Pytorch - Porting # Operator - pytorch

I have the following line of code I want to port to Torch Matmul
rotMat = xmat # ymat # zmat
Can I know if this is the correct ordering:
rotMat = torch.matmul(xmat, torch.matmul(ymat, zmat))

According to the python docs on operator precedence the # operator has left-to-right associativity
Operators in the same box group left to right (except for exponentiation, which groups from right to left).
Therefore the equivalent operation is
rotMat = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(xmat, ymat), zmat)
Though keep in mind that matrix multiplication is associative (mathematically) so you shouldn't see much of a difference in the result if you do it the other way. Generally you want to associate in the way that results in the fewest computational steps. For example using the naive matrix multiplication algorithm, if X is 1x10, Y is 10x100 and Z is 100x1000 then the difference between
(X # Y) # Z
X # (Y # Z)
is about 1*10*100 + 1*100*1000 = 101,000 multiplication/addition operations for the first versus 10*100*1000 + 1*10*1000 = 1,001,000 operations for the second. Though these have the same result (ignoring rounding errors) the second version will be about 10 x slower!
As pointed out by #Szymon Maszke pytorch tensors also support the # operator so you can still use
xmat # ymat # zmat
in pytorch.


How to calculate Covariance and Correlation in Python without using cov and corr?

How can we calculate the correlation and covariance between two variables without using cov and corr in Python3?
At the end, I want to write a function that returns three values:
a boolean that is true if two variables are independent
covariance of two variables
correlation of two variables.
You can find the definition of correlation and covariance here:
I wrote this part for covariance:
mean_x , mean_y = x.mean() , y.mean()
n = len(x)
Cov = sum((x - mean_x) * (y - mean_y)) / n
sum_x = float(sum(x))
sum_y = float(sum(y))
sum_x_sq = sum(xi*xi for xi in x)
sum_y_sq = sum(yi*yi for yi in y)
psum = sum(xi*yi for xi, yi in zip(x, y))
num = psum - (sum_x * sum_y/n)
den = pow((sum_x_sq - pow(sum_x, 2) / n) * (sum_y_sq - pow(sum_y, 2) / n), 0.5)
if den == 0: return 0
return num / den
For the covariance, just subtract the respective means and multiply the vectors together (using the dot product). (Of course, make sure whether you're using the sample covariance or population covariance estimate -- if you have "enough" data the difference will be tiny, but you should still account for it if necessary.)
For the correlation, divide the covariance by the standard deviations of both.
As for whether or not two columns are independent, that's not quite as easy. For two random variables, we just have that $\mathbb{E}\left[(X - \mu_X)(Y - \mu_Y)\right] = 0$, where $\mu_X, \mu_Y$ are the means of the two variables. But, when you have a data set, you are not dealing with the actual probability distributions; you are dealing with a sample. That means that the correlation will very likely not be exactly $0$, but rather a value close to $0$. Whether or not this is "close enough" will depend on your sample size and what other assumptions you're willing to make.

matrix multiplication for complex numbers in PyTorch

I am trying to multiply two complex matrices in PyTorch and it seems the torch.matmul functions is not added yet to PyTorch library for complex numbers.
Do you have any recommendation or is there another method to multiply complex matrices in PyTorch?
Currently torch.matmul is not supported for complex tensors such as ComplexFloatTensor but you could do something as compact as the following code:
def matmul_complex(t1,t2):
return torch.view_as_complex(torch.stack((t1.real # t2.real - t1.imag # t2.imag, t1.real # t2.imag + t1.imag # t2.real),dim=2))
When possible avoid using for loops as these will result in much slower implementations.
Vectorization is achieved by using built-in methods as demonstrated in the code I have attached.
For example, your code takes roughly 6.1s on CPU while the vectorized version takes only 101ms (~60 times faster) for 2 random complex matrices with dimensions 1000 X 1000.
Since PyTorch 1.7.0 (as #EduardoReis mentioned) you can do matrix multiplication between complex matrices similarly to real-valued matrices as follows:
t1 # t2
(for t1, t2 complex matrices).
I implemented this function for pytorch.matmul for complex numbers using and it's working fine for time-being:
def matmul_complex(t1, t2):
m = list(t1.size())[0]
n = list(t2.size())[1]
t = torch.empty((1,n), dtype=torch.cfloat)
t_total = torch.empty((m,n), dtype=torch.cfloat)
for i in range(0,n):
if i == 0:
t_total =,t2[:,i])
t_total =,,t2[:,i])), 0)
t_final = torch.reshape(t_total, (m,n))
return t_final
I am new to PyTorch, so please correct me if I am wrong.

How to avoid recalculating a function when we need to backpropagate through it twice?

In PyTorch, I want to do the following calculation:
l1 = f(x.detach(), y)
l2 = -1*f(x, y.detach())
where f is some function, and x and y are tensors that require gradient. Notice that x and y may both be the results of previous calculations which utilize shared parameters (for example, maybe x=g(z) and y=g(w) where g is an nn.Module).
The issue is that l1 and l2 are both numerically identical, up to the minus sign, and it seems wasteful to repeat the calculation f(x,y) twice. It would be nicer to be able to calculate it once, and apply backward twice on the result. Is there any way of doing this?
One possibility is to manually call autograd.grad and update the w.grad field of each nn.Parameter w. But I'm wondering if there is a more direct and clean way to do this, using the backward function.
I took this answer from here.
We can calculate f(x,y) once, without detaching neither x or y, if we ensure that we we multiply by -1 the gradient flowing through x. This can be done using register_hook:
x.register_hook(lambda t: -t)
l = f(x,y)
Here is code demonstrating that this works:
import torch
lin = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1, bias=False)[:] = 1.0
a = torch.tensor([1.0])
b = torch.tensor([2.0])
loss_func = lambda x, y: (x - y).abs()
# option 1: this is the inefficient option, presented in the original question
x = lin(a)
y = lin(b)
loss1 = loss_func(x.detach(), y)
loss2 = -1 * loss_func(x, y.detach()) # second invocation of `loss_func` - not efficient!
# option 2: this is the efficient method, suggested in this answer.
x = lin(a)
y = lin(b)
x.register_hook(lambda t: -t)
loss = loss_func(x, y) # only one invocation of `loss_func` - more efficient!
print(lin.weight.grad) # the output of this is identical to the previous print, which confirms the method
# option 3 - this should not be equivalent to the previous options, used just for comparison
x = lin(a)
y = lin(b)
loss = loss_func(x, y)

Solving vector second order differential equation while indexing into an array

I'm attempting to solve the differential equation:
m(t) = M(x)x'' + C(x, x') + B x'
where x and x' are vectors with 2 entries representing the angles and angular velocity in a dynamical system. M(x) is a 2x2 matrix that is a function of the components of theta, C is a 2x1 vector that is a function of theta and theta' and B is a 2x2 matrix of constants. m(t) is a 2*1001 array containing the torques applied to each of the two joints at the 1001 time steps and I would like to calculate the evolution of the angles as a function of those 1001 time steps.
I've transformed it to standard form such that :
x'' = M(x)^-1 (m(t) - C(x, x') - B x')
Then substituting y_1 = x and y_2 = x' gives the first order linear system of equations:
y_2 = y_1'
y_2' = M(y_1)^-1 (m(t) - C(y_1, y_2) - B y_2)
(I've used theta and phi in my code for x and y)
def joint_angles(theta_array, t, torques, B):
phi_1 = np.array([theta_array[0], theta_array[1]])
phi_2 = np.array([theta_array[2], theta_array[3]])
def M_func(phi):
M = np.array([[a_1+2.*a_2*np.cos(phi[1]), a_3+a_2*np.cos(phi[1])],[a_3+a_2*np.cos(phi[1]), a_3]])
return np.linalg.inv(M)
def C_func(phi, phi_dot):
return a_2 * np.sin(phi[1]) * np.array([-phi_dot[1] * (2. * phi_dot[0] + phi_dot[1]), phi_dot[0]**2])
dphi_2dt = M_func(phi_1) # (torques[:, t] - C_func(phi_1, phi_2) - B # phi_2)
return dphi_2dt, phi_2
t = np.linspace(0,1,1001)
initial = theta_init[0], theta_init[1], dtheta_init[0], dtheta_init[1]
x = odeint(joint_angles, initial, t, args = (torque_array, B))
I get the error that I cannot index into torques using the t array, which makes perfect sense, however I am not sure how to have it use the current value of the torques at each time step.
I also tried putting odeint command in a for loop and only evaluating it at one time step at a time, using the solution of the function as the initial conditions for the next loop, however the function simply returned the initial conditions, meaning every loop was identical. This leads me to suspect I've made a mistake in my implementation of the standard form but I can't work out what it is. It would be preferable however to not have to call the odeint solver in a for loop every time, and rather do it all as one.
If helpful, my initial conditions and constant values are:
theta_init = np.array([10*np.pi/180, 143.54*np.pi/180])
dtheta_init = np.array([0, 0])
L_1 = 0.3
L_2 = 0.33
I_1 = 0.025
I_2 = 0.045
M_1 = 1.4
M_2 = 1.0
D_2 = 0.16
a_1 = I_1+I_2+M_2*(L_1**2)
a_2 = M_2*L_1*D_2
a_3 = I_2
Thanks for helping!
The solver uses an internal stepping that is problem adapted. The given time list is a list of points where the internal solution gets interpolated for output samples. The internal and external time lists are in no way related, the internal list only depends on the given tolerances.
There is no actual natural relation between array indices and sample times.
The translation of a given time into an index and construction of a sample value from the surrounding table entries is called interpolation (by a piecewise polynomial function).
Torque as a physical phenomenon is at least continuous, a piecewise linear interpolation is the easiest way to transform the given function value table into an actual continuous function. Of course one also needs the time array.
So use numpy.interp1d or the more advanced routines of scipy.interpolate to define the torque function that can be evaluated at arbitrary times as demanded by the solver and its integration method.

curve fitting with integer inputs Python 3.3

I am using scipy's curvefit module to fit a function and wanted to know if there is a way to tell it the the only possible entries are integers not real numbers? Any ideas as to another way of doing this?
In its general form, an integer programming problem is NP-hard ( see here ). There are some efficient heuristic or approximate algorithm to solve this problem, but none guarantee an exact optimal solution.
In scipy you may implement a grid search over the integer coefficients and use, say, curve_fit over the real parameters for the given integer coefficients. As for grid search. scipy has brute function.
For example if y = a * x + b * x^2 + some-noise where a has to be integer this may work:
Generate some test data with a = 5 and b = -1.5:
coef, n = [5, - 1.5], 50
xs = np.linspace(0, 10, n)[:,np.newaxis]
xs = np.hstack([xs, xs**2])
noise = 2 * np.random.randn(n)
ys =, coef) + noise
A function which given the integer coefficients fits the real coefficient using curve_fit method:
def optfloat(intcoef, xs, ys):
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def poly(xs, floatcoef):
return, [intcoef, floatcoef])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(poly, xs, ys)
errsqr = np.linalg.norm(poly(xs, popt) - ys)
return dict(errsqr=errsqr, floatcoef=popt)
A function which given the integer coefficients, uses the above function to optimize the float coefficient and returns the error:
def errfun(intcoef, *args):
xs, ys = args
return optfloat(intcoef, xs, ys)['errsqr']
Minimize errfun using scipy.optimize.brute to find optimal integer coefficient and call optfloat with the optimized integer coefficient to find the optimal real coefficient:
from scipy.optimize import brute
grid = [slice(1, 10, 1)] # grid search over 1, 2, ..., 9
# it is important to specify finish=None in below
intcoef = brute(errfun, grid, args=(xs, ys,), finish=None)
floatcoef = optfloat(intcoef, xs, ys)['floatcoef'][0]
Using this method I obtain [5.0, -1.50577] for the optimal coefficients, which is exact for the integer coefficient, and close enough for the real coefficient.
In general, the answer is No: scipy.optimize.curve_fit() and leastsq() that it is based on, and (AFAIK) all the other solvers in scipy.optimize work strictly on floating point numbers.
You could try increasing the value of epsfcn (which has a default value of numpy.finfo('double').eps ~ 2.e-16), which would be used as the initial step to all variables in the problem. The basic issue is that the fitting algorithm will adjust a floating point number, and if you do
int_var = int(float_var)
and the algorithm changes float_var from 1.0 to 1.00000001, it will see no difference in the result and decide that that value does not actually alter the fit metric.
Another approach would be to have a floating point parameter 'tmp_float_var' that is freely adjusted by the fitting algorithm but then in your objective function use
int_var = int(tmp_float_var / numpy.finfo('double').eps)
as the value for your integer variable. That might need a little tweaking, and might be a little unstable, but ought to work.
