Display alternate UserForm dependent on variable - excel

I want to display a specific UserForm dependent on the UserName environment variable. I update the userform in various places throughout the code so I thought it would be easiest (and trivial) to create two independent userforms (with wildly different designs) then use logic to "Set" a UserForm object variable at the beginning of the code. I'm clearly misunderstanding something here, cause when it gets to the .Show command, VBA errors:
Dim usrForm As UserForm
If Environ("UserName") = "redacted" Then
Set usrForm = LlamaForm 'for specific user, form styled differently including picture of Llama
Set usrForm = NormalForm 'for EVERYONE ELSE, normal professional looking form
End If
With usrForm 'initialize UserForm and display wait message
.Cancelbutton.Visible = False
.Proceedbutton.Visible = False
.Exitbutton.Visible = False
.labmsg.Caption = Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Starting background processes, please wait..."
.Show vbModeless
End With
Am I making this too complicated? I was really hoping to just change the referenced form object at the beginning rather than introducing logic with redundant code each time I need to update the user. Any ideas or improvement would be appreciated. Caveat is, because they are wildly different layout/design, I would really like to keep two separate userforms rather than manipulating a single one (which I know can be done, but that is more work at this point compared to understanding why my method above isn't working.)

You can use a generic object, but you lose the early binding features
Try this code
Option Explicit
Public Sub ShowUserForm()
' You can use a generic object, but you lose the early binding features
Dim myUserForm As Object
If Environ("UserName") = "redacted" Then
Set myUserForm = New LlamaForm
Set myUserForm = New NormalForm
End If
End Sub
Let me know if it works

The problem is that the code that's responsible for showing the form, shouldn't have to care for any controls on either form.
Error 438 is being raised, because the UserForm class does not have CancelButton, ProceedButton, ExitButton, or labmsg members.
The solution is to either lose early binding and late-bind these member calls by making them all go against Object (or Variant, but Object is more appropriate here), ...or to re-assess who's responsible for what.
Looks like you're making some kind of progress indicator; when you start needing swappable object components and maintaining early-binding is a necessity, the correct tool to use for that is polymorphism, i.e. interfaces.
The linked article describes how to make a reusable progress indicator whose worker code is fully decoupled from the indicator form. What you need is something like it, except as mentioned near the end of the article you'll want the ProgressIndicatorForm and the LlamaIndicatorForm to implement some IProgressView interface, and have this IProgressView taken in as a dependency of the ProgressIndicator class, rather than it being hard-wired into the initialization code.
The hard part will be managing to expose the progress indicator events on the interface - that'll require a formal ProgressIndicatorEvents class to forward the Activated and Cancelled events to the ProgressIndicator class, similar to how this class forwards events from an abstract view to another component.
Done right, you end up with the calling code looking like this:
Dim progressForm As IProgressView
If Environ$("username") = "redacted" Then
Set progressForm = New LlamaProgressForm
Set progressForm = New StandardProgressForm
End If
With ProgressIndicator.Create("DoWork", Form:=progressForm)
End With
Where DoWork is your "worker code" - can be any Sub procedure that takes a ProgressIndicator parameter.
Obviously this is a lot more work than just coding against Object and I wouldn't blame you for taking the simple route. But the principles at play here are well worth looking into, if learning new programming concepts is more important than just getting it to work.


Using predeclared classes in VBA as namespaces

One of my biggest issues with coding in VBA is a total lack of namespaces making it difficult to ensure things like scoping and selecting the right function when every function of the same name is in the global namcespace. I know you can prefix your function calls with the module name it is in, but it seems to me that this is also possible by replacing all your modules by predeclared classes. A namespace would look something like this:
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "MyNamespace"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Public Function Foo() As String
Foo = "bar"
End Function
' Opionally make sure users do not use this as a class
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
If Not Me Is MyNamespace Then
Err.Raise 512, _
Source:="MyNamespace.Initialize", _
Description:="Cannot create an instance of a namespace."
End If
End Sub
Thus if you ever want to call Foo in this namespace you have to write
While simply calling Foo() will not work.
My question is this:
Is there any reason you wouldn't want to do this? As far as I can see the class' constructor is only called the first time you call any of its functions after you open your project, so I can't see any overhead there, but there could be something sneaky I am not aware of. Of course this is in no way an ideal way of addressing this lack of functionality, but it is not as if VBA programmers aren't already using the language in roundabout ways to provide lacking functionality.
Also, I see that this is basically the same as this question, however I'd further want to know whether there are any specific issues with having a ton of predeclared "empty" classes in your code. Say you replace 100 modules with 100 predeclared classes, will that have any significant impact on e.g. performance/stability/etc...?
It costs you an object pointer, is all. I wouldn't call it a namespace though.
Every single UserForm module you've ever worked with has a VB_PredeclaredId attribute set to True. This instance is automatically created, as you noticed, and while you can explicitly destroy it, the next time it's referenced it'll be automatically (silently) re-created again... with whatever the original state is/was... pretty much like an auto-instantiated object, aka an As New declaration.
So what you have there is more like an object hierarchy than a namespace structure - very, very similar to how you can drill down the Excel object model starting with Application, and go do this:
Set someCell = Excel.Application.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
Here the "namespace" is the Excel library, Application is the root object, and the rest of that expression is all member access - property getters, named after classes.
But the classes aren't in "namespaces"... the Worksheets collection type (class) exists on its own, under the Excel library: there being a Worksheets property on the Application class does not in any way, shape, or form, shield the class from a "name collision": if your user code has a class module named Worksheets (and it very well can), then as per how VBA resolves identifier references, Dim foo As Worksheet is going to be an instance of that custom class: the only valid qualifier is the library name (Excel, or MyVBAProject).
So, what you have there is a reasonable approach for building a relatively complex object model structure - but it won't (can't) replace or simulate a namespace. If you find yourself making "empty" classes, reconsider your design.
As for the last question, I don't see how having 100 predeclared custom objects might be any different than a project with 100 userforms: in both cases I'd wonder if there'd be a way to trim that down and generalize/reuse components, whether they be forms or classes.
What you want to avoid, is a predeclared object that holds state - because that state is effectively global now, and you have no control over what gets to change that state, where, and when: Application.Calculation is a prime example of this.

Excel add-in with logging class: How to react to VBA state loss?

The setup
I'm developing and maintaining an Excel add-in that comes with its own tab of controls within Excel's Ribbon UI. I've come across the problem of state loss before (meaning loss of all variables with global scope, static variables, etc, which of course includes my reference to the RibbonUI). With regards to the ribbon reference I've "solved" the problem by including a "Reset Ribbon" button that restores the reference from a persistently stored pointer and then invalidates the ribbon. Although certainly not the most elegant, this part works just fine.
However, after the introduction of a logging class, the state loss issue haunts me once again. The logger is instantiated in ThisWorkbook's module:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set LogToFile = SingletonFactory.getToFileLogger
End Sub
and is then put to work, for example, as follows:
Private Sub buttonReloadObjects_onAction(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
LogToFile.trace "Event firing: buttonReloadObjects_onAction"
' more stuff happening...
invalidateRibbon ' restores ribbon object and invalidates it
End Sub
The logger is instantiated when the add-in is loaded so that I have the freedom to log whatever I want within the confines of my add-in's code. It has several logging levels like trace/debug/error/... and a couple of other methods. Usually it works just fine - until the state loss hits (usually caused by an unrelated error, followed by clicking "End").
State loss
At this point the VBA environment forgets about the very existence of my LogToFile object and nothing works any more, because every click on the ribbon controls will trigger a runtime error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set pointing to whatever line is the first to contain a reference to LogToFile.
A solution?
Now, short of doing crazy workarounds like placing
if not isObject(LogToFile) then
Set LogToFile = SingletonFactory.getToFileLogger
end if
LogToFile.trace "Message"
before any occurrence of LogToFile, the only real "solution" I was able to come up with is to wrap all my logger calls in functions (residing in a standard module) and call these functions any time I want to send something to the log. This way I could catch the missing object reference right before the object is needed and I avoid calling methods of uninstantiated objects.
However, after having everything neatly encapsulated in class modules, it strikes me as odd, maybe even wrong(?), going down this route.
So, is there a "proper" solution to the problem of a lost logger instance? Or is my suggested approach already as proper as it can get?
Note: This problem is of course not specific to logging classes. It affects all global variables, most notably my ApplicationEventClass. The issue just happens to be the most glaring with the logger due to its frequent usage around all entry points to the code.
You only need one function that either returns the original variable or resets it. If you call that function LogToFile you don't need to change any of the other code other than removing the Workbook_Open code which is then superfluous. So:
Function LogToFile() As WhateverVariableType
Static temp as WhateverVariableType
If temp is Nothing then Set temp = SingletonFactory.getToFileLogger
Set LogToFile = temp
End Function
This way you will also still benefit from Intellisense when writing the code.
Note: you may not actually need the temp variable - it depends on whether there are settings that you want persisted. If there are, you may want to reset them in the function too.

Tempvars resetting to null when multithreading

I have a function that I use to multithread some Access VBA routines. It does this by writing a vb script which saves a copy of the main Access database then opens it in another instance of access. when open it runs a defined routine specified in the vb script. this works well but I have some routines where I need to pass variables to them from the main function. I was intending to use Tempvars to do this.
the main function sets up the tempvar (complete with initial values), but when the new access instance goes to read it the tempvar has been set to null. I have no idea why this is happening. It does not error when it refers to the tempvar, so Im assuming that it can see it. but I cann't see the tempvars objects in the locals window anyway. is there a way to monitor the tempvar objects?
I have used tempvars in the past in a similar capacity successfully. the main difference is the new new instance writes to the tempvar and the main function reads them. the issue that Im having is the main function writing to them and the new instance reads them (which is opposite).
TempVars are properties of the Application object, not the database. A new Access.Application will not have access to the TempVars set in an old one.
In my opinion, the better approach is to use forms, timers and COM to achieve this. That way you can pass variables from one Access.Application object to another (including, but not limited to TempVars)
A quick sample (I'm working on a more full approach to multithreading in Access)
Using a blank database with a single form, MTForm, which has a form module:
In MTForms form module:
Private strTask As String
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Application.Run strTask
End Sub
Public Property Let Task(Value As String)
strTask = Value
End Property
And in a separate module:
Public Sub RunAsync(strFunction As String)
Dim A As New Access.Application
A.OpenCurrentDatabase Application.CurrentProject.FullName
A.DoCmd.OpenForm "mtForm"
A.Forms("mtForm").Task = strFunction
A.Forms("mtForm").TimerInterval = 1
End Sub
Use: RunAsync "MyFunction" will run function MyFunction asynchronously on a separate Access.Application instance of the same database, that quits once execution is done (note that you can't have an exclusive lock on the database, else this will fail).
This can be easily adapted to add parameters, pass values from one thread to another, etc.

"TypeOf...Is Child" from Parent causes broken Excel file

I've been tracking down this issue for several days, so I thought I'd post it here to help others with the same problem, as well as learn more about the cause. I've simplified the problem code to the two class modules at the end of this post.
Basically, the simplified scenario is this: Two class modules, Parent and Child, where Child implements Parent. Somewhere in Parent is the line TypeOf Me Is Child, where Me could be any Object.
From my understanding, when the TypeOf...Is line is compiled to P-code (Debug > Compile, or calling the method) and saved to the file (.xlsm or .xlsb), it causes the file to not open properly. The code will run fine, but when the file is saved, closed, and reopened, it gives an error upon opening (or opening the VBE) saying either Invalid data format or Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost, and the Parent module can no longer be opened, nor can any VBA be run (try ?1=1 in the Immediate Window and it gives the same error).
If the type is checked using TypeName() instead of TypeOf...Is, this issue does not appear (which is the solution I've used in my project).
Can anyone shed some more light on what exactly is going wrong here, or at least confirm I'm on the right track in terms of what's causing the problem (the P-code)?
PS Yes, I'm aware the parent having knowledge of the child is poor design, but I was near the end of one-off project which wasn't worth taking the time to redesign.
Useful links:
Explains VBA's code states, and what is saved to the file.
Class Modules:
Option Explicit
' Class: Parent
' The problem (so far as I can tell):
' When the compiled version of the method below is saved to the file, the file
' will no longer load properly. Upon saving and reopening the file, I get a
' "Invalid data format" error, and the code for this class module can no longer be
' accessed. Furthermore, no VBA code will run after this happens. Try typing "?1=1"
' into the Immediate Window - you'll get another "Invalid data format" window.
' Alternatively, the error will be "Error accessing file. Network connection may
' have been lost." if the code is changed from using "Me" to "tmp" as noted in the
' comments in DoSomething().
' Steps to replicate:
' 1. Debug > Compile VBAProject.
' 2. Save file.
' 3. Close Excel.
' 4. Reopen file (and may need to open VBE).
Public Sub DoSomething()
' The TypeOf...Is statement seems to be what causes the problem.
' Note that checking "Me" isn't the cause of the problem (merely makes
' for shorter demo code); making a "Dim tmp as Object; set tmp = new Collection"
' and checking "TypeOf tmp Is Child" will cause the same problem.
' Also note, changing this to use TypeName() resolves the issue.
' Another note, moving the TypeOf...Is to a "Private Sub DoSomethingElse()" has
' no effect on the issue. Moving it to a new, unrelated class, however, does
' not cause the issue to occur.
If TypeOf Me Is Child Then
Debug.Print "Parent"
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
' Class: Child
Implements Parent
Private Sub Parent_DoSomething()
Debug.Print "Child"
End Sub
IMPLEMENTS statement causes circular dependency
The issue is not the TypeOf statement per se. The issue is that you have set up a circular dependency that VBA cannot resolve. As user2140173 mentioned VBA does not truly implement polymorphism.
The circular reference you have created is that the definition of your interface "Parent" includes (requires existence of) your object "Child" and the definition of your class "Child" implements (requires existence of) "Parent". Therefore VBA cannot properly create the interface at compile time and the interface class becomes corrupted and inaccessible next time you have saved, closed and re-opened the workbook and VB Editor.
The OP could be misinterpreted as implicating the statement TypeOf .. Is as being somehow to blame. However, the TypeOf statement is not special. Any statement at all in the interface class that references a class that itself IMPLEMENTS the interface class will set up the circular dependency problem.
For example:
'Class Person
Option explicit
Public Sub SaySomething()
Dim B as Boy '<--- here we cause the problem!
End sub
'Class Boy
Option explicit
Implements Person
Private Sub Person_SaySomething()
Debug.Print "Hello"
End sub
So i hope you can see that Boy.cs Implements Person.cs which contains a Boy.cs which Implements a Person.cs which contains a Boy.cs .... VBA goes crazy at this point :)
It's a little unfortunate that the VB Editor doesn't give a more helpful error message than the "Invalid data format" error or the "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost." which leaves the User baffled!
The solution is to remove these statement(s) from the source code of the interface class. If this proves difficult to do because you have a lot of business logic actually written in the interface class then a useful approach is to move the business logic out to a separate class. Simply doing this on its own can resolve the compile problem with the Interface and get your code running again.
In my own experience, for this very reason I deliberately try to remove any business logic from the interface class to ensure this kind of error cannot occur, and the interface classes become extremely simple - just a list of method signatures. If there is common business logic that I don't want to have to duplicate in each of the classes that will IMPLEMENT my interface then I create an additional class to hold this common business logic and ensure that the interface requires this class to exist.
For example:
'iMusicalInstrument interface
Option Explicit
Property Get Common() as csMusicalInstrumentCommon
End Property
'MusicalInstrumentCommon class
Option Explicit
' add any methods you want to be available to all implementers of the interface.
Property Get GUID() as string '<-- just an example, could be any method
GUID = 'function to create a GUID
End Property
' csTrumpet class
Option Explicit
Implements iMusicalInstrument
Private mCommon As csMusicalInstrumentCommon
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mCommon = New csMusicalInstrumentCommon
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mCommon = Nothing
End Sub
Private Property Get iMusicalInstrument_Common() As csMusicalInstrumentCommon
Set iMusicalInstrument_Common = mCommon
End Property
Public Sub Test()
Dim Trumpet As New csTrumpet
Dim iTrumpet As iMusicalInstrument
Set iTrumpet = Trumpet
Debug.Print iTrumpet.Common.GUID
End Sub
VBA does not support class polymorphism.
I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of the keyword Implements.
It's used when you want a class to implement an Interface - not another class ( well, at least not literally because an Interface in VBA is another class module object )
See this answer for better understanding of the Implements keyword in VBA
Also refer to this for info about VBA polymorphism

What are the benefits of using Classes in VBA? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this question
I am doing some VBA programming in Excel and have one workbook where all the datasheets are to be copied from into another sheet. The new sheet will have several header rows, and I would like to keep track of where they are situated so I don't have to find words in them constantly.
Is the simplest thing to use classes and keep them running while the Excel workbook is open? Or will this make it heavy and hard to handle, and I should keep working with subroutines? What are the benefits of using classes? It is not like I have several objects, only sheets and validation on columns.
The advantage of using classes instead of just subroutines is that classes create a level of abstraction that allow you to write cleaner code. Admittedly, if you've never used classes before in VBA, there is a learning curve, but I believe it's certainly worth the time to figure it out.
One key indication that you should switch to classes is if you're constantly adding parameters to your functions and subroutines. In this case, it's almost always best to use classes.
I've copied an explanation of classes from one of my previous Stack Overflow answers:
Here's a long example of how using a class might help you. Although this example is lengthy, it will show you how a few principles of object-oriented programming can really help you clean up your code.
In the VBA editor, go to Insert > Class Module. In the Properties window (bottom left of the screen by default), change the name of the module to WorkLogItem. Add the following code to the class:
Option Explicit
Private pTaskID As Long
Private pPersonName As String
Private pHoursWorked As Double
Public Property Get TaskID() As Long
TaskID = pTaskID
End Property
Public Property Let TaskID(lTaskID As Long)
pTaskID = lTaskID
End Property
Public Property Get PersonName() As String
PersonName = pPersonName
End Property
Public Property Let PersonName(lPersonName As String)
pPersonName = lPersonName
End Property
Public Property Get HoursWorked() As Double
HoursWorked = pHoursWorked
End Property
Public Property Let HoursWorked(lHoursWorked As Double)
pHoursWorked = lHoursWorked
End Property
The above code will give us a strongly-typed object that's specific to the data with which we're working. When you use multi-dimension arrays to store your data, your code resembles this: arr(1,1) is the ID, arr(1,2) is the PersonName, and arr(1,3) is the HoursWorked. Using that syntax, it's hard to know what is what. Let's assume you still load your objects into an array, but instead use the WorkLogItem that we created above. This name, you would be able to do arr(1).PersonName to get the person's name. That makes your code much easier to read.
Let's keep moving with this example. Instead of storing the objects in array, we'll try using a collection.
Next, add a new class module and call it ProcessWorkLog. Put the following code in there:
Option Explicit
Private pWorkLogItems As Collection
Public Property Get WorkLogItems() As Collection
Set WorkLogItems = pWorkLogItems
End Property
Public Property Set WorkLogItems(lWorkLogItem As Collection)
Set pWorkLogItems = lWorkLogItem
End Property
Function GetHoursWorked(strPersonName As String) As Double
On Error GoTo Handle_Errors
Dim wli As WorkLogItem
Dim doubleTotal As Double
doubleTotal = 0
For Each wli In WorkLogItems
If strPersonName = wli.PersonName Then
doubleTotal = doubleTotal + wli.HoursWorked
End If
Next wli
GetHoursWorked = doubleTotal
Exit Function
'You will probably want to catch the error that will '
'occur if WorkLogItems has not been set '
Resume Exit_Here
End Function
The above class is going to be used to "do something" with a colleciton of WorkLogItem. Initially, we just set it up to count the total number of hours worked. Let's test the code we wrote. Create a new Module (not a class module this time; just a "regular" module). Paste the following code in the module:
Option Explicit
Function PopulateArray() As Collection
Dim clnWlis As Collection
Dim wli As WorkLogItem
'Put some data in the collection'
Set clnWlis = New Collection
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 1
wli.PersonName = "Fred"
wli.HoursWorked = 4.5
clnWlis.Add wli
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 2
wli.PersonName = "Sally"
wli.HoursWorked = 3
clnWlis.Add wli
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 3
wli.PersonName = "Fred"
wli.HoursWorked = 2.5
clnWlis.Add wli
Set PopulateArray = clnWlis
End Function
Sub TestGetHoursWorked()
Dim pwl As ProcessWorkLog
Dim arrWli() As WorkLogItem
Set pwl = New ProcessWorkLog
Set pwl.WorkLogItems = PopulateArray()
Debug.Print pwl.GetHoursWorked("Fred")
End Sub
In the above code, PopulateArray() simply creates a collection of WorkLogItem. In your real code, you might create class to parse your Excel sheets or your data objects to fill a collection or an array.
The TestGetHoursWorked() code simply demonstrates how the classes were used. You notice that ProcessWorkLog is instantiated as an object. After it is instantiated, a collection of WorkLogItem becomes part of the pwl object. You notice this in the line Set pwl.WorkLogItems = PopulateArray(). Next, we simply call the function we wrote which acts upon the collection WorkLogItems.
Why is this helpful?
Let's suppose your data changes and you want to add a new method. Suppose your WorkLogItem now includes a field for HoursOnBreak and you want to add a new method to calculate that.
All you need to do is add a property to WorkLogItem like so:
Private pHoursOnBreak As Double
Public Property Get HoursOnBreak() As Double
HoursOnBreak = pHoursOnBreak
End Property
Public Property Let HoursOnBreak(lHoursOnBreak As Double)
pHoursOnBreak = lHoursOnBreak
End Property
Of course, you'll need to change your method for populating your collection (the sample method I used was PopulateArray(), but you probably should have a separate class just for this). Then you just add your new method to your ProcessWorkLog class:
Function GetHoursOnBreak(strPersonName As String) As Double
'Code to get hours on break
End Function
Now, if we wanted to update our TestGetHoursWorked() method to return result of GetHoursOnBreak, all we would have to do as add the following line:
Debug.Print pwl.GetHoursOnBreak("Fred")
If you passed in an array of values that represented your data, you would have to find every place in your code where you used the arrays and then update it accordingly. If you use classes (and their instantiated objects) instead, you can much more easily update your code to work with changes. Also, when you allow the class to be consumed in multiple ways (perhaps one function needs only 4 of the objects properties while another function will need 6), they can still reference the same object. This keeps you from having multiple arrays for different types of functions.
For further reading, I would highly recommend getting a copy of VBA Developer's Handbook, 2nd edition. The book is full of great examples and best practices and tons of sample code. If you're investing a lot of time into VBA for a serious project, it's well worth your time to look into this book.
If there are lots of subroutines or subroutines are very long then structuring the code in to classes may help. If there are only a couple of subroutines, say, each being only 10 lines of code each then this is over kill. The benefit of structuring the code in to classes is that it is easier to read and change when you come back to it down the line. So another reason to structuring the code into classes is if the code is likely to need changing down the line
There is one other thing you could add to the advantages other contributors have stated (sorry if it's somewhere in Ben McCormack's excellent answer and I missed it). Classes can have their uses if your VBA script is likely to be re-programmed at some point.
For instance, I am designing a sort of order management system. It is to be used by several colleagues for quite a while, but it may need re-progamming if ordering rules change. I have therefore designed a basic stock item class, which gathers all the information about a stock item. The rules about how this data is analyzed for any order are, however, written in easily accessible and well commented sub routines. By doing this, I hope that future VBA programmers can easily change the mathematical rules by which orders are generated, without having to deal with how all the data is gathered about a particular stock item (this is all done by subroutines and functions within the class, which are activated when the class is handed a stock number). A Class' public properties are also picked up by intellisense, allowing the next programmer, as well as yourself, to have an easier time of it.
I guess the point is that classes can make life easier for later users in this way if they encode some basic set of information, or some conceptual object, that is always likely to be relevant to the context of the program's use.
