How to see the all the response headers in Node Express? - node.js

I want to see in Node Exprees enviroment all the headers that are sent to the client
But when i see do this:
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
i only see this :

At the time you're looking at the outgoing headers, those are the only ones that have been added so far. The rest will be added by the code that sends the actual response or by other middleware.
If you want to see all the headers that were eventually added to the response before it was sent, you can monitor the finish event and THEN look at the headers:
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.on('finish', () => {
console.log(`request url = ${req.originalUrl}`);
This will sometimes not include the date, content-type or content-length headers unless they are specifically set by the sending code. This is because if these are not set by the sending code, then the HTTP library adds these headers at a lower level as it is sending the headers and thus res.getHeaders() does not retrieve them and never knows about them.

Edit: I overlooked your first screenshot... Are you using any middleware? It looks like you're using the CORS middleware, at least - which is why you are showing more headers than the defaults..
It looks like Node/Express sends a Content-Length header when it can..
The Date header is mandatory per the HTTP spec, but it looks like you can change that behavior in Node/Express - I'm guessing by default Node/Express sets that value to true.
I did test setting res.sendDate = false and the date header was not sent, so it looks like that header is set by default for you, most likely as the last step in the response?
With res.sendDate = false;
Without setting res.sendDate (aka the default):
All in all, I'm assuming the headers you don't see when you console.log(res.getHeaders()) are set by Node/Express by default..
I wasn't able to find anything in the docs about default response headers (outside of the Date header), but it's possible I overlooked something. The Express docs don't have anything on it as they just use the built in http module from Node.


router handler returns an array of object but client doesn't get them in json though response with 200 status

I am implementing a express.js project with Typescript.
I have defined a enum and a interface :
export enum ProductType {
FOOD = 'food',
CLOTH = 'cloth',
TOOL = 'tool'
export interface MyProduct {
type: ProductType;
info: {
price: number;
date: Date;
One of my router handler needs to return an array of MyProduct to client. I tried this :
const productArr: MyProduct[] = // call another service returns an array of MyProduct
app.get('/products', (req, res) => {
res.status(200).send({products: productArr});
I use Postman tested this endpoint, it responses with status 200 but with a default HTML page instead of the array of objects in JSON.
What do I miss? Is it because express.js can't automatically parse the enum and interface to json object??
P.S. I have set up json parser, so it is not about that, other endpoints work fine with json response:
const app = express();
As mentioned in the comments, your code should work. I'll list some steps which can be used to try to find the problem.
Show debug info
Set DEBUG=* in your environment. DEBUG is an environment variable which controls logging for many Node modules. You'll be able to see the flow of a request through Express. If there is too much info, you can limit the output like so: DEBUG=*,-babel,-babel:*,-nodemon,-nodemon:*,-router:layer,-follow-redirects,-send (use a comma-separated list and put a - in front of any module you'd like to exclude)
This should help you trace the life of a request through the various routers and routes. You're now in a position to...
Check for another route that is short-circuiting the request
The fact that you're seeing an HTML page when the Express route is sending an object might indicate that your request is matching a different route. Look for catch-all routes such as non-middleware app.use() or wildcard routes which appear ABOVE your route.
Other suggestions
Don't explicitly set the status
Adding .status(200) is more code and unnecessary.
Use res.json()
Use .json() instead of .send(). If will always add the Content-Type: application/json header, whereas .send() will not when it cannot determine the content type (e.g. .send(null) or .send('hello') will not set the Content Type header to application/json, which may confuse clients).
As there is a lack of full response headers and server environment, assuming you are using AWS service with reverse proxy. So, there might be few possibilities listed here that need to look upon :
If router handler returns an array of object but client doesn't get them in json though response with 200 status then there might be a reverse proxy acting as a backend server, serving default content with status code 200 for unknown routes from the client. So in this scenario, you need to whitelist a new route in your reverse proxy server, assuming you are using AWS Amplify for API rewrite and redirects then you need to whitelist this route in your AWS amplify settings, or else it will serve the default content like it is happening in current scenrio.
If issue still persists then :
Make sure you have proper CORS specification on your server.
Make sure productArr is an array returned by service, because if some service returns this value - it might be an unresolved promise. So, proper test cases will help you out here or for debugging purposes set DEBUG=* in your environment and make sure it should return value as expected.
Check for another route that is short-circuiting the request: The fact that you're seeing an HTML page when the Express route is sending an object might indicate that your request is matching a different route. Look for catch-all routes such as non-middleware app.use() or wildcard routes that appear above your route.

Access header values calculated by node http server

Нello, please take a look at this simple file server.js:
require('http').createServer((req, res) => {
console.log('Response headers:', res.getHeaders());
Navigating to localhost:80 in my browser hits this endpoint. This causes the response of hiii to appear in the browser, and also the headers to be logged to stdout.
The strange thing is, the headers logged to stdout disagree with the headers the browser received.
Stdout shows me an object representing 0 headers:
Response headers: [Object: null prototype] {}
Developer tools show me that in fact, 3 response headers were received:
What accounts for this difference? I understand that the 3 headers shown in chrome are very fundamental to http. Is chrome receiving 0 headers, but filling them in by default? Is node's http library filling these headers in by default? If that's the case, why aren't they exposed via res.getHeaders()? Are these headers being calculated at some lower level, as in C libraries? If so is there any means of exposing these values?
I tried the following in case there is some kind of async delay where the headers are calculated:
require('http').createServer((req, res) => {
setTimeout(() => console.log('Response headers:', res.getHeaders()), 3000);
But nonetheless, 0 headers are sent to stdout.
Somewhere, these 3 headers are being calculated! How can I access these calculated header values??
I found them under res.socket._httpMessage._header
require('http').createServer((req, res) => {
res.setHeader('HELLO', 'WORLD')
You can't get them using getHeaders because they are not set using the regular API but they are sent by nodejs internaly.
If you define a header yourself using setHeader then you'll be able to retrieve it using getHeaders
Response headers are not generated by the client since it needs them to be able to process the response. How can the client read the request if it doesn't know the size of the body (Content-Length).
These communication rules are defined in the HTTP RFC and the server must implement them so the client can understand the message it receives.
NodeJS calculates these information internaly (source code exampe here) and probably sends them somehow in the socket without storing them in the high level API that you are using. (another source code example)

Change response cookies with node-http-proxy?

So, I am proxying my API requests through a node-http-proxy for several reasons.
The external API has a different origin than the actual client, so cookies are not being set correctly. The proxy obviously runs at the same origin, so I want to receive the response from the API, and inside the proxy, change the cookie value to reflect the proper origin.
Here's my current setup:
// Proxy to API server
app.use('/api', (req, res) => {
proxy.web(req, res, { target: targetUrl })
proxy.on('proxyRes', function (proxyRes, req, res) {
console.log('RAW Response from the target', JSON.stringify(proxyRes.headers, true, 2))
console.log('The original request',
Basically, I need to modify the cookie to, as this is the correct origin.
I've seen Harmon, but this looks very involved and changes how you instantiate your entire app, if I understand correctly.
Is there a way to simply modify the proxyRes after receiving it, in a synchronous fashion?
It seems very strange that there is a proxyReq event that allows you to alter the proxy request before it's sent, but not an equivalent that allows you to alter the response...
For anyone facing the same issue, I found a solution. They just merged a PR a few days ago that hasn't made it into a new release yet.
This PR introduces a new option called cookieDomainRewrite that does exactly what it sounds like. Simply include this in your config and it's all taken care of.

How to access all response times on every route in Express 4+?

I'm struggling to pass response time data at the application-level to every route in my Express app. I've Googled and Googled but everything comes back suggesting one throw a new Date() into API calls, which is gross, or the Express response-time package (including many results from here on SO). While I'm sure it's great, I don't understand what purpose it serves other than adding a header seeing as how I can get response times in my browser's dev tools.
What I want to do is access all response time data from the server into the view, on every route.
Express already provides some request data, but not all of it. I just can't seem to access all responses. My terminal looks like this when I load up a basic page, even though I have 6 images on the page besides the one CSS file.
GET / 200 64.439 ms - 1663
GET /styles/index.css 200 36.582 ms - 2035
If I use the response-time package, I can't seem to access the 'X-Response-time' header. req.headers only seems to return a subset of all headers, similar to the Express traffic output mentioned above.
Maybe I'm just dense, but even the docs of the response-time package mention how to configure it with Express, but I still don't understand what it's supposed to be adding or how I would access it outside of my console.
Create a new middleware that records the response time of a request and makes this available to your own function fn. The fn argument will be invoked as fn(req, res, time), where time is a number in milliseconds.
Couldn't you just do this:
var responseTime = require('response-time')
app.use(responseTime(function(req, res, time) {
res.header('X-Response-Time', time);
Now every route below this will have a response time header on it.
The response-time package will add the X-Response-Time header at the same time as you send the request:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
console.log(res.get('X-Response-Time')); // undefined
console.log(res.get('X-Response-Time')); // 3.720ms
It does this by listening out for when headers are about to be written (e.g. when a request is about to be sent), appending the response time just before (using the on-headers package on npm).
It sounds like what you want to do is record the response time, then set it into res.locals so you can render it in your view.
I've played around for a while trying to use the on-headers package to set the response time inside res.locals, but I think it must be too late by then to write to the response... Maybe this is the right path? Sorry I don't have more time right now to play around :(

Express request is called twice

To learn node.js I'm creating a small app that get some rss feeds stored in mongoDB, process them and create a single feed (ordered by date) from these ones.
It parses a list of ~50 rss feeds, with ~1000 blog items, so it's quite long to parse the whole, so I put the following req.connection.setTimeout(60*1000); to get a long enough time out to fetch and parse all the feeds.
Everything runs quite fine, but the request is called twice. (I checked with wireshark, I don't think it's about favicon here).
I really don't get it.
You can test yourself here : (it should create a rss feed with the last 20 articles about "mde").
The code is here:
And if we focus on the interesting bits :
I have a route defined like this : app.get('/feed/:name/:size?', topics.getFeed);
And the topics.getFeed is like this :
function getFeed(req, res) {
// 1 minute timeout to get enough time for the request to be processed
var name =;
var callback = function(err, topic) {
// if the topic has been found
if (topic) {
// aggregate the corresponding feeds
rssAggregator.aggregate(topic, function(err, rssFeed) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send({error: 'Error while creating feed'});
else {
else {
res.status(404).send({error: 'Topic not found'});
// look for the topic in the db
findTopicByName(name, callback);
So nothing fancy, but still, this getFeed function is called twice.
What's wrong there? Any idea?
This annoyed me for a long time. It's most likely the Firebug extension which is sending a duplicate of each GET request in the background. Try turning off Firebug to make sure that's not the issue.
I faced the same issue while using Google Cloud Functions Framework (which uses express to handle requests) on my local machine. Each fetch request (in browser console and within web page) made resulted in two requests to the server. The issue was related to CORS (because I was using different ports), Chrome made a OPTIONS method call before the actual call. Since OPTIONS method was not necessary in my code, I used an if-statement to return an empty response.
if(req.method == "OPTIONS"){
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
Spent nearly 3hrs banging my head. Thanks to user105279's answer for hinting this.
If you have favicon on your site, remove it and try again. If your problem resolved, refactor your favicon url
I'm doing more or less the same thing now, and noticed the same thing.
I'm testing my server by entering the api address in chrome like this:
my Node.js server is then responding with a json object depending on the id.
I set up a console log in the get method and noticed that when I change the id in the address bar of chrome it sends a request (before hitting enter to actually send the request) and the server accepts another request after I actually hit enter. This happens with and without having the chrome dev console open.
IE 11 doesn't seem to work in the same way but I don't have Firefox installed right now.
Hope that helps someone even if this was a kind of old thread :)
I am to fix with listen.setTimeout and axios.defaults.timeout = 36000000
Node js
var timeout = require('connect-timeout'); //express v4
//in cors putting options response code for 200 and pre flight to false
app.use(cors({ preflightContinue: false, optionsSuccessStatus: 200 }));
//to put this middleaware in final of middleawares
app.use(timeout(36000000)); //10min
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (!req.timedout) next();
var listen = app.listen(3333, () => console.log('running'));
listen.setTimeout(36000000); //10min
import axios from 'axios';
axios.defaults.timeout = 36000000;//10min
After of 2 days trying
you might have to increase the timeout even more. I haven't seen the express source but it just sounds on timeout, it retries.
Ensure you give res.send(); The axios call expects a value from the server and hence sends back a call request after 120 seconds.
I had the same issue doing this with Express 4. I believe it has to do with how it resolves request params. The solution is to ensure your params are resolved by for example checking them in an if block:
app.get('/:conversation', (req, res) => {
let url = req.params.conversation;
//Only handle request when params have resolved
if (url) {
res.redirect(301, 'http://'+ url + '.com')
In my case, my Axios POST requests were received twice by Express, the first one without body, the second one with the correct payload. The same request sent from Postman only received once correctly. It turned out that Express was run on a different port so my requests were cross origin. This caused Chrome to sent a preflight OPTION method request to the same url (the POST url) and my app.all routing in Express processed that one too.
app.all('/api/:cmd', require('./api.js'));
Separating POST from OPTIONS solved the issue:'/api/:cmd', require('./api.js'));
app.options('/', (req, res) => res.send());
I met the same problem. Then I tried to add return, it didn't work. But it works when I add return res.redirect('/path');
I had the same problem. Then I opened the Chrome dev tools and found out that the favicon.ico was requested from my Express.js application. I needed to fix the way how I registered the middleware.
Screenshot of Chrome dev tools
I also had double requests. In my case it was the forwarding from http to https protocol. You can check if that's the case by looking comparing
It will either be 'http' or 'https'.
I could fix my issue simply by adjusting the order in which my middlewares trigger.
