i want to list all Resource in organisations using python function in google cloud - python-3.x

I went through the official docs of google cloud but I don't have an idea how to use these to list resources of specific organization by providing the organization id
organizations = CloudResourceManager.Organizations.Search()
projects = emptyList()
parentsToList = queueOf(organizations)
while (parent = parentsToList.pop()) {
// NOTE: Don't forget to iterate over paginated results.
// TODO: handle PERMISSION_DENIED appropriately.
"parent.type:" + parent.type + " parent.id:" + parent.id))
organizations = CloudResourceManager.Organizations.Search()
projects = emptyList()
parentsToList = queueOf(organizations)
while (parent = parentsToList.pop()) {
// NOTE: Don't forget to iterate over paginated results.
// TODO: handle PERMISSION_DENIED appropriately.
"parent.type:" + parent.type + " parent.id:" + parent.id))

You can use Cloud Asset Inventory for this. I wrote this code for performing a sink in BigQuery.
import os
from google.cloud import asset_v1
from google.cloud.asset_v1.proto import asset_service_pb2
def asset_to_bq(request):
client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
parent = 'organizations/{}'.format(os.getEnv('ORGANIZATION_ID'))
output_config = asset_service_pb2.OutputConfig()
output_config.bigquery_destination.dataset = 'projects/{}}/datasets/{}'.format(os.getEnv('PROJECT_ID'),
output_config.bigquery_destination.table = 'asset_export'
output_config.bigquery_destination.force = True
response = client.export_assets(parent, output_config)
# For waiting the finish
# response.result()
# Do stuff after export
return "done", 200
if __name__ == "__main__":
Be careful is you use it, the sink must be done in an empty/not existing table or set the force to true.
In my case, some minutes after the Cloud Scheduler that trigger my function and extract the data to BigQuery, I have a Scheduled Query into BigQuery that copy the data to another table, for keeping the history.
Note: It's also possible to configure an extract in Cloud Storage if you prefer.
I hope that is a starting point for you and for achieving what do you want to do.

I am able to list the project but I also want to list the folder and resources under folder and folder.name and tags and i also want to specify the organization id to resources information from a specific organization
import os
from google.cloud import resource_manager
def export_resource (organizations):
client = resource_manager.Client()
for project in client.list_projects():
print("%s, %s" % (project.project_id, project.status))


How to get list of running VMs from AzureML

I am a beginner with Python and with AzureML.
Currently, my task is to list all the running VMs (or Compute Instances) with status and (if running) for how long they ran.
I managed to connect to AzureML and list Subscriptions, Resource Groups and Workspaces, but I'm stuck on how to list running VMs now.
Here's the code that I have currently:
# get subscriptions list using credentials
subscription_client = SubscriptionClient(credentials)
sub_list = subscription_client.subscriptions.list()
print("Subscription ID".ljust(column_width) + "Display name")
for group in list(sub_list):
subscription_id = group.subscription_id
resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
group_list = resource_client.resource_groups.list()
print(" Resource Groups:")
for group in list(group_list):
print(f" {group.name}{group.location}")
print(" Workspaces:")
my_ml_client = Workspace.list(subscription_id, credentials, group.name)
for ws in list(my_ml_client):
print(f" {ws}")
if ws:
compute = ComputeTarget(workspace=ws, name=group.name)
print('Found existing compute: ' + group.name)
Please note that this is more or less a learning exercise and it's not the final shape of the code, I will refactor once I get it to work.
Edit: I found an easy way to do this:
workspace = Workspace(
Edit2: If anyone stumbles on this question and is just beginning to understand Python+Azure just like I do, all this information is from official documentation (which is just hard to follow as a beginner).
The result from 'workspace.compute_targets' will contain both Compute Instances and AML Instances.
If you need to retrieve only the VMs (like I do) you need to take an extra step to filter the result like this:
if type(compute_list[vm]) == ComputeInstance:

Algolia search python client to upload indexes behind a firewall

Building a search with Algolia search product for our Moodle site.
To update the index at Algolia site we want to use some automated process (upload the index data).
I decided to start with the Python client (Python v 3.9.x). Since we are working inside a corporate network we are behind the firewalls and there is a problem accessing algolia's servers.
I'm testing with two methods:
Search within already existing indices: index.search
update all indexes: index.replace_all_objects
Error message: 'Unreachable hosts'
Here is my code snippets:
# Search:
searchAppID = constants.ALGOLIA_APP_ID
searchKeyHash = constants.ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY
config = SearchConfig(searchAppID, searchKeyHash)
config.connect_timeout = 2
config.read_timeout = 5
config.write_timeout = 30
client = SearchClient.create_with_config(config)
index = client.init_index('myIndex')
result = index.search('SearchString')
# function to update index using json file:
def replace_IdxObj(client,index,fileName):
if (index.exists()):
with open(fileName, encoding="utf8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
result = index.replace_all_objects(data, { 'autoGenerateObjectIDIfNotExist' : True })
return result
print('No Index found! Cancel operation... \n')
return None
except Exception as err:
print ("Error: " + str(err))
When I test my code outside of the company's network - it's all ok!
Also I have a SSL certificate that could be used to work with external resources, so I used it in the following test (running from company's network behind the firewall):
response = requests.get('https://google.com/', verify=("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\SSL\\certs\\cert.cer"))
This test works just fine (I'm getting 200 response)!
Please advise are there any ways to make Python process (which is used by algolia's python client) to use the certificate that I have ??? Any alternatives?
Many thanks!

400 Caller's project doesn't match parent project

I have this block of code that basically translates text from one language to another using the cloud translate API. The problem is that this code always throws the error: "Caller's project doesn't match parent project". What could be the problem?
translation_separator = "translated_text: "
language_separator = "detected_language_code: "
translate_client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
# parent = translate_client.location_path(
# self.translate_project_id, self.translate_location
# )
+ "/translator_credentials.json"
# Text can also be a sequence of strings, in which case this method
# will return a sequence of results for each text.
result = str(
"contents": [text],
"target_language_code": self.target_language_code,
"parent": f'projects/{self.translate_project_id}/'
"model": self.translate_model
except Exception as e:
print("error here>>>>>", e)
Your issue seems to be related to the authentication method that you are using on your application, please follow the guide for authention methods with the translate API. If you are trying to pass the credentials using code, you can explicitly point to your service account file in code with:
def explicit():
from google.cloud import storage
# Explicitly use service account credentials by specifying the private key
# file.
storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(
Also, there is a codelab for getting started with the translation API with Python, this is a great step by step getting started guide for running the translate API with Python.
If the issue persists, you can try creating a Public Issue Tracker for Google Support

How to convert selected files in S3 bucket into snowflake stage in order to load data into snowflake using python and boto3

I need to stage files which are in s3 bucket.first of all i find the latest file which upload to the given bucket and then i need to make those files into stage.not the whole bucket. for example let say i have bucket called topic. inside that i have 2 folders topic1 and topic2. those 2 folders has newly upload 2 files.in this case i need to make those newly upload file into stage in order to load those data into snowflake.i want to do this using python and boto3. i already built a code to find the latest file, but i don't know how make them as stage.when i used the CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE command with for loop for each file it will only create a stage for the last file. Not creating stage for each file. How should i do this?
` def download_s3_files(self):
s3_object = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=self.s3_acc_key, aws_secret_access_key=self.s3_sec_key)
if self.source_as_stage:
no_of_dir = []
bucket = s3_object.list_objects(Bucket=self.s3_bucket, Prefix=self.file_path, Delimiter='/')
print("object bucket list >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", bucket)
except Exception as e:
self.propagate_log_msg('check [%s] and Source File Location Path' % e)
for directory in bucket['CommonPrefixes']:
no_of_dir.append(str(directory['Prefix']).rsplit('/', 2)[-2])
latest_dir = no_of_dir[0]
except Exception as e:
def convert_source_as_stage(self, latest_file):
source_file_format = str(self.metadata['source_file_format']).lower()+'_format' if self.metadata['source_file_format'] is not None else 'pipe_format'
url = 's3://{bucket}/{location}/{dir_}'.format(location=self.s3_file_loc.strip("/"),
bucket=self.s3_bucket, dir_=latest_file)
print("formateed url>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", url)
file_name_dw = str(latest_file.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
print("File_Name>>>>>>>>>>>>>", file_name_dw)
print("Source file format :", source_file_format)
print("source url: ", url)
self.create_stage = """
CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE {sa}.{table} URL='{url}'
CREDENTIALS=(AWS_KEY_ID='{access_key}' AWS_SECRET_KEY='{secret}')
FILE_FORMAT = {file};
// create or replace stage {sa}.{table}
// file_format = (type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '|' record_delimiter = '\\n');
""".format(sa=self.ss_cd, table=self.table.lower(), access_key=self.s3_acc_key, secret=self.s3_sec_key,
url=url, file=source_file_format, filename=str(self.metadata['source_table']))
'''CONNECT TO SNOWFLAKE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
print("Create Stage Statement :", self.create_stage)
con = snowflake.connector.connect(
self.propagate_log_msg("Env metadata = [%s]" % self.env_metadata)
'''REFRESH DDL''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
file_format_full_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'sql', str(source_file_format)+'.sql')
self.create_file_format = open(file_format_full_path, 'r').read()
self.create_schema = "CREATE schema if not exists {db_lz}.{sa}".format(sa=self.ss_cd, db_lz=self.db_lz)
env_sql = 'USE database {db_lz}'.format(db_lz=self.db_lz)
env_sql = 'USE schema {schema}'.format(schema=self.ss_cd)
except snowflake.connector.ProgrammingError as e:
self.propagate_log_msg('Invalid sql, fix sql and retry')
except KeyError:
self.propagate_log_msg('deploy_ods is not set in schedule metadata, assuming it is False')
except Exception as e:
self.propagate_log_msg('unhandled exception, debug')
"Successfully dropped and recreated table/stage for [{sa}.{table}]".format(sa=self.ss_cd,
Perhaps you can take a step back and give a bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve. That will help others in order to give good advice.
Best practice is to create one Snowflake STAGE for the whole bucket. The STAGE object then mirrors the bucket object. If your setup needs eg. different permissions for different parts of the bucket, then it can make sense to create multiple stages with different access rights.
It looks like the purpose of setting up stages is to import S3 objects into Snowflake tables. This is done with the COPY INTO <table> command, and that command has two options for selecting objects/filenames to import:
FILES = ( '<file_name>' [ , '<file_name>' ] [ , ... ] )
PATTERN = '<regex_pattern>'
I suggest you put your effort into the COPY INTO <table> parameters instead of creating excess amounts of STAGE objects in the database.
You should also take a serious look into Snowpipes. Snowpipes does the job importing S3 objects near-realtime into Snowflake tables with COPY INTO <table> commands triggered by S3 eg. create object events. Snowpipes cost less than warehouses as they are not dedicated resources.
Simple and effective.

Is it possible to specify an id when creating an issue on GitLab?

I intend to transfer issues from Redmine to GitLab using this script
It works, but I would like to keep the issues ids during the transition. By default GitLab just starts from #1 and increases. I tried adding "newissue['iid']=issue['id']" and variations to the parameters, but apparently GitLab simply does not permit assigning an id. Anyone knows if there's a way?
"issue" is the data acquired from redmine:
newissue = {}
newissue['id'] = pro['id']
newissue['title'] = issue['subject']
newissue['description'] = issue["description"]
if 'assigned_to' in issue:
auser = con.finduserbyname(issue['assigned_to']['name'])
newissue['assignee_id'] = auser['id']
print newissue
if ('fixed_version' in issue):
newissue['milestone_id'] = issue['fixed_version']['id']
newiss = post('/projects/' + str(pro['id']) + '/issues', newissue)
and this is the "post" function
def post( url, load = {}):
load['private_token'] = conf.token
r = requests.post(conf.base_url + url, params = load, verify = conf.sslverify)
return r.json()
The API does not allow you to specify an issue ID at creation time. The ID is intended to be sequential. The only way you could potentially accomplish this task is to interact with the database directly. If you choose this route I caution you to be extremely careful, and have backups.
