What options make MathJax accessible by blind and visually impaired people? - mathjax

Is there any support to read MathJax using screen readers?
If yes, how do I enable it? What options should I use?
Some example would be great, because I read about accessibility options, but had no access in applying them.


Prevent from screen recording

I am working on an educational e-commercial website .. In which the user need to authenticate and then the videos on particular topics will be available.. so how can I prevent my video to be screen-recorded...
Different OS's and applications support different mechanisms to try to tackle this - for example:
Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 uses integrated 'Protected Media Path' for encrypted content which will stop simple screenshots working
Website and web app developers may use a number of CCS 'tricks' to achieve a similar affect, although these can usually be workaround with standard web developer and debug tools.
Mobile video typically uses protected memory for encrypted content which will usually give a black screen on capture.
As mentioned in comments and other answers these are all 'barriers' but they don't make it impossible to copy the content - the best example being pointing a camera at the screen a copying that way.
The idea is generally to make it hard enough compared to the value of the content so that people are not prepared to invest the time to work around your barriers.
It is not possible, for a variety of reasons:
There is no Web API for that.
Even if there was, it would be possible to reverse engineer the browser/OS to allow for screen recording.
Even if, for some reason, you couldn't access and modify the software running on the computer, you could connect the computer to a capture card instead of your monitor.
And if you also couldn't do that, you could just point a camera at the screen and start recording.

How can I increase Google Earth plug-in cache for loading overlays?

I have a lot of hi-res ground overlays on the plug-in version of GE.
Is there any way I increase the amount of memory Google Earth plug-in uses for cache for loading these image overlays?
Increasing the memory to the plugin is not the correct way to go about this. The thing is (ultimately) running in a web browser. If the KML data is not stored locally, then the user has to download your entire overlay all at once, which could take a while.
The correct approach is to break your large ground overlay into several small tiles that can be loaded individually when needed. E.g., If your overlay covers an entire state, don't load the tiles that are out of the user's view. Google calls overlays that follow this paradigm "Super Overlays"
More information on Super Overlays and how to use them with Google Earth is available here.
AFAIK there is no way within the API itself to increase the cache size available to the plugin. Indeed I don't think the plugin has any documented configurable system settings at all.
The only possible exception I have come across are various undocumented registry settings in various Windows OSs that allow some things to be configured (such as forcing OpenGL or DirectX rendering) but other than that I don't think there is any way to do this, sorry.

png-24 and Browser Support

Should I use png-8 or png-24 in my website? Do most websites still use png-8 or is browser support good enough that I can safely use png-24? I have some jquery sliders, I don't know if that makes any difference or not.
Browser support is good enough that you can use PNG-24. IE6 even supports PNG-24.
If you're using the images for sliders, though, you'll probably want transparency and PNG-32 is supported by every modern browser as well. IE6 can display them, albeit without the proper transparency (unless you use hacks.)

Programmatic Website Screen Shots

I'm checking into the available methods for programmatically taking screenshots of an arbitrary website. For example,
On that page you'll see they have a screenshot of the referenced site.
What are my options for getting these kinds of screenshots in an automated fashion?
I'm primarily working with PHP, but am open to all suggestions.
Truth of the matter is, the actual process is extremely non-trivial. You can of course manage it but it is a very difficult matter.
That said, there are a ton of webservices that you can use that do exactly this. One such example is http://www.thumbalizr.com/ although they are by no means alone in this.

Securing Office web content from redistribution without RMS

I’m looking for a mechanism that can be used to distribute Microsoft Office content over the web without using Rights Managements Services whilst minimising the ability for it to be printed or redistributed. I know any solution is always going to be a compromise and never entirely secure but I’d be interested in any mechanisms which increase the degree of difficulty to redistribute. The frontrunner at the moment is to use Flashpaper with the print and selection tools disabled and convert the documents to this format as required.
The business need to provide sales reps with material about products which can not easily be redistributed externally in electronic format.
Has anyone come up with something more elegant? Any other thoughts about limiting the ability to redistribute without investing in other DRM technologies?
Question - are there any Open Source tools that read Flashpaper? Bear in mind that any restrictions that exist in the tool to read the document are only useful when there is no more permissive tool handy. If any tool becomes popular for limiting document use like that, there will be tools to grab the content. They may be illegal under the DMCA, but they will exist.
Unless all you want to do is discourage those who are not tech-savvy, you're going to have to go for DRM.
BTW, what is the intended use for this?
