Polycom VVX 600 VOIP phone taking almost 5 minutes to reconnect on secondary internet - voip

We have 2 internet connections coming into our 1 firewall. 1 internet connection is a backup (or failover) internet connection. When our primary connection goes down, our firewall fails over to our backup connection fairly quickly. Within 30 seconds at the most. All of our devices reconnect as soon as the firewall is up, except for the VOIP phones, which can take 3-5 minutes. No firewall policies are blocking any of the VOIP traffic. I'm trying to figure out if there is a setting in the Polycom VVX 600 that will force a reconnection within 30-60 seconds. I cannot find anything on Polycom's website except 1 forum post that doesn't work. Our VOIP provider is just telling us to reboot our phones every time. Has anyone run into this issue that can point me in the right direction? Thank you.


Transferring Bluetooth connection via the Internet

I was always wonder what would it be my first question on StackOverflow since everything I'm looking for is already asked. (Find only one similar here Bluetooth data transfer between two countries )
From when it comes I’m a fan of Nokia N-GAGE. It’s a Nokia’s phone from 2003 with dedicated games. In its heyday 2003-2007, it has single-player, multi-player via Bluetooth and using a dedicated internet service N-GAGE ARENA for compete with people all over world.
N-GAGE ARENA servers were disabled about 2008 and as far i understand It isn't even worth trying to resurrect such a infrastructure. Mainly because it requires modifying the code of each game and that's illegal.
Multiplayer mode using Bluetooth work fine, but requires opponent 5m away max.
Nokia sold 1mln copy of this phone, and still are people all over world collecting n-gage games. I have a dream, I want to reactivate the possibility of playing multiplayer with people from all over the world.
I want to use the Bluetooth multiplayer mode by extending the usual N-GAGE to N-GAGE Bluetooth connection with an additional 3 elements. Two N-GAGEs, instead of connecting directly to each other as host-join, connect via a PC / smartphone applications that communicates with the server that transmits full data sent from the game of one user to game of the opponent.
I admit that I do not have full knowledge of technical limitations. In my opinion, as a software engineer, it is theoretically possible, but I want to consult you, people more familiar with the subject. Maybe someone is working on a similar project and can comment.
The application would have to transmit all data from the Bluetooth connection so as not to disturb the illusion of a direct connection between N-GAGEs.
The application must enable the selection of an opponent on the basis of the game. The choice itself could be made on the basis of some kind of chat in which users first define what they are playing, who’s the host, and then the connection is made.
Does what I describe is even possible?
Is such capturing Bluetooth connection and forwarding is even possible?
Does the development of technology in these 15 years allow me to transfer Bluetooth connection real time through 2 additional devices and Internet connection?
Any technical tips, literature that can help me to understand my limitations.
Any constructive criticism. Of course before I start doing such a project I have to confirm that isn't a utopia. For me It’s a side project, I’m able to spend years on it, but don’t want to get to dead end after all effort.
Does what I describe is even possible?
Yes, yes it does. Your hardest part will be setting up a tranceiver to interpret the I/O. Your failure point would be super-encrypted messages and making transmission difficult...
If it's clear I/O you can signal this through any server and output it back to the tranciever to output. Confusing but possible just not sure of the design or how bluetooth sends its data.
Is such capturing Bluetooth connection and forwarding is even possible?
If a connection is possible then forwarding it is too. Considering this piping the transports.
Does the development of technology in these 15 years allow me to transfer Bluetooth connection real time through 2 additional devices and Internet connection?
Bluetooth real-time no... with added network latency, you're looking at anything from 1-200ms~. you may be able to improve it?
Overall I think if you can:
Connect the device to PC, and have PC talk back to device through blue-tooth
Read the data that goes in and out
Encryption proves little or none at all to be able to signal the data properly, tricky to explain you'll know though if there's a wall.
All should be possible it doesn't overly go against the grains but do more homework this is very valid.

BLE device disconnects after sometime

I am using two BLE devices for connection to establish using bgapi library. After sometime both devices disconnect abruptly at the same time. I don't know where to look into as I can't see any errors that is logged.
Connection for one device is working fine but issue is with the connecting two devices.
Most importantly it is not happening every time.(Out of five tries devices are disconnecting once)
I tried udev blacklist. I thought modem manager might be interfering but of no use.

How to brutally interrupt remote network connections in code on Debian Stretch

I am working on a Python communications class running on a Beaglebone that connects to /reconnects to remote hosts from my list of available servers.
To test the reconnecting, I have been physically unplugging my lan from my router to simulate outages.
I would like to do this in code for extended testing.
Essentially I want to create a method called kill_internet(timeout) that will pull the rug out and then restore connectivity at the end of timeout.
Must interrupt established socket connections.
Disconnect must be brutal and ugly - no chance for socket to close
Finally - I prefer that lan connections are not interrupted so I can continue to monitor testing over SSH from my PC. Not a true requirement since I can always reconnect and read logfiles later.
Service Networking stop will satisfy #1 but not sure how brutal it is.
I thought about UFW ( iptables) outbound rule but that may not block established connections and same concern about #2.
I suppose I could build a hardware 2-port device to do this at hardware level but that is well - hard.
Any ideas how to proceed?
The best way to do this in your setup is to create and tear down firewall rules on your remote server to reject/deny your client in as many different ways as you can think of. For example:
Reject connection requests with an active refusal (easy to deal with on the client).
Drop a connection mid-flow with a reset packet (again, easy to deal with).
Suddenly stop responding at all to packets from the client's IP, mid connection. This simulates a cable-cut on a part of the network you don't own and it's the hardest one to deal with on the client because you have to consider what is a reasonable timeout.
If you're on Linux, iptables can be scripted to implement these rules.
I stumbled across an easy hardware solution that cost me $22.
Amazon sells these USB controlled relays for $10-$15 - look for UsbRelay2. With this I can easily trigger the relay(s) from code. To interrupt Ethernet violently, all I have to do is cut the power to an Ethernet hub or switch. I got a $10 5-port switch which runs off 5V from a wall wart. I cut one of the 5v power wires and ran it through the relay. Triggering the relay cuts the power to the switch. Since it is all 5V wiring is all safe and no case is needed. It took all of 3 minutes to put it together.

Raspberry Pi video streaming with lowest latency possible via a server to multiple clients

I want to build a video security infrastructure with raspberry pis.
Please take a look at the rough layout I've in mind:
What the system should be capable of:
The RPis need to stream a low latency video to the
webserver, which displays it to all clients visiting the website.
If a client authenticates he can control one RPi sending commands that gets translated into GPIO commands.
All RPis should be controllable simultaneously by different clients in realtime.
Some kind of scaleability (Clients + RPis)
My Questions:
I wanted to program everything in node.js. Good idea?
Could WebRTC and Sockets.io help me in this project - if not is
there another library that would help me out?
How many clients could a VPS Server (8GB RAM, 4 vCores) handel in this setup?
Is it possible to bring the latency down to < 2 seconds or more?
Anything helps! Thanks!

Reconnect to GPRS from J2ME

I have a little problem. I have developed a midlet application that call some webservices through internet. I'm using cell phones with GPRS connection. For some time it runs as I wanted, run the apps, call the webservices through the GPRS, it returns the result, call the webservices again, and so on.
But say, I call the webservices and after the apps return the result I needed, I left it for a while. The next time I continue to access the webservices, the apps takes a while to connect through the GPRS. In nokia, it is marked with a G in a box. In SE it is marked with a glowing globe. This 'G' in the box or the glowing globe will appear after a while or won't appear at all, but the apps is still trying to connect to the internet.
Does it come from my apps or it come from the cell phone? And could I know [or the apps knows] that at the moment the apps tries to connect the GPRS is ready?
Thanks a lot for your responses...
There is nothing in Java ME (i.e. J2ME) that can control whether or not the device is connected, unfortunately. All you can do is try to connect.
Make sure you are properly closing all your connections, though. Including the HttpConnection object, not just the input/output streams.
