How can I change the recording audio device of SoX? - audio

In the title: How can I change the recording audio device of SoX?
I am using MacOS (installed with homebrew).
I am interacting with SoX through a Node.js library called node-audiorecorder that records sound; let me know if there's a better solution that I should be using for recording audio to a .wav file from a specific input device.
EDIT: Just to be clear, we are NOT talking about recording input from the default input device here.

There is an device option in the constructor.
const AudioRecorder = require('node-audiorecorder');
const options = {
program: `sox`,
device: null, // Recording device you want to use.
let audioRecorder = new AudioRecorder(options);


Screen Recording with both headphone & system audio

I am trying to build a web-application with the functionality of screen-recording with system audio + headphone-mic audio being captured in the saved video.
I have been thoroughly googling on a solution for this, however my findings show multiple browser solutions where the above works so long as headphones are NOT connected, meaning the microphone input is coming from the system rather than headset.
In the case that you connect headphones, all of these solutions capture the screen without video-audio, and the microphone audio from my headset. So to re-clarify on this, it should have recorded video-audio from the video being played whilst recording, and the headset-mic audio also.
This is thoroughly available in native applications, however I am searching for a way to do this on a browser.
If there are no solutions for this currently that anybody knows of, some insight on the limitations around developing this would also really help, thank you.
Your browser manages the media input being received in the selected tab/window
To receive media input, you need to ensure you have the checkbox Share Audio in the image below checked. However this will only record media-audio being played in your headphones, when it comes to receiving microphone audio, the opposite must be done i.e the checkbox should be unchecked, or merge the microphone audio separately on saving the recorded video
create two const, one retrieving on-screen video, other retrieving audio media:
const DISPLAY_STREAM = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {cursor: "motion"}, audio: {'echoCancellation': true}}); // retrieving screen-media
const VOICE_STREAM = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: {'echoCancellation': true}, video: false }); // retrieving microphone-media
Use AudioContext to retrieve audio sources from getUserMedia() and getDisplayMedia() separately:
const AUDIO_CONTEXT = new AudioContext();
const MEDIA_AUDIO = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createMediaStreamSource(DISPLAY_STREAM); // passing source of on-screen audio
const MIC_AUDIO = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createMediaStreamSource(VOICE_STREAM); // passing source of microphone audio
Use the method below to create a new audio source which will be used as as the merger or merged version of audio, then passing audios into the merger:
const AUDIO_MERGER = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createMediaStreamDestination(); // audio merger
MEDIA_AUDIO.connect(AUDIO_MERGER); // passing media-audio to merger
MIC_AUDIO.connect(AUDIO_MERGER); // passing microphone-audio to merger
Finally, connect the merged-audio and video together into one array to form a track, and pass it to the MediaStreamer:
const TRACKS = [...DISPLAY_STREAM.getVideoTracks(),] // connecting on-screen video with merged-audio
stream = new MediaStream(TRACKS);

Play audio obtained as byte[] from Azure Speech translation

I am following the samples for Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK, namely the Speech Translation.
The sample for dotnet core uses microphone as audio input and translates what you speak. Translated results are also available as synthesized speech. I would like to play this audio but could not find the appropriate code for that.
Tried using NAudio as sugguested in this answer but I get garbled audio. Guess there is more to the format of the audio.
Any pointers?
On .Net Core, many audio pacakges might not work. For example with NAudio, I can't play sound on my Mac.
I got it working using NetCoreAudio package (Nuget), with the following implementation in the translation Synthesizing event:
recognizer.Synthesizing += (s, e) =>
var audio = e.Result.GetAudio();
Console.WriteLine(audio.Length != 0
? $"AudioSize: {audio.Length}"
: $"AudioSize: {audio.Length} (end of synthesis data)");
if (audio.Length > 0)
var fileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.wav")}");
File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, audio);
var player = new Player();

vlc parameters to set audio stream from microphone

I have C# project where stream from ip-camera recorded to the file, I use libvlc.
This is part of code with vlc parameters:
string VlcArguments = #":sout=#transcode{acodec=mpga,deinterlace}:standard{access=file,mux=mp4,dst="C:\Users\I\Desktop\Output.mp4"}";
var media = factory.CreateMedia<IMedia>(rtsp://, VlcArguments);
var player = factory.CreatePlayer<IPlayer>();
filename is the path of the result file.
It works fine, but I need to record sound from a microphone Microphone (High Definition Audio Device).
What I need to change to achieve that?
It should look something like this
var media = factory.CreateMedia<IMedia>("dshow:// dshow-vdev=rtsp:// dshow-adev=Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)", VlcArguments)
But it doesn't work (
So, I think I found the answer
Unfortunately this will not work

Windows Phone 8.1 play audio data stream through speaker?

I receive over network PCM audio data stream and this part works fine so I am ending up with
DataReader incomming = args.GetDataReader();
byte[] RcvBuffer = new byte[incomming.UnconsumedBufferLength];
I have all audio data in buffer.
How I can play this through telephone Speaker ? Can you point me in some direction ?
There're many ways to do that.
You can prepend the WAVE header to your data, and use MediaElement for playback, see the documentation for SetSource method.
If however by “telephone speaker” you mean the earphone, then it is only possible if you are creating a VoIP app.
It took a while but I sorted it, maybe someone else will need help in the future.
First Problem - since I just started app development for Windows Phone I have chosen Blank App (Windows Phone) instead Blank App (Windows Phone Silverlight) and I did not have access to many features that are available in Silverlight projects, so my suggestions for beginners: understand what each project is for.
Like Soonts said there are many ways to do this, this is one that I used.
I simplified this code and retyped this so there can be some typos.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using System.IO;
1) Create Stream to load your incoming data:
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
2) Load data from buffer to stream:
stream.Write(RcvBuffer, 0, RcvBuffer.Length);
3) I am using SoundEfect to play this through Loud-Speaker. Sample rate that I use is 8 kHz
SoundEffect sound;
sound = new SoundEffect(stream.toArray(), 8000, AudioChannels.Mono)

How can I select an audio output device in directshow

I was wondering how I can select the output device for audio in directshow. I am able to get available audio output devices in directshow. But how can I make one of these to be audio output device. Its always going for the default audio device. I want to be able to output audio on my choice of device. I have been struggling through google but couldn't find anything useful. All I could get was this link but it doesn't really solve my problem.
Any help will be really helpful for me.
First off, if you're not using DirectShow .NET (DirectShowLib), get that here: It serves as a (very complete) interface between unmanaged DirectShow and C#
What follows is a pretty simple example of how to play an audio file, to the desired audio device
using DirectShowLib;
private IGraphBuilder m_objFilterGraph = null;
private IBasicAudio m_objBasicAudio = null;
private IMediaControl m_objMediaControl = null;
private void playAudioToDevice(string fName, int devIndex)
object source = null;
DsDevice[] devices;
devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AudioRendererCategory);
DsDevice device = (DsDevice)devices[devIndex];
Guid iid = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID;
device.Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out source);
m_objFilterGraph = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();
m_objFilterGraph.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)source, "Audio Render");
m_objFilterGraph.RenderFile(fName, "");
m_objBasicAudio = m_objFilterGraph as IBasicAudio;
m_objMediaControl = m_objFilterGraph as IMediaControl;
It is up to user to manage audio devices and choose a primary device (such as via Control Panel applet). You can find ways to switch devices programmatically in Windows XP, however in Vista+ it is impossible without interactive user action by design.
See also Larry's answer here: How to change default sound playback device programmatically?
UPDATE: The mentioned above refers to modifying system configuration trying to alter default audio output device. An application is however not limited to default device only. Instead, it can enumerate available devices (see Using the System Device Enumerator + CLSID_AudioRendererCategory) and then create an instance of renderer for specific device with BindToObject call. From there on, it is a regular filter, just bound internally to device of interest.
