Open shared drive document in Word from browser - browser

I have a share drive with lot of word documents, and i made a simple webpage which listing them. I want to open them with directly in Word. I found an URI scheme (ms-word:ofe|u|<document path>) but that not able to open from share drive, just from local drives.
I tried to use this ms-word:ofv|u|//<share drive>/test.docx but just open a blank Word. Without the double slash, word trying to open from the C drive.
Do you guys have any idea how can i solve this problem?

You are missing the http or https schema keyword. The final URI should be something like


How to open a file from an absolute path without having to save a copy

So we have our local website to navigate through our drive :
showcase of the website
Here, each button is a link to something on our drive
One of which is a link to a Excel file :
showcase of that specific link
Now, that Excel file contains relative links to PDFs : Relative links inside an Excel
If we click on that button linked to that Excel file from Edge (2nd screen), a prompt appears asking if we want to "Open" the file or "Save as", but the issue is... if we choose "Save as", obviously the links inside that Excel file wont work (unless we save it at the same location), so that's totally normal, the correct option would be to "Open" it.
The problem is that opening a file from Edge... actually doesn't open a file at all, it saves it locally under the AppData path of our machine and THEN opens it.
That means even in that case, the paths inside our Excel file wont work either because they are relative.
I know one solution would be to change all links to absolute links inside that Excel file, but that is a tedious work (because there are a LOT of links, we would have to create a script or something to do that).
So my question is, is there any way to directly open that Excel file from the path specified in the button's link, instead of saving it first locally under "C:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Temp\MicrosoftEdgeDownloads\f02875af-f436-47bb-b7e5-f3caa96df03f" ?
This is not an issue when using Internet Explorer.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Kind regards,
If you want to allow intranet zone file URL links from Microsoft Edge to open in Windows File Explorer, you can try this Edge policy: IntranetFileLinksEnabled.
Otherwise I don't recommend you to do this, based on the security issues already mentioned.

How can I get Adobe .pdx file to work online?

Have thoroughly googled this topic without any luck finding a workable solution. On my laptop I created a folder containing a collection of 280 PDF documents. Within that folder are two additional files created when I ran a "Full Text Index With Catalog" using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro: .LOG and .PDX files. Also within the folder is a sub-folder containing index.idx and index1.idx. The index1.idx contains all the results of the search index. The index works great when operating locally on my laptop.
My aim is to make this PDF collection available to the public. I uploaded the entire folder to my website and created a webpage with a link to the .PDX file expecting the search index to work on the website the way it works on my laptop. No such luck! Using both Firefox and Chrome yields pretty much the same results: the PDX file tries to open files on my computer rather than the set of files stored on the website. Here's what happens depending on whether the PDX is opened with Acrobat or Reader:
"You have chosen to open this PDX file. Open with ..." I selected Adobe Acrobat. This results in an error message:
"Search could not load the index
You may need to rebuild this index."
If I try to open the .PDX by navigating to the Adobe Reader software on my computer (AcrRd32.exe), I get the following:
"The operation you are trying to perform potentially requires read
access to your drives. Do you want to allow this operation?
How can I get this to work from the website? Alternatively, are there other options out there to achieve the same result?
How can I get this to work from the website?
You can't.
The index created by Acrobat is designed to work with the desktop versions of Acrobat and Reader. However, there are a number of search engines that index PDF files including Google but none of them will open and highlight the search terms like you see in Acrobat/Reader.

Linux directory folder that begins with a symbols

I am working on a website and noticed that as I was making up folder names that any folder name that begins with a # is not recognized from the web browser. For example: will not work. Whereas works. In the same example using !#$%*& will work file without encoding. Curious why and how to make it work if I wanted it to. I read this article: Which characters make a URL invalid?. Thanks
Invalid characters might have a special meaning for the browser. For example # is used to create links on the same page. Take a look here.

How to download file that has space in its name?

In my virtual directory, I have many mp3 files, there are space or Chinese characters. How do I allow visitors to download them?
For example:
There's no problem when downloading
But if the song name has space in it, it's replaced by %20, thus return 404 error.
I'm curious about solution in both iis and lamp, although maybe the solution is the same.
The server is handling this automatically, it was working for me at the beginning due to something else.

Zip file with .csv extention lost somewhere in filesystem

The file is also locked with winzip and I cant remember the name or directory, I hid it in a very obscure directory. Could be in the windows system files could be in a program directory file. I did a search for all .CSV files I have 4-5K to go through. Any suggestions on how this could be done?
I was opening up files in batches by highlighting a bunch that pressing edit with notepad plus plus. Than going through each one. I know once the file is opened in notepad plus it will not show any words. It is pictures. I own an eCommerce site and I have my master copies that I bought $X,XXX and did not want to take any chances in them be found and resold by other people on my network. Any suggestions?
Opening any zip file in a hex editor suggests that every zip file starts with a data of PK. We can use it in our favour. :)
Download this software: EditPad Pro
What this software does is, it recurses through the whole filesystem starting from a specified base folder to search for any string residing in any of the child files, they maybe Text or Binary, it treats them the same, thus giving accurate results.
In our case, it's a regex: ^PK
When you'll execute this search, the software will return all the files that start with data PK, make sure you do a casesensitive search.
