Android Studio - Layout - android-studio

Hello im a beginner in Android Studio,
I'm working on a project with a classmate and we now have about 20 Layouts in
our current Porject. Is there any way to
create Folders inside the /res/layout Directory to make it easier to handle.
When I try to make folders they dont show up in the Project Explorer.

Right click on the layout folder then go to new and then click on directory.


In Android Studio, how do I create a folder for project documentation?

In Eclipse, I had some folders in the project root that were not code - containing text files with notes about the project, Photoshop files for artwork and so on. Having migrated to Android Studio, these extra folders in the project root are not visible in the Project navigation pane - I only see the app folder and Gradle Scripts.
Is there some way to create a non-code folder that is visible in the Project pane but that is outside the app module?
I thought "Create New Module" in the Project Structure dialogue might do it, but it only offers me templates for modules that contain Android code.
--- EDIT ---
Thanks to #SvdTweel's answer I've stumbled across something that seems to do what I want:
switch to the Project view
create the documentation folder in the project root
right-click it and select Mark Directory as>Resources Root
switch back to the Android view and you see a new folder named "resources"
Will this have any adverse effects? Is this folder still ignored when building the app module?
In the Project Structure you can switch from Android to Project.
The default Android view structures and minimalizes the directories and files so that you as a developer can easier navigate through your project.
The Project view shows everything just as you would see when you browse it with your file explorer on your OS.
I think that is what you search for to create files and directories in the root of the project.
You can put the doc files in the test/resources folder. This is clumsy, but it makes them visible in the Android view while keeping them out of the build.
Bonus: code completion when editing Markdown code samples using the JetBrains Markdown plugin.

How to add folder in android studio

I tried to add a new folder in android studio, but It hasn't created.
I click right mouse button on res folder -> new -> Android Resource directory (or just a directory) ->
write a name and click enter, but there is no new folder in android studio explorer. When I check res folder in windows explorer I found, that these folders are created, but I can't see them In android studio.
Honestly, I tried to create layout-large firstly, but then I discovered, that there is no way to see created folders in android studio.
What can it be? How can I fix this problem?
if you need to see the created folders switch your project view from Android view to Project from the dropdown menu in order to see them. Android view allows you to see the default Android project resource folders only, any additional folders will not be recognized by the Android view.

Invisible folders in Android Studio Project view

I have recently switched to Android Studio and try to migrate an ADT project.
In the app/src/main/res/ directory I have the values, values-v11 and values-v14 folder. But in the Studio's Project view only the "values" folder is displayed. Why? How to resolve this?
Android Studio puts them by default into one view, physically there are still in different folders. If you want to change this, just change the project perspective in the project view on the left side.

New Directory vs New Folder in Android Studio

What is the difference between creating a new directory and creating a new folder in Android Studio?
Here is an image of the menu choices:
Short answer
Use folder when adding a folder to an Android Studio project. This is what Android Studio calls them. Directory is what IntelliJ calls a folder. Android Studio is built on top IntelliJ so there is some naming confusion.
Long answer
Although there is a technical difference between a folder and a directory (see here and here), they are often (correctly or incorrectly) used interchangeably. This can be seen even in the titles of these two SO questions:
Setting a custom assets directory for unit testing in Android Studio
Adding an assets folder in Android Studio
This can be confusing to new users of Android Studio when they see both choices in the menu structure. Further confusion results when users add a new directory and then it doesn't show up in the Android folder view. See these questions for example:
Android Studio: Newly Created Directory Not Appearing In Folders View
New created "values" folder is not visible in Android Studio
The folders actually do show up if you select the Project or Packages view from the menu:
However if you want an Android folder to show up automatically in the Android view you need to right click and use New > Folder > Assets folder (if you are adding an assets folder). You could then add a subfolder like "fonts" to this by choosing the New > Directory option.
Android Studio is built on top of IntelliJ IDEA. IntelliJ itself has a menu option to add a directory (as you can see here). But Android stores files in what it calls folders. So when these two platforms are put together in Android Studio, there gets to be some naming confusion. (This is my interpretation, but perhaps they really are trying to differentiate the subtle differences between directory and folder.)
You can see from your menu image that there is also an "Android resource directory" option. (You got that by right clicking on the res directory/folder rather than a subdirectory.) You would use this to add resource folders such as raw, menu, values, etc.

How do I add folders into the Solution Explorer for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web?

I am very new to Visual studio, so I am trying to learn the basics.
I have read so many articles but some are for 2012, some are for the non-web version, etc, but I seriously can't find a solution to such a simple task as this.
I am using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web, and have created a "Blank Solution".
I end up with this view:
Now my goal is to add all my existing files and folders and have it shown in Visual Studio.
So, I have located my solution file on disk and copied all my files into the same folder:
Now, I know its possible to add single items into the view by right clicking and picking add item:
But I cant include folders here. I have tried to drag and drop, I have read guides about using the "Show all files" button, but apparently that does not exist for the Web version of Visual Studio 2012.
Could anyone please tell me what the proper way is to include all my files into the solution explorer?
I just had this same problem in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate. I know your question is about Web but maybe this will work for you too.
Assuming the files/folders you want to include are in your solution folder, from the Project menu toggle on "Show All Files", then you should see the files/folders in Solution Explorer. Select those you want to include, right click and choose "Include in Project".
A solution contains one or several projects and no solution-wide files (normally). Create a project, and then follow How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio? to add the files.
(It was a long time ago I did it this way, and with an earlier version of Visual Studio, so YMMV.)
I think that the best way to do it is to simply drag&drop desired folders with files between file explorer and solution explorer in VS. I've just tested it and that works the best for me.
You can place your files in the Solution folder and refresh the solution explorer :) It'll automatically add your files, I do it for 2010 and think it'll work for 2012 as well
In solution Explorer top toggle,You can find few icons, Find Show all files and click on it.Navigate to the folder exactly matching the same address in your visual studio and you can see a folder which is newly added into your project,Which is displayed as a dotted folder and right click on it and include it into project.
Don't forget to convert the project into Web-Application.
I actually found the solution.
So in solution explorer there is a button "Solutions and Folders" screenshot
When you pressed it your project folder would be opened. You find the folder that you need to add, copy it (screenshot), return to project solution and past it
