excel SUMIF not giving right answer - excel

I have a table with data and I am trying to do the following on another sheet. I am trying to sum the price of items in a column if the date is a particular date. I filtered all the dates using UNIQUE on the second sheet and doing a SUMIF based on those values. The problem is, the results are all slightly less than the actual value obtained by manual summation/ highlighting the relevant cells and seeing the sum on the bottom. Why is this happening? The discrepancy cannot be attributed to any single cell it is supposed to sum.
btw anyone knows why the similar questions box seems to be bugging out? The original text stays in place as I scroll, like some kind of ghost effect.
edit: here is a picture of the problem

Here is what I think is the explanation.
From the documentation: The sum_range argument does not have to be the same size and shape as the range argument. The actual cells that are added are determined by using the upper leftmost cell in the sum_range argument as the beginning cell, and then including cells that correspond in size and shape to the range argument
Your formula: =SUMIF(F2:F31,"="&H2,G:G)
thus evaluates to =SUMIF(F2:F31,"="&H2,G1:G30)
Because of the offset in the ranges, the last instance of range = H2 gets dropped. And 34.86-33.67 = 1.19 which is the last cell that should be added.
In other words, g1 is evaluated against f2, and g13 is evaluated against f14. Since f14 does not contain 3/2/2020, the 1.19 does not get added by SUMIF
Sometimes this is useful. But here, as you note, it has an unwanted result.
It works in your first case because both range and sum_range start in the same row.
All you need to do to get it working in your second case is to ensure both ranges start at the same row.
eg: =SUMIF(F2:F31,"="&H2,G2) would work


Why does excel SUMIF function give wrong figure?

Taking sum of HP. But my formula is providing me wrong amount despite of criteria not being fulfilled!
I think it's worth posting an explanation as to why your original formula does not work, as it highlights an interesting feature of the function SUMIF.
As stated in one of my commments, you are passing a range parameter to that function of CN_2021[[#All],[HP]:[Sum of ORDER_AMT]], which is a reference to the entire table (including headers). Hence, you are effectively searching for the entry from P14 in all three columns, not just the first.
However, you are also using a sum_range parameter of CN_2021[[#All],[Sum of ORDER_QTY]], which is only one column. One might think that the construction should flat out error, since your range and sum_range parameters are not of an equal dimension (the former comprises 3 columns, the latter only 1).
The reason it does not error is due to the fact that, in such cases, Excel redimensions the sum_range so as to be of an equal dimension to the range.
So, if we replace the Table references with their equivalent worksheet references (assuming that table begins in A3) for the sake of simplification, we have that
=SUMIF(CN_2021[[#All],[HP]:[Sum of ORDER_AMT]],P14,CN_2021[[#All],[Sum of ORDER_QTY]])
which is equivalent to
should error, though the single-column range
is redimensioned to a three-column range in line with the range, i.e.
which means that you are effectively performing
This could have potential consequences were column D also populated: for example, place a 3 in cell C14 and 1000 in cell D14. The formula will now pick up this extra 1000 in the sum.
Strangely, unlike SUMIF, SUMIFS does not appear to be so lenient with respect to this redimensioning:

How to define a range, using an Excel formula

In order to do some calculations on averages and differences of values in columns, I've defined a name, based on a range, but it seems to be completely going berserk:
I have a cell (D13), defined as Header_First _Answer, which contains the title of the column, and I have a value (currently being 69), which contains the number of entries, called Total_Count.
I've defined the entries of that column as another name: "All_First_Answered_Dates", defined as =OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;1;0):OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;Total_Count;0) (start by the first entry under Header_First_Answer, take up to 69 entries, and define a range out of this).
In cell G5, I'm using that name in order to do some calculations (calculating averages), but this seems not to work (there is a #Value error).
After second comment from Rory: G5 formula and first formula evaluation result:
=AVERAGE(IF(ISBLANK(All_First_Answered_Dates);TODAY();All_First_Answered_Dates) - All_Start_Dates)
First evaluation result:
=AVERAGE(IF(ISBLANK(#Value!);TODAY();All_First_Answered_Dates) - All_Start_Dates)
Hence, my conclusion:
After some checking I've found out that this is due to the name "All_First_Answered_Dates", which seems to be interpreted one time too many (or how do I explain this):
In different cells, I've entered the formula =OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;1;0):OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;Total_Count;0) (which is exactly the meaning of "All_First_Answered_Dates"), and every time, using the Evaluate Formula feature, I see that the last but one result is correct: $D$14:$D$82. However, after that, another evaluation is done, turning this value into 43283 (in case the formula is entered in "J14"), 43300 (in case the formula is entered in "J15"), ..., and in case I enter this formula in a cell with row number lower than 14, I have the error value #Value (which explains the wrong result in cell G5).
If I simply put the formula =$D$14:$D$82 in any of the mentioned cells, then the content of some cells in column D are shown (which are dates, not values like 43283 or 43300).
It appears that declaring a range as =x:y, where x and y are formula results, is not working.
Does anybody know how I can define a range as a formula, which I can then use in order to define in a name?
I can imagine my explanation being quite complicated without an image, hence the attached screenshot. In there:
In cell J13, there is the formula =OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;1;0):OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;Total_Count;0).
In cell J14, there is the same formula.
In cell K14, there is the formula =$D$14:$D$82.
For completion purposes, hereby a screenshot of the name manager, containing both mentioned names (the ones, selected in the name manager):
Edit after first comment:
The idea behind the range is the following:
1. Take the first row under Header_First_Answer, do not take any other column : OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;1;0)
2. Take the Total_Count's row under Header_First_Answer, do not take any other column : OFFSET(Header_First_Answer;Total_Count;0)
3. Define a range, based on those two cells, by putting a semicolon between them.
I was not aware of the height and width features of the Offset() worksheet function. I've implemented them, which makes the formulas much easier.
Unfortunately the problem still persists.
Thanks in advance
I've just found the answer of what was going wrong:
The formula was meant to be an array formula. Something went wrong and while trying to debug, I accidently re-formatted the formula into a normal formula (I must have pressed "ENTER" instead of "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "ENTER") at some point.
I have re-applied array formula (using "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "ENTER"), getting a formula like:
{=AVERAGE(IF(ISBLANK(All_First_Answered_Dates);TODAY();All_First_Answered_Dates) - All_Start_Dates)}
(mind the braces {, })
Now everything is working fine.

Using TRANSPOSE in an IF statement and Lookup Formula

I am trying to use the result of a TRANSFORM inside an IF statement where if the value returned in transform is blank, the value_if_true should look up the value of the previous cell, add one to it and show that, otherwise just show the result of the transform.
My issue is that the formula inside value_if_true, returns #VALUE even though on evaluation it is calculating the right value to return but if I replace it with a static text it works fine.
Below is what I'm trying to do:
This is what works:
Thank You!
Are you sure the value in RC[-1] is a number? If it is text and can't be converted to a number, then it will return #Value
Also, are you entering this array formula into a single cell and then filling it, or are you array-entering it into an entire range at once? If you're array-entering it into the entire range at once, then also be aware that RC[-1] will always refer to the cell that is to the left of the top-left cell of the output-array range.
Sorry for responding so late, surprisingly using named ranges instead of explicitly calling them out has solved the problem. To explain:
This is my data in the 'Reference' sheet. It is merely week numbers expressed in descending YYYYWW format:
The size of this list changes as data for more weeks flows in, the maximum items it can have is 104 weeks (two years rolling data). I've selected the entire 104 row range say $A$1:$A$104 that this list can expand to occupy and named it ListOfWeeks
On my display sheet I have selected the full 104 column range that these dates will be transposed into say $I$6:$DH$6 then entered the following formula into the formula bar:
followed by a Ctrl+Shift+Enter and it is working just fine.

How do I use an array formula over a whole column or varying range?

I have a spreadsheet that I'm importing data into. I need to find the value within a column that is closest to zero. The column contains both positive and negative values, and the value closest to zero will be used in another formula. I've found an answer using an array formula, but it will only work for a fixed range (e.g. K2:K10), and the number of records imported into my sheet will vary each time I use it.
Here's what I have so far:
Is there a way to apply an array formula over an entire column and just include non-zero cells other than the column title? Or possibly just cells with numerical values? Or is it possible to control the range that it applies to?
We can dynamically find the last cell in the range by using another INDEX/MATCH formula that is not an array:
This will find the last cell that has a number in column K.
So we now use this as the last cell in the range:
And now the formula is dynamic.
This formula is still an array formula and must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting edit mode. If done correctly then Excel will put{} around the formula.
If as you pointed out there is a chance of deleting row 2 then all the K2 references will also be deleted.
In place of K2 we can use INDEX(K:K,2) It will now always look at the second row and will not error when row 2 is erased. So use this instead:
There is nothing wrong with the Offset() function in small amounts, but it is a volatile function. Which means that it will calculate EVERY TIME excel calculate whether the data to which it is dependent has changed or not.
For the benefit of anyone reading this post, I ran into another issue and found a way around it. Scott Craner's answer above worked well until I ran a macro that I had for that sheet, which would delete certain rows. If row 2 got deleted, the formula would give a #REF error, because it was trying to call $K$2.
My solution was to replace $K$2 with
Therefore, the complete formula would be:
And as Scott mentioned, remember to hit Ctrl-Shift-Enter to execute the array formula.

When I highlight and 'f9' the components of an array formula it will compute the answer correctly, but doesn't work normally

So I have replicated the error with dummy data here.
I am trying to populate C2:C5 with the totals from the value column in the rawdata table that correspond to the values in B2:B4 multiplied by the looked up values in type table.
when I highlight the respective arrays in the Sumproduct formula and leave them as values they are calculating correctly, but for some reason the formula doesn't work as is.
=SUMPRODUCT(RawData[Value],--($B2=RIGHT(RawData[Vehicle],LEN($B2))),OFFSET(Multiplier[[#Headers],[Multiplier]],MATCH(RawData[Type],Multiplier[[Type ]],0),0))
I have a sumproduct formula with three arrays, the first is a column full of values, the second is a list of bools and the third is a list of multipliers.
The formula is returning 0 even when all criteria are met.
I have identified that it is the third array of multipliers that is causing the problem. If I highlight that section of formula, hit F9 and convert it to values, the whole thing calculates correctly. but when it is left as a formula it is returning 0.
Just in case anyone in the future has a similar issue, I think it's the offset part of the function.
=SUMPRODUCT(RawData[Value],--($B2=RIGHT(RawData[Vehicle],LEN($B2))),OFFSET(Multiplier[[#Headers],[Multiplier]],MATCH(RawData[Type],Multiplier[[Type ]],0),0))
You can in this situation use sumif instead:
=SUMPRODUCT(RawData[Value],--($B2=RIGHT(RawData[Vehicle],LEN($B2))),SUMIF(Multiplier[[Type ]],RawData[Type],Multiplier[Multiplier]))
credit to /u/rnelsonee
/r/excel Thread
