We'd like to use the Logic App UI/engine in the Azure Portal and give it to customers who have some development experience, so they are able to hook into our application to customise some calculations.
Is it possible to
a) Brand Azure Logic App/Portal resources with a company label etc or
b) Provide some other mechanism of creating Logic Apps (desktop, web UI) that uses Azure Logic Apps underneath
I think the idea is that you set up some custom connectors into your application so that your customers can set up their own logic apps in their own subscriptions.
Here's some docs
If you had your customers using your logic apps, rebranded in some way, they would have access to each others cached credentials through saved connections which would be undesirable in many cases.
I would like to understand if I can use Azure AD authentication for our enterprise application. Basically we have a service that manages component data for several thousand product teams in my company. The requirement is team A can only view their data. According to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59YwW8FrLm8, we can create custom roles in an Azure app and assign them to different client apps. My concern is that is there a limit on how many roles we can create in the app? We have several thousand product teams to support. Also, is there any performance impact on large number of custom roles in an app?
The bigger question is if we should utilize Azure OIDC to do this authorization. Is this something that we are better off writing our own authorization logic?
Confirmed that by default, it is 5000.
I have four Azure AppServices which are complete independent applications. I want to provide a kind of a portal that aggregates those four. When a user logs in he sees all applications he has access to depending on his scope. From the portal he can navigate to the other applications and do the user management stuff like adding new users and grant access to a specific application.
Is the picture above a good pattern to do it?
If I would start from scratch, what would be a better idea?
App services don't have access to different app's directories, so I do not think this is possible.
Your best bet might be to make a feature request to the product team on User Voice. https://feedback.azure.com/forums/169401-azure-active-directory
We are doing implementation of Logic App in our application. We have tried out the logic apps from azure portal and it is working alright. Due to business requirement we need to have capability to logic app using API. After much search in documentation I was not able to find on how to create logic apps using API. How can I do it?
Depends on what your needs are for an API. From a basic standpoint Logic Apps can be created as part of the Azure Resource Management APIs which is used to script or create any Azure resource from an API call.
There is also the Logic Apps SDK which is an extension of the resource management and gives you access to things like "create new", "disable", "enable", etc. Similar story with PowerShell.
Do any of these work for your business requirements?
To several developers on my team, they describe Azure Logic Apps as an evolution of Workflow Foundation.
In addition, WCF services hosted in IIS are more evolved on Service Fabric.
Are these analogies correct? Are better ones available?
Azure Logic Apps is a Platform as a Service offering to give you simple integration with a number of connectors (from SaaS to on-premises databases like DB2) out of the box. Optimized for cloud scale, simple deployments, and platform capabilities like retry policies and alerting.
It's a little challenging when drawing the comparison between Workflow Foundation and Azure Logic Apps. From a basic workflow perspective they both have similar capabilities that have control flow, scopes and call outs to actions/activities. WF is a framework so it gives you certain control over the host and storage configuration for persistence, and allows for interacting with MSDTC for local ACID transactional resources and closely coupled to WCF -- where Logic Apps is cloud hosted so you don’t need to be concerned with how to host or scale the Logic App.
Also it’s a cloud based service which relies on communication via REST for describing APIs and, as a cloud based service, relies on eventual consistency and idempotent calls instead of distributed transactions.
I guess in short I'd summarize in that yes, many scenarios that people would have historically used workflow foundation for could now use Logic Apps (and those scenarios get many advantages from the platform), but it's a different level of control and approach -- similar almost to an Azure Web Site vs. VM with IIS.
We plan to use Windows Azure Mobile Services for several of our commercial apps and would like to create a single data store for users instead of creating it for every mobile service. We don't want to use Microsoft or Facebook... providers due to this issue Multiple apps using a single Azure Mobile Service for Live Authentication?
This way, the user data for all our apps is stored in single separate Custom_Auth database and the users won't need to Register again for our other apps. Should we create a separate mobile service that basically enables custom authentication and acts as a provider for other apps?
Do you see any pitfalls with this approach and what steps would I need to take for creating this custom provider as a separate mobile service?
Basically, we want to create our own provider so that user of one our apps can login to the other apps using the same credentials.
I have read through the following links. Posting them here as they may be useful for others starting out with Authentication and Azure Mobile Services.
Thanks in advance
Hope this helps you
Someone created a custom authentication API using AZURE
with Parse.com, you are limited to their backend and unfortunately it doesn't have all the nice features as Azure
MS really messed us around with this