Replace an existing image with a new image - excel

I've made a real estate related worksheet that includes a few cells for the property's address and a picture of a Google Maps view of the property. I want to be able to change the address in the worksheet and then click the image to have it refresh with a map of the new address. I can't figure out how to replace the image.
Here's what I've got so far:
Function scrub(s As String)
scrub = Replace(s, " ", "+")
scrub = Replace(scrub, ",", "")
End Function
Function GetImageAddress(rng As Range)
Dim cell As Range
Dim addressString As String
addressString = ""
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Value <> "" Then
If addressString <> "" Then
addressString = addressString & "+" & scrub(cell.Value)
addressString = scrub(cell.Value)
End If
End If
Next cell
Dim urlstart, urlmid, urlend, key As String
key = "API_KEY" 'you'll need to get your own Google API Key for this to work
urlstart = ""
urlmid = "&markers=color:0x359BB2%7C"
urlend = "&zoom=17&size=640x480&scale=3&maptype=hybrid&key=" & key
GetImageAddress = urlstart & addressString & urlmid & addressString & urlend
End Function
Sub fetchImage()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("E10:E12")
Dim url As String
url = GetImageAddress(rng)
Dim myImage As Shape
Set myImage = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Map")
'something should go here to replace myImage with a new downloaded picture.
End Sub

Use the .Fill.UserPicture property
myImage.Fill.UserPicture url
Here is an example
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim url As String
Dim myImage As Shape
url = ""
Set myImage = ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)
myImage.Fill.UserPicture url
End Sub
will fill the shape with your stackoverflow DP.
Note: This won't work if the original shape was an inserted picture. Insert a new shape like a rectangle, and then this will work.


Fill shape data field from external data

I'm trying to link shape data field from external data like excel.
As #JohnGoldsmith suggested I used DropLinked but "I'm getting object name not found" error.
My main agenda is drop multiple shapes on drawing with shape data field "Name", then fill all the shape data field using external data in order. I also used spatial search for dropping shapes on drawing(Thanks to #Surrogate). By the way I'm using Visio Professional 2019.
It's often a good plan to separate chained members so you can identify whether (as #Paul points out) you're having a problem getting to the stencil or the master.
Following is a modified example of link shapes to data. I've ditched all of the spatial search stuff as I think that's a separate issue. If you still have trouble with that I would ask another question and narrow your sample code to not include the data linking part - ie just drop shapes and try and change their position. Bear in mind there's also Page.Layout and Selection.Layout
I think you've got the adding the DataRecordsets in the other linked question, so this example makes the following assumptions:
You have a drawing document open
You have the "Basic Shapes" stencil open (note my version is metric "_M")
You have a DataRecordset applied to the document named "AllNames"
The above record set has a column named "Name" that contains the data you want to link
Public Sub ModifiedDropLinked_Example()
Const RECORDSET_NAME = "AllNames"
Const COL_NAME = "Name"
Const MASTER_NAME = "Rectangle"
Dim vDoc As Visio.Document
Set vDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
Dim vPag As Visio.Page
Set vPag = Application.ActivePage
Dim vShp As Visio.Shape
Dim vMst As Visio.Master
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim xOffset As Double
Dim dataRowIDs() As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim rowData As Variant
Dim recordset As Visio.DataRecordset
Dim recordsetCount As Integer
For Each recordset In vDoc.DataRecordsets
If recordset.Name = RECORDSET_NAME Then
dataRowIDs = recordset.GetDataRowIDs("")
xOffset = 2
x = 0
y = 2
Dim vStencil As Visio.Document
Set vStencil = TryFindDocument(STENCIL_NAME)
If Not vStencil Is Nothing Then
Set vMst = TryFindMaster(vStencil, MASTER_NAME)
If Not vMst Is Nothing Then
For row = LBound(dataRowIDs) + 1 To UBound(dataRowIDs) + 1
rowData = recordset.GetRowData(row)
For col = LBound(rowData) To UBound(rowData)
Set vShp = vPag.DropLinked(vMst, x + (xOffset * row), y, recordset.ID, row, False)
Debug.Print "Linked shape ID " & vShp.ID & " to row " & row & " (" & rowData(col) & ")"
Next col
Next row
Debug.Print "Unable to find master '" & MASTER_NAME & "'"
End If
Debug.Print "Unable to find stencil '" & STENCIL_NAME & "'"
End If
Debug.Print "Unable to find DataRecordset '" & RECORDSET_NAME & "'"
End If
End Sub
Private Function TryFindDocument(docName As String) As Visio.Document
Dim vDoc As Visio.Document
For Each vDoc In Application.Documents
If StrComp(vDoc.Name, docName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set TryFindDocument = vDoc
Exit Function
End If
Set TryFindDocument = Nothing
End Function
Private Function TryFindMaster(ByRef vDoc As Visio.Document, mstNameU As String) As Visio.Master
Dim vMst As Visio.Master
For Each vMst In vDoc.Masters
If StrComp(vMst.NameU, mstNameU, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set TryFindMaster = vMst
Exit Function
End If
Set TryFindMaster = Nothing
End Function
The above code drops six shapes onto the page and adds a Shape Data row (Prop._VisDM_Name) with the corresponding data value. If you want the name text to appear in the shape then you would normally modify the master with an inserted field in the shape's text. (If you get stuck with this part then ask another question.)
One last point is that this example loops through the DataRecordset rows dropping a shape for each one, but there is also a Page.DropManyLinkedU method that allows you to this en masse.

Formatting Inputs with Rules in VBA

not sure how do phrase this question but I really dont understand it.
I want to achieve the following:
TextBox = TextVorname
TextBox = TextNachname
For Example I put in the 1. Textbox "Markus"
and put in the 2. Textbox "Neumann"
I want it to display in the Bookmark "Ma.Ne_2022"
I have following Code:
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
Dim VornameStr As String
VornameStr = Me.TextVorname.Caption
Dim NachnameStr As String
NachnameStr = Me.TextNachname.Caption
MyStrVorname = Left(VornameStr, 2)
MyStrNachname = Left(NachnameStr, 2)
MyStrFullname = MyStrVorname & "." & MyStrNachname & "_2022"
Call UpdateBookmark("test1", Me.MyStrFullname.Caption)
End Sub
Your question is a little bit vague.. Maybe this is what you're after?
Dim MyVornameStr As String
Dim MyNachnameStr As String
Dim MyStrFullname As String
MyStrVorname = Left(Me.TextVorName.Text, 2)
MyStrNachname = Left(Me.TextNachName.Text, 2)
MyStrFullname = MyStrVorname & "." & MyStrNachname & "_2022"
Call UpdateBookmark("test1", MyStrFullname)

How to automate excel to google search mulitple search queries each opened in different IE Tabs

I want a VBA macro to make a column of cells automatically opened in multiple tabs in Internet Explorer.
The Cells are the search query for google, each opened in multiple tabs with the defined range.
Sub GoogleSearch()
Dim objIEBrowser
Set objIEBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIEBrowser.Visible = True
Dim SearchTerm As String
For Each Cell In Range("D6:D14")
SearchTerm = Cell
SearchTerm = Replace(SearchTerm, " ", "+")
objIEBrowser.navigate "" & SearchTerm
End Sub
This results in the macro opening the last cell (D14) all other cells are not searched nor opened.
You are navigating to each url within the same window. You need to open new tabs or windows. Constants to flag what to do here.
It's a small number of cells so I haven't read those search values into an array. Normally, I would read those into an array, and loop that array, rather than incur the repeated I/O cost of going back and forth, from the sheet, in the loop over each cell.
New windows:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GoogleSearch()
Dim objIEBrowser, searchTerm As String, i As Long, cell As Range
Set objIEBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIEBrowser.Visible = True
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("D6:D14") 'better to use explicit sheet name
searchTerm = Replace$(cell.Value, " ", "+")
If i = 0 Then
objIEBrowser.navigate "" & searchTerm
objIEBrowser.document.parentWindow.execScript "'" & "" & searchTerm & "');"
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Sub GoogleSearch()
Dim objIEBrowser, searchTerm As String, i As Long, cell As Range
Set objIEBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIEBrowser.Visible = True
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("D6:D14") 'better to use explicit sheet name
searchTerm = Replace$(cell.Value, " ", "+")
objIEBrowser.Navigate2 "" & searchTerm, CLng(1)
End Sub
New tabs:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GoogleSearch()
Dim objIEBrowser, searchTerm As String, i As Long, cell As Range, flag As Long
Set objIEBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIEBrowser.Visible = True
i = 0
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("D6:D14") 'better to use explicit sheet name
searchTerm = Replace$(cell.Value, " ", "+")
flag = IIf(i = 0, 1, 2048)
objIEBrowser.Navigate2 "" & searchTerm, CLng(flag)
i = i + 1
End Sub

Getting the range used to define error bars with VBA

I have an Excel chart. One of the series has X and Y error bars, defined from worksheet ranges.
I want to get via VBA those ranges (not set them). Is this possible?
Jon Peltier has an article about error bars on his blog here
Quoting from that:
Programmatically Defining Custom Error Bars
The command to add error bars using Excel is: {Series}.ErrorBar
Direction:={xlX or xlY}, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlCustom, _
Amount:={positive values}, MinusValues:={negative values} Values can be a single numerical value, for example, 1, an comma-separated
array of numerical values in curly braces, such as {1,2,3,4}, or a
range address in R1C1 notation. For values in Sheet1!$G$2:$G$10, enter
the address as Sheet1!R2C7:R10C7. Combine both plus and minus in the
same command. In Excel 2007, if you don’t want to show a particular
error bar, you must enter a value of zero in this command. In 2003,
you can enter a null string “”. In Excel 2003, the range address must
begin with an equals sign, =Sheet1!R2C7:R10C7; Excel 2007 accepts the
address with or without the equals sign. Single values or arrays may
be entered with or without the equals sign in either version of Excel.
In a post on Ozgrid, Jon Peltier says
the range for custom error bar values is not exposed to VBA
If Jon says it can't be done, it can't be done.
I know I'm 8 years late to the party here... but I stumbled upon this while scouring the web for the answer to this same question. I came up empty too, so I decided to devise my own solution, and figured I might as well post it on the off chance that someone else ends up here.
It works by extracting the workbook XML to a temporary folder, locating the error bar reference in the XML, and returning it as a Range object. You therefore have to save changes to the workbook before the function will work. If you change the error bar range without saving, the function will still return the old range from the most recent save. It also will not work on files from Excel 2003 or earlier (.xls).
It's anything but elegant... but at least this is technically possible!
To use: just copy the code below into a standard module, and call GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarPlus) for the source range of the positive error bar, or GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarMinus) for the source range of the negative error bar (where MySeries.ErrorBars is some ErrorBars object). Passing the optional third argument AutoSave:=True will save the containing workbook automatically before looking for the error bar source ranges.
' Created by Ryan T. Miller in 2022
' You may use this code in your own work however you wish. It'd be real swell of you
' to leave this credit in if you do, but I'm not gonna force you to.
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Public Enum EnErrorBarPlusMinus
End Enum
Private moFSO As Object
' Get error bar source range from ErrorBars object
Public Function GetErrorBarRange(oErrorBars As ErrorBars, _
PlusMinus As EnErrorBarPlusMinus, _
Optional AutoSave As Boolean) As Range
Dim oFile As Object
Dim strTempDir As String
Dim strSubfolder As String
Dim oSeries As Series
Dim oChart As Chart
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oWb As Workbook
Dim strPrefix As String
Dim strSeriesName As String
Dim strChartName As String
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim strXMLFile As String
Dim strXPath As String
Dim strCurrentSheet As String
Dim strRelId As String
Dim strDrawingXml As String
Dim strChartXml As String
Dim strErrValType As String
Dim strErrBarType As String
Dim strErrBarFormula As String
Dim rngResult As Range
On Error GoTo CleanUp
If Not (PlusMinus = enErrorBarMinus _
Or PlusMinus = enErrorBarPlus) Then Exit Function
Set moFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Application.Cursor = xlWait
' Set Series, Chart, Sheet, and Workbook objects
Set oSeries = oErrorBars.Parent
Set oChart = oSeries.Parent.Parent
If TypeOf oChart.Parent Is ChartObject Then
' Chart is on a worksheet
Set oSheet = oChart.Parent.Parent
strPrefix = "work"
' Chart is on its own chart sheet
Set oSheet = oChart
strPrefix = "chart"
End If
Set oWb = oSheet.Parent
If AutoSave Then oWb.Save
' Name of the series, chart & its parent sheet
strSeriesName = oSeries.Name
strChartName = oChart.Parent.Name
strSheetName = oSheet.CodeName
strTempDir = ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp(oWb)
' Loop over worksheet/chartsheet XML files & find the one where /worksheet/sheetPr/#codeName=strSheetName
' Then get strRelId from /worksheet/drawing/#r:id
' This is the ID which specifies which relationship links the sheet to the drawings.
strSubfolder = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl\" & strPrefix & "sheets")
strXPath = "/x:" & strPrefix & "sheet/x:sheetPr/#codeName"
For Each oFile In moFSO.GetFolder(strSubfolder).Files
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, oFile.Name)
strCurrentSheet = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
If strSheetName = strCurrentSheet Then Exit For
Next oFile
strXPath = "/x:" & strPrefix & "sheet/x:drawing/#r:id"
strRelId = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Open the _rels XML associated with the correct sheet.
' Then get strDrawingXml from /Relationships/Relationship[#Id='strRelId']/#Target
' This is the name of the drawing XML.
strSubfolder = strSubfolder & "\_rels"
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, moFSO.GetFileName(strXMLFile)) & ".rels"
strXPath = "/rel:Relationships/rel:Relationship[#Id='" & strRelId & "']/#Target"
strDrawingXml = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strDrawingXml = Replace$(Replace$(strDrawingXml, "../", "/"), "/", "\")
' Open the correct drawing XML file (strDrawingXml)
' Then get strRelId from xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame[xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/#name='strChartName']/a:graphic/a:graphicData/c:chart/#r:id
' Or, if oSheet is a ChartSheet, there will only be 1 chart, so just get xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame/a:graphicData/a:graphic/c:chart/#r:id
' This is the ID which specifies which relationship links the drawing to the chart.
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl" & strDrawingXml)
strXPath = "xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame" & _
IIf(TypeOf oChart.Parent Is ChartObject, "[xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/#name='" & strChartName & "']", vbNullString) & _
strRelId = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Open the _rels associated with the correct drawing XML.
' Then get strChartXml = /Relationships/Relationship[#Id='strRelId']/#Target
' This is the name of the chart XML.
strSubfolder = moFSO.GetParentFolderName(strXMLFile) & "\_rels"
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, moFSO.GetFileName(strXMLFile)) & ".rels"
strXPath = "/rel:Relationships/rel:Relationship[#Id='" & strRelId & "']/#Target"
strChartXml = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strChartXml = Replace$(Replace$(strChartXml, "../", "/"), "/", "\")
' Open the correct chart XML file (strChartXml)
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl" & strChartXml)
' Get error bar value type. If the error bar is set to a Range then this must be 'cust'.
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars/c:errValType/#val"
strErrValType = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Get error bar type. This can be "minus", "plus", or "both" depending on which error bar(s) exist(s).
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars/c:errBarType/#val"
strErrBarType = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Get the Range address for either the "minus" or "plus" error bar and set it to the final result.
If strErrValType = "cust" Then
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars"
If PlusMinus = enErrorBarMinus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "minus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:minus/c:numRef/c:f"
ElseIf PlusMinus = enErrorBarPlus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "plus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:plus/c:numRef/c:f"
strErrBarFormula = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strErrBarFormula = "'[" & oWb.Name & "]" & Replace$(strErrBarFormula, "!", "'!")
Set rngResult = Application.Range(strErrBarFormula)
End If
Set GetErrorBarRange = rngResult
' Delete the temporary extracted XML data
With moFSO
If .FolderExists(strTempDir) Then .DeleteFolder strTempDir
End With
Set moFSO = Nothing
' Free the cursor
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End Function
' Get the value of an XML node by an XPath search string
Private Function GetXPathFromXMLFile(ByVal strXMLFile As String, ByVal strXPath As String) As String
Dim objXMLDoc As Object
Dim strNS As String
Dim objXMLNode As Object
' Load the XML file
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
objXMLDoc.Load strXMLFile
' These are all the XML namespaces related to the current task
strNS = Join$(Array( _
"xmlns:x=""""", _
"xmlns:r=""""", _
"xmlns:mc=""""", _
"xmlns:x14ac=""""", _
"xmlns:xr=""""", _
"xmlns:xr2=""""", _
"xmlns:xr3=""""", _
"xmlns:rel=""""", _
"xmlns:xdr=""""", _
"xmlns:a=""""", _
"xmlns:c=""""", _
"xmlns:c16r2=""""" _
objXMLDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
objXMLDoc.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", strNS
objXMLDoc.resolveExternals = True
' Select the XML node and return its text value
Set objXMLNode = objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(strXPath)
If Not objXMLNode Is Nothing Then
GetXPathFromXMLFile = objXMLNode.Text
End If
End Function
' If workbook path is a OneDrive URL or a network share URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function LocalFilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String)
strFilePath = OneDriveLocalFilePath(strFilePath)
strFilePath = NetworkLocalFilePath(strFilePath)
LocalFilePath = strFilePath
End Function
' If workbook path is a OneDrive URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function OneDriveLocalFilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String) As String
Dim strOneDrivePath As String
Dim strLocalPath As String
If strFilePath Like "**" Then
strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDriveCommercial")
If strOneDrivePath = vbNullString Then strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDrive")
strLocalPath = strOneDrivePath & "/" & Split(strFilePath, "/", 7)(6)
OneDriveLocalFilePath = Replace$(strLocalPath, "/", "\")
ElseIf strFilePath Like "**" Then
strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDriveConsumer")
If strOneDrivePath = vbNullString Then strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDrive")
strLocalPath = strOneDrivePath & "/" & Split(strFilePath, "/", 5)(4)
OneDriveLocalFilePath = Replace$(strLocalPath, "/", "\")
OneDriveLocalFilePath = strFilePath
End If
End Function
' If workbook path is a network share URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function NetworkLocalFilePath(ByVal strFilename As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim ShellScript As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim strDriveLetter As String * 1
Dim strRemotePath As String
Set ShellScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i = 97 To 122 ' a to z
strDriveLetter = Chr$(i)
strRemotePath = ShellScript.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network\" & strDriveLetter & "\RemotePath")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If strFilename Like strRemotePath & "*" Then
NetworkLocalFilePath = Replace$(strFilename, strRemotePath, UCase$(strDriveLetter) & ":", Count:=1)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
NetworkLocalFilePath = strFilename
End Function
' Extract workbook XML to temporary directory
Private Function ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp(oWb As Workbook) As String
Dim strTempDir As String
Dim strExt As String
Dim strTempWb As String
Dim strWbLocal As String
Dim strZipFile As String
On Error GoTo CleanUp
' Create a temporary copy of the workbook
With moFSO
strTempDir = .BuildPath(Environ$("TEMP"), _
Replace$(.GetTempName, ".tmp", vbNullString))
strExt = .GetExtensionName(oWb.Name)
strTempWb = strTempDir & "." & strExt
strWbLocal = LocalFilePath(oWb.FullName)
.CopyFile strWbLocal, strTempWb
End With
' Rename the temporary copy from .xls_ to .zip
strZipFile = strTempDir & ".zip"
Name strTempWb As strZipFile
' Unzip the .zip file to a temporary folder
MkDir strTempDir
UnzipFiles strZipFile, strTempDir
' Return the name of the temporary directory
ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp = strTempDir
' Delete the temporary ZIP file
With moFSO
If .FileExists(strZipFile) Then .DeleteFile strZipFile
End With
End Function
' Unzip all the files in 'varZipFile' into the folder 'varDestDir'
Private Sub UnzipFiles(ByVal varZipFile As Variant, ByVal varDestDir As Variant)
Dim oShellApp As Object
Const NO_PROGRESS_DIALOG As Integer = &H4
Set oShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
If Not varDestDir Like "*\" Then varDestDir = varDestDir & "\"
With oShellApp
.Namespace(varDestDir).CopyHere .Namespace(varZipFile).Items, NO_PROGRESS_DIALOG
End With
On Error Resume Next
With oShellApp
Do Until .Namespace(varZipFile).Items.Count = .Namespace(varDestDir).Items.Count
Application.Wait Date + (VBA.Timer + 1!) / 86400
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Range constraint and variable management when passing information from macro to userform to worksheet

I've built a userform that allows modification of a macro-generated string before it becomes part of a new spreadsheet. As written, I have one worry about how resilient it will be.
The form has a single textbox called CourseDescription into which a string value strBundleDescription is dumped:
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription = strBundleDescription
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.MultiLine = True
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.WordWrap = True
The user can then edit the text as needed and press OK to pass the text to the spreadsheet being created.
On clicking OK, the modified string is placed in Range("B7") of the spreadsheet:
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim strValue As String
strValue = CourseDescription.Value
If strValue <> "" Then
Range("B7").Value = strValue
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
This works so far in practice, but I've had unexplained focus issues before. I am concerned that the focus might in some (unknown) circumstance shift to another open worksheet and the text will be pasted where it does not belong.
My question: Am I right to want a more defined location, or will a simple range definition like the one above be adequate? And if a more defined location is advised, is there a way to pass information like the wkbSaba and shtCourse values without making public variables?
All potential solutions I found involved some form of public variable, but on principle (rightly or wrongly) I'm trying to avoid public variables when information will only be used in one function (as in this case).
Full Code, as requested: This is the the full macro code as it stands. The call for frmDescriptionReview is about 3/4 of the way down under the comment tag "'enter base information for Bundle Description".
I'm going to try the Property call as you suggest, which is something I did not know about, and had not seen when web searching for ways to pass data to a userform. So much to learn! It certainly looks like the variables could be passed that way.
Option Explicit
Sub TransferData()
' 1. Make sure that all information for the bundle is included
' on the 'km notification plan' and 'bundle details (kbar)' tabs
' of the Reporting_KMFramework.xlsx
' 2. Select the bundle name on the 'km notification plan' tab.
' 3. Start the macro and it should create the basis of the Saba
' form
' 4. Read through the entire form, especially the bundle
' description, to be sure it is complete and accurate.
'establish variables
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim sTxt As String
Dim sTxt2 As String
Dim sBundleName As String
Dim sNumber As String
Dim aSplit() As String
Dim aSplit2() As String
Dim aBundleSplit() As String
Dim aNumberSplit() As String
Dim wkbFramework As Workbook
Dim wkbSaba As Workbook
Dim shtPlan As Worksheet
Dim shtCourse As Worksheet
Dim vData As Variant
Dim vBundleName As Variant
Dim lLoop As Long
'set initial values for variables
'find current row number
iRow = ActiveCell.Row
'remember locations of current data
Set wkbFramework = ActiveWorkbook
Set shtPlan = ActiveSheet
'Set rngSelect = Range("B" & iRow)
'select bundle name
vBundleName = shtPlan.Range("B" & iRow).Value
vData = vBundleName
sBundleName = shtPlan.Range("B" & iRow).Value
'find and save course names for the bundle
sTxt = Find_Range(vBundleName, Columns("B"), xlValues).Offset(0, 1).Value 'course names from Detail tab
sTxt2 = Find_Range(vBundleName, Columns("B"), xlValues).Offset(0, 2).Value 'course numbers from Detail tab
'open new Saba Form
Workbooks.Add Template:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\rookek\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Bundle_SabaEntryForm_KM.xltm"
'remember locations of Saba form
Set wkbSaba = ActiveWorkbook
Set shtCourse = ActiveSheet
'move data into new Saba form
'paste bundle name
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B5").Value = vData
'Transfer bundle number
vData = wkbFramework.Sheets(shtPlan.Name).Range("E" & iRow).Value
sNumber = vData
Dim aNumber() As String
aNumber = Split(sNumber, "-")
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B6").Value = vData
'create names to use in the bundle description and (later) in naming the file
'Establish additional variables
Dim strDate As String
Dim strName1 As String
Dim strName2 As String
Dim strName3 As String
Dim strName4 As String
Dim strName5 As String
Dim aTechSplit() As String
Dim aCourse() As String
Dim iTech As Integer
'Dim iBundle As Integer
Dim iCourse As Integer
vData = wkbFramework.Sheets(shtPlan.Name).Range("L" & iRow).Value
aCourse = Split(sTxt, Chr(10))
iCourse = UBound(aCourse)
aTechSplit = Split(vData, " ")
iTech = UBound(aTechSplit)
aBundleSplit = Split(sBundleName, " ")
aNumberSplit = Split(sNumber, "-")
strName1 = aBundleSplit(0)
strName2 = aBundleSplit(1)
If UBound(aNumberSplit) > 1 Then
strName3 = aNumberSplit(UBound(aNumberSplit) - 1) & aNumberSplit(UBound(aNumberSplit))
End If
strName3 = Right(strName3, Len(strName3) - 1)
strName4 = aTechSplit(0) & " "
strName5 = aCourse(0)
For lLoop = 1 To iTech - 1
strName4 = strName4 & aTechSplit(lLoop) & " "
Next lLoop
If iCourse > 1 Then
For lLoop = 1 To iCourse - 1
strName5 = strName5 & ", " & aCourse(lLoop)
Next lLoop
strName5 = strName5 & ", and " & aCourse(iCourse)
End If
If iCourse = 1 Then
strName5 = strName5 & ", and " & aCourse(iCourse)
End If
strName5 = Replace(strName5, " Technical Differences", "")
strName5 = Replace(strName5, " Overview", "")
strName5 = Replace(strName5, " Technical Presales for ATCs", "")
strName5 = Replace(strName5, " Technical Presales for STCs", "")
strName5 = Replace(strName5, " Technical Presales", "")
'enter base information for Bundle Description
Dim strBundleDescription As String
strBundleDescription = "This Knowledge Maintenance bundle covers recent technology changes that may affect " & strName4 & "environments. Topics covered by this bundle include the enhancements and features introduced with " & strName5 & "."
'wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B7").Value = strBundleDescription
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription = strBundleDescription
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.MultiLine = True
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.WordWrap = True
'transfer tech and track
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B8").Value = vData
'transfer product GA date
vData = wkbFramework.Sheets(shtPlan.Name).Range("G" & iRow).Value
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B9").Value = vData
'transfer bundle notification date
vData = wkbFramework.Sheets(shtPlan.Name).Range("D" & iRow).Value
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B10").Value = vData
'set audience type
If aNumber(UBound(aNumber)) = "SA" Then
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B11").Value = "Internal, Partner, Customer"
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B11").Value = "Internal, Partner"
End If
'set Education Manager
frmEducationManagerEntry.EducationManagers.MultiLine = True
frmEducationManagerEntry.EducationManagers.WordWrap = True
'set EPG
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B13").Value = "N/A (KM course reuse)"
'set Test information to N/A
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("A22:B22").Value = "N/A"
'enter course names
aSplit = Split(sTxt, Chr(10)) 'if there is more than one course, this establishes a number and location for each
If UBound(aSplit) > 4 Then
'add rows equal to the difference between ubound and 5
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("A21", "B" & 21 + (UBound(aSplit) - 5)).Select
End If
For lLoop = 0 To UBound(aSplit)
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B" & 17 + lLoop).Value = aSplit(lLoop)
Next lLoop
'enter course numbers
aSplit2 = Split(sTxt2, Chr(10)) 'if there is more than one course, this establishes a number and location for each
For lLoop = 0 To UBound(aSplit2)
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("A" & 17 + lLoop).Value = Trim(aSplit2(lLoop))
Next lLoop
'save and close Saba form
With wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name)
Dim SaveAsDialog As FileDialog
strDate = Date
strDate = Replace(strDate, "/", ".")
Set SaveAsDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
With SaveAsDialog
.Title = "Choose a file location and file name for your new Saba form"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = strName1 & strName2 & "_SabaEntryForm_" & strName3 & ".xlsx"
'.InitialFileName = sSavelocation & "\" & strName3 & "\" & aBundleSplit(0) & aBundleSplit(1) & "_" & strName3 & "_SabaEntryForm" & ".xlsx"
End With
End With
' Return focus to Plan sheet
End Sub
Addition of Property code fails
I tried adding code based on the property link shared in the comments, but running the code results in a Compile error: Method or data member not found. The complete userform code looks like this:
Option Explicit
Private wkbLocation As Workbook
Private shtLocation As Worksheet
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim strValue As String
strValue = CourseDescription.Value
If strValue <> "" Then
wkbLocation.Sheets(shtLocation).Range("B7").Value = strValue
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Property Let MyProp(wkbSaba As Workbook, shtCourse As Worksheet)
wkbLocation = wkbSaba
shtLocation = shtCourse
End Property
And the call for the userform now looks like this:
'enter base information for Bundle Description
Dim strBundleDescription As String
strBundleDescription = "This Knowledge Maintenance bundle covers recent technology changes that may affect " & strName4 & "environments. Topics covered by this bundle include the enhancements and features introduced with " & strName5 & "."
'wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B7").Value = strBundleDescription
Dim frmDescriptionReview As UserForm3
Set frmDescriptionReview = New UserForm3
frmDescriptionReview.MyProp = "Pass to form"
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription = strBundleDescription
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.MultiLine = True
frmDescriptionReview.CourseDescription.WordWrap = True
When I run the code, I get a Compile error: Method or data member not found, highlighting .MyProp. Help says this error means I misspelled the object or member name, or specified a collection index that is out of range. I checked the spelling, and MyProp is exactly how I spelled it in both locations. I don't think I'm specifying a collection am I? None are explicitly defined. What am i doing wrong?
I am concerned that the focus might in some (unknown) circumstance
shift to another open worksheet and the text will be pasted where it
does not belong.
Not really sure what you are asking. But you can further define your range variable by using:
Workbooks("Book1.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B7").Value = strValue
Workbooks(wkbSaba).Worksheets(shtCourse).Range("B7").Value = strValue
That will ensure it goes to the right workbook and worksheet. I'm not sure why you think you need public variables?
UserForm Code:
Private wsSheet As Worksheet
Property Let SetWorksheet(wsSheetPass As Worksheet)
Set wsSheet = wsSheetPass
End Property
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim strValue As String
strValue = CourseDescription.Value
If strValue <> "" Then
wsSheet.Range("B7").Value = strValue
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Calling Module:
Dim wsSheetToPass As Worksheet
Set wsSheetToPass = Workbooks(wkbSaba).Worksheets(shtCourse)
frmDescriptionReview.SetWorksheet = wsSheetToPass
As Reafidy states, creating a Property for the Userform and passing information to it would clearly be the right answer for passing variables to and from a userform.
Ideally what I want is to have the form very losely coupled with the module, and not touch the spreadsheet at all (so when appropriate I can pass information to the form from other modules, get the information returned, and place it where appropriate for the current module (which could be on an entirely different spreadsheet or in a completely different cell).
I found additional information on passing data with properties on the PeltierTech web site ( that helped me understand what Reafidy was doing so I couls start loosening the coupling between my code and my forms even more (which was my original intent for this question.
Adding the Get property allows the loose coupling I'm looking for, allowing me to both give and receive information without having to pass the spreadsheet data at all. So my call in the module now looks like this:
'review and revise Description Text
Dim DescriptionReview As New frmDescriptionReview
With DescriptionReview
.Description = strBundleDescription
strBundleDescription = .Description
End With
Unload DescriptionReview
'transfer description text
wkbSaba.Sheets(shtCourse.Name).Range("B7").Value = strBundleDescription
and the code for the UserForm itself becomes much simpler, like this:
Option Explicit
Property Let Description(ByVal TextBeingPassed As String)
Me.CourseDescription.Value = TextBeingPassed
End Property
Property Get Description() As String
Description = Me.CourseDescription.Value
End Property
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
