Does Ghostscript absolutely need root access on Linux? - linux

I made a program trying to see how many color pages are on an uploaded PDF file, using Ghostscript. Now, it worked perfectly on my local environment, but I can't put the site online, as the web hosting service I use tells me that any application that needs root access cannot be installed on the server. Is it the case with Ghostscript, and if so, is there any other way I can use it ?
I'm new to all this, and I know now I should have asked the web hosting service first thing, but I'd really like to not have to put my work in the bin over this !

No Ghostscript doesn't require root privileges and I've no idea why they would claim it does. Also, I would strongly urge you to review the AGPL license.


Office Add-in Internet Explorer cannot find path

I am getting started with Office Add-ins through the Java script API. I am going through this tutorial. When I proceed with the Try It Out section. I get this error. I am getting the add-in to run fine when I give the absolute path in the source location node of the manifest for example E:\Excel-Add-in-Javascript\first-excel-addin\Home.html but its the relative path that is not working for example \\SAAD\Excel-Add-in-Javascript\first-excel-addin\Home.html Kindly let me know if you a solution.
The source location node should not contain a relative path. It should use a complete path, either on the internet or on a network share.
In your case, you need to make \\SAAD a network share, not just a folder.
I don't think that serving from the file path (file:///C:/Users/username/Desktop/something.html) or share is a supported scenario. It may work, but note that it will run differently (and sometimes not run, or be overly permissive) than when you deploy the app for real.
To be clear, you can have a manifest file on a network share for ease of testing the add-in -- and in fact, it's the easiest way to get your add-in registered with Office desktop. But the web content should be served off of a web server (anything from hosting via an IIS local-host web server, to using an Azure Website, to putting your content on github and serving it via

Magento After Moving Media Folder over live server Product Images not showing in front and backend

I want to know when i try to move media folder over live server from local, Images not showing in back-end and front-end of products. After searching i come out the issue that windows not allow to create case sensitive folders while in linux it will allow. So that was the issue.But for finding this solution takes 1 days of my. So i just come here to know from experts, How to deal with this kind of problem? Is there any ways so when uploading media folder over live and if it's linux server then also it works.
Means any trick or solution regarding that In magento....
When working on Windows server make sure you use naming conventions that suit your Linux server aswell.
In short while working on windows server assume it as a Linux server while giving folder names or image names.
Your media folder may use lower and upper case folder names which is fine on a linux system, but if you import it to a windows based system, folders like 'a' and 'A' will replace each other.
(Because Linux is case sensitive, and Windows is not)
I would simply use linux for local hosting, maybe as a virtual machine or something. You just have to prevend windows from replace half of you images.

How do I install wkhtml2pdf?

I've been looking for a solution to this for about a year, still haven't found one.
I'm trying to get a website snapshot script that I can host on my server and use freely that works well on 99% of webpages.
So far I've been using html2canvas but it doesn't really display images.
I looked into wkhtml2pdf before but I tried installing every single binary and executing from PHP. None of them worked!
All I know about my server is that it is Linux (so I only tested Linux static binaries). Even the basic --help command didn't work.
Please help me out. Thanks!
If you are using a hosting service, it is possible that it is impossible to execute binary programs stored in users' directories. (noexec flag on specific partition). You should first contact system administrator and ask if it is possible to put your own binary executables there. Perhaps, you can ask system administrator to install wkhtmltopdf for you in a global directory /usr/local/bin.
You'll need more then a simple shared hosting, and more then "it is Linux". PHP could be in safemod and lots and lots of other limitations. I would choose a minimal VPS (like digitalocean or similar), root access, install wkhtml2pdf with dnf, yum or what's on you Linux distro, because it brings lots of dependencies to your machine. A minimal LAMP server should not have what's needed on it. You need to be able to allow Apache (or other user) to exec the binary.

Uploading Sawtooth Software ACA Survey to web using personal website hosting

The software created a Web Upload folder for me, which I uploaded to the site using an FTP Client (specifically WS_FTP). The first lines of the pearl files say "#!usr/bin/pearl" that I changed to "/home/calakpsi/pearl". However, when I execute the html file it searches my computer under "/C:/Users/myname/AppData/Roaming/Ipswitch/WS_FTP/Storage/cgi-bin/". I made sure the file it's looking for was in that folder, but for some reason the webpage would still not execute.
Any help or step by step solution (since I do not have an in depth technical background) would be much appreciated.
I think the problem is that your server is not configured properly to run perl scripts. Have a look at this, to see if it helps. The answer by Dave Sherohman should help you out.
Once you are able to run perl scripts, it should run (barring other issues which are script specific).
Overall the steps required to execute perl scripts are as follows. You can look up their details on the internet, as I don't know them myself.
Install any mods required for server, for instance mod_perl, on ubtuntu it would be something like sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2. If you are in windows, perhaps take one of those bitnami or other LAMP installers. They should come installed with it.
Configuration for server/virtual host, so that perl files in the directory are executed
ensure they have correct permission (and you should be all set).

Is there a file-based equivalent to .htaccess in IIS6? (not config/plugin)

There are lots of similar questions to this, but they all seem to involve either configuring permissions or installing a plugin.
I'm looking for a solution that is "dumb" - i.e. to allow the code to be deployed from source control and automatically have access to certain paths blocked, without anyone needing to configure the server.
I only need directory & file blocking, none of the other abilities that .htaccess has.
Just to be clear, we are using ColdFusion, not .NET, and whilst CF has assorted ways to handle its own scripts, it doesn't do anything with non-CFML scripts. (It is possible to do, for example config.xml.cfm, but that is a messy solution that requires updating code, etc.)
(Of course, ideally these directories/files shouldn't even be in the webroot, and if I could switch to Apache or IIS7 I could simply use .htaccess, but those aren't options at the moment.)
My current solution is going to be a readme.deploy.txt that contains instructions on how to manually set the permissions on the relevant files & directories in IIS Manager, but obviously I'd much prefer to avoid human intervention for it - any suggestions?
You could create a script that would do this when you cycle through your deployment, like say a scheduled task where you use a PowerShell script or batch script that sets up the enviroment.
With IIS6 this is going to require mucking with the Metabase, which could solve your problem, but it will require scripts to have access to the system metabase and execute system commands or you going to have to learn how to use the ii6 metabase command files
see this This Article
If they have root access maybe it would be wise to just create a installation utility that can tweak the settings for them.
Good luck,
Well, for specifically you have the .config files which allow you to control some aspect of those web folders.
However, I'm not aware of anything like .htaccess for IIS.
.NET has Routing which allows you to 'rewrite' paths. The MVC framework has it built in... I'm not sure on how to configure/use it for 'normal' ASP.NET applications.
Update: didn't know you weren't on .NET.
Maybe you're just looking for File/Folder permission settings? Don't know anything about setting those by using a config file...
