How to obtain the query order output when we use grep? - linux

I have 2 files
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 ccc
4 aaa
5 bbb
Desired output:
1 aaa
3 ccc
5 bbb
2 bbb
Command used : cat File1.txt |grep -wf- File2.txt but the output was:
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 ccc
5 bbb
Is it a way to return the output in the query order?
Thanks in advance!!!

Important Edit
On second thought, do not use grep with redirection as it's incredibly slow. Use awk to read the original patterns to get the order back.
Use this instead
grep -f patterns searchdata | awk 'NR==FNR { line[$1] = $0; next } $1 in line { print line[$1] }' - patterns > matched
paste <(shuf -i 1-10000) <(crunch 4 4 2>/dev/null | shuf -n 10000) > searchdata
shuf -i 1-10000 > patterns
printf 'Testing awk:'
time grep -f patterns searchdata | awk 'NR==FNR { line[$1] = $0; next } $1 in line { print line[$1] }' - patterns > matched
wc -l matched
cat /dev/null > matched
printf '\nTesting grep with redirection:'
time {
while read -r pat; do
grep -w "$pat" searchdata >> matched
done < patterns
wc -l matched
Testing awk:
real 0m0.022s
user 0m0.017s
sys 0m0.010s
10000 matched
Testing grep with redirection:
real 0m36.370s
user 0m28.761s
sys 0m7.909s
10000 matched
To preserve the query order, read the file line-by-line:
while read -r pat; do grep -w "$pat" file2.txt; done < file1.txt
I don't think grep has an option to support this, but this solution will be slower if you have large files to read from.


How to sort data while printing line by line in Bash

I'm writing a shell script traversing a list of directories and counting words from files inside them. The code prints data each time I read a file. So the output is not sorted. How can I sort it?
The output right now is like this:
cat 5
door 1
bird 3
dog 1
and I want to sort it first by second column and then by first column:
dog 1
door 1
bird 3
cat 5
You can pipe your shell script to:
sort -n -k2 -k1
With -n you specify numeric sort and with -k2 that you want to sort first by the second field and with -k1 to sort then by first field.
First of all, I tried to reproduce what OP is doing, so after creating the files, I tried this command:
% for i in *; do echo -n "$i "; wc -w < $i; done
bird 3
cat 5
dog 1
door 1
Then I have added the sort:
% (for i in *; do echo -n "$i "; wc -w < $i; done) | sort -n -k 2 -k 1
dog 1
door 1
bird 3
cat 5

wc -l is NOT counting last of the file if it does not have end of line character

I need to count all lines of an unix file. The file has 3 lines but wc -l gives only 2 count.
I understand that it is not counting last line because it does not have end of line character
Could any one please tell me how to count that line as well ?
grep -c returns the number of matching lines. Just use an empty string "" as your matching expression:
$ echo -n $'a\nb\nc' > 2or3.txt
$ cat 2or3.txt | wc -l
$ grep -c "" 2or3.txt
It is better to have all lines ending with EOL \n in Unix files. You can do:
{ cat file; echo ''; } | wc -l
Or this awk:
awk 'END{print NR}' file
This approach will give the correct line count regardless of whether the last line in the file ends with a newline or not.
awk will make sure that, in its output, each line it prints ends with a new line character. Thus, to be sure each line ends in a newline before sending the line to wc, use:
awk '1' file | wc -l
Here, we use the trivial awk program that consists solely of the number 1. awk interprets this cryptic statement to mean "print the line" which it does, being assured that a trailing newline is present.
Let us create a file with three lines, each ending with a newline, and count the lines:
$ echo -n $'a\nb\nc\n' >file
$ awk '1' f | wc -l
The correct number is found.
Now, let's try again with the last new line missing:
$ echo -n $'a\nb\nc' >file
$ awk '1' f | wc -l
This still provides the right number. awk automatically corrects for a missing newline but leaves the file alone if the last newline is present.
I respect the answer from John1024 and would like to expand upon it.
Line Count function
I find myself comparing line counts A LOT especially from the clipboard, so I have defined a bash function. I'd like to modify it to show the filenames and when passed more than 1 file a total. However, it hasn't been important enough for me to do so far.
# semicolons used because this is a condensed to 1 line in my ~/.bash_profile
function wcl(){
if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]]; then
set -- /dev/stdin "$#";
for f in "$#"; do
awk 1 "$f" | wc -l;
Counting lines without the function
# Line count of the file
$ cat file_with_newline | wc -l
# Line count of the file
$ cat file_without_newline | wc -l
# Line count of the file unchanged by cat
$ cat file_without_newline | cat | wc -l
# Line count of the file changed by awk
$ cat file_without_newline | awk 1 | wc -l
# Line count of the file changed by only the first call to awk
$ cat file_without_newline | awk 1 | awk 1 | awk 1 | wc -l
# Line count of the file unchanged by awk because it ends with a newline character
$ cat file_with_newline | awk 1 | awk 1 | awk 1 | wc -l
Counting characters (why you don't want to put a wrapper around wc)
# Character count of the file
$ cat file_with_newline | wc -c
# Character count of the file unchanged by awk because it ends with a newline character
$ cat file_with_newline | awk 1 | awk 1 | awk 1 | wc -c
# Character count of the file
$ cat file_without_newline | wc -c
# Character count of the file changed by awk
$ cat file_without_newline | awk 1 | wc -c
Counting lines with the function
# Line count function used on stdin
$ cat file_with_newline | wcl
# Line count function used on stdin
$ cat file_without_newline | wcl
# Line count function used on filenames passed as arguments
$ wcl file_without_newline file_with_newline

Iterate through the lines returned by grep in Shell

Suppose I have a file info.txt. The first column is the id, and the rest are its content.
1 aaa bbb
1 ccc ddd mmm
4 ccc eee
7 ddd fff jjj kkk
I'm only intereted with the lines beginning with "1". So I use grep to filter it:
what_I_concern=$(cat info.txt | grep -iw 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
and then I want to iterate through these lines:
for i in $what_I_concern; do
pass $i to another program #I want to pass one line at a time
But what it really did is to iterate through every word in these lines, instead of taking each line as a whole.
How can I solve this problem?
The way you're trying to accomplish what you need is causing word splitting. Instead, say:
while read -r line; do
someprogram $(cut -d' ' -f2- <<< "$line")
done < <(grep '^1' info.txt)
The <() syntax is known as Process Substitution. In this case, it enables the while loop to read the output of the grep command as a file.
You can avoid using grep and cut altogether in this case (assuming default IFS)
while read -r first rest; do
[ "$first" = "1" ] && pass "$rest" to another program;
done < info.txt

linux command to get the last appearance of a string in a text file

I want to find the last appearance of a string in a text file with linux commands. For example
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 a 3
1 b 1
2 b 2
3 b 3
1 c 1
2 c 2
3 c 3
In such a text file, i want to find the line number of the last appearance of b which is 6.
I can find the first appearance with
awk '/ b / {print NR;exit}' textFile.txt
but I have no idea how to do it for the last occurrence.
cat -n textfile.txt | grep " b " | tail -1 | cut -f 1
cat -n prints the file to STDOUT prepending line numbers.
grep greps out all lines containing "b" (you can use egrep for more advanced patterns or fgrep for faster grep of fixed strings)
tail -1 prints last line of those lines containing "b"
cut -f 1 prints first column, which is line # from cat -n
Or you can use Perl if you wish (It's very similar to what you'd do in awk, but frankly, I personally don't ever use awk if I have Perl handy - Perl supports 100% of what awk can do, by design, as 1-liners - YMMV):
perl -ne '{$n=$. if / b /} END {print "$n\n"}' textfile.txt
This can work:
$ awk '{if ($2~"b") a=NR} END{print a}' your_file
We check every second file being "b" and we record the number of line. It is appended, so by the time we finish reading the file, it will be the last one.
$ awk '{if ($2~"b") a=NR} END{print a}' your_file
Update based on sudo_O advise:
$ awk '{if ($2=="b") a=NR} END{print a}' your_file
to avoid having some abc in 2nd field.
It is also valid this one (shorter, I keep the one above because it is the one I thought :D):
$ awk '$2=="b" {a=NR} END{print a}' your_file
Another approach if $2 is always grouped (may be more efficient then waiting until the end):
awk 'NR==1||$2=="b",$2=="b"{next} {print NR-1; exit}' file
awk '$2=="b"{f=1} f==1 && $2!="b" {print NR-1; exit}' file

Find value from one csv in another one (like vlookup) in bash (Linux)

I have already tried all options that I found online to solve my issue but without good result.
Basically I have two csv files (pipe separated):
DUBLD11|DUBLIN 11|2100
I need a linux bash script to find the value of pos.3 from file2 based on the content of pos7 in file1.
file1, line1, pos 7: MAYOBAN
find MAYOBAN in file2, return pos 3 (2400)
the output should be something like this:
Please help
A little approach, far away to be perfect:
for i in $(cut -f 7 -d "${DELIMITER}" file1.csv );
grep "${i}" file2.csv | cut -f 3 -d "${DELIMITER}";
This will work, but since the input files must be sorted, the output order will be affected:
join -t '|' -1 7 -2 1 -o 2.3 <(sort -t '|' -k7,7 file1.csv) <(sort -t '|' -k1,1 file2.csv)
The output would look like:
which is useless. In order to have a useful output, include the key value:
join -t '|' -1 7 -2 1 -o 0,2.3 <(sort -t '|' -k7,7 file1.csv) <(sort -t '|' -k1,1 file2.csv)
The output then looks like this:
Here's an AWK version:
awk -F '|' 'FNR == NR {keys[$7]; next} {if ($1 in keys) print $3}' file1.csv file2.csv
This loops through file1.csv and creates array entries for each value of field 7. Simply referring to an array element creates it (with a null value). FNR is the record number in the current file and NR is the record number across all files. When they're equal, the first file is being processed. The next instruction reads the next record, creating a loop. When FNR == NR is no longer true, the subsequent file(s) are processed.
So file2.csv is now processed and if it has a field 1 that exists in the array, then its field 3 is printed.
You can use Miller (
Starting from input01.txt
and input02.txt
DUBLD11|DUBLIN 11|2100
and running
mlr --csv -N --ifs "|" join -j 7 -l 7 -r 1 -f input01.txt then cut -f 3 input02.txt
you will have
Some notes:
-N to set input and output without header;
--ifs "|" to set the input fields separator;
-l 7 -r 1 to set the join fields of the input files;
cut -f 3 to extract the field named 3 from the join output
cut -d\| -f7 file1.csv|while read line
grep $line file1.csv|cut -d\| -f3
