Azure - Allow access to a website deployed on Azure App Service only for a single country - azure

I have website deployed on Azure App Service and I want to restrict access to my website from any other country accessing it but only a specific country can access that website.
Is there any way where I can restrict/allow at the infrastructure level inside Azure?

Even though AppService does not provide, Yes this can be done with Azure CDN provider does via the Geo Level Filtering. More details can be found here.

Is there any way where I can restrict/allow at the infrastructure level inside Azure?
Agree with Sajeetharan. It seems Azure Web App could not restrict the access just by country directly. You can have a try with Azure CDN, it can restrict the access by country.
But, as the comment you said, you do not have to restrict CDN, in this case, you can consider to restrict IP addressees in Azure. You can also use IP Restrictions menu in Azure app services to add restrictions:
You can check the document Azure App Service Access Restrictions for some more details.
Besides, you can try to use web.config or use IP restrictions feature of the webapp:
Check this thread for some more info.
Hope this helps.

Answer is: Azure Front Door with Front Door WAF policy
After going through with different Microsoft documentation I finally implemented the solution with Azure Front Door where you can set Frontend hosts and Backend pools with forwarding/redirecting. And in Frontend hosts, you can select WAF policy.
In the backend pool, you can select any application e.g. App Service or any IP where your app is deployed.
In WAF policy there are multiple options to restrict your traffic and one of them is geolocation restriction.
Just apply geolocation restriction according to your desired country and it will work like a charm.


Restrict Frontdoor url only for office network or setup basic auth on storage blob service

This is our setup so far.
1)On production, we are hosting static web pages through Azure storage account, we have configured it on Frontdoor with a custom DNS.
We have a requirement such that few of the static web page urls should ask for basic authentication on the browser.
We have configured this on Frontdoor rulesetup based on url pattern.
So far, this works fine.
2)Now, the main issue is with replicating the same setup for UAT purpose. Since its UAT, we cannot expose it globally. It should be accessible to only the people connected to office network, either directly or through vpn.
If we configure it in Frontdoor, we have the risk of exposure.
If we do not configure it in Frontdoor, we can't have basic auth setup feature which we setup through Frontdoor Ruleset.
We have explored WAF(security) policy on Frontdoor, but we do not have a specific range of IP addresses that can be configured in WAF custom ruleset.
• To block the frontdoor URL for office network without blocking the basic authentication setup feature for a few web pages on the static website URL, you should configure the conditional access policy for this purpose.
To configure the conditional access policy for all the Azure AD users connecting in your office network, you will have to ensure that you have Azure AD Premium P2 licenses available and the devices through which users are connecting to the office network are joined/registered with Azure AD.
Please refer to the below snapshots explaining the configuration of Azure AD conditional access policy for this purpose: -
Thus, in the above way, you can block the front door URL from being accessed by people in the office network. You can configure the named locations also in this policy accordingly to block the access from these locations based on trusted IP ranges, added layer of authentication and country based locations too as shown above.
For more information, kindly refer to the below link: -

Restrict Azure App Service to a whitelist of IPs without returning 403

I have an Azure App Service where the customer is using an Akamai WAF in front of it to connect to it. Now I have the requirement that the App Service should not be reachable other then through that WAF. I got a list of IPs I have entered in the App Service Networking in the Access Restrictions list (App Service -> Networking -> Access restrictions).
This works pretty well in principle, but if I now try to access the service directly (so by using, not through the WAF, it will return a 403 error response. But the requirement is that the service should not answer, at all.
Is there a way to achieve that in Azure? What would be the best way to do this?
By default, when you configure ip restrinctions on App Services, the App Service will return the 403 forbidden page from Azure.
So, if you want to Avoid default 403 when IP Restrinctions are configured on App Services, you could vote up this feedback to promote this to be achieved.
There is a way to achieve this behaviour right now in an app service:
What you need to do is use an app service plan on the Isolation tier, create a v-net and add a network security group to it where you can restrict inbound ips.
This is pretty expensive, but currently the only way.
What I ended up with is to use a VM with a v-net, as this is much cheaper. An App service on the isolation tier unfortunatly would have destroyed the budget.

Restrict Azure web app access to Security Group/Distribution group

I have a web app that I am hosting on Azure and would like to know how I can make that site accessable by only a security group/distribution list within Azure.
Now, the url is accessable by anyone even outside of my tenant which I am trying to avoid - What route would I go down to restrict it down to groups? I can't do it by users because there are 1,000+ users.
It appears like you can only restrict an Azure Web App access via IP addresses or virtual networks. Below is a quick summary. However, I have attached a link to the MS Docs that explains in more detail how to implement adding these restrictions.
Go to your service in the Azure Portal > Networking > IP Restrictions
Add Rule
Input IP/subnet mask
Note: After you add a rule, it will create an implicit deny by default for anything requests not matching the rules.
This link also may be helpful if you want to edit the web.config instead of using the Azure Portal.

Azure SubDomain Link to Appservice

I have domain I bought in azure.And I have two appservices app1 and app2.
I can link to app1
But I want to link to app1(appservices)
and to app2(appservices).
Can anyone plz suugest me how to do this in Microsoft Azure
Using Azure Application Gateway and creating the relevant routing rules would be a good way to do this.
Here's a quick screenshot from Microsoft Docs which talks about a similar scenario..
Do know that there is price associated with it (and a lot of other features). So you may need to evaluate a bit.
Application Gateway Pricing
You will need to assign the custom domain to a load balancer. Azure App Gateway supports URL based routing. Since Azure App Services are multi-tenant you will need to follow these docs to configure App Gateway with an App Server. This is a great solution for single region applications.
If you need mutli-region support, check out our new Azure Front Door Service. Azure Front Door Service enables you to define, manage, and monitor the global routing for your web traffic by optimizing for best performance and instant global failover for high availability. With Front Door, you can transform your global (multi-region) consumer and enterprise applications into robust, high-performance personalized modern applications, APIs, and content that reach a global audience with Azure.

ACL rule for website access

Good evening,
I currently have deployed a VPN in azure, in this network I have added a cloud service and have also granted access to an azure website, so far so good.
Now I want the cloud service to be available only to the nodes of my VPN, especially the azure website. In order to achieve this I have created some ACLs which grant access to every node of my subnet i.e,
<Rule action="permit" description="test2" order="200" remoteSubnet="" />
However, once the ACL Rule is enforced, the website has no access to the cloud service and therefor a timeout exception is thrown. Am I doing something wrong or the only way to achieve this is to deploy both of my projects on cloud services instead of a website and a cloud service? It is vital for this project that the cloud service is only available locally.
Thanks in advance
You can't currently restrict Azure Websites to only be accessible via a private VNet and as you suggested you will need to use either Web Role (Cloud Service) or a VM.
