Haskell Change state in IO function - haskell

I'm trying to update a record in an IO-function. I have tried to use the state-monad without success. I saw a comment somewhere that it was possible to solve a similar problem with the state-monad. Is it possible to use the State-monad to do this or do I have to use a monad transformer? If so I would be grateful for a short explanation on how to do it.
data CarState = CS {color :: String }
initState :: CarState
initState = CS {color = "white"}
data Car where
ChangeColor :: String -> Car
func :: Car -> CarState -> IO ()
func (ChangeColor col) cs = do
putStrLn ("car is " ++ show(color cs))
-- Change state here somehow
-- colorChange "green"
putStrLn ("car is now" ++ show(color cs))
main :: IO ()
main = func (ChangeColor "green") initState
colorChange :: String -> MyState CarState String
colorChange col = do
cs <- get
put $ cs {color = col}
return col
data MyState s a = St (s -> (a,s))
runSt :: MyState s a -> s -> (a,s)
runSt (St f) s = f s
evalSt :: MyState s a -> s -> a
evalSt act = fst . runSt act
get :: MyState s s
get = St $ \s -> (s,s)
put :: s -> MyState s ()
put s = St $ \_ -> ((),s)
instance Monad (MyState s) where
return x = St $ \s -> (x,s)
(St m) >>= k = St $ \s_1 -> let (a, s_2) = m s_1
St k_m = k a
in k_m s_2
instance Functor (MyState s) where
fmap f (St g) = St $ \s0 -> let (a, s1) = g s0
in (f a, s1)
instance Applicative (MyState s) where
pure a = St (\s -> (a,s))
(<*>) (St sa) (St sb) = St (\s0 -> let (fn, s1) = sa s0
(a, s2) = sb s1
in (fn a, s2))

In Haskell you cannot mutate data in place, ever, by any mechanism. At all.1
The way state updates are modeled in Haskell is by producing a new value, which is identical to the old value, except for the "updated" bit.
For example, what you're trying to do would be expressed like this:
func :: Car -> CarState -> CarState
func (ChangeColor c) cs = cs { color = c }
1 Well, ok, technically you can sometimes, but it only works for data that has been arranged in advance to be mutable, and it is usually quite cumbersome. Not a normal way to write programs.


How to write instance of state Monad

I am very new to monads within haskell and i am trying to develop my knowledge with monads ny creating some instances but I am really quite confused with this one i am getting a few errors and have been at it for a bit as i am still unsure any help and explanations are appreciated this is what i have so far, any ideas where i am going wrong?
newtype ST b = S (Int -> (b, Int))
runState :: ST b -> Int -> (b, Int)
runState (S b) st = b st
instance Monad ST where
return :: b -> ST b
return x = S (\st -> (x, st)) the new state with a b
(>>=) :: ST b -> (b -> ST c) -> ST c
c >>= c' = S (\st1 ->
let (b, st2) = runState c st1
(c, st3) = runState (c' b) st2
in (c, st3))
You might have to give implementations for Applicative and Functor as well:
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
newtype ST b = S (Int -> (b, Int))
runState :: ST b -> Int -> (b, Int)
runState (S b) st = b st
instance Monad ST where
-- return :: b -> ST b
return x = S (\st -> (x, st)) -- takes in the current state and returns the new state with a b
-- (>>=) :: ST b -> (b -> ST c) -> ST c
c >>= c' = S (\st1 ->
let (b, st2) = runState c st1
(c'', st3) = runState (c' b) st2
in (c'', st3))
instance Applicative ST where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor ST where
fmap = liftM
I found that here.

How to derive a state monad from first principles?

I am trying to come up with an implementation of State Monad derived from examples of function composition. Here I what I came up with:
First deriving the concept of Monad:
data Maybe' a = Nothing' | Just' a deriving Show
sqrt' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
sqrt' x = if x < 0 then Nothing' else Just' (sqrt x)
inv' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
inv' x = if x == 0 then Nothing' else Just' (1/x)
log' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
log' x = if x == 0 then Nothing' else Just' (log x)
We can have function that composes these functions as follows:
sqrtInvLog' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
sqrtInvLog' x = case (sqrt' x) of
Nothing' -> Nothing'
(Just' y) -> case (inv' y) of
Nothing' -> Nothing'
(Just' z) -> log' z
This could be simplified by factoring out the case statement and function application:
fMaybe' :: (Maybe' a) -> (a -> Maybe' b) -> Maybe' b
fMaybe' Nothing' _ = Nothing'
fMaybe' (Just' x) f = f x
-- Applying fMaybe' =>
sqrtInvLog'' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
sqrtInvLog'' x = (sqrt' x) `fMaybe'` (inv') `fMaybe'` (log')`
Now we can generalize the concept to any type, instead of just Maybe' by defining a Monad =>
class Monad' m where
bind' :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return' :: a -> m a
instance Monad' Maybe' where
bind' Nothing' _ = Nothing'
bind' (Just' x) f = f x
return' x = Just' x
Using Monad' implementation, sqrtInvLog'' can be written as:
sqrtInvLog''' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe' a
sqrtInvLog''' x = (sqrt' x) \bind'` (inv') `bind'` (log')`
Trying to apply the concept to maintain state, I defined something as shown below:
data St a s = St (a,s) deriving Show
sqrtLogInvSt' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => St a a -> St (Maybe' a) a
sqrtLogInvSt' (St (x,s)) = case (sqrt' x) of
Nothing' -> St (Nothing', s)
(Just' y) -> case (log' y) of
Nothing' -> St (Nothing', s+y)
(Just' z) -> St (inv' z, s+y+z)
It is not possible to define a monad using the above definition as bind needs to be defined as taking in a single type "m a".
Second attempt based on Haskell's definition of State Monad:
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
First attempt to define function that is built using composed functions and maintains state:
fex1 :: Int->State Int Int
fex1 x = State { runState = \s->(r,(s+r)) } where r = x `mod` 2`
fex2 :: Int->State Int Int
fex2 x = State { runState = \s-> (r,s+r)} where r = x * 5
A composed function:
fex3 x = (runState (fex2 y)) st where (st, y) = (runState (fex1 x)) 0
But the definition newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } does not fit the pattern of m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b of bind
An attempt could be made as follows:
instance Monad' (State s) where
bind' st f = undefined
return' x = State { runState = \s -> (x,s) }
bind' is undefined above becuase I did not know how I would implement it.
I could derive why monads are useful and apply it the first example (Maybe') but cannot seem to apply it to State. It will be useful to understand how I could derive the State Moand using concepts defined above.
Note that I have asked a similar question earlier: Haskell - Unable to define a State monad like function using a Monad like definition but I have expanded here and added more details.
Your composed function fex3 has the wrong type:
fex3 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
Unlike with your sqrtInvLog' example for Maybe', State does not appear in the type of fex3.
We could define it as
fex3 :: Int -> State Int Int
fex3 x = State { runState = \s ->
let (y, st) = runState (fex1 x) s in
runState (fex2 y) st }
The main difference to your definition is that instead of hardcoding 0 as the initial state, we pass on our own state s.
What if (like in your Maybe example) we wanted to compose three functions? Here I'll just reuse fex2 instead of introducing another intermediate function:
fex4 :: Int -> State Int Int
fex4 x = State { runState = \s ->
let (y, st) = runState (fex1 x) s in
let (z, st') = runState (fex2 y) st in
runState (fex2 z) st' }
The generalized version bindState can be extracted as follows:
bindState m f = State { runState = \s ->
let (x, st) = runState m s in
runState (f x) st }
fex3' x = fex1 x `bindState` fex2
fex4' x = fex1 x `bindState` fex2 `bindState` fex2
We can also start with Monad' and types.
The m in the definition of Monad' is applied to one type argument (m a, m b). We can't set m = State because State requires two arguments. On the other hand, partial application is perfectly valid for types: State s a really means (State s) a, so we can set m = State s:
instance Monad' (State s) where
-- return' :: a -> m a (where m = State s)
-- return' :: a -> State s a
return' x = State { runState = \s -> (x,s) }
-- bind' :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (where m = State s)
-- bind' :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
bind' st f =
-- Good so far: we have two arguments
-- st :: State s a
-- f :: a -> State s b
-- We also need a result
-- ... :: State s b
-- It must be a State, so we can start with:
State { runState = \s ->
-- Now we also have
-- s :: s
-- That means we can run st:
let (x, s') = runState st s in
-- runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)
-- st :: State s a
-- s :: s
-- x :: a
-- s' :: s
-- Now we have a value of type 'a' that we can pass to f:
-- f x :: State s b
-- We are already in a State { ... } context, so we need
-- to return a (value, state) tuple. We can get that from
-- 'State s b' by using runState again:
runState (f x) s'
Have a look to this. Summing and extending a bit.
If you have a function
ta -> tb
and want to add "state" to it, then you should pass that state along, and have
(ta, ts) -> (tb, ts)
You can transform this by currying it:
ta -> ts -> (tb, ts)
If you compare this with the original ta -> tb, we obtain (adding parentheses)
ta -> (ts -> (tb, ts))
Summing up, if a function returns tb from ta (i.e. ta -> tb), a "stateful"
version of it will return (ts -> (tb, ts)) from ta (i.e. ta -> (ts -> (tb, ts)))
Therefore, a "stateful computation" (just one function, or either a chain of functions dealing with state) must return/produce this:
(ts -> (tb, ts))
This is the typical case of a stack of ints.
[Int] is the State
pop :: [Int] -> (Int, [Int]) -- remove top
pop (v:s) -> (v, s)
push :: Int -> [Int] -> (int, [Int]) -- add to the top
push v s -> (v, v:s)
For push, the type of push 5 is the same than type of pop :: [Int] -> (Int, [Int]).
So we would like to combine/join this basic operations to get things as
duplicateTop =
v <- pop
push v
push v
Note that, as desired, duplicateTop :: [Int] -> (Int, [Int])
Now: how to combine two stateful computations to get a new one?
Let's do it (Caution: this definition is not the same that the
used for the bind of monad (>>=) but it is equivalent).
f :: ta -> (ts -> (tb, ts))
g :: tb -> (ts -> (tc, ts))
to get
h :: ta -> (ts -> (tc, ts))
This is the construction of h (in pseudo-haskell)
h = \a -> ( \s -> (c, s') )
where we have to calculate (c, s') (the rest in the expressions are just parameters a and s). Here it is how:
-- 1. run f using a and s
l1 = f a -- use the parameter a to get the function (ts -> (tb, ts)) returned by f
(b, s1) = l1 s -- use the parameter s to get the pair that l1 returns ( :: (tb, ts) )
-- 2. run g using f output, b and s1
l2 = g b -- use b to get the function (ts -> (tb, ts)) returned by g
(c, s') = l2 s1 -- use s1 to get the pair that l2 returns ( :: (tc, ts) )

combining IO monad with State Monad in example

I created simple evaluator for statements.
I would like to do it using transformers - mix IO monad with State.
Could somebody explain how to do it ? It is something that I can't deal with it - transformers.
execStmt :: Stmt -> State (Map.Map String Int) ()
execStmt s = case s of
SAssigment v e -> get >>= (\s -> put (Map.insert v (fromJust (runReader (evalExpM e) s)) s))
SIf e s1 s2 -> get >>= (\s -> case (fromJust (runReader (evalExpM e) s)) of
0 -> execStmt s2
_ -> execStmt s1
SSkip -> return ()
SSequence s1 s2 -> get >>= (\s -> (execStmt s1) >>= (\s' -> execStmt s2))
SWhile e s1 -> get >>= (\s -> case (fromJust (runReader (evalExpM e) s)) of
0 -> return ()
_ -> (execStmt s1) >>= (\s' -> execStmt (SWhile e s1)))
execStmt' :: Stmt -> IO ()
execStmt' stmt = putStrLn $ show $ snd $ runState (execStmt stmt) Map.empty
Here's a basic program outline
newtype StateIO s a = SIO {runSIO :: s -> IO (a, s)}
put :: s -> StateIO s ()
put s' = SIO $ \_s -> return ((), s')
liftIO :: IO a -> StateIO s a
liftIO ia = SIO $ \s -> do
a <- ia
return (a, s)
instance Functor (StateIO s) where
fmap ab (SIO sa) = SIO $ \s -> do
(a, s') <- sa s
let b = ab a
return (b, s')
instance Applicative (StateIO s) where
pure a = SIO $ \s -> return (a, s)
(SIO sab) <*> (SIO sa) = SIO $ \s -> do
(ab, s' ) <- sab s
(a , s'') <- sa s'
let b = ab a
return (b, s')
StateIO s a is something that takes an input state (of type s), and returns an IO action to produce something of type a as well as a new state.
To check for understanding, do the following
Write a value of get :: StateIO s s which retrieves the state.
Write an instance for Monad (StateIO s) (it will be similar to the code above).
Finally, and this is the big step to understanding transformers, is to define newtype StateT m s a = StateT {run :: s -> m (a, s)}, and translate the above code to that (with the constraint Monad m). This will show you how monad transformers work.

Some potential and difficulties in the use of lenses in MonadState

What follows is a series of examples/exercises upon Lenses (by Edward Kmett) in MonadState, based on the solution of Petr Pudlak to my previous question.
In addition to demonstrate some uses and the power of the lenses, these examples show how difficult it is to understand the type signature generated by GHCi. There is hope that in the future things will improve?
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
---------- Example by Petr Pudlak ----------
-- | An example of a universal function that modifies any lens.
-- It reads a string and appends it to the existing value.
modif :: Lens' a String -> StateT a IO ()
modif l = do
s <- lift getLine
l %= (++ s)
The following comment type signatures are those produced by GHCi.
The other are adaptations from those of Peter.
Personally, I am struggling to understand than those produced by GHCi, and I wonder: why GHCi does not produce those simplified?
-- modif2
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadTrans t, MonadState s (t IO)) =>
-- (Int -> p a b) -> Setting p s s a b -> t IO ()
modif2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Lens' a Int -> StateT a IO ()
modif2 f l = do
s<- lift getLine
l %= f (read s :: Int)
-- modif3
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadTrans t, MonadState s (t IO)) =>
-- (String -> p a b) -> Setting p s s a b -> t IO ()
modif3 :: (String -> Int -> Int) -> Lens' a Int -> StateT a IO ()
modif3 f l = do
s <- lift getLine
l %= f s
-- :t modif3 (\n -> (+) (read n :: Int)) == Lens' a Int -> StateT a IO ()
-- modif4
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadTrans t, MonadState s (t IO)) =>
-- (t1 -> p a b) -> (String -> t1) -> Setting p s s a b -> t IO ()
modif4 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> (String -> Bool) -> Lens' a Bool -> StateT a IO ()
modif4 f f2 l = do
s <- lift getLine
l %= f (f2 s)
-- :t modif4 (&&) (\s -> read s :: Bool) == Lens' a Bool -> StateT a IO ()
-- modif5
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadTrans t, MonadState s (t IO)) =>
-- (t1 -> p a b) -> (String -> t1) -> Setting p s s a b -> t IO ()
modif5 :: (b -> b -> b) -> (String -> b) -> Lens' a b -> StateT a IO ()
modif5 f f2 l = do
s<- lift getLine
l %= f (f2 s)
-- :t modif5 (&&) (\s -> read s :: Bool) == Lens' a Bool -> StateT a IO ()
-- modif6
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadState s m) =>
-- (t -> p a b) -> (t1 -> t) -> t1 -> Setting p s s a b -> m ()
modif6 :: (b -> b -> b) -> (c -> b) -> c -> Lens' a b -> StateT a IO ()
modif6 f f2 x l = do
l %= f (f2 x)
-- :t modif6 (&&) (\s -> read s :: Bool) "True" == MonadState s m => Setting (->) s s Bool Bool -> m ()
-- :t modif6 (&&) (\s -> read s :: Bool) "True"
-- modif7
-- :: (Profunctor p, MonadState s IO) =>
-- (t -> p a b) -> (String -> t) -> Setting p s s a b -> IO ()
modif7 :: (b -> b -> b) -> (String -> b) -> Lens' a b -> StateT a IO ()
modif7 f f2 l = do
s <- lift getLine
l %= f (f2 s)
-- :t modif7 (&&) (\s -> read s :: Bool) ==
-- :t modif7 (+) (\s -> read s :: Int) ==
p7a :: StateT Int IO ()
p7a = do
modif7 (+) (\s -> read s :: Int) id
test7a = execStateT p7a 10 -- if input 30 then result 40
p7b :: StateT Bool IO ()
p7b = do
modif7 (||) (\s -> read s :: Bool) id
test7b = execStateT p7b False -- if input "True" then result "True"
data Test = Test { _first :: Int
, _second :: Bool
deriving Show
$(makeLenses ''Test)
dataTest :: Test
dataTest = Test { _first = 1, _second = False }
monadTest :: StateT Test IO String
monadTest = do
lift . putStrLn $ "1) modify \"first\" (Int requested)"
lift . putStrLn $ "2) modify \"second\" (Bool requested)"
answ <- lift getLine
case answ of
"1" -> do lift . putStr $ "> Write an Int: "
modif7 (+) (\s -> read s :: Int) first
"2" -> do lift . putStr $ "> Write a Bool: "
modif7 (||) (\s -> read s :: Bool) second
_ -> error "Wrong choice!"
return answ
testMonadTest :: IO Test
testMonadTest = execStateT monadTest dataTest
As a family in the ML tradition, Haskell is specifically designed so that every toplevel binding has a most general type, and the Haskell implementation can and has to infer this most general type. This ensures that you can reuse the binding in as much places as possible. In a way, this means that type inference is never wrong, because whatever type you have in mind, type inference will figure out the same type or a more general type.
why GHCi does not produce those simplified?
It figures out the more general types instead. For example, you mention that GHC figures out the following type for some code:
modif2 :: (Profunctor p, MonadTrans t, MonadState s (t IO)) =>
(Int -> p a b) -> Setting p s s a b -> t IO ()
This is a very general type, because every time I use modif2, I can choose different profunctors p, monad transformers t and states s. So modif2 is very reusable. You prefer this type signature:
modif2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Lens' a Int -> StateT a IO ()
I agree that this is more readable, but also less generic: Here you decided that p has to be -> and t has to be StateT, and as a user of modif2, I couldn't change that.
There is hope that in the future things will improve?
I'm sure that Haskell will continue to mandate most general types as the result of type inference. I could imagine that in addition to the most general type, ghci or a third-party tool could show you example instantiations. In this case, it would be nice to declare somehow that -> is a typical profunctor. I'm not aware of any work in this direction, though, so there is not much hope, no.
Let's look at your first example:
modif :: Lens' a String -> StateT a IO ()
modif l = do
s <- lift getLine
l %= (++ s)
This type is simple, but it has also has a shortcoming: You can only use your function passing a Lens. You cannot use your function when you have an Iso are a Traversal, even though this would make perfect sense! Given the more general type that GHCi inferes, you could for example write the following:
modif _Just :: StateT (Maybe String) IO ()
which would append the read value only if that state was a Just, or
modif traverse :: StateT [String] IO ()
which would append the read value to all elements in the list. This is not possible with the simple type you gave, because _Just and traverse are not lenses, but only Traversals.

How can I write a state monad that does error handling as well?

I need to write a state monad that can also support error handling. I was thinking of using the Either monad for this purpose because it can also provide details about what caused the error. I found a definition for a state monad using the Maybe monad however I am unable to modify it to use Either, instead of Maybe. Here's the code:
newtype StateMonad a = StateMonad (State -> Maybe (a, State))
instance Monad StateMonad where
(StateMonad p) >>= k = StateMonad (\s0 -> case p s0 of
Just (val, s1) -> let (StateMonad q) = k val in q s1
Nothing -> Nothing)
return a = StateMonad (\s -> Just (a,s))
data State = State
{ log :: String
, a :: Int}
Consider using ExceptT from Control.Monad.Trans.Except (instead of using Either).
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Identity
data MyState = S
type MyMonadT e m a = StateT MyState (ExceptT e m) a
runMyMonadT :: (Monad m) => MyMonadT e m a -> MyState -> m (Either e a)
runMyMonadT m = runExceptT . evalStateT m
type MyMonad e a = MyMonadT e Identity a
runMyMonad m = runIdentity . runMyMonadT m
If you aren't comfortable with Monads and Monad transformers then I'd do that first! They are a huge help and programmer productivity performance win.
There are two possible solutions. The one that is closest to the code you provided above is:
newtype StateMonad e a = StateMonad (State -> Either e (a, State))
instance Monad (StateMonad e) where
(StateMonad p) >>= k =
StateMonad $ \s0 ->
case p s0 of
Right (val, s1) ->
let (StateMonad q) = k val
in q s1
Left e -> Left e
return a = StateMonad $ \s -> Right (a, s)
data State = State
{ log :: String
, a :: Int
The other form moves the error handling within the state handling:
newtype StateMonad e a = StateMonad (State -> (Either e a, State))
instance Monad (StateMonad e) where
(StateMonad p) >>= k =
StateMonad $ \s0 ->
case p s0 of
(Right val, s1) ->
let (StateMonad q) = k val
in q s1
(Left e, s1) -> (Left e, s1)
return a = StateMonad $ \s -> (Right a, s)
data State = State
{ log :: String
, a :: Int
You need a monad transformer. Monad transformer libraries such as mtl allow you to compose different monads to make a new version. Using mtl, you could define
type StateMonad e a = StateT State (Either e) a
which will allow you to access both state and error handling within your StateMonad.
I didn't see anyone here mention the paper Monad Transformers Step by Step by Martin Grabmüller
I found it to be very helpful in learning about combining monads.
Just saw examples like
type StateMonad e a = StateT State (Either e) a
type MyMonadT e m a = StateT MyState (ExceptT e m) a
but as far as I understand, you will lose your state in case of error, because here you add state inside Either/Except, so state will be only accessible in Right.
If you need handle error and get state, which was computed up to moment where error occurred, you can use ExceptT e (State s) a stack:
type StateExcept e s a = ExceptT e (State s) a
test :: Int -> StateExcept String String ()
test limit = do
modify (succ . head >>= (:)) -- takes first char from state and adds next one in alphabet to state
s <- get
when (length s == limit) (throwError $ "State reached limit of " ++ show limit)
runTest :: ExceptT String (State String) () -> (Either String (), [Char])
runTest se = runState (runExceptT se) "a"
λ: runTest (forever $ test 4)
(Left "State reached limit of 4","dcba")
λ: runTest (replicateM_ 2 $ test 4)
(Right (),"cba")
You can always use a ErrorT monad transformer with a State monad inside (or vice versa).
Have a look at the transformers section of all about monads.
