How to check if a mixed type argument is a vector of integers in HackLang? - hacklang

The function below is not real, for demo only:
function acceptHackArray(mixed $x):someType {
// Need to check is $x is a vector of integers
$tmp = '$x is vector<int>';
return something;

Take a look at the type-assert library built by HHVM devs, in particular the VectorSpec implementation. At the time of writing, for primitives especially it's nothing too magical, first checking the container type is Traversable, then iterating over the array and asserting the contents into the desired type. You could snip just the relevant bit, using is on generic types for >= 3.28 (or is_vec for older versions if you don't mind exactly vec):
function acceptHackArray(mixed $x): someType {
invariant($x is Traversable<_>, '$x is not Traversable');
$tmp = vec[];
foreach($x as $v) {
invariant($v is int, '$v is not int');
$tmp[] = $v;
// $tmp is now vec<int>
// ...


Handling f64 or Complex64 return types. Generics? Either?

I have a functioning Rust program using real doubles (f64) as the underlying type and wish to extend the system such that it can also handle complex values (num::complex::Complex64).
A (cut down example) function takes some configuration struct config, and depending on that input generates a potential value at an index idx:
fn potential(config: &Config, idx: &Index3) -> Result<f64, Error> {
let num = &config.grid.size;
match config.potential {
PotentialType::NoPotential => Ok(0.0),
PotentialType::Cube => {
if (idx.x > num.x / 4 && idx.x <= 3 * num.x / 4) &&
(idx.y > num.y / 4 && idx.y <= 3 * num.y / 4) &&
(idx.z > num.z / 4 && idx.z <= 3 * num.z / 4) {
} else {
PotentialType::Coulomb => {
let r = config.grid.dn * (calculate_r2(idx, &config.grid)).sqrt();
if r < config.grid.dn {
Ok(-1. / config.grid.dn)
} else {
Ok(-1. / r)
I now wish to add a ComplexCoulomb match which returns a Complex64 value:
PotentialType::ComplexCoulomb => {
let r = config.grid.dn * (calculate_r2(idx, &config.grid)).sqrt();
if r < config.grid.dn {
Ok(Complex64::new(-1. / config.grid.dn, 1.))
} else {
Ok(Complex64::new(-1. / r, 1.))
This function is an early entry point in my program, which fills an ndarray::Array3; currently I'm operating on a number of variables with the type ndarray::Array3<f64> - so I need to generalise the whole program, not just this function.
How can I extend this program to use both types based on the input from config? This struct comes from parsing a configuration file on disk and will match a number of PotentialType::Complex* values.
I'm aware of two possible options, but am unsure if either fits my criteria.
Use something similar to Either and return Left for real and Right for complex; then use additional logic to treat the values separately in other functions.
Use generic types. This isn't something I've done too much of before and generalisation over many types seems like a fair chunk of complicated alteration of my current code base. Is there a way to reduce the complexity here?
If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them!
There might be a lot of code change, but using generic parameters is probably the most flexible approach, and it won't impact performance. Passing around an enum will be less performant, partly because the enum will be bigger (the size of the larger variant plus a tag to discriminate between them) and partly because the enum variant will have to be frequently checked.
One thing that can get cumbersome is the potentially long list of traits that constrain your type parameter. This can be done on the impl level, rather than on each function, to save repetition. There isn't currently a way to alias a set of traits, which would make this more ergonomic, but there is an RFC approved for that.
I made a very similar change in the Euclid library. It was more than a year ago, so much has changed since then, both in Rust and in that library, but a quick look over that commit should still give you an idea of the amount of changes necessary.
This is the current state of the same (renamed) implementation:
impl <T, Src, Dst> TypedTransform3D<T, Src, Dst>
where T: Copy + Clone +
Add<T, Output=T> +
Sub<T, Output=T> +
Mul<T, Output=T> +
Div<T, Output=T> +
Neg<Output=T> +
ApproxEq<T> +
PartialOrd +
Trig +
One + Zero {
// methods of TypedTransform3D defined here...
Some of those traits (Trig, One, Zero) are actually defined inside the crate, as they aren't in the standard library.

Function Overloading in golang [duplicate]

I'm porting a C library to Go. A C function (with varargs) is defined like this:
curl_easy_setopt(CURL *curl, CURLoption option, ...);
So I created wrapper C functions:
curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_str(CURL *curl, CURLoption option, char* param);
curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_long(CURL *curl, CURLoption option, long param);
If I define function in Go like this:
func (e *Easy)SetOption(option Option, param string) {
e.code = Code(C.curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_str(e.curl, C.CURLoption(option), C.CString(param)))
func (e *Easy)SetOption(option Option, param long) {
e.code = Code(C.curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_long(e.curl, C.CURLoption(option), C.long(param)))
The Go compiler complains:
*Easy·SetOption redeclared in this block
So does Go support function (method) overloading, or does this error mean something else?
No it does not.
See the Go Language FAQ, and specifically the section on overloading.
Method dispatch is simplified if it doesn't need to do type matching as well. Experience with other languages told us that having a variety of methods with the same name but different signatures was occasionally useful but that it could also be confusing and fragile in practice. Matching only by name and requiring consistency in the types was a major simplifying decision in Go's type system.
Update: 2016-04-07
While Go still does not have overloaded functions (and probably never will), the most useful feature of overloading, that of calling a function with optional arguments and inferring defaults for those omitted can be simulated using a variadic function, which has since been added. But this comes at the loss of type checking.
For example:
According to this, it doesn't:
In the Conceptual Differences section, it says:
Go does not support function overloading and does not support user defined operators.
Even though this question is really old, what I still want to say is that there is a way to acheive something close to overloading functions. Although it may not make the code so easy to read.
Say if you want to overload the funtion Test():
func Test(a int) {
func Test(a int, b string) {
The code above will cause error. However if you redefine the first Test() to Test1() and the second to Test2(), and define a new function Test() using go's ..., you would be able to call the function Test() the way it is overloaded.
package main;
func Test1(a int) {
func Test2(a int, b string) {
func Test(a int, bs ...string) {
if len(bs) == 0 {
} else {
Test2(a, bs[0]);
func main() {
Test(1, "aaa");
see more at: (I'm not the author of this linked article but personally consider it useful)
No, Go doesn't have overloading.
Overloading adds compiler complexity and will likely never be added.
As Lawrence Dol mentioned, you could use a variadic function at the cost of no type checking.
Your best bet is to use generics and type constraints that were added in Go 1.18
To answer VityaSchel's question, in the comments of Lawrence's answer, of how to make a generic sum function, I've written one below.
package main
import "fmt"
type Number interface {
int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | float32 | float64
func Sum[number Number](a number, b number) number {
return a + b
func main() {
var a float64 = 5.1
var b float64 = 3.2
println(Sum(a, b))
var a2 int = 5
var b2 int = 3
println(Sum(a2, b2))

Difference between String and StaticString

I was browsing the docs, and I found StaticString. It states:
An simple string designed to represent text that is "knowable at compile-time".
I originally thought that String has the same behaviour as NSString, which is known at compile time, but it looks like that I was wrong. So my question is when should we use StaticString instead of a String, and is the only difference is that StaticString is known at compile-time?
One thing I found is
var a: String = "asdf" //"asdf"
var b: StaticString = "adsf" //{(Opaque Value), (Opaque Value), (Opaque Value)}
sizeofValue(a) //24
sizeofValue(b) //17
So it looks like StaticString has a little bit less memory footprint.
It appears that StaticString can hold string literals. You can't assign a variable of type String to it, and it can't be mutated (with +=, for example).
"Knowable at compile time" doesn't mean that the value held by the variable will be determined at compile time, just that any value assigned to it is known at compile time.
Consider this example which does work:
var str: StaticString
for _ in 1...10 {
switch arc4random_uniform(3) {
case 0: str = "zero"
case 1: str = "one"
case 2: str = "two"
default: str = "default"
Any time you can give Swift more information about how a variable is to be used, it can optimize the code using it. By restricting a variable to StaticString, Swift knows the variable won't be mutated so it might be able to store it more efficiently, or access the individual characters more efficiently.
In fact, StaticString could be implemented with just an address pointer and a length. The address it points to is just the place in the static code where the string is defined. A StaticString doesn't need to be reference counted since it doesn't (need to) exist in the heap. It is neither allocated nor deallocated, so no reference count is needed.
"Knowable at compile time" is pretty strict. Even this doesn't work:
let str: StaticString = "hello " + "world"
which fails with error:
error: 'String' is not convertible to 'StaticString'
StaticString is knowable at compile time. This can lead to optimizations. Example:
EDIT: This part doesn't work, see edit below
Suppose you have a function that calculates an Int for some String values for some constants that you define at compile time.
let someString = "Test"
let otherString = "Hello there"
func numberForString(string: String) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.unicodeScalars.reduce(0) { $0 * 1 << 8 + Int($1.value) }
let some = numberForString(someString)
let other = numberForString(otherString)
Like this, the function would be executed with "Test" and "Hello there" when it really gets called in the program, when the app starts for example. Definitely at runtime. However if you change your function to take a StaticString
func numberForString(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.unicodeScalars.reduce(0) { $0 * 1 << 8 + Int($1.value) }
the compiler knows that the passed in StaticString is knowable at compile time, so guess what it does? It runs the function right at compile time (How awesome is that!). I once read an article about that, the author inspected the generated assembly and he actually found the already computed numbers.
As you can see this can be useful in some cases like the one mentioned, to not decrease runtime performance for stuff that can be done at compile time.
EDIT: Dániel Nagy and me had a conversation. The above example of mine doesn't work because the function stringValue of StaticString can't be known at compile time (because it returns a String). Here is a better example:
func countStatic(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.byteSize // Breakpoint here
func count(string: String) -> Int {
return string.characters.count // Breakpoint here
let staticString : StaticString = "static string"
let string : String = "string"
In a release build only the second breakpoint gets triggered whereas if you change the first function to
func countStatic(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.characters.count // Breakpoint here
both breakpoints get triggered.
Apparently there are some methods which can be done at compile time while other can't. I wonder how the compiler figures this out actually.

duck typing in D

I'm new to D, and I was wondering whether it's possible to conveniently do compile-time-checked duck typing.
For instance, I'd like to define a set of methods, and require that those methods be defined for the type that's being passed into a function. It's slightly different from interface in D because I wouldn't have to declare that "type X implements interface Y" anywhere - the methods would just be found, or compilation would fail. Also, it would be good to allow this to happen on any type, not just structs and classes. The only resource I could find was this email thread, which suggests that the following approach would be a decent way to do this:
void process(T)(T s)
if( __traits(hasMember, T, "shittyNameThatProbablyGetsRefactored"))
// and presumably something to check the signature of that method
writeln("normal processing");
... and suggests that you could make it into a library call Implements so that the following would be possible:
struct Interface {
bool foo(int, float);
static void boo(float);
static assert (Implements!(S, Interface));
struct S {
bool foo(int i, float f) { ... }
static void boo(float f) { ... }
void process(T)(T s) if (Implements!(T, Interface)) { ... }
Is is possible to do this for functions which are not defined in a class or struct? Are there other/new ways to do it? Has anything similar been done?
Obviously, this set of constraints is similar to Go's type system. I'm not trying to start any flame wars - I'm just using D in a way that Go would also work well for.
This is actually a very common thing to do in D. It's how ranges work. For instance, the most basic type of range - the input range - must have 3 functions:
bool empty(); //Whether the range is empty
T front(); // Get the first element in the range
void popFront(); //pop the first element off of the range
Templated functions then use std.range.isInputRange to check whether a type is a valid range. For instance, the most basic overload of std.algorithm.find looks like
R find(alias pred = "a == b", R, E)(R haystack, E needle)
if (isInputRange!R &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool))
{ ... }
isInputRange!R is true if R is a valid input range, and is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool) is true if pred accepts haystack.front and needle and returns a type which is implicitly convertible to bool. So, this overload is based entirely on static duck typing.
As for isInputRange itself, it looks something like
template isInputRange(R)
enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof(
R r = void; // can define a range object
if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
r.popFront(); // can invoke popFront()
auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range
It's an eponymous template, so when it's used, it gets replaced with the symbol with its name, which in this case is an enum of type bool. And that bool is true if the type of the expression is non-void. typeof(x) results in void if the expression is invalid; otherwise, it's the type of the expression x. And is(y) results in true if y is non-void. So, isInputRange will end up being true if the code in the typeof expression compiles, and false otherwise.
The expression in isInputRange verifies that you can declare a variable of type R, that R has a member (be it a function, variable, or whatever) named empty which can be used in a condition, that R has a function named popFront which takes no arguments, and that R has a member front which returns a value. This is the API expected of an input range, and the expression inside of typeof will compile if R follows that API, and therefore, isInputRange will be true for that type. Otherwise, it will be false.
D's standard library has quite a few such eponymous templates (typically called traits) and makes heavy use of them in its template constraints. std.traits in particular has quite a few of them. So, if you want more examples of how such traits are written, you can look in there (though some of them are fairly complicated). The internals of such traits are not always particularly pretty, but they do encapsulate the duck typing tests nicely so that template constraints are much cleaner and more understandable (they'd be much, much uglier if such tests were inserted in them directly).
So, that's the normal approach for static duck typing in D. It does take a bit of practice to figure out how to write them well, but that's the standard way to do it, and it works. There have been people who have suggested trying to come up with something similar to your Implements!(S, Interface) suggestion, but nothing has really come of that of yet, and such an approach would actually be less flexible, making it ill-suited for a lot of traits (though it could certainly be made to work with basic ones). Regardless, the approach that I've described here is currently the standard way to do it.
Also, if you don't know much about ranges, I'd suggest reading this.
Implements!(S, Interface) is possible but did not get enough attention to get into standard library or get better language support. Probably if I won't be the only one telling it is the way to go for duck typing, we will have a chance to have it :)
Proof of concept implementation to tinker around:
import std.traits;
bool Implements(T, Interface)()
if (is(Interface == interface))
foreach (method; __traits(allMembers, Interface))
foreach (compareTo; MemberFunctionsTuple!(Interface, method))
bool found = false;
static if ( !hasMember!(T, method) )
pragma(msg, T, " has no member ", method);
return false;
foreach (compareWhat; __traits(getOverloads, T, method))
if (is(typeof(compareTo) == typeof(compareWhat)))
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
return true;
interface Test
bool foo(int, double);
void boo();
struct Tested
bool foo(int, double);
// void boo();
pragma(msg, Implements!(Tested, Test)());
void main()

Conventions to specifying digital fixed point binary numbers with macros

I was wondering if there an established convention to specifying fixed point binary numbers in decimal format (with the use of a macro). I am not sure if this possible in C/C++, but perhaps this is implemented in some language(s) and there is a notational standard like 0x000000,1.2f,1.2d,1l,etc
Take this example for instance:
I am using Q15.16 for instance, but would like to have the convenience of specifying numbers in decimal format, perhaps something like this:
var num:Int32=1.2fp;
Presumably, the easiest way with regards to Haxe macros, numbers can be initialized with a function:
But it would be nice to have a shorthand notation.
Have you seen Luca's Fixed Point example with Haxe 3 and Abstracts?
It's here:!topic/haxelang/JsiWvl-c0v4
Summing it up, with the new Haxe 3 abstract types, you can define a type that will be compiled as an Int:
abstract Fixed16(Int)
inline function new(x:Int) this = x;
You can also define "conversion functions", which will allow you to automatically convert a float into Fixed16:
#:from public static inline function fromf(x:Float) {
#if debug
if (x >= 32768.0 || x < -32768.0) throw "Conversion to Fixed16 will overflow";
return new Fixed16(*65536.0));
The secret here is the #:from metadata. With this code, you will already be able to declare fixed types like this:
var x:Fixed16 = 1.2;
Luca's already defined some operators, to make working with them easier, like:
#:op(A+B) public inline static function add(f:Fixed16, g:Fixed16) {
#if debug
var fr:Float = f.raw();
var gr:Float = g.raw();
if (fr+gr >= 2147483648.0 || fr+gr < -2147483648.0) throw "Addition of Fixed16 values will overflow";
return new Fixed16(f.raw()+g.raw());
Again, the secret here is in #:op(A+B) metadata, which will annotate that this function may be called when handling addition. The complete GIST code is available at , and you can learn more about abstracts at
