Blazor server side app on IIS frequently disconnects WebSocket connection - iis

I have a Blazor server side app published on IIS 10.
When browsing to an arbitrary page and just letting it idle after a minute or so (sometimes only 45 sec, sometimes something between 1 and two minutes) the modal
Attempting to reconnect to server ...
appears for a couple of seconds.
In the browser console the logging shows either
Error: Connection disconnected with error 'Error: Server timeout
elapsed without receiving a message from the server.'.
Information: Connection disconnected.
Since this seems to be a timeout problem I added the following options to ConfigureServices in my startup.cs
.AddHubOptions(options =>
options.ClientTimeoutInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
options.KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
options.HandshakeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
This does not solve the problem though.
I also went to the advanced settings of my site in IIS and increased the connection timeout from the default 120 sec to 600 sec. This did not help either.
Those frequent disconnections only happen on the live site hosted on IIS 10.
If I start the app locally with Visual Studio the connection is stable.
Any hints of what I'm missing would be appreciated!
As suggested by #agua from mars in comment below I changed transport type like this
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapBlazorHub(options => { options.Transports = HttpTransportType.LongPolling; });
With this change the connection is still closed. The console log shows
Information: (LongPolling transport) Poll terminated by server.
I also tried HttpTransportType.ServerSentEvents which does not work at all but gives this error
Error: Failed to start the connection: Error: Unable to connect to the
server with any of the available transports. ServerSentEvents failed:
Error: 'ServerSentEvents' does not support Binary.
Update 2:
The IIS is configured to use HTTP 1.1
I tried changing to HTTP/2 but this did not change anything regarding the disconnections.

This is related to application pool recycling in IIS as stated by #Programmer. You can reproduce this by going into the application pool, right click the pool and choose recycle to force it. Your blazor app will get the "reconnect modal screen".
For me, I did not want to disable pool recycle, so I added js in the _Hosts.cshtml file as
<script>Blazor.defaultReconnectionHandler._reconnectCallback = function (d) {document.location.reload();}</script>
to automatically reconnect when the server comes back up.

Try this out..
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
//other settings
endpoints.MapBlazorHub(options => options.WebSockets.CloseTimeout = new TimeSpan(1, 1, 1));
//other settings

This could be related to IIS application pool recycling. Try disabling the recycling to see if that's casing the disconnection.

I suffer the same problem on my Blazor server too:
I am sure this comes from network of data provider. I use Othello in Germany with 4G and see disconnection in 5 sec . When I am with wifi with t online on same target server no disconnection at all.
I Think some operators are incompatible with Blazor server/websoscket....

My recent experience especially on a shared server, increase the pool memory. Connectivity issues went away when we bumped 256MB up to 1GB for a small user base.


Failed to bind to address http://[::]:8080: address already in use. .net grpc service

Since friday my grpc service has been restarting constantly saying my port 8080 is already in use. It was working fine until friday and no update was made in my code.
builder.WebHost.ConfigureKestrel(options =>
// Comment out for local development, uncomment when publishing to App Service
options.ListenAnyIP(9000, listenOptions =>
listenOptions.Protocols = HttpProtocols.Http2;
options.ListenAnyIP(9001, listenOptions =>
listenOptions.Protocols = HttpProtocols.Http1AndHttp2;
This is my configuration of kestrel. I have tried commenting out the port 8080.
In my appsettings.json the kestrel part has also been commented out.
This has been reported a couple of places online, but yet a solution is missing...
has anyone fixed this, and how?
Found the solution...
I removed the reflection services and the ListenAnyIp() in my code..
Should work for both .net 6 and .net 7...
Make sure you restart the web app afterwards.. not just by restarting, but by going to "Diagnose and solve problems" and search for "advanced application restart"... my service is up and running again...

How to stop outbound HTTP connections from timing out

I'm currently hosting an ASP.NET application in Azure with the following specs:
ASP .Net Core 2.2
Using Flurl for HTTP requests
Kestrel Webserver
Docker (Linux - runtime)
Azure App Service on P2V2 tier app service plan
I have a a couple of background jobs that run on the service that makes a lot of outbound HTTP calls to a 3rd party service.
Under a small load (approximately 1 call per 10 seconds), all requests are completed in under a second with no issue. The issue I'm having is that under a heavy load, when service can make up to 3/4 calls in a 10 second span, some of the requests will randomly timeout and throw an exception. When I was using RestSharp the exception would read "The operation has timed out". Now that I'm using Flurl, the exception reads "The call timed out".
Here's the kicker - If I run the same job from my laptop running Windows 10 / Visual Studios 2017, this problem does NOT occur. This leads me to believe I'm hitting some limit or running out of some resource in my hosted environment. Unclear if that is connection/socket or thread related.
Things I've tried:
Ensure all code paths to the request are using async/await to prevent lockouts
Ensure Kestrel Defaults allow unlimited connections (it does by default)
Ensure Dockers default connection limits are sufficient (2000 by default, more than enough)
Configuring ServicePointManager settings for connection limits
Here is the code in my startup.cs that I'm currently using to try and prevent this issue:
public class Startup
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
// ServicePointManager setup
ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = false;
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = int.MaxValue;
ServicePointManager.EnableDnsRoundRobin = true;
ServicePointManager.ReusePort = true;
// Set Service point timeouts
var sp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(new Uri(""));
sp.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = 15 * 1000; // 15 seconds
FlurlHttp.ConfigureClient("", cli => cli.Settings.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15));
Has anyone else run into a similar issue to this? I'm open to any suggestions on how to best debug this situation, or possible methods to correct the issue. I'm at a complete loss after researching this for several days.
Thank you in advance.
I had similar issues. Take a look at Core HttpClient has many TIME_WAIT or CLOSE_WAIT connections . Debugging via netstat helped identify the problem for me. As one possible solution. I suggest you use IHttpClientFactory. You can get more info from It should be fairly easy to use as described in Flurl client lifetime in ASP.Net Core 2.1 and IHttpClientFactory

First call to Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.MessageSender.SendAsync times out, subsequent calls don't

I have some code written to communicate with an azure service bus. It sends messages to a queue. It's in a project targeting .net standard 2.0
When I run it from a .net core terminal app it runs fine. But, when the same code is called from a .net framework 4.7.2 project then the first attempt to send a message results in the following exception after 30 to 90 seconds:
"The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake."
But any further messages will be sent without problem.
// This is using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus, if that makes any difference...
MessageSender MessageSender = new MessageSender(ConnectionString, SendQueueName;
await MessageSender.SendAsync(new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Test that won't work")));
catch(Exception e)
// Error will be caught here:
// "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake."
await MessageSender.SendAsync(new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Test that will work")));
Does anybody know why the first call fails? And how to make it not fail? Or fail quicker? I've tried changing the OperationTimeout and RetryPolicy but they don'e seem to have any effect.
These first connections are via port 5671/56712, which Trend antivirus intercepts. Once these have timed out then the framework falls back to using 443, which works fine.
We tried turning Trend off and running testing the connection and its pretty much instantaneous.

Random connection errors to MS SQL from nodeJS app

We have an AWS server running some nodeJS services. The services connecting to MS sql are randomly crashing with message "Failed to connect to databaseserver:1433 - Could not connect (sequence)".
We are running on:
App server:
Linux Ubuntu 14.4
AWS m5
NodeJS: 8.11.2
Services are using package mssql latest version (4.3.0). This includes tedious 2.7.1.
DB server:
Windows server 2012.
sql server 2012
throughput: about 300 rpm, error also happens when throughput is lower (about 20 rpm).
App is running in a cluster through PM2 (runs 4 times). We see the error happening on all 4 at the same time, but sometimes also on 1 or 2 instances.
What we tried:
Upgrading to alpha version of mssql with tedious 3.0.1. Did not make a difference
Upgrading from Amazon M4 machine to M5 machine with enhanced networking
Changing the pool settings in the app. We tried setting min connections to 0 or low/high value. Max also to low/high value but no avail.
Duplicate server to new machine.
Setting idleTimeoutMillis to 1 second
Pinging DB server to see if there is a connection problem, but we see no weird pings when the error happens.
Connection on app startup:
App.sqlConnection = new App.SQL.ConnectionPool(config, function(err) {
App.sqlConnection.on('error', err => {
Log.error(`There was a connection err : ${err}`);
var request = new App.SQL.Request(App.sqlConnection);
request.query(sQuery, function(err,results)
Errors are catched by the "on error" handler.
The error happens randomly across services. Some have more instances of the error then others.
We are running out of options. Any idea if we can see more detailed errors?
I have a couple suggestions.
First, how sure are you that these errors are actually a problem? If your code simply retries, instead of exiting, are the connections stable afterwards, or can a connection drop in the middle of a query?
(Connections dropping in the middle of queries are obviously not good, but random failures on connection, that can be fixed by retries, are the best kind of problem to have IMHO.)
Ignoring the potential in-code fix, I'm wondering when you say you "duplicated server to new machine" - did you launch a new AMI using latest Windows Server 2012, or did you image and clone? If your database server is a couple years old, you might actually be running outdated network drivers in your instance, which could give you some hiccups.
If you wanted to explore that, you could attempt rebuilding the entire database server from scratch on a newly launched AMI. Alternately you can upgrade PV driver, network adapter, and EC2Config on your existing instance, you can find the instructions at the following links:

Random 21/42 seconds timeout in outgoing traffic on Azure Web Sites

I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 application running in the azure german cloud as Azure Web App (single instance - Standard S3 size).
I'm calling a non azure hosted REST/SOAP service on a particular host and the web requests either succeed promptly or timeout after 21 / 42 seconds.
I've load tested the requests and the percentile of requests timing out is between 20 and 80.
One particular remarkable property of the timeout is, that they occur after exactly 21 or 42 seconds (this is serious, no reference to hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy intended).
Calling a different service from the web app works just fine, temporarily at least.
We've already checked the firewall of the non azure service and if the timeout occurs, not a single packet reached the host.
This issue occurred once in the past one year ago and support was unable to tell what the cause was until the issue suddenly went away roughly two weeks after first occuring, so the ticket got closed as fixed itself but now its back.
The code is using (uses HttpClient underneath) and looks like
[Header("Content-Type", "application/json")]
public interface IApi
Task<LoginToken> Login([Body]LoginRequest request);
private static Dictionary<string, IApi> ApiClientsByHost = new Dictionary<string, IApi>();
private IApi GetApiForHost(string host)
if (!ApiClientsByHost.TryGetValue(host, out var client))
lock (ApiClientsByHost)
if (!ApiClientsByHost.TryGetValue(host, out client))
ApiClientsByHost[host] = client = RestClient.For<IApi>(host);
return client;
var client = GetApiForHost("https://production/");
var loginToken = await client.Login(new LoginRequest { Username = username, Password = password });
By different service, i mean using "https://testserver/" instead of "https://production/" (testserver is located in a different data center with different IP and all).
The API authentication is passing a token via query but it timeouts already before being able to get a token.
The code is caching the IApi to avoid the TCP starvation problems of disposing HttpClients (but i've never run into port exhaustion).
Restarting the app does not resolve the issue and the issue only occurs to production currently (but a year ago, when this issue occurred on production, we've switched to testserver which worked initially but after some time, ran into the same problem)
EDIT: Found some explanation in the last answer as to where those magical 21 seconds are comming from.
EDIT: One way i've found to workaround is, is to setup a azure vm with a proxy on it and configure defaultProxy to pass through that vm.
That's TCP retransmission timing out. It's odd that you are getting different values though.
