I am fairly new to code and haven't found a post covering this so any help would be great.
Basically am trying to review a large number of rows and delete a cell range in a row if a specified cell in the row does not equal a certain character or if a specified cell equals "TEXT". The furthest I have come is entire row deletion based on the specified criteria to delete.
Dim dblrow As Double
Dblrow = 6
Do while (Cells(dblrow,1).Value <> "")
If Cells(dblrow, 23).Value <> "0" _
Or Cells(dblrow,5).Value = "TEXT" Then
Thank you
I have compiled wheel data but want a VBA macro that copies any cell from sheet 1 (named: SheetSJ) that matches partial text, and then copies that cell's data into sheet 2. This is to make the data much easier to work with.
Search each row for any cells in SheetJS that contain text "Product ID", if no matches then ignore
If any cell (text) matches, copy that cell, and paste the contents to sheet 2 column B (beginning with row 2)
Search each row for any cells in SheetJS that contain text "Bolt Pattern", if no matches then ignore
If any cell (text) matches, copy that cell, and paste the contents to sheet 2 column D (beginning with row 2)
Wheel Data
As evident in the picture, the data is all over the place in each column and thus the macro cannot use any particular cell for reference. It can only match text values (which are unique).
Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("A1:ZZ200")
If Cell.Value = "Product ID" Then
matchRow = Cell.Row
Rows(matchRow & ":" & matchRow).Select
End If
End Sub
I managed to find some examples online but they copy the entire row not the individual cell.
How about this code?
I cannot use English well, but if you want, I will help you with my best.
Sub test()
For Each cell In Sheets(1).Range("A1:ZZ200")
matchrow = cell.Row
If cell.Value Like "*Product ID*" Then 'You have to use "Like" Operator if you want to use wildcard something like *,?,#...
Sheets(2).Range("B" & matchrow).Value = cell.Value
'I recommend you to use ".value" Property when deal only text, not else(like cell color, border... etc), rather than "select-copy-paste". It could be slower while hoping both sheets
ElseIf cell.Value Like "*Bolt Pattern*" Then
Sheets(2).Range("D" & matchrow).Value = cell.Value
End If
End Sub
I don't think you need a macro at all. In sheet2 column B, row 2, place the following formula:
=iferror(index(SheetJS!2:2,match("*Product ID*",SheetJS!2:2,0)),"")
The iferror part just keeps the cell empty if no match is found (as opposed to giving an ugly error message). Match tells how far into row 2 the product id occurs, and index goes that far in and gets the value.
Now grab the handle at the bottom right corner of the cell, and drag it down as many rows as you have rows in the first sheet. That should bring all product IDs from Sheet JS into column B.
Similarly start in row 2 column D with
=iferror(index(SheetJS!2:2,match("*Bolt Pattern*",SheetJS!2:2,0)),"")
and drag that on down.
I'm assuming no row has more than one product id or bolt pattern, which appears to be true.
This approach does have a mild drawback, that it will leave a blank space in the sheet 2 column if the SheetJS does not have that entry in that row.
I have an issue with using a formula that contains a fixed cell in VBA. The issue comes when the row number of the variable in the new data changes.
The issue is explained using a simple example as follow. I hope you find it understandable.
Let's say I have a column of numbers (Time) and I want to multiply them by a variable in a cell (The cell below Variable in the following table, $A$2).
First result from first raw data:
The results in the table are calculated using the following formula "=R2C1*RC[-1]" in vba
Now in the next calculation, the row number and variable change and the part of the formula which is using a fixed cell cause problem.
Second raw data to be processed
Because it does not update the row number and use the old row number. I want it to find its location like the second part of the formula (B2 changes to B7).
Thank you for your help!
you should reference the found cell row in your formula
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R" & ActiveCell.Row + 1 & "C1*RC[-1]"
but you should also avoid the Activate/ActiveXXX/Select/Selection pattern since is prone to have you quickly lose control over the actually active thing
finally you an use a loop to find all "Time" occurrences (see Here for more info about the pattern)
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim f As Range, firstCell As Range
With Worksheets("myWorksheetName") ' reference your worksheet (change myWorksheetName to your actual sheet name)
With .Range("B1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)) 'reference its column B cells from row 1 down to last not empty one
Set f = .Find("Time", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole) 'search referenced range for first occurrence of "time"
If Not f Is Nothing Then ' if found...
Set firstCell = f ' store first occurrence cell
f.Offset(1, 1).Resize(4).FormulaR1C1 = "=R" & f.Row + 1 & "C1*RC[-1]" ' populate the range one column to the right of found cell and 4 rows wide with the formula containg the reference of found cell row +1
Set f = .FindNext(f) ' serach for the next "Time" occurrence
Loop While f.Row <> firstCell.Row ' loop till you wrap back to initial occurrence
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
The notation R2C1 is an absolute reference to row 2, column 1.
If you want a reference that is relative to the current cell, you need to use relative reference notation.
RC[-1] points to a cell in the current row and one column to the left
R[1]C points to a cell one row down from the current cell and in the same column as the current cell.
Google for "R1C1 reference". You will find many articles, for e.g. https://smurfonspreadsheets.wordpress.com/2007/11/12/r1c1-notation/
Hi guys this is my first post, I'm wondering if you can possibly assist me.
I'd like to write a macro / script that will allow me to put a formula into the column to the right of the currently selected one (for all active rows of the current column) based on what column I've selected. The issue I'm having is that I don't always know the current column letter (as my selection changes from worksheet to worksheet).
To give you an example:
One of my columns currently contains dates, that dates are entered in different formats though, some are separated with ".", some with "-", some with spaces and so on. I have a formula that will deal with this so I need to put this formula in the column to the right of the selected column (which has the dates).
I have been able to do this when I specify the column letter, but not if it changes.
Please can you help?
Give this a go,
Sub SomethingNeat()
Dim rng As Range, x
x = Selection.Column
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Columns(x).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Offset(, 1) = "'=MyFormula"
End Sub
You can use ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Value = Variable
That means that whetever your current cell is you can move and "select" to put a value to the right cell of the one you have activated. You can move the selection using a loop.
Workbooks("Yur workbook name").Worksheets(1).Range(Adress you want to start adding).Offset(0, 1).formula = "=FORMULA"
i = i + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Loop While i <= max_row
Edit: 2nd
Put the formula in a cell lets say C1
'Select a range
Set take = Worksheets(1).Range("C1")
take.Copy 'copy the formula
Worksheets(1).Paste Destination:=Worksheets(1).Range("B1:B10")
That will copy your function whenever you want it to
I'm new here and I apologize in advance in my question isn't clear... I couldn't find the answer after some research...
I'm looking for a way to go through all the cells of column "R" and if one cell on a given row contains "Y", then the values of cells at columns "W","X" and "Y" will take the same value as the columns "F","G" and "H" (always at the same row).
The goal is to have a button that will execute the VBA code in order to do this (instead of having to copy/paste all the time).
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
A poor ignorant but motivated VBA beginner...
Here is VBA which will do what you want. It takes advantage of the replacement operation being cells that are next to each other by using Resize.
Iterates through each cell in column R. I used Intersect with the UsedRange on the sheet so that it only goes through cells that have values in them (instead of all the way to the end).
Checks for "Y" using InStr.
Replaces the contents of columns WXY with values from columns FGH. Since they are contiguous, I did it all in one step with Resize.
Sub ReplaceValuesBasedOnColumn()
Dim rng_search As Range
Dim rng_cell As Range
'start on column R, assume correct sheet is open
Set rng_search = Range("R:R")
For Each rng_cell In Intersect(rng_search, rng_search.Parent.UsedRange)
'search for a Y, case sensitive
If InStr(rng_cell, "Y") > 0 Then
'update the columns as desired
'takes advantage of cells being next to each other
Range("W" & rng_cell.Row).Resize(1, 3).Value = Range("F" & rng_cell.Row).Resize(1, 3).Value
End If
Next rng_cell
End Sub
I tested it on my end, and it works, producing the following after running:
I've got an amount of data copied from a table in a .pdf that when pasted into excel puts it all into one column. There are actually multiple pages each with it's own table (the data is one continuous long table split over multiple pages more accurately) and at the top of each page is a series of lines that I'm not interested in (the same unwanted data is at the top of each page). What I am interested in is re-sorting the data under the headers as it is in the table on the original .pdf document, removing the headers in the process. The data as it has been pasted into one column essentially is a list of items in plain text for x rows, followed by a list of start dates for x rows, and then a list of end dates for x rows, repeated every page.
I've figured out how to count the number of lines I don't want by getting a macro to look for the first piece of data I'm interested in ("AAAA") starting at cell (B2);
Cells(2, 2).Select
For i = 1 To 50
If ActiveCell = "AAAA" Then
Exit For
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next i
Cells(2, 3) = i
If i = 51 Then
Range("B3") = "Cannot find data"
End If
Which starts a search at cell (B2) looking downwards until it finds "AAAA" it then prints how many rows it has moved downwards to find it in cell (C2).
I now wish to be able to start at the cell it has just found [(B34) in this case] and count downwards until it finds the first cell containing a date.
Ultimately I'll need to then count down the same number of cells to find the associated end date and print them all in one row, continuing for the entire column of data.
If anybody could help me with being able to start at the first cell "AAAA" and then count downwards until a date is found, that would be really helpful.
My biggest challeng is to understand what you want to be true. I tryed to make a list of the things what you want.
You have a PDF that when paste in Excel it transform all the
document in one column.
There is a header in each of the Excel pages that you want to delete.
After you find a header you want to find two dates, and they have the same distance from the header.
How I would do it:
For iCounter = 1 to Cells(1048576, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(iCounter,1) = "YOUR HEADER HERE" then
For kCounter = iCounter to Cells(1048576, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If IsDate(Cells(kCounter,1)) = true then
initialDate = Cells(kCounter,1)
endDate = Cells(2*kCounter-iCounter,1)
End if
Next kCounter
End if
Next iCounter
The following piece of code starts in cell A1 and searches downward until it finds a cell containing a date value. The code only searches until it reaches the last record in the first column (to avoid searching all the way down to the bottom of the sheet if no date is found).
Sub FindFirstDate()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If IsDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value) = True Then Exit For
Next i
MsgBox "The first cell with a date is " & ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Address
End Sub
In this example the address of the cell with the first date in returned in a MsgBox.