create folder in remote server using bitbucket branch name via pipeline - linux

I am developing a Laravel project and I want to have CI with it. I am using bitbucket pipelines to do this. and I am using a ubuntu VPS.I would like to have separate folders for release-branchname.
for example, if I create a branch release-1.0.0 in bitbucket, and when i am trying to deploy it should create a folder in my remote server projectname/releases/release-1.0.0. I tried many ways but I was not successful.
here is my pipeline script
- step:
name: Preparing pipeline for release
- echo 'Preparing pipeline for releases'
- step:
name: Deploing release branches
trigger: manual
deployment: test
- cat ./ | ssh root#X.X.X.X
and here is my
echo 'Deployment started'
cd /home/core-cms/project-root
mkdir /home/core-cms/$BITBUCKET_BRANCH
git stash
git pull origin master
composer install
echo 'Deploy finished'
if I could pass $BITBUCKET_BRANCH variable into this, it would work perfectly I guess.
maybe I am totally wrong and there is another way to accomplish this. if so can anyone guide me, please? Thank you.

There are two different things that you are attempting to do:
Get name of the branch from the commit and pass it to the next step
- step:
deployment: test
- ssh user#host "bash -s" -- < ./ $BITBUCKET_BRANCH
Get the branch name in your scrip and do the rest
echo 'Deployment started'
cd /home/core-cms/
git clone -b $BITBUCKET_BRANCH
composer install
echo 'Deploy finished'
Here is what I have done in the code in steps:
The $BITBUCKET_BRANCH is an standard Bitbucket variable. Be aware that this var is not available using custom or tag trigers.
In the pipeline code call the script on local machine pass the branch name to it and execute it on ssh server. The code ssh user#host "bash -s" -- < will run the rest of the code as if it is running it as a local code. Adding -- will stop the remote bash to take rest of the arguments for itself.
By adding the $BITBUCKET_BRANCH after the script file name, we pass it to the script.
In the script we get the input argument using $1 and assign it to $BITBUCKET_BRANCH variable.
The code will clone the code in the sub-directory. Here you might
need some changes to avoid git conflicts.
P.S. Just to mention, I haven't test the code. It might have some misspellings. However, the solution is there. You might be able to alter it to what you'd like to do.


Gitlab: Make the CI/CD failed when git pull failed in a bash script on server

My deploy script is an extremely simple Git pull. I have a bash script that does git pull that’s part of my source code. The issue is that if the git pull fails for any reason, it’s still showing a successful deployment.
The .gitlab-ci.yml:
- 'deploy'
deploy to staging:
stage: 'deploy'
script: '/home/myuser/scripts/deployment/'
- staging
- staging
script=$(basename $0)
logger "$script: script executed"
cd $HOME/mydirectory
git fetch
git pull
composer update
This issue lies in the fact that in order for a job to fail it checks the exit code of the command executed in your case
script: '/home/myuser/scripts/deployment/'
The exit code of this command will be the result of 'composer update'
Since the exit code for a script is the exit code of the latest executed command, in your case
'composer update'
Meaning, this job will fail only if the command 'composer update' fails, disregarding the exit codes of the previous commands in your case 'git pull'
To fix this add "set -e" in the beginnig of your script. This will force the script to adapt a proper exit code by exiting the script when a command in the script fails

Problems with Gitlab CI/CD on local machine

I'm using gitlab-runner to run CI/CD locally.
It works properly when I specify all jobs in .gitlab-ci.yml like
- test
stage: test
- echo "ok"
and run gitlab-runner exec shell test1
In general, I'd like to store different jobs in different files. For example, I make test-pipeline.yml with jobs that relates to the test stage in the folder named .gitlab.
The .gitlab-ci.yml contains only to rows
local: .gitlab/test-pipeline.yml
I commit and push changes to the remote repo and it works there but the command gitlab-runner exec shell job_name fails because it can't find such job.
Perhaps, I have to edit some of gitlab-runner's config but it's not obviously.
Has anybody faced with the same problem?
Thanks in advance!
gitlab-runner exec has many limitations. It does not have all the same features of the regular gitlab-runner. One such limitation is that it does not support the include: statement.
So, you won't be able to use gitlab-runner exec against this kind of config file that uses include:.

How to run a script from repo A to the pipeline B in Gitlab

I have two repositories in GitLab, repositories A and B let's say.
Repo A contains:
read_ci.yml contains:
- initialise
create checksum from pipeline:
stage: initialise
- chmod +x
- source ./
Repo B contains:
gitlab-ci.yml contains:
project: 'Project/project_name'
- '.gitlab-ci.yml'
ref: main
Obviously, this doesn't do what my intention is.
What I want to achieve is in the project B pipeline to run the project A script.
The reason is that I want project A to be called from multiple different pipelines and run there.
an alternative to this for GitLab: Azure Pipelines. Run script from resource repo
Submodules would absolutely work as Davide mentions, though it's kinda like using a sledgehammer to hang a picture. If all you want is a single script from the repository, just download it into your container. Use the v4 API with your CI_JOB_TOKEN to download the file, then simply run it using sh. If you have many files in your secondary repository and want access to them all, then use Submodules as Davide mentiones, and make sure your CI job retrieves them by setting the submodule strategy like this:
If you want to run the project A script in the project B pipeline, you can add the repository B as a git submodule in A
git submodule add -b <branch-B> <git-repository-B> <target-dir>
You need also to add in the CI job, the variable GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive.

How to define the environment variable in environments url [Gitlab CI]

Help, please. I have problems when using the CI tool.
Here's my .gitlab-ci.yaml
- test
stage: test
name: test
script: echo "Running tests TEST=$TEST"
And I've define the test environment in EnvDocker > Pipelines > Environments
But it didn't export the environment from in the CI job.
Running with gitlab-runner 11.4.2 (cf91d5e1)
on gitlab-ci runner a0e18516
Using Docker executor with image ubuntu:16.04 ...
Pulling docker image ubuntu:16.04 ...
Using docker image sha256:2a697363a8709093834e852b26bedb1d85b316c613120720fea9524f0e98e4a2 for ubuntu:16.04 ...
Running on runner-a0e18516-project-123-concurrent-0 via gitlab...
Fetching changes...
HEAD is now at d12c05b Update .gitlab-ci.yml
d12c05b..1a3954f master -> origin/master
Checking out 1a3954f8 as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ echo "Running tests TEST=$TEST"
Running tests TEST=
Job succeeded
I define export TEST="test" in, but it seems not working.
What should I do... Orz
Gitlab version: 11.4.0-ee
You want to run commands that are inside the text file that is accessible via http protocol.
With curl you can download the file and print it on curl's standard output. With command substitution $() you can grab the standard output. Then you can execute the commands itself (very unsafe, there might be multiple escaping issues).
- $(curl "$url")
- echo "Running tests TEST=$TEST"
A safer alternative would be to just download the file and execute/source it.
- curl "$url" > ./
# don't forget to add executable right to the file ;)
- chmod +x ./
- source ./
# pick out the trash
- rm ./
# rest of your script.
- echo "Running tests TEST=$TEST"
Downloading a shell script and executing it is a popular way of automating tasks, usually with curl url | bash. It is not supported "natively" by gitlab and I don't think it should be.

Execute a script before the branch is deleted in GitLab-CI

GitLab-CI executes the stop-environment script in dynamic environments after the branch has been deleted. This effectively forces you to put all the teardown logic into the .gitlab-ci.yml instead of a script that .gitlab-ci.yml just calls.
Does anyone know a workaround for this? I have a shell script that removes the deployment. This script is part of the repository and can also be called locally (i.e. not onli in an CI environment). I want GitLab-CI to call this script when removing a dynamic environment but it's obviously not there anymore when the branch has been deleted. I also cannot put this script to the artifacts as it is generated before the build by a configure script and contains secrets. It would be great if one could execute the teardown script before the branch is deleted.
Here's a relevant excerpt from the .gitlab-ci.yml
stage: deploy
- ./configure
- make deploy.staging
name: staging/$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG
on_stop: stop_dynamic_staging
- master
stage: deploy
- make teardown # <- this fails
when: manual
name: staging/$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG
action: stop
Probably not ideal, but you can curl the script using the gitlab API before running it:
curl \
-X GET https://gitlab.example. com/raw/master/\
GitLab-CI executes the stop-environment script in dynamic environments after the branch has been deleted.
That includes:
An on_stop action, if defined, is executed.
With GitLab 15.1 (June 2022), you can skip that on_top action:
Force stop an environment
In 15.1, we added a force option to the stop environment API call.
This allows you to delete an active environment without running the specified on_stop jobs in cases where running these defined actions is not desired.
See Documentation and Issue.
