I have a list of 500 dataframes (in the form of .csv files); 500 = 20(time) x 25(energy) bins. In other words, each dataframe is a measurement of flux at a single time and energy and is represented as 150x150 mesh grid corresponding to x and y spatial coordinates. However, I would like to transform these data into 4-d coordinates of the form Flux(x, y, t, E) such that I have new set of dataframes with columns E and rows t for any given (x,y) position.
I am not sure how to approach the problem. I would appreciate your help in giving me some sort of roadmap for doing this procedure.
The time and energy of each dataframe is in the name of the corresponding .csv file in the form time-5e+35-energy0.00023-position.csv where t=-5 10^35 and E=0.00023.
What I know:
500 dataframes of 20tx25E must be converted to 22,500 dataframes of 150x150 coordinates. However, this is very time consuming and I am not sure if there is any other package in python3 that can do the job easier.
Code that combines your files into one big Pandas dataframe of size 11,250,000 or 25 × 20 × 150 × 150:
import pandas as pd
from glob import glob
import re
from datetime import datetime
pattern_file_name = re.compile(r'time-(.*)-energy(.*)-position.csv')
start_time = datetime.now()
result_df = None
for file_name in glob('time-*.csv'):
# extract time and energy values from file name
if not pattern_file_name.match(file_name):
raise ValueError(f'file name {file_name} failed pattern match.')
time_s, energy_s = pattern_file_name.findall(file_name)[0]
time, energy = float(time_s), float(energy_s)
print(f'Processing | {time_s} | {energy_s} |...')
df = pd.read_csv(file_name, header=None)
# assuming the CSV (i) has no headers (ii) is an array of 150x150...
# ...floats with no missing or problematic values (iii) each row...
# ...represents a fixed y-coordinate; adjust to your needs
df.index.name = 'y'
df = df.stack()
df.index.rename('x', level=-1, inplace=True)
df = df.swaplevel().sort_index().reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'flux'})
# df is now (x, y, f)
# x and y will each vary from 0 to 149
df.insert(0, 't', time)
df.insert(0, 'E', energy)
result_df = df if result_df is None else pd.concat([result_df, df])
result_df = result_df.set_index(['E', 't', 'x', 'y']).sort_index()
# result_df is now (E, t, x, y) -> flux
result_df.to_csv('output.csv', index=True)
final_time = datetime.now()
delta_time = final_time - start_time
print(f'Completed in {delta_time}')
The main steps are as follows:
Loop over file names
Extract t and E values from file name
Read square matrix of flux values from file
Transform 150 × 150 square matrix to Pandas dataframe of length 22,500
Add columns to keep track of E and t
Append local result to a global, ever-increasing result vector
Finally, leave the loop and save results to disk as CSV
The resulting CSV file will have 5 columns. The first four would represent (E,t,x,y) and the last column would be the value of the flux field at those co-ordinates.
I have a Multi-index dataframe with multiple test result values.
For further data analysis I want to add the derivation to the dataframe.
I tried to either calculate it via a lambda function directly after I grouped the dataframe. Grouping (mean values) is required due to the noise in the sampling.
Later I want to delete the rows from my dataframes where the derivative is <= 0.
The simplified Multi-index dataframe looks like this:
arrays = [['LS13', 'LS13', 'LS13', 'LS13','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14'],[0, 2, 2.5, 3,0,2,5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5]]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=('File', 'Flow Rate Setpoint [l/s]'))
df = pd.DataFrame({('Flow Rate [l/s]','mean') : [-0.057,2.089,2.496,3.011,0.056,2.070,4.995,5.519,6.011,6.511,7.030,7.499],('Time [s]','mean') : [42.225,104.909,165.676,226.446,42.225,104.918,469.560,530.328,591.100,651.864,712.660,773.034],('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean') : [-0.698,5.621,7.946,11.278,-0.774,6.557,40.610,48.370,54.685,58.414,58.356,56.254]},index=index)
if I run my code:
import numpy as np
xls = ['LS13', 'LS14']
gradient = [pd.Series(np.gradient(df.loc[(i),('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean')],df.loc[(i),('Time [s]','mean')])) for i in xls]
now I want to concat gradient to df on axis = 1, Title could be df['Gradient''values'].
So my pd.Series looks like:
0 0.100808
1 0.069048
2 0.04654
3 0.054801
0 0.116941
1 0.087431
2 0.149521
3 0.115805
4 0.082639
5 0.030213
6 -0.017938
7 -0.034806
next step would be to remove/drop the rows where ['Gradient','values'] <= 0, in my example ['LS14','7':'7.5']
When I tried to concatenate both Dataframe df and Series gradient (I'm aware that the indexes are different)
merged = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(df),pd.Series(gradient)], axis=1 , ignore_index = True)
Errors are usually one of the following:
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got
'long long'
TypeError: cannot concatenate object of type "<class 'list'>"; only
pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, and pd.Panel (deprecated) objs are valid
I would also assume there is an easier way to get this done with an lambda function and just apply it in place.
merged = pd.concat([df, pd.Series([gradient], name=('Gradient','value'))], axis=1)
I would have expected that to work, but I also get a miss match error:
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got 'long long'
when I try:
df[("Gradient","value")] =pd.Series([pd.Series(np.gradient(df.loc[(i),('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean')],df.loc[(i),('Time [s]','mean')])) for i in xls])
The 'Gradient','value' column gets correctly added to the dataframe but the values are again NaN.
You can try groupby().apply():
def get_gradients(x):
gradients = np.gradient(x[('Shear Stress [Pa]', 'mean')],x[('Time [s]', 'mean')] )
return pd.Series(gradients, index=x.index)
df[('Gradient','Value')] = (df.groupby('File', group_keys=False)
Given the following data:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
To reproduce my DataFrame, copy the data then use:
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=',')
I'd like to create a plot conveying the same information as my example, but not necessarily with the same shape (I'm open to suggestions). I'd also like to hover over the color and have the appropriate Ven displayed (e.g. C1, not 1).:
Edit 2018-10-17:
The two solutions provided so far, are helpful and each accomplish a different aspect of what I'm looking for. However, the key issue I'd like to resolve, which wasn't explicitly stated prior to this edit, is the following:
I would like to perform the plotting without converting Ven to an int; this numeric transformation isn't practical with the real data. So the actual scope of the question is to plot all categorical data with two categorical axes.
The issue I'm experiencing is the data is categorical and the y-axis is multi-indexed.
I've done the following to transform the DataFrame:
# replace False witn nan
df = df.replace(False, np.nan)
# replace True with a number representing Ven (e.g. C1 = 1)
def rep_ven(row):
return row.iloc[4:].replace(True, int(row.Ven[1]))
df.iloc[:, 4:] = df.apply(rep_ven, axis=1)
# drop the Ven column
df = df.drop(columns=['Ven'])
# set multi-index
df_m = df.set_index(['DC', 'Mode', 'Mod'])
Plotting the transformed DataFrame produces:
heatmap = plt.imshow(df_m)
plt.xticks(range(len(df_m.columns.values)), df_m.columns.values)
plt.yticks(range(len(df_m.index)), df_m.index)
This plot isn't very streamlined, there are four axis values for each Ven. This is a subset of data, so the graph would be very long with all the data.
Here's my solution. Instead of plotting I just apply a style to the DataFrame, see https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/style.html
# Transform Ven values from "C1", "C2" to 1, 2, ..
df['Ven'] = df['Ven'].str[1]
# Given a specific combination of dc, mode, mod, ven,
# do we have any True cells?
g = df.groupby(['DC', 'Mode', 'Mod', 'Ven']).any()
# Let's drop any rows with only False values
g = g[g.any(axis=1)]
# Convert True, False to 1, 0
g = g.astype(int)
# Get the values of the ven index as an int array
# Note: we don't want to drop the ven index!!
# Otherwise styling won't work
ven = g.index.get_level_values('Ven').values.astype(int)
# Multiply 1 and 0 with Ven value
g = g.mul(ven, axis=0)
# Sort the index
g.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)
# Now display the dataframe with styling
# first we get a color map
import matplotlib
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('tab10')
def apply_color_map(val):
# hide the 0 values
if val == 0:
return 'color: white; background-color: white'
# for non-zero: get color from cmap, convert to hexcode for css
s = "color:white; background-color: " + matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(cmap(val))
return s
The available matplotlib colormaps can be seen here: Colormap reference, with some additional explanation here: Choosing a colormap
Explanation: Remove rows where TY1-TY8 are all nan to create your plot. Refer to this answer as a starting point for creating interactive annotations to display Ven.
The below code should work:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=',')
# replace False witn nan
df = df.replace(False, np.nan)
# replace True with a number representing Ven (e.g. C1 = 1)
def rep_ven(row):
return row.iloc[4:].replace(True, int(row.Ven[1]))
df.iloc[:, 4:] = df.apply(rep_ven, axis=1)
# drop the Ven column
df = df.drop(columns=['Ven'])
idx = df[['TY1','TY2', 'TY3', 'TY4','TY5','TY6','TY7','TY8']].dropna(thresh=1).index.values
df = df.loc[idx,:].sort_values(by=['DC', 'Mode','Mod'], ascending=False)
# set multi-index
df_m = df.set_index(['DC', 'Mode', 'Mod'])
heatmap = plt.imshow(df_m)
plt.xticks(range(len(df_m.columns.values)), df_m.columns.values)
plt.yticks(range(len(df_m.index)), df_m.index)