application.
The steps I'm doing to run the app are:
I connect to the Azure VM from my laptop with ssh
run my server using node server.js
When the server is runing, I can refresh my website and everything works fine
Now, the problem is that I want the node server to run all the time. However, I noticed that the server stops running when I deconnect (ssh) my laptop from the virtual machine. So I find myself doing these steps (connecting to the VM with ssh and running the server manually) each time I want to use the app.
Is there a way to do this so that the node server runs all the time without stoping? Also since I'm new to this, is this the right way to deploy frontend and backend? I assume I can't deploy both frontend and backend in the same Azure webapp or am I wrong?
(Since part of your question is around "Is there a better way?", I would answer that instead of fixing the issue in your current VM hosting :)).
To take full advantage of cloud for your applications, PaaS is always preferred over IaaS. In this case, unless you have any specific reason, you should deploy your backend Node app in another App Service (aka Web App). Or you can consider Azure Function also if your node app has a small set of APIs, but it will require code update. Both support multiple platforms including node.js. Since you mentioned you are leveraging Web App for your react mobile app, so I hope you are already bit familiar with it. Also since Azure Function would require code change, so Web App is preferred this case.
Note: I omitted other solutions like AKS, Service Fabric etc. for now, since currently we are talking about the problem of deploying only a single app, for which those will be overkill at this moment.
Also, to your point
I assume I can't deploy both frontend and backend in the same Azure webapp or am I wrong?
Yes technically you can, depending on your scenario by "bundling" into a single app if both are in same platform (like Node in this case). Though whether one should do that would be an opinionated answer. But even if you keep those separate, you can still leverage single App Service Plan for cost saving. So keeping separate like you have now is what I would suggest to maintain "separation of concern".

CosmosDB - Connect while App Running on 3rd Party Hosting

I have created a Node.js application, and a CosmosDB database.
When I connect to the CosmosDB database locally, all my Database calls work as expected, data is populated and updated in CosmosDB.
However, when I deploy the app to a 3rd Party Hosting site, my Database calls hang indefinitely. I have checked the configuration of the database connection, then environment variables on the server, etc., and am confident I have set everything up correctly.
Previously, I had deployed the app via App Service, and all worked fine as well, so I am very confident the issue has something to do with the fact that I am using 3rd party hosting. The app starts and, other than the database calls, works as expected on the 3rd party hosting site.
I have contacted the 3rd Party Hosting provider, and they say all looks normal on their end.
I am using the MongoDB CosmosDB API.
Is there something that I have to configure in Azure Portal, or something that might be blocking the connection when it is deployed using 3rd party hosting? Help is much appreciated. Thank you

Azure App and Services and IdentityServer4

I have a situation where I have a React Web App and two REST services using Identity4 Server.
Problem is that these work well locally in my Workstation but if I deploy these three parts into Azure they will not work.
I have Azure SQL Database containing all Databases and tables it needs. Locally I use my local Database. So, Database is not the problem. It's deployed in same way with Azures manner.
My question is that how should I configure a React Web App using Identity4 Server with REST services?
I thing that Azure needs some kind of proper configuration but dont't know what.
I also have read Identity4 Server's documention pages but haven't found anything there that would help mr installing it into Azure.
Can anyone help me with this issue? thanks
One error is HTTP 401 Unauthorized error

Azure region based WebApi for mobile app

I'm currently developing a mobile app which will be pushed world-wide across the app stores. This app uses a WebAPI REST service as the backend which I currently have running on MS Azure in Europe (which backs onto a database also in Europe).
My problem is, I'd like to create multiple Azure WebApi endpoints (i.e. Australia, US, etc for latency reasons), each with their own database which has geo-replication enabled.
Does anyone know a method/product/service I could use which allows me from the app to either:
Connect to a single domain which behind the scenes picks the closest server to the user.
The app itself is able to determine based on a given list the closest server and connect to that?
I've looked at Azure CDN but this is for static content which is great but I need something for dynamic content.
What you're looking at is Traffic Manager. Traffic manager enables that exact scenario, of finding the closest service that hosts your REST API.
Keep in mind though, that the database replication is (for the time being) a thing you have to do yourself, although we do provide you with the tooling and guidance on how.
