Pygsheets and AWS Lambda - python-3.x

I am sure the suggestions here will be to use an S3 bucket and I am aware of this. My question is a bit more difficult, from what I am gathering, in that I want to use Pygsheets, a python library, to write to a Google Sheet. However, after getting through all the deployment and layer steps... what is stopping me is a pesky .json file needs to be read by one of the functions in Pygsheets. I do believe it is reading and writing something else on the fly which may not be allowed in and of itself but I am asking regardless.
Link directly to the function that needs to be used in conjunction with the secret.json from Google: Pygsheets Github
Sample code:
print("-->Using the library pygsheets to update...")
print(f"-->Accessing client_secret.json")
gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='client_secret.json')
print(f"-->Opening Google Sheets")
#open the google spreadsheet
sh = gc.open_by_url('https://...')
#select the first sheet
wks = sh[0]
print(f"-->Updating selected cells... ")
#update the first sheet with df, starting at cell A11.
wks.set_dataframe(df, 'J14')
Again, I am close to my final product of automating my sheets using this script/library/lambda that I can taste it :). If the absolute best workaround is S3 please be gentle I am a first year analyst trying to get my feet wet. Superior is telling me it would take a while to hook up a connection to S3 so thats also a reason to avoid. Thanks!

Fixed. Simply added the .json creds to the deployment package. I had ran into an issue with pandas so I have a blend of layers and a deployment package with my .py script (and, again, with secret.json). Thanks!


How can I use Brightway2 with US LCI database?

Short version:
I am trying to upload US LCI database to Brightway2 and I am failing miserably. Has anyone succeeded? If so, could you share it with me? :D
Long version:
I am following the notebook IO - Importing the US LCI database notebook and I am having a lot of problems. I am aware that, as the notebook indicates, it is a work in progress. Anyhow, I wanted to give it a try:
I tried uploading every ecospold version database found here, following the method from the notebook. The only one that gave me a similar results was version FY20.Q3.02. However, right off the bat I get the following differences/errors:
Same as the notebook, I get this error: Couldn't apply strategy link_technosphere_by_activity_hash: Object in source database can't be uniquely linked to target database. And two activities that are linked. When I follow the instructions of ignoring these datasets, it throws me that error over and over again.
Trying to move on with the tutorial, I get more errors and at the end I end up with all exchanges unlinked:
633 datasets
37513 exchanges
37505 unlinked exchanges
Finally, after running the code in line [15]:
import functools
f = functools.partial(link_iterable_by_fields,
I end up with:
0 datasets
0 exchanges
0 unlinked exchanges
Which is hilarious and sad at the same time. Since I am new with Python and BW, my troubleshooting is clumpsy and probably erroneous (I promise I googled a lot and went through the code). And concluded I am failing and it is time to ask questions:
Has anybody succeeded uploading the US LCI database to Brightway2?
If so, how? Which file did you use?
Thank you!!!!
This is an excellent question. I have added text to the offending notebook to note that it is obsolete.
In general, I think trying to import the ecospold files is a fools errand, as though they are labeled ecospold2, they are actually ecospold1 (which is a totally different format):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ecoSpold xmlns="">
The most recent export also raises an error when I try the ecospold1 importer:
AttributeError: no such child: {}modellingAndValidation
This is a required attribute in ecospold1.
I think the best way forward would be to consume the JSON-LD directly. Note that it is important not to run bw2setup(), as you would also want to use their list of elementary flows and LCIA methods. Currently the experimental JSON-LD importer fails because the provided datasets need allocation, but don't provide a set of consistent allocation methods. When I use the git checkout of bw2io and do the following:
uslci = JSONLDImporter(
I get the following error:
UnallocatableDataset: We currently only support exchange-specific CAUSAL_ALLOCATION
This is fixable, but someone would need to step through this and fix the allocation procedure, and I don't have the time to do that now.

Google Drive File Stream files creation date

I know it has been asked a few times already, but - not in this context I think and other questions have been asked few years ago already, so I'm hoping maybe something changed.
So my issue is - I am uploading files to the Google Drive using Google Drive File Stream. However, while the uploading goes smoothly, I have a problem with files creation date - it is always changed to the timestamp of the time the file got uploaded, not the actual, local file creation date. It is a serious problem, as I am going to use this to back-up huge amounts of data and preserve all the meta-data I can and the creation date is crucial. Is there a way to either upload it with the creation date intact, or to change it after the upload? From what I've seen this seems not to be possible, but I have to try and make it work. Any help and insight will be appreciated. I'm using the Drive File Stream with Python.
EDIT: I didn't make it clear enough - the issue here is that I don't want to use Google Drive API at all, but rather deal with this using only Google Drive File Stream interface if it's possible.
If you check the documentation for files.create You will find that acceptable metadata for file creation does include a createdTime
You should then just add this to the metadata you use when uploading the file. As you did not post your code I have grabbed the standard example from the documentation and added the created time as follows.
file_metadata = {'name': 'photo.jpg', 'createdTime': 'THETIME'}
media = MediaFileUpload('files/photo.jpg', mimetype='image/jpeg')
file = drive_service.files().create(body=file_metadata,
print 'File ID: %s' % file.get('id')
In the event that you want to update the ones you have already created you could use the following method.
If you check the documentation for file create you will find that the response is just a File resource
If you check file resource you will see that CreatedTime is write able.
You should run a file.update and reset the createdTime to the proper time.

Use images in s3 with SageMaker without .lst files

I am trying to create (what I thought was) a simple image classification pipeline between s3 and SageMaker.
Images are stored in an s3 bucket with their class labels in their file names currently, e.g.
I've been trying to leverage several related example .py scripts, but most seem to be download data sets already in .rec format or containing special manifest or annotation files I don't have.
All I want is to pass the images from s3 to the SageMaker image classification algorithm that's located in the same region, IAM account, etc. I suppose this means I need a .lst file
When I try to manually create the .lst it doesn't seem to like it and it also takes too long doing manual work to be a good practice.
How can I automatically generate the .lst file (or otherwise send the images/classes for training)?
Things I read made it sound like was a solution, but I don't see how. The example I'm working with now is
but it seems to download the data as .rec,
which just skips working with the .jpeg files. I found another that converts them to .rec but again it has essentially the .lst already as .json and just converts it.
I have mostly been working in a Python Jupyter notebook within the AWS console (in my browser) but I have also tried using their GUI.
How can I simply and automatically generate the .lst or otherwise get the data/class info into SageMaker without manually creating a .lst file?
It looks like im2py can't be run against s3. You'd have to completely download everything from all s3 buckets into the notebook's storage...
Please note that [...] is running locally,
therefore cannot take input from the S3 bucket. To generate the list
file, you need to download the data and then use the im2rec tool. - AWS SageMaker Team
There are 3 options to provide annotated data to the Image Classification algo: (1) packing labels in recordIO files, (2) storing labels in a JSON manifest file ("augmented manifest" option), (3) storing labels in a list file. All options are documented here:
Augmented Manifest and .lst files option are quick to do since they just require you to create an annotation file with a usually quick for loop for example. RecordIO requires you to use tool, which is a little more work.
Using .lst files is another option that is reasonably easy: you just need to create annotation them with a quick for loop, like this:
# assuming train_index, train_class, train_pics store the pic index, class and path
with open('train.lst', 'a') as file:
for index, cl, pic in zip(train_index, train_class, train_pics):
file.write(str(index) + '\t' + str(cl) + '\t' + pic + '\n')

When using Pandas read_csv function, several cells trail off with "..." instead of having the full text. Any suggestions?

I saved an excel file into a CSV and uploaded it using Google Colab's file.upload().
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
If I view "uploaded" it shows the full file. When I save it into a data frame using:
data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(uploaded["OilEx No Tickers.csv"].decode("utf-8")))
data returns
which is useless as the websites are cut off. They do not work in the function I am trying to run them through later as they aren't the full site. Any suggestions? Thank you.
The first time I faced this problem myself, I bookmarked PX0r's answer to this Stack Overflow question, which is to run this command, then re-display the DataFrame:
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 800)
To reset this option to its default value without having to restart the kernel:
Some other useful commonly used options in the official docs:

error uploading csv file on cloud jupyter notebook

I have set up a google cloud account
I want to perform my deep learning much more faster on a jupyter notebook, but
I cannot find a way to read my csv file
I downloaded it with wget from my github account and afterwards I tried
dataset = pd.read_csv('/home/user/.jupyter/SIEMENSTRAIN.csv')
but I get the following error
pandas.parser.CParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 2 fields in line 3, saw 12
Why? When I read it on my laptop using my jupyter notebooks, everything runs well
Any suggestions?
I tried the recommended solutions for this error and I got the next warning
/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators; you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
if name == 'main':
When I ran dataset.head() this is what appeared
Any help please?
There are a number of possibilities that could be causing the problem... I would first always make sure that Pandas (pd)'s version is updated and compatible.
The more likely cause is that the CSV itself is not right, so pd.read_csv() is not able to work correctly (thus a Parse Error). This may have something to do with the headers, though I'm not sure what your original CSV file looks like. It's worth playing around with read_csv, for example:
df = pandas.read_csv(fileName, sep='delimiter', header=None)
This tampers with 2 things - the delimiter, and if pd is reading a header from CSV or not.
I go through some pd.read_csv() stuff in my book about Stock Prediction (another cool Machine Learning problem) and Deep Learning, feel free to check it out.
Good Luck!
I tried what you proposed and this is what I got
So, any suggestions?
I suppose that the path is ok, but it just won't be read properly, or am I wrong?
