How to edit the left hand column and replace with values in Linux? - linux

I have the following text file:
.txt file
In the left hand column all the values are '0' is there a way to change only the left hand column to replace all the zeros with the value 15. I cant find all and replace as other columns contain '0' which cant be altered, this also cant be done manually as the file contains 10,000 lines. I'm wondering if this is possible from the command line or with a script.

Using awk:
awk '$1 == 0 { $1 = 15 } 1' file.txt
Replaces the first column with 15 on each line only if the original value is 0.


awk : merge multiple rows into one row per first column record value

I have one text file which contains some records like below,
so,some rows start with number,some rows start with string ,and I want to merge rows which rows are order by number and merge rows like below:
How can I use awk to do this ?
You can do something like:
awk '/^[0-9]/{if(buf){print buf};buf=$0}/^[a-zA-Z]/{buf=buf","$0}END{print buf}' yourfile.txt
This will
Check if the current line starts with a number /^[0-9]/
If so then it will print out what is stored in variable buf if that variable has some value in it if (buf){print buf}
It will then reset the variable buf to the value of the current line buf=$0
If the current line starts with a letter /^[a-zA-Z]/
Then it will add the current line to the value in the variable buf with a comma separator buf=buf","$0
Finally when it reaches the end of the file, it prints out whatever is left in the buf variable. END{print buf}

Edit values in one column in 4,000,000 row CSV file

I have a CSV file I am trying to edit to add a numeric ID-type column in with unique integers from 1 - approx 4,000,000. Some of the fields already have an ID value, so I was hoping I could just sort those and then fill in starting on the largest value + 1. However, I cannot open this file to edit in Excel because of its size (I can only see the max of 1,048,000 or whatever rows). Is there an easy way to do this? I am not familiar with coding, so I was hoping there was a way to do it manually that is similar to Excel's fill series feature.
-also - I know there are threads on how to edit a large CSV file, but I was hoping for help with how to edit this specific feature. Thanks!
-I want to basically sort the rows based on idnumber and then add unique IDs to rows without that ID value
Screenshot of file
one way, using Notepad++, and a plugin named SQL:
Load the CSV in Notepad++
SELECT a+1,b,c FROM data
Hit 'start'
When starting with a file like this:
The results after look like this:
SQL Plugin 1.0.1025
Query : select a+1,b,c from data
Sourcefile : abc.csv
Delimiter : ,
Number of hits: 3
Query result:
Or, in words, the first column is incremented by 1.
2nd solution, using gawk, downloaded from
D:\TEMP>type abc.csv
D:\TEMP>gawk "BEGIN{ FS=OFS=\",\"; getline; print $0 }{ print $1+1,$2,$3 }" abc.csv
(g)awk id a tool which reads a file line by line. The line is then accessible via $0, and the parts from the line via $1,$2,$3,... using a separator.
This separator is set in my example (FS=OFS=\",\";) in the BEGIN section which is only done once per input file. Do not get confused by the \". This is because the script is between double quotes, and a variable (like OFS) is set using double quotes too, so it needs to be escaped like \".
The getline; print $0, do take care of the first line in a CSV which typically hold column names.
Then, for every line, this piece of code print $1+1,$2,$3 will increment the first column, and print the second and third column.
To extend this second example:
gawk "BEGIN{ FS=OFS=\",\"; getline; print $0 }{ print ($1<5?$1+1:$1),$2,$3 }" abc.csv
The ($1<5?$1+1:$1) will check if value of $1is less then 5 ($1<5), if true, it will return $1+1, and else $1. Or, in words, it will only add 1 if the current value is less than 5.
With your data you end up with something like this (untested!):
gawk "BEGIN{ FS=OFS=\",\"; getline; a=42; print $0 }{ if($4+0==0){ a++ }; print ($4<=0?$a:$1),$2,$3 }" input.csv
a=42 to set the initial value for the column values which needs to be update (you need to change this to the correct value )
The if($4+0==0){ a++ } will increment the value of a when the fourth column equals 0 (The $4+0 is done to convert empty values like "" to a numeric value 0).

Uniqing a delimited file based on a subset of fields

I have data such as below:
Due to the nature of the last two columns, their values change throughout the day and their values are repeated regularly. By grouping the way outlined in my desired output (below), I am able to view each time there was a change in their values (with the enoch time in the first column). Is there a way to achieve the desired output shown below:
So I consolidate the data by the second two columns. However, the consolidation is not completely unique (as can be seen by 207.55, 207.5 being repeated)
I have tried:
uniq -f 1
However the output gives only the first line and does not go on through the list
The awk solution below does not allow the occurrence which happened previously to be outputted again and so gives the output (below the awk code):
awk '!x[$2 $3]++'
I do not wish to sort the data by the second two columns. However, since the first is epoch time, it may be sorted by the first column.
You can't set delimiters with uniq, it has to be white space. With the help of tr you can
tr ',' ' ' <file | uniq -f1 | tr ' ' ','
You can use an Awk statement as below,
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} s != $2 && t != $3 {print} {s=$2;t=$3}' file
which produces the output as you need.
The idea is to store the second and third column values in variables s and t respectively and print the line contents only if the current line is unique.
I found an answer which is not as elegant as Inian but satisfies my purpose.
Since my first column is always enoch time in microseconds and does not increase or decrease in characters, I can use the following uniq command:
uniq -s 17
You can try to manually (with a loop) compare current line with previous line.
# start at first line
# suppress first column, that don't need to compare
sed 's#^[0-9][0-9]*,##' ./data_file > ./transform_data_file
# for all line within file without first column
for current_line in $(cat ./transform_data_file)
# if previous record line are same than current line
if [ "x$prev_line" == "x$current_line" ]
# record line number to supress after
echo $i >> ./line_to_be_suppress
# record current line as previous line
# increment current number line
i=$(( i + 1 ))
# suppress lines
for line_to_suppress in $(tac ./line_to_be_suppress) ; do sed -i $line_to_suppress'd' ./data_file ; done
rm line_to_be_suppress
rm transform_data_file
Since your first field seems to have a fixed length of 18 characters (including the , delimiter), you could use the -s option of uniq, which would be more optimal for larger files:
uniq -s 18 file
Gives this output:
From man uniq:
-f num
Ignore the first num fields in each input line when doing comparisons.
A field is a string of non-blank characters separated from adjacent fields by blanks.
Field numbers are one based, i.e., the first field is field one.
-s chars
Ignore the first chars characters in each input line when doing comparisons.
If specified in conjunction with the -f option, the first chars characters after
the first num fields will be ignored. Character numbers are one based,
i.e., the first character is character one.

Append string to column on command line

I have a 3 column file. I would like to append a third column which is just one word repeated many times. I tried the following
paste file.tsv <(echo 'new_text') > new_file.tsv
But the text 'new_text' only appears on the first line, not every line.
How can I get 'new_text' to appear on every line.
sed '1,$ s/$/;ABC/' infile > outfile
This replaces the line end ("$") with ";ABC".

Increment numbers within string using awk and sed

I have a text file that has about 500 rows of information.
I am adding a few strings to the beginning of each line separated by a comma (Excel recognizes it as another column).
I have this code so far:
sed -e "2,$s#^# =HYPERLINK(B2,C2),;TicketID=#"** C:\Users\hd\Desktop\newaction.txt > C:\Users\hd\Desktop\test.txt
I have a columns want. Once column is adding on a link to a previous column (easy enough)
Which will be a formula(string) in the first column is =HYPERLINK(B2,C2) and I want to increment the 2's to 3's,4's and so on.
It is my second day coding with sed and awk.
Is there any way I can make this happen using awk and sed?
This Perl one-liner:
perl -pe "BEGIN{$i = 2} s#^#=HYPERLINK(B${i},C${i})#; $i++" "input.txt"
will add =HYPERLINK(B2,C2) to the front of each line and increment the numbers each time.
