My Custom Routing Is Not Working in Codeigniter 3 - .htaccess

Hi my custom routing is not working. When i type http://localhost/sitename the default_controller routing is working but when i type http://localhost/sitename/test the browser output is 404 not found. Please help me thank you.
$route['default_controller'] = 'Traffic/test';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['test'] = "Traffic/test";

Please try this code on the routes.php
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['test'] = 'traffic/test';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;

I had to rename my default controller php file to lowercase and the controller class name to lowercase and everything started to work.
When CI looks for the default controller file, it searches in lowercase for the file;
if I name my controller file "Traffic/test" instead of "traffic/test"
$route['default_controller'] = 'traffic/test';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['test'] = "traffic/test";
now above code copy and paste your routes.php

Please note that $route['default_controller'] expects a controller not a controller/method pair. The first thing you need to do is change that to $route['default_controller'] = 'traffic';
You may have some success using a controller/method pair, but you may run into trouble in the future as your routing increases in complexity.
also, as someone else already noted, Codeigniter naming and case convention must be followed: Even though the controller filename is uppercase (i.e., Traffic.php) and the controller class is uppercase too (class Traffic extends CI_Controller) whenever you make a reference to the controller such as in the default_controller route, you must go all lowercase.
That said, your correct routing configuration should be:
$route['default_controller'] = 'traffic';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['test'] = "traffic/test";
With this configuration:
Browsing to will load
Browsing to will load
Browsing to any other URI will attempt to load the controller/method pair according to standard Codeigniter routing (i.e., will load the something controller and the trial method within the former)


How to create a url that opens a tab downloads a file and closes the tab

I want to create an URL that when clicked upon opens a tab, downloads a file, and closes that tab. Do you guys know how to do it?
Following is an example:
I am quite new to this and overwhelmed to know where to start. Can somebody assist me with this?
I tried messing with Anchor tag but that is not the answer. According to my research figured it has something to do with NodeJS and ExpressJS. Still no idea of what to do.
Create require variables as shown and then created a function with whatever name you like, here I am using "onLoad" as the name. This function just checks for the file name in the URL's file parameter specified then tries to find it in the server.
var url_string = window.location; //window.location.href
var url = new URL(url_string);
var file = url.searchParams.get("file");
var dFile = file;
function onLoad() {
var hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');
hiddenElement.href = `${dFile}`; = '_blank'; = `${dFile}`;;
Make sure to add onLoad function into the body with event listener of "onload"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="onLoad()">

How to extract prometheus metrics for urls with path params

I have a Node JS app that has a URL like this:
It takes vehicle numbers dynamically in URL.
The prom-client based metrics API for HTTP calls is returning all the URLs as separate URLs instead of clubbing them as a single URL with vehicleNumber as a variable.
I want the count based on a single URL.
It is happening when a UUID is present in the URL but not for vehicle numbers present in the URL.
Assuming you're using Express, you likely want something like:
let path = null;
if (req.route && req.route.path) {
path = req.baseUrl + req.route.path;
} else if (req.baseUrl) {
path = req.baseUrl;
} else {
* This request probably matched no routes. The
* cardinality of the set of URLs that will match no
* routes is infinite, so we'll just use a static value.
path = '(no match)';
path will be /app/:vehicleNumber/details. The req.route part may not be necessary for your use case, but it doesn't hurt -- it comes in to play if you're using express.Router({ mergeParams: true }) to compose your routes.

How can i properly simplify my url using variables?

I'm trying to make an esports web page, but first I'm playing with the API.
the problem is that when I want to simplify my url like this.
var url = ""+accesskey+""
var accesskey = "example"
sends me an 401 error or accesskey invalid but when I code it like this
var url = ""example"
it works, so I don't know if I'm simplifying bad my code :(.
+"" isn't necessary try with just:
var url = ""+accesskey
You can also do it with template literals like this
var url =`${accesskey}`;

Global variable across all controllers in Node JS

I am trying to have a variable which can be accessible by all controllers in my node project. Currently in one controller I have:
var ua = req.headers['user-agent'];
var isMobile = "no";
It's pointless to copy past all of this for all my controllers and pass the isMobile variable to the view. I'd like to get the value of isMobile set once, and then pass it wherever I want from my controllers.
Is there an easy way to do this rather than have those 4 lines of code copy pasted in every controller?
You'll want to use a Sails policy for this:
// /api/policies/isMobile.js
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
var ua = req.headers['user-agent'];
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(ua);
// /config/policies.js
module.exports.policies = {
'*': 'isMobile'
This will run the code before every controller action, and give you access to the req.isMobile var in all of your custom controller code.
A truly global variable isn't particularly an option as any concurrency above 1 will likely result in unexpected behavior. Being that it is something particular to the unique request itself, the req object is likely your best bet.
Assuming you have access to the req object everywhere that you would like to utilize use this flag, you can simply add a property to the req object at any point (preferably early in the request/response cycle). After this property is added, it should be available everywhere that has access to req.
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
Or if there is a concept like middleware in express for sails
function isMobile(req, res, next) {
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']) ? 'yes' : 'no';

Multi-language routes in express.js?

I'm wondering if there is a best practise example on how to implement multi-lanuage routes in express.js. i want to use the accept-language header to get the browser language and then redirect automatically to the corresponding language route like OR
Any advice on this?
i have done the following:
install i18n-node modul and register in the express js. here is code.
var express = require('express')
, routes = require('./routes')
, http = require('http')
, i18n = require("i18n");
var app = express();
// setup some locales - other locales default to en silently
locales:['de', 'en'],
// disable locale file updates
updateFiles: false
// register helpers for use in templates
__i: i18n.__,
__n: i18n.__n
after this set the following to get all request
// invoked before each action
app.all('*', function(req, res, next) {
// set locale
var rxLocal = /^\/(de|en)/i;
var arr = rxLocal.exec(req.url);
var local=arr[1];
} else {
// add extra logic
app.get(/\/(de|en)\/login/i, routes.login);
maybe this help.
I'd just serve up the content in the detected language directly.
For example, serves up the home page in the best available Accept-Language (possibly overridden by cookie if you provide a language selection option on the site itself).
You'd want to make sure that your response's Vary: header includes Accept-Language.
IMO, including language codes in the URI is an ugly hack. The RFC's intent is that a single resource (your home page) is universally represented by a single URI. The entity returned for a URI can vary based on other information, such as language preferences.
Consider what happens when a German-speaking user copies a URL and sends it to an English-speaking user. That recipient would prefer to see your site in English, but because he has received a link that points to, he goes straight to the German version.
Obviously, this isn't ideal for full internationalization of what the user sees in the address bar (since home is English), but it's more in line with the RFCs' intent, and I'd argue it works better for users, especially as links get spread around email/social/whatever.
Middleware recommendation
The answer by #miro is very good but can be improved as in the following middleware in a separate file (as #ebohlman suggests).
The middleware
module.exports = {
configure: function(app, i18n, config) {
app.locals.i18n = config;
init: function(req, res, next) {
var rxLocale = /^\/(\w\w)/i;
if (rxLocale.test(req.url)){
var locale = rxLocale.exec(req.url)[1];
if ( >= 0)
//else // no need to set the already default
url: function(app, url) {
var locales = app.locals.i18n.locales;
var urls = [];
for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++)
urls[i] = '/' + locales[i] + url;
urls[i] = url;
return urls;
Also in sample project in github.
The middleware has three functions. The first is a small helper that configures i18n-node and also saves the settings in app.locals (haven't figured out how to access the settings from i18n-node itself).
The main one is the second, which takes the locale from the url and sets it in the request object.
The last one is a helper which, for a given url, returns an array with all possible locales. Eg calling it with '/about' we would get ['/en/about', ..., '/about'].
How to use
In app.js:
// include
var i18n = require('i18n');
var services = require('./services');
// configure
services.i18nUrls.configure(app, i18n, {
locales: ['el', 'en'],
defaultLocale: 'el'
// add middleware after static
// router
app.use(services.i18nUrls.url(app, '/'), routes);
Github link
The locale can be accessed from eg any controller with i18n-node's req.getLocale().
What #josh3736 recommends is surely compliant with RFC etc. Nevertheless, this is a quite common requirement for many i18n web sites and apps, and even Google respects same resources localised and served under different urls (can verify this in webmaster tools). What I would recommended though is to have the same alias after the lang code, eg /en/home, /de/home etc.
Not sure how you plan on organizing or sharing content but you can use regular expressions with express routes and then server up different templates. Something like this:
app.get(/^\/(startseite|home)$/, function(req, res){
One thing that I did was to organize my content with subdomains and then use middleware to grab the content out of the database based splitting the url, but they all shared the same routes and templates.
Write a middleware function that parses any "Accept-Language" headers and sets a request-level local variable to an appropriate code (like a two-letter language code) with a default value (like "en") if there are no such headers or you don't support any language listed. In your routes, retrieve the local and tack it on to any template file names, and branch on it if there's any language-dependent processing other than template selection.
