Can I use default workflows for this? - sharepoint-online

I have to create a workflow in Sharepoint online shown in the image. Below is the explanation of the workflow
A Sharepoint list form will be defined with required fields.
Step 1:
Whenever a new project requestor wants to request for resources, they use the link to create a new line item and submit
Step 2:
This item should be assigned to Manager. He will verify the details and assign it to some Lead.
Step 3 :
Lead will work with the requestor offline to gather details about the request and comes up with level of efforts, no. of resources required, etc. and creates a form(some excel template). This form needs to be uploaded to this request and on submit,
Step 4:
Now this item should go back to the manager. Manager will finally review the form created by the lead (and allocate resources - not part of this workflow) and closes the request, and the requests lifecycle is ended.
Is there a way I can achieve this using the inbuild workflow types given in SP online, or Should I create the workflow from scratch - I'm very new to SP, so sorry for the basic question

I don't think the default workflow would meet your requirements. Here are two options for you:
Use microsoft flow to build your workflow.
If you do not have flow license, I would suggest you use SharePoint Designer to build your wokflow.
If you have questions to build your workflow, feel free to ask.


Automating Approval Processes in Dynamics CRM

A bit of background before I begin.
I am working on migrating an existing .NET based system to Dynamics CRM and one of its key feature is its 'Request Approval Process'. I have implemented some simpler versions of such approval processes in past but this one is a bit complex since it involves multi-level approvals, multiple approvers at one level, amendment logic, delegation functionality, etc.
Analysis Till Now:
Before pushing this question at SO, I did a fair analysis of the requirements from my end and have come up with few possible approaches:
Workflow based approach (something on lines of this)
Complete custom logic using Plugins/Web Resources (something on lines of this)
I am not explaining the details of these approaches as of now but the core issue is that none of these two approaches are fitting correctly to my requirements.
While analyzing these approaches I came across some newer functionalities added to CRM (listed below) but did not get any additional resources to explore them further. I just want to confirm that I am not trying to achieve something which is already present out-of-the-box or going in the incorrect direction.
1. Internal Process Automation:
Reference: Here
Any leads/thoughts on this approach? I am not able to find any good documentation/articles around this.
2. Graphical Approval Workflow:
Reference: Here
This feature seems to be useful but it is mentioned to be a part of Dynamics Marketing. With the new structuring of Dynamics 365, will this feature be a part of Dynamics CRM by default?
Also, the Prerequisites section of this link mentions certain Item Types for which you can configure this functionality. So can't we use this functionality for any entity records?
Any kind of help/inputs would be appreciated.
I'd suggest the best of both worlds: using out-of-box Workflows along with custom Workflow activities that you can write with C#. Use as much out-of-box functionality as you can, but when you need to query records or run custom logic, create a custom workflow activity that can be used in your out-of-box Workflow. Custom workflow activities are similar to plugins in that they are written using C#. You can have custom inputs and custom outputs for your activity.
For example, maybe your approval process needs to look up the appropriate approving user for this record. You could write a custom workflow activity that takes an input (the record being approved) and an output (the user that has the ability to approve). Then in your Workflow, you'd add your custom activity as a step. After that step, you could send an email to the approver by using the output of that custom step.
More information about custom workflow activities:

Using Sharepoint in a Corporate environment - Archiving and Workflows

I was recently put in charge of being "SharePoint Administrator" for my department. I am being tasked with the following:
Create a user friendly interface for end users (Done)
Create an auto-archive process for aged documents. (ISSUE)
Create an interactive workflow for certain reports requiring feedback from end user. (ISSUE)
SO - I am not new to SharePoint, but definitely new to the coding and back end admin component. I have searched to the ends of the internet but cannot find a step - by - step that doesn't require central admin access (I don't have it, and don't know how to obtain it).
My questions are:
Is there a way to set up auto-archive on SharePoint to archive to an external database such as LiveLink without having Central Admin Access? If so - please advise on steps to do so.
If NOT - Is there an alternative and can I set up auto archive to another list within the main SharePoint (I have found tutorials for this but can't seem to find any with step by step instructions so someone without advanced knowledge could go through the process).
Workflows - Am I able to upload data to the sharepoint and have a workflow that would send a notification externally (via outlook) to an enduser indicating action required on the data? The end user would then have to log in to the SharePoint, review the data and take whatever action is required (let's use checking a checkbox as an example of action required). From there - a notification would go to - say - a senior manager to then go in and access the data and check another box for their approval. From that point an email notification would go out that the workflow and item is completed and no further action is required.
I apologize for such a long set of questions, I just really want to understand this and feel like I am so close but just need a little more insight. If you can only answer part of this that's fine too!
Thanks so much to everyone!

Link to start my workflow doesn't appear on my list

I have already create my workflow on SharePoint designer and publish it to my SharePoint library so the Column which has the workflow name was added but the link to start my workflow(has the name of my first step) doesn't appear.
You question is a bit vague but the column in the list simply shows the status of the workflow. To kick off the workflow manually, you need to go to the library and select the item you want to kick the workflow off for. In the ribbon, there is an option to go to workflow settings and in that page you will have the option to start the workflow. If you have correctly built the workflow this should run it. You left important information out of your request such as what version of SharePoint, what triggers your workflow, etc.. so this is the best I can do with that. If that does not solve the issue, I would suggest providing more information. Not many people will take any time to do guess work.

Workflow on "Activity"?

I'm trying to have CRM 2011 share activities to a Team if the user that created the record is part of another team.
Firstly, is it possible to create either a custom or basic workflow on "Activities" instead of having to create a workflow on each type of activity (Appointement, Phone Call, E-mail, etc.) that does the same thing on each of them ?
Secondly, I see the basic workflows wizard allows you to Assign activities to another team, but I don't see the Share action anywhere. Is this a job for a custom, .NET assembly, workflow ?
Thank you!
You need to select the exact entity when you create a workflow, this means you need to create a worklow for each activity entity-type (1 for Appointment, 1 for Phone Call, ...)
There isn't a built-in share functionality inside the standard Workflow designer, you need to use a custom activity (create one using .NET or install one already compiled)
Check these two:

sharepoint workflow

I am new this sharepoint development and i have task in hand to do the following.
1.When a new document added to the library, the system will prompt for approvers & audience from a database table. this will be stored for future revisions for the document.
2. Upon successful completion of assigning approvers, audience the system will initiate the workflow to complete the approval process.
It would be great if anyone can point the direction to do the following: it possible to call a aspx page/form from document library insert/update event?
2.How to assign approvers to a workflow programmatically?
Thanks in Advance!
I'm not sure it is possible to explicitly call another page but you can use the "Source" url parameter to specify the page they are directed to after they press OK. Obviously, you will have to change "" to be your new URL.
You can probably do all of this using custom workflow. With custom workflow you have two options: creating the entire workflow in visual studio or create custom workflow actions and using SharePoint Designer to build the workflow.
Building custom Workflow Actions.
