API Architecture - Business logic tightly coupled to routes? - node.js

To speed up development for my next Node-API I was looking for a suitable Framework. In the past I was building my APIs with express only.
One Design pattern I always found useful is to completely seperate the business logic from route-handling in services. Those services only accept the required information (like a user id or data) and return a promise resolving the result of the operation.
This way it is easy to reuse these services in other routes, to combine them, test them, or call them based on schedules or other events - totally independent from endpoint-calls. Routing and Middleware take care of access-controll, error-handling and respondig.
Looking at the documentations of those frameworks (sailsjs, keystonejs, ...) I mostly see the business-logic tightly coupled to individual routes, directly accepting request objects and handling the responses. Only as an afterthought it seems there is sometimes offered a way to extract "often used code" into helper functions.
Am I missing something? How come this pattern seems to be the standard of API design? Is this a best practice for a reason?

It might have to do with Node.js services being smaller in size. If you're coming from an enterprise background, you're well aware mixing business-logic with controller code doesn't fly in the long run. Perhaps small projects can get away with defying that, but once the size increases, you can't avoid the laws of physics. It's best to separate concerns and keep the codebase maintainable.
I'd also add that below services, it's good to have a separate layer that handles talking to outside process boundaries. That way, you can test business logic in isolation by providing appropriate test doubles for integrations. Here's a longer explanation of how it would work in a Node project: Organize Node.js API project using 3-layer architecture.


Call a method in the nest.js project with Camunda (looking for an approach)

Let's assume the following situation:
We have several webservices based on Nest.js technology
The services perform CRUD operations in the area of ​​their domain
The services do not have business logic (they can add, change, delete, return data, they know the relationships between entities, but also between domains (e.g. through Apollo Federation)
Everything works fine so far.
However, we face the problem of business processes, validation, business rules and everything that goes with it. So we have to code this logic somehow or use some engine (eg Camunda).
As far as I understand that Camunda can send requests from Service A to Service B in the BPMN process e.g. via HTTP.
But what if several activities are performed in the same service?
Isn't it better to make requests to the same service at the service level layer? Is it possible in Cmunda?
WebService1 has a POST Customer/ endpoint which calls CustomerService.AddCustomer (data) and CustomerRoles.AddRole (data). Can we call CustomerRoles.AddRole in Camunda?
My question is mainly about node.js / nestjs.
Forgive me, but I don't think I can describe it more clearly :(
In general you can use Camunda not only at the highest orchestration layer, for the end-to-end business process, but also inside the micro service. Benefits include state management, error handling, retries, exception handling, possible compensation. (What happens if AddCustomer succeeds, but AddRole fails?).
There are orchestration vs choreography considerations. Latency requiremnts may also be relevant. I recommend these two reads, which illustrate the benefits/trade-offs and design decision well:
Why don't you implement a little proof of concept and see what it could look like? If NextJS is your world, you may like to start with a Camunda 8 SaaS trila and https://github.com/camunda-community-hub/nestjs-zeebe#readme

How to classify services in microservices?

I am new in microservices. I am coming from monolithic background in current environment i have different kinds services for different purposes like search, file, email, notification. I have taken so many courses but in that the instructor separate each entity and make it's own database also create API for that(like separate shopping cart entity, product entity) it makes no sense, I am not getting what is real world use of microservices or how to make separate component to build it's own microservice.
Can anyone give Real Project example?
Thanks in advance
Read this and this. Also look here and here. I don't think that anyone will give a link to the real working project, so you can try this.
I am not getting what is real world use of microservices
mostly as you heard in all of those tutorials the microservices architecture leverage advantages of:
the smaller services are easy to maintain and develop
easily can scale specific services rather than the whole project(monolith). for example you scale service-1 to 4 instances that request traffic split into these 4 instance and service-2 to 2 instances and go on (load balance). and these services may distributed in to different servers and locations.
if one service failed to work it does not terminate the whole system since they are independent.
services can be reusable for other scenarios or features.
small team can works for each services and its easy to manage both project and development flow.
and also it suffer from disadvantages of
services are simple and small but all as a whole system is complex so designing part are very critical.
poor performance and it requires do some extras to improve the performance (different types of caching on different levels).
transactions are complex and its developments are time costly. imagine simple update should be projected to other services if its required and you have to consider failure and rollback strategy ( SAGA ).
how to make separate component to build it's own microservice
this is the most challenging part of microservices. you need deep study on Domain driven design DDD.
Decompose by subdomain
Decompose by Business Capabilities
Can anyone give Real Project example?
there are many projects the develop microservices with different patterns. I think you have to start your own and make your hands dirty.

loopback4 Project Structure

I come from express.js background and pretty new to loopback framework, especially loopback4 which i am using for my current project. I have gone through the loopback4 documentation few times and got some good progress in setting up the project. As the project is running as expected, I am not much convinced with project structure, Please help me to solve below problem,
As per docs, database operations should be in repositories and routes should be in controllers. Now suppose, My API consist lots of business logic along with database operations say thousand of lines. Which makes controllers routes difficult to maintain. More difficulty would arise, if some API demands version upgrade.
Is there any way to organise the code in controllers in more
scalable and reusable manner? What if i add one more service layer
between controllers and repositories and put business logic there?
how to implement it in the correct way? Is there any official way to
do that which is suggested by loopback community only?
Thanks in advance!!
Is there any way to organise the code in controllers in more scalable and reusable manner?
Yes, services can be used to abstract complex logic into its own separate class(es). Once defined, the service can be injected into the dependent controller(s) which can then call the respective service functions.
How the service is designed is dependent on the user requirements as LoopBack 4 does not necessarily enforce a strict design requirement.

Is a Service provider really necessary in NestJS?

I am trying to understand what the purpose of injecting service providers into a NestJS controller? The documentation here explains here how to use them, that's not the issue here: https://docs.nestjs.com/providers
What I am trying to understand is, in most traditional web applications regardless of platform, a lot of the logic that would go into a NestJS service would otherwise just normally go right into a controller. Why did NestJS decide to move the provider into its own class/abstraction? What is the design advantages gained here for the developer?
Nest draws inspiration from Angular which in turn drew inspiration from enterprise application frameworks like .NET and Java Spring Boot. In these frameworks, the biggest concerns are ideas called Separation of Concern (SoC) and the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), which means that each class deal with a specific function, and for the most part it can do it without really knowing much about other parts of the application (which leads to loosely coupled design patterns).
You could, if you wanted, put all of your business logic in a controller and call it a day. After all, that would be the easy thing to do, right? But what about testing? You'll need to send in a full request object for each functionality you want to test. You could then make a request factory that makes theses requests for you so it's easier to test, but now you're also looking at needing to test the factory to make sure it is producing correctly (so now you're testing your test code). If you broke apart the controller and the service, the controller could be tested that it just returns whatever the service returns and that's that. Then he service can have a specific input (like from the #Body() decorator in NestJS) and have a much easier input to work with an test.
By splitting the code up, the developer gains flexibility in maintenance, testing, and some autonomy if you are on a team and have interfaces set up so you know what kind of architecture you'll be getting from an injected service without needing to know how the service works in the first place. However, if you still aren't convinced you can also read up on Module Programming, Coupling, and Inversion of Control

Would Node.js be the right choice for this application?

I spent the last couple of days figuring out what development stack to use for the interactive student platform I'm planning to build.
I figured out that the MEAN stack may suit the job very well. However, I face a dilemma whether to use Node.js as backend technology for the application:
Reasons to consider Node
The backend will mainly consist of realtime components. E.g. collaboration tools, notifications, etc.
These components will handle this data concurrently
It will scale better than a conventional server-side programming language such as PHP
Exposing the data with REST for e.g. a mobile applications will be a breeze
Having one data format (JSON) in the front- and backend will speed up development.
Some components require computation. Although not that complex, it may slow down the application.
Although the application is mostly a single page application, the application will (in a later stage have some features that Node seems not typically suited for. E.g. a payment workflow.
I already made the switch from a previous approach, so this time I want to be sure to choose the right approach. Will Node.js be the right choice for this application, or will a, for example, PHP backend with Laravel suit the job better as the application matures?
I think there's a whole range of possibilities you're not considering, for example it's a perfectly valid approach to use Node for some of the back-end (e.g. connections to third parties, managing the UI, handling concurrent users) while delegating some of the back-end to other components that are more suited (e.g. components that require heavy computation).
That said, I don't see anything you describe in your 'doubts' as being particularly non-nodish. The computation stuff you say will be lightweight, but my recommendation there is to treat it like any other async task, then if you decide later that it is a problem (e.g. slows down the app) it's pretty trivial to extract that out into either a separate Node process (therefore not blocking your main app's event loop) or use a component built in your language of choice (Java, .NET, C, Perl, whatever) as described above.
I don't understand why you suggest a workflow isn't something Node is suited for. I've seen and built a number of them in Node and other frameworks, it's no less suited for it than any other framework, and better than some.
