NetSuite Client Script for Suitelet - netsuite

I have a suitelet similar to:
How to add checkbox in a list (serverWidget.List) in Suitelet
what would the client script look like for something like this? I'm new to scripting so still getting my head around it. Basically what I would like to do is, if there are checks on the sublist in the suitelet, when you click submit, a couple of fields on the checked records get updated. I have the following in my client script, it seems as though the client script is not able to source the internalID of the 'checked' record from the suitelet (maybe missing something to do with context?):
function SaveRecord() {
var isChecked = "F"
var lineCount = nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_sublist_id')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Line Count', lineCount);
if (lineCount>0){
for(var line=1; line<=lineCount; line++)
isChecked =
var siinternalid = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_sublist_id',
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Internal ID', siinternalid);
if (isChecked =="T") {
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('VendorBill',siinternalid);
record.setFieldValue('FIELD1', 'T');
return true;

I solved the issue by removing the client script altogether and adding a POST (else) element to the suitelet to handle the submit element of the suitelet. If anyone wants to see let me know and I can post up.

Sounds like you've got a workaround. But regarding your initial question, in the context of a Client script you'll typically use:
instead of:


SuiteScript 2 Email Invoices

Hi and I I am not a pain, I got help on sending a statement and that worked perfectly, but I need to send invoices with it but I can't find a method for that like I did for the statement. I find references to using a template file, then you have to store the file in the cabinet. I have to attach there to emails, what would you think the best way to do this?
Here is the other link, he gave a very helpful complete answer about sending statements. I should have asked him about invoices at the same time but I didn't think of it, apologies.
SuiteScript 2 can send pdf statements
added additional info
Ok I tried this but I am getting an error that doesn't make sense as I am using their templates.
"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"USER_ERROR","message":"Error Parsing XML: The reference to entity \"c\" must end with the ';' delimiter.",
require(['N/render', 'N/file', 'N/record'],
function(render, file, record) {
function renderRecordToPdfWithTemplate() {
var renderer = render.create();
var xml = renderer.renderAsString();
renderer.addRecord(record.Type.INVOICE, record.create({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
var invoicePdf = renderer.renderAsPdf();
var foo = this;
thanks for any help with this
Ok I found it thanks if anyone was looking for this for me. It is pretty straightforward, but like NetSuite always is, you have to find it. :)
the entityid is the invoice internalid the rest is easy, then just pass the file object to the email.
require( [ 'N/render', 'N/file', 'N/record' ],
function( render, file, record ) {
function renderRecordToPdfWithTemplate() {
var transactionFile = render.transaction({
entityId: 415619,
printMode: render.PrintMode.PDF
var foo = this;
} );
thanks again

NetSuite SuiteScript Client Side drop down validation

I have a custom form where, in a subtab, I have a dropdown that I need to find out the selected value on the client side after the user selects to perform some validation. I created the script and tied it to the on change event of the dropdown. I cannot seem to find the code to get the selected value on the client side. I have found code to read the value on the server side from a submit event. I need this on the client side on change. I am going to use the ID to look up a record and check a value on that record and if applicable popup a warning to the user. Either SS1 or SS2 is good, whatever would be better I have both available. Any help with this would be great. thanks
In a client script, you can use nlapiGetFieldValue() to retrieve the results.
function fieldchanged(type, name, linenum) {
if(name == 'dropdownid') {
var value = nlapiGetFieldValue('dropdownid');
OK the nlapiGetFieldValue, did not do the trick, what did was the following
function ValidateField( type, field, linenum ) {
if ( field === 'recordid' ) {
var vendorid = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,field,linenum);
var vendorRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('vendor',vendorid);
return true;
thanks for your help

Accessing current user information for a netsuite html form using suitescript

I've been trying to figure auto-complete some values from netsuite onto our custom html form.
After a bit of researching, I found this gem: nlapiGetContext (
which should do exactly what it says,
However, when doing a console.log dump of nlapigetcontext()
the following information is displayed, not my current logged in user information
Here is my current test script:
if (window.addEventListener) { // Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox
window.addEventListener('load', WindowLoad, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) { // IE
window.attachEvent('onload', WindowLoad);
function WindowLoad(event) {
Any help or guidance is appreciated!
Thank you!
Where is this form located? Context will only work if you are logged into the system, so this won't apply for online customer forms, those are considered to be "outside the system".
You can write a Suitelet to retrieve data from an external form if you are only retrieving values.
I use this to get campaign information on an external landing page.
function getCamData(request, response){
if ( request.getMethod() == 'GET' ){
response.setHeader('Custom-Header-CamID', 'CamID');
var camid = request.getParameter('camid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('campaign', camid);
var o = new Object();
o.thisid = camid;
o.promocode = rec.getFieldValue('campaignid'); = rec.getFieldValue('custevent_cam_1300num'); = rec.getFieldValue('family');
var myString = JSON.stringify(o);
response.write (myString);
You request something like this:
And returns something like this:
{"thisid":"8020","promocode":"CAM999","phone":"1800 111 222","family":"12"}
Also you can do server-side posting from an external site to a NetSuite customer online form, it will capture and validate the data as far as it has the entry fields set in NS, this is a great way to avoid using those horrible iframes.
Use these functions
For details check

modified innerHTML does not show on page

I am writing a Google extension. Here my content script modifies a page based on a list of keywords requested from background. But the new innerHTML does not show up on the screen. I've kluged it with an alert so I can see the keywords before deciding to actually send a message, but it is not how the routine should work. Here's the code:
//alert("Message Page");
var keyWordList= new Array();
var firstMessage="Hello!";
var contentMessage=document.getElementById("message");
var msgComments=document.getElementsByClassName("comment");
msgComments[1].value="Hello Worlds!";//marker to see what happens
chrome.extension.sendRequest({cmd: "sendKeyWords"}, function(response) {
//alert(keyWordList.length+" key words.");//did we get any keywords back?
var keyWords="";
for (var i = 0; i<keyWordList.length; ++i)
keyWords=keyWords+" "+keyWordList[i];
//alert (keyWords);//let's see what we got
alert (document.getElementsByClassName("comment")[1].firstChild.innerHTML);// this is a band aid - keyWords does not show up in tab
document.onclick= function(event) {
//only one button to click in page
What do I have to do so that the text area that is modified actually appears in the tab?
(Answering my own question) This problem really has two parts. The simplest part is that I was trying to modify a text node by setting its value like this:
msgComments1.value="Hello Worlds!"; //marker to see what happens
To make it work, simply set the innerHTML to a string value like this:
msgComment1.innerHTML="Hello Worlds!"; //now it works.
The second part of the problem is that the asynchronous call to chrome.extension.sendRequest requires a callback to update the innerHTML when the reply is received. I posted a question in this regard earlier and have answered it myself after finding a solution in an previous post by #serg.

Sharepoint List redirect with new id

I have a list within Sharepoint, using a custom new form I have added a custom list form control ("New item form" for the list) and changed the SaveButton to a standard input HTML button, and added an 'onclick' event that is as follows:
onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__redirect={NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=}')}"
This works as in saves the data and redirects to the NewFormWizard2.aspx?id= page.
How do I get the ID of the created item to be passed to the redirected page?
Thus once the form is completed it would redirect to NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=23
jtherkel was close, but was missing a '}' on the end of the redirect url. I used an extra concat below
<input type="button" value="Submit" name="btnSave" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={lists/MyListName/DispForm.aspx?ID=',/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#ID,'}'))}" />
I am not sure where the ID will exist on the page you host the Javascript from. Does it appear in the querystring or on a field on the page?
There is nothing in the request or response that will identify the item. I have had this issue when doing some web loadtesting.
I can only suggest that your create the item using the webservices as that at gives you some return xml.
This answer does not solve the "new form" issue, but it might help others with the syntax for screens that contain existing list items.
I tested this quickly in my SharePoint (MOSS 2007) environment.
onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=',/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#ID))}"
The concat syntax is an XSLT instruction that tells the processor to combine the values enclosed in single quotes. I adapted this answer from info I found here.
Loading Values in a Custom List Form
I hope this would be helpfull:
1- In SharePoint Designer create new page, call it for example "LastItem.aspx" and place a dataview on it with a single form view for the destination list item.
2-Limit paging to just one record, set the sorting by ID and descending and filter the list to just show item which is created by [current user].
3-Now you do not need to pass any query string to this page. just replace the default "OK" button in NewForm.aspx of the list with a standard HTML input button and add this to its definition "onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={LastItem.aspx}". After submitting a new item to list you will be redirected to an edit view of the created item.
You can do the same for save button in LastItem.aspx to redirect to some other page after clicking on save button.
found an approach using pure javascript (JQuery) and the SPAPI code from
The list contains two fields, title and BodyCopy
I've thewn created a form that asks for a title and a question, both text fields, then the submit button calls the following function: (note that ServerAddress and LIST_question need to be updated to your own details).
The function then uploads the details using the SOAP service within LISTS.ASMX and using the response gets the ID of the new item and redirects the page.
var LIST_question = '{xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}';
var ServerAddress = 'http://xxx/';
function submitQuestion()
var title = new String($("#title").val());
var t = new String($("#question").val());
var lists = new SPAPI_Lists(ServerAddress) ;
var newItem = { Title : title, BodyCopy : t};
var items = lists.quickAddListItem(LIST_question, newItem);
var id=-1;
if (items.status == 200)
var rows = items.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('z:row');
if(rows.length ==1)
var r = rows[0];
var id = r.getAttribute('ows_ID');
alert("Error: No row added");
alert('There was an error: ' + items.statusText);
You can achieve this using JavaScript
