LitElement equivalent of React "key" concept - lit-element

<example name="One"></example>
<example name="Two"></example>
<example name="Three"></example>
Next render looks like this:
<example name="Four"></example>
<example name="Three"></example>
LitElement will remove the last element and update the first two with new properties.
How do I change this so that LitElement removes all elements except name="three" and a new element is created with name="Four" on first position?
Using React, this would be accomplished by giving them a key property. I want to achieve the same result using LitElement.
<example key="1" name="One"></example>
<example key="2" name="Two"></example>
<example key="3" name="Three"></example>

For this you want to use the lit-html repeat directive. From the docs:
The repeat directive performs efficient updates of lists based on
user-supplied keys:
repeat(items, keyFunction, itemTemplate)
items is an Array or iterable.
keyFunction is a function that takes a single item as an argument and returns a guaranteed unique key for that item.
itemTemplate is a template function that takes the item and its current index as arguments, and returns a TemplateResult.
For example:
const employeeList = (employees) => html`
${repeat(employees, (employee) =>, (employee, index) => html`
<li>${index}: ${employee.familyName}, ${employee.givenName}</li>
If you re-sort the employees array, the repeat directive reorders
the existing DOM nodes.
To use repeat you'll need to import it from lit-html:
import {repeat} from 'lit-html/directives/repeat';


How to find elements that do not include a certain class name with selenium and python

I want to find all the elements that contain a certain class name but skip the ones the also contain another class name beside the one that i am searching for
I have the element <div class="examplenameA"> and the element <div class="examplenameA examplenameB">
At the moment i am doing this to overcome my problem:
items = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('examplenameA')
for item in items:
cname = item.get_attribute('class')
if 'examplenameB' in cname:
rest of code
I only want the elements that have the class name examplenameA and i want to skip the ones that also contain examplenameB
To find all the elements with class attribute as examplenameA leaving out the ones with class attribute as examplenameB you can use the following solution:
items = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.examplenameA:not(.examplenameB)")
items = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'examplenameA') and not(#class='examplenameB')]")
You can use xpath in this case. So as per your example you need to use something like driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[#class='examplenameA'). This will give you only the elements whose class is examplenameA
So how xpath works is : Xpath=//tagname[#attribute='value']
Hence the class is considered as the attribute & xpath will try to match the exact given value, in this case examplenameA, so <div class="examplenameA examplenameB"> will be ignored
In case of find_elements_by_class_name method, it will try to match the element which has the class as examplenameA, so the <div class="examplenameA examplenameB"> will also be matched
Hope this helps

unset scrollToIndex after setting it

I'm using an InfiniteLoader with a Table and I have the indices of some entries that match a specific criteria stored in state. If the user would want to go through those entries, I would have to pass down to the Table each index (following a button click) and use it in scrollToIndex. However, after it's passed down, I would have to make it null again, otherwise if the user were to scroll up/down the Table, he would always end to the same index specified by scrollToIndex instead of the current scroll position.
Is there a better way to do that, other than setting the state twice, once with an index and then with a null value?
Hope my question is clear.
Table (and Grid and List) also have public methods for setting a 1-time scroll index. For Table the method is scrollToRow and you just pass it the index you want to scroll to. Maybe that would be more to your liking?
Edit: In response to the follow-up question of how you get a reference to Table if you also need to pass it to InfiniteLoader:
<InfiniteLoader {...infiniteLoaderProps}>
{({ onRowsRendered, registerChild }) => (
ref={(ref) => {
this._tableRef = ref // Store for yourself
registerChild(ref) // And pass on to InfiniteLoader
{/* Columns ... */}

Alloy user interface (access a tag value)

I'm working with liferay portal 6.2. And I want to get the value of the text in a tag with alloy user interface.
<p> Paragraph </p>
the desired result is: value
please help.
AlloyUI, being an extension of YUI3, uses get/set methods to access and manipulate the properties/attributes of the object (YUI3 Node / AlloyUI Node) that is returned when looking up elements from the page.
Some examples can be reviewed in this documentation as well as this documentation.
In general you'll need something unique (i.e. id, css class) to the div in order to fetch only that element. Once you have that element, divNode.get('text') will give you all of the text within the element. There is not a means to easily "skip" the paragraph contents within the div without the value being contained within some other markup. If you have control over the markup and can do this, that would be the best option. Otherwise you are left to using the replace function to strip out the paragraph contents from the text.
AUI().use('aui-base', function(A) {
var paragraphText ='#myDiv>p').get('text');
var divText ='#myDiv').get('text')
var onlyValue = divText.replace(paragraphText, "").trim()

What is the purpose of the SvgElement.tag(String tag) constructor?

There is no documentation in the API doc for the constructors. I would like to understand the purpose/use cases for SvgElement.tag() .
The SvgElement.tag(String tag) constructor creates a new SvgElement for a corresponding tag value.
For example:
var foo = new SvgElement.tag('view');
print(foo is ViewElement); // prints 'true'
would create a new SvgElement specified by the <view> tag.
This means that the above code is the same as:
var bar = new ViewElement();
print(bar is ViewElement); // prints 'true'
See also the tag constructor from the superclass Element.
Use cases for this constructor are places where you get the value of the tag from text and want to generate a new element of that tag value.
You might get the tag from parsing the DOM, or maybe from a different API. The tag constructor is a way to write DOM code in a "Darty" way (with objects and classes) while being able to work with DOM elements via text.
In many cases, it is preferable to create this Element object instead of say, using innerHtml to set the DOM inside of another Element.
var someTagName = 'view';
var someDomNode = query('#id');
// BAD
someDomNode.innerHtml = '<$someTagName> ... </$someTagName>';
var myElement = new SvgElement.tag(someTagName);

can sizzle return elements that do not have any attributes?

I am experimenting with using a sizzle query to extract elements with out attributes from a webpage.
I can easily return an element by specifying its attribute.
Ex: doc.Tables.Filter(Find.BySelector("[ID='abc']")) returns elements with ID='abc'
Is there a way to return all the elements that do not have any attributes at all?
This is what Im shooting for:
doc.Tables.Filter(Find.BySelector("[]")) 'return all element with no attributes
