How to use class SalesOrganizationLink - sap-cloud-sdk

I need to retrieve from S4HC the following information: which plants are assigned to a sales organization (in ECC table TVKWZ). Snooping around, I found out the class SalesOrganizationLink which I believe gives me such info. However, I could not instantiate it.
Usually, I get a service class that allows me to retrieve data (i.e., sales order service). I could not find the service class for this case.
Could someone give a hint on how to use this class?

The SalesOrganizationLink class is used by the VDM to represent navigational properties of a SalesOrganization. They hold no information on their own.
If what you are looking for is a navigational property on SalesOrganization you can use the DefaultSalesOrganizationService and expand the naivgational property:
But I see no property related to "plants" in the SalesOrganization. Please refer to the API Hub for what is available on the services.

I believe the class you're looking for is DefaultSalesOrganizationService.


Soot analysis for member fields access

i would like to know if soot is able to analysis member field access? For example, if A accessed member fields of B, is soot able to detect this? And determine the name of the class for those members which were accessed in B.
Sure, that's easy. Simple navigate through the JimpleBody and look for appropriate expressions, best using an ExprSwitch. And read the tutorials online!

xceed Propertygrid - how to use a property collection

I try to use the great propertygrid from exceed.wpftoolkit but I have to problems based on the application I have to create.
First I didn't know at compile time the number of properties the grid has to show. So I couldn't use a simple class with properties/attributes and annotations as datacontext or source for the grid, I need a list or dictionary in which I place a number of grid properties at runtime.
I google for several hours and try to find an example in the sample folders of the toolkit sources but nothing has help me.
Second problem or apply is to replace the usage of annotations in the property class. I need to create the properties at runtime and place the propertyeditor and annotation settings at runtime to the property.
Could anybody help me with some simple examples or good places to look for. I believe the propertygrid is very powerful and could do this.
You need to create a class that implements the ICustomTypeDescriptor interface to provide all the PropertyDescriptor instances that represent your dynamic properties.
After that you can set an instance of the class that implements the ICustomTypeDescriptor interfaces as SelectedObject to the PropertyGrid.
You can find an example here.

Can you explain Service-builder concept?

It's easier to generate tables and default classes with liferay's service builder.
But it is bit difficult for me to understand the hierarchy of classes generated by it.
Also the exact use of each class other than modifying LocalServiceImpl class as per our need by adding our own functionality.
I have gone through Service Builder doc. So I got some basic knowledge but would like to get more on this.
Even the link "Liferay Service Builder" was useful but outdated with current Liferay version. So Does anyone have update on above link or nice info explaining hierarchy with example/diagram?.
Any help is appreciated.
To implement the foreign key concept in liferay, you have to apply your own coding logic since the implementation of FK are not available in service builder. So I guess you need to put some code.
Read some forums related to service builder on liferay website. It will give you better exposure.
Read Liferay In Action. It is a good book
Here is What I obeserved In Liferay 6.1.
This has interfaces and classes related to (table entity related to) this portlet.
For example com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model will have
And In classes section, You will find wrapper classes and soap classes for each entity like:
Also for few Entity, you will find Classes for Constant entries like
AnnouncementsEntryConstants, AnnouncementsFlagConstants etc.
This has classes and interfaces related to (table entity related to) this portlet.
For example com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service will have
And In classes section you will have Util and Wrapper classes.
and so on.....
So In short following is the structure I observed in Liferay
[In Model, I:+Model,(ModelName), C:Soap, Wrapper and Constants]
[In Service, I:Service,LocalService ; C:ServiceUtil,ServiceWrapper,LocalServiceUtil and LocalServiceWrapper]
[In Persistence, I:Finder(BlogsEntryFinder),Persistence(BlogsEntryPersistence); C:Util(BlogsEntryUtil, BlogsEntryFinderUtil)]
I --> Interface
C --> Class

How does Microsoft implement automated properties without "set"? (c#)

As I understand, when using automated properties, one must write both set and get methods.
However, when I look at Microsoft's System.Exception, there are some properties that clearly does not follow this demand, for instance:
Can someone please explain me how can this be?
When using an automatic property, one never writes set and get methods. The compiler provides both for you.
If you see a property without a set, or without a get, it was defined the long way, and not an automatic property.
The fact that the backing property is a legal C# name, and not a compiler-reserved name, is another clue that you're looking at a manual property. So is the fact that this property has been around since long before automatic properties were implemented.
What about "no public set"?
Can be.... protected or private and thus be filtered in the documentation.

How to draw a relationship between a property and a class in ArgoUML?

In ArgoUML, I have the ability to put a class Type to any property of a class. For example, I can declare a customer property with a Customer type in the Order class.
I can also easily draw a relationship from class to class:
But I can't figure out how to "draw" the link from the customer property to the Customer class. The link is never really connected to the property, but rather to the entire Order class.
I can move the position of the link manually:
But it's never really "locked" to the customer property, and can be moved automatically by the software at any moment.
Is there a way to do this?
You can not have an association in UML which is not connecting the entire two classes. It is not possible to touch the property inside the class.
Workarounds are:
add a note linked to the property
add an icon to the property which would be designed like an association.
I don't know if this advanced icons customization is available in this free tool but it is in other tools.
I found a flash demo which shows the association attribute with an icon. Look at :
If you need to understand what mean an association in UML and code generation in Java then have a look at this demo:
Hope this help.
ArgoUML follows the UML specification. Associations are drawn from one class to another. Attributes are drawn inside the 2nd compartment of a class.
The association type closest in meaning to an attribute is composition, but they are not equivalent.
You should never portray something AND as an attribute of a class, AND as a separate class associated to it.
E.g. 1. an Order may have a Number, that may be used by the customer to identify his Order. The Number is best portrayed as an attribute (in the 2nd compartment of the class).
E.g. 2. an Order may be associated to the Customer who placed the order. The Customer is best portrayed as a separate class, since it has its own lifespan (behavior), associated with the Order. This allows to show multiplicities and roles at both ends of the association line.
