signature set did not satisfy policy - hyperledger-fabric

I've created a network with 2orgs each one with 1peer and 1ca
After setting the EnableNodeOUs:true, I instantiate the contract with "AND ('Org1MSP.peer','Org2MSP.peer')" which works fine. Same for "AND ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')".
But after setting the policy to "AND ('Org1MSP.client','Org2MSP.client')" these errors occurs:|2020-01-30 07:21:49.745 UTC [vscc] Validate -> ERRO 07c VSCC error: stateBasedValidator.Validate failed, err validation of endorsement policy for chaincode mycc in tx 9:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy|2020-01-30 07:21:49.745 UTC [committer.txvalidator] validateTx -> ERRO 07d VSCCValidateTx for transaction txId = fd5124b081e92586f091f54e517030ebaeb28fddc71428df32c82cce636a94cd returned error: validation of endorsement policy for chaincode mycc in tx 9:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy|2020-01-30 07:21:49.745 UTC [vscc] Validate -> ERRO 086 VSCC error: stateBasedValidator.Validate failed, err validation of endorsement policy for chaincode mycc in tx 9:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy|2020-01-30 07:21:49.745 UTC [committer.txvalidator] validateTx -> ERRO 087 VSCCValidateTx for transaction txId = fd5124b081e92586f091f54e517030ebaeb28fddc71428df32c82cce636a94cd returned error: validation of endorsement policy for chaincode mycc in tx 9:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy
That's my config.yml file for the NodeOUs
Enable: true
Certificate: cacerts/
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: client
Certificate: cacerts/
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: peer
Certificate: cacerts/
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: admin
Certificate: cacerts/
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: orderer
Thanks in advance

The identity type with which you are submitting the initiation transaction is 'admin', as mentioned in the comment. However, your policy requires the identity type to be 'client'. Thus, the error.
To resolve, you'll need to create identity with identity type as 'client' and use that identity's msp to submit the initiation transaction.


Hyperledger Go SDK Client error connection is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE remote error: tls: bad certificate

I know there are several errors like this one, but I see most of them are with the test-network, using a local environment and my case is different.
I have a blockchain running using k8s it used to be running in V1.4 and we migrated it to V2.3 so the certificates were generated without a SAN but to make them work with the new version we are using the env variable GODEBUG="x509ignoreCN=0" I can connect to it using a console client to do changes in the channel and configuration, and I can connect with a node js client and execute contracts, I want to connect using a Go client for a different app but I'm having trouble with the config.
I'm getting a TRANSIENT_FAILURE error in the Go Client and a tls: bad certificate in the peer but the certificates are the same that work for the other environments, the config.yaml I'm using is based on my configuration from the test-network that's also working.
Something weird though, is that the configPath doesn't seem to work and I need to add the users individualy to make it run.
So this is my config.yaml
name: network-company
version: 1.0.0
organization: company
level: debug
endorser: "300"
path: /home/company
path: /home/company/users
path: /home/company/users/
enabled: true
provider: "SW"
hashAlgorithm: "SHA2"
softVerify: true
level: 256
systemCertPool: false
path: /home/company/users/
path: /home/company/users/
mspid: company
cryptoPath: /home/company/users/
path: /home/company/users/
path: /home/company/users/
url: grpcs://
path: /home/company/users/
keep-alive-time: 10s
keep-alive-timeout: 20s
keep-alive-permit: false
fail-fast: false
verify: false
url: grpcs://
path: /home/company/users/
keep-alive-time: 10s
keep-alive-timeout: 20s
keep-alive-permit: false
fail-fast: false
allow-insecure: true
verify: false
endorsingPeer: true
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: true
endorsingPeer: true
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: true
minResponses: 1
maxTargets: 1
attempts: 5
initialBackoff: 500ms
maxBackoff: 5s
backoffFactor: 2.0
- pattern:
- pattern:
These are my certificates paths:
+ msp
+ admincerts/<empty>
+ signcerts/cert.pem
+ cacerts/ca.pem
+ intermediatecerts/ca.pem
+ tlscacerts/ca.pem
+ tlsintermediatecerts/ca.pem
+ keystore/key.pem
+ tls
+ ca.pem
+ cert.pem
+ key.pem
These are the logs from the client:
[fabsdk/core] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - sw.getOptsByConfig -> DEBU Initialized SW cryptosuite
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - n/a -> DEBU KeyStore opened at [/home/company/users/]...done
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadEndpointConfiguration -> DEBU Client is: {Organization:company TLSCerts:{Client:{Key:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]} Cert:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}}}}
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadEndpointConfiguration -> DEBU channels are: map[mychannel:{Orderers:[] Peers:map[{EndorsingPeer:true ChaincodeQuery:true LedgerQuery:true EventSource:true}{EndorsingPeer:true ChaincodeQuery:true LedgerQuery:true EventSource:true}] Policies:{QueryChannelConfig:{MinResponses:1 MaxTargets:1 RetryOpts:{Attempts:5 InitialBackoff:500ms MaxBackoff:5s BackoffFactor:2 RetryableCodes:map[]}} Discovery:{MinResponses:0 MaxTargets:0 RetryOpts:{Attempts:0 InitialBackoff:0s MaxBackoff:0s BackoffFactor:0 RetryableCodes:map[]}} Selection:{SortingStrategy: Balancer: BlockHeightLagThreshold:0} EventService:{ResolverStrategy: MinBlockHeightResolverMode: Balancer: BlockHeightLagThreshold:0 PeerMonitor: ReconnectBlockHeightLagThreshold:0 PeerMonitorPeriod:0s}}}]
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadEndpointConfiguration -> DEBU organizations are: map[company:{MSPID:company CryptoPath:/home/company/users/ Users:map[admin:{Key:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]} Cert:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}}] Peers:[] CertificateAuthorities:[]}]
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadEndpointConfiguration -> DEBU orderers are: map[]
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadEndpointConfiguration -> DEBU peers are: map[{URL:grpcs:// GRPCOptions:map[allow-insecure:true fail-fast:false keep-alive-permit:false keep-alive-time:10s keep-alive-timeout:20s] TLSCACerts:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}}{URL:grpcs:// GRPCOptions:map[allow-insecure:true fail-fast:false keep-alive-permit:false keep-alive-time:10s keep-alive-timeout:20s] TLSCACerts:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}}]
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).compileMatchers -> DEBU Matchers are: {matchers:map[]}
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).compileMatchers -> DEBU Entity matchers are not configured
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadTLSClientCerts -> DEBU Reading pk from config, unable to retrieve from cert: Could not find matching key for SKI: Failed getting key for SKI [[91 7 147 74 144 157 11 46 234 18 159 199 54 134 208 140 16 147 185 225 158 7 112 91 182 170 49 46 139 190 194 99]]: key with SKI 5b07934a909d0b2eea129fc73686d08c1093b9e19e07705bb6aa312e8bbec263 not found in /home/company/users/
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fab.(*EndpointConfig).loadPrivateKeyFromConfig -> DEBU pk read from config successfully
[fabsdk/msp] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - msp.(*IdentityConfig).loadIdentityConfigEntities -> DEBU Client is: {Organization:company Logging:{Level:debug} CryptoConfig:{Path:/home/company} TLSCerts:{Client:{Key:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]} Cert:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}} SystemCertPool:false} CredentialStore:{Path:/home/company/users CryptoStore:{Path:/home/company/users/}}}
[fabsdk/msp] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - msp.(*IdentityConfig).loadIdentityConfigEntities -> DEBU organizations are: map[company:{MSPID:company CryptoPath:/home/company/users/ Users:map[admin:{Key:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]} Cert:{Path:/home/company/users/ Pem: bytes:[]}}] Peers:[] CertificateAuthorities:[]}]
[fabsdk/msp] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - msp.(*IdentityConfig).loadIdentityConfigEntities -> DEBU certificateAuthorities are: map[]
[fabsdk/msp] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - msp.(*IdentityConfig).compileMatchers -> DEBU Matchers are: {matchers:map[]}
[fabsdk] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - fabsdk.initSDK -> DEBU SDK initialized successfully
SDK created
resourceManagerClient created
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - chconfig.(*params).SetChConfigRefreshInterval -> DEBU RefreshInterval: 1m30s
[fabsdk/util] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - lazyref.WithRefreshInterval.func1 -> DEBU Checking refreshIntervalSetter
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - peer.(*peerEndorser).ProcessTransactionProposal -> DEBU Processing proposal using endorser:
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).DialContext -> DEBU DialContext:
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).createConn -> DEBU creating connection []
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).createConn -> DEBU storing connection []
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).removeConn -> DEBU removing connection []
[fabsdk/fab] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - txn.SendProposal.func1 -> DEBU Received error response from txn proposal processing: Transaction processing for endorser []: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target []: connection is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE
[fabsdk/common] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - retry.(*RetryableInvoker).Invoke -> DEBU Failed with err [queryChaincode failed: Transaction processing for endorser []: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target []: connection is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE] on attempt #1. Checking if retry is warranted...
[fabsdk/common] 2022/01/04 14:34:09 UTC - retry.(*RetryableInvoker).Invoke -> DEBU ... retry for err [queryChaincode failed: Transaction processing for endorser []: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target []: connection is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE] is NOT warranted after 1 attempt(s).
2022/01/04 14:34:09 error inicializando el SDK: error creando el cliente del canal: event service creation failed: could not get chConfig cache reference: QueryBlockConfig failed: QueryBlockConfig failed: queryChaincode failed: Transaction processing for endorser []: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target []: connection is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE
These are the logs from the peer:
2022-01-04 15:23:56.740 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 335 Server TLS handshake failed in 7.869808ms with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2022-01-04 15:23:56.740 UTC [grpc] WarningDepth -> DEBU 336 [core]grpc: Server.Serve failed to complete security handshake from "": remote error: tls: bad certificate
A couple of weird things: I need to add the users to the organization, some how it's not able to extract the users from the configPath and I get an error user not found.
It's looking for the tls private key in the msp/keystore folder and of course that isn't there
I tried adding the GODEBUG="x509ignoreCN=0" but it doesn't change the result
I generated an extra TLS certificates just for the client adding the SAN to them as "" and mapped it to the configuration with the same result.
I have tried adding and removing the entityMatchers with the same result.
I also did a tcp dump on it server answers to the Client hello with Server hello and then fails with a 400 bad request error.
I have used the configurations referenced from here and here but everything looks good to me.
I'm running out of ideas, is my configuration right? why do I need to force the clients and configPath doesn't work? why is it looking for the tls key in the msp keystore? but mostly why do I get a tls bad certificate if the certificates are good and pass an openssl verify against the ca.pem?
This is my certificate info using openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text -noout
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C = CO, L = Medellin, O = mycompany, CN = CA My Company, emailAddress =
Not Before: Jan 5 12:36:08 2022 GMT
Not After : Jan 5 12:36:08 2023 GMT
Subject: C = CO, ST = ANTIOQUIA, L = MEDELLIN, O = mycompany, OU = admin, CN =
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Key Usage:
Digital Signature
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Server Authentication, Microsoft Encrypted File System, E-mail Protection, TLS Web Client Authentication, Any Extended Key Usage
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
Full Name:
Authority Information Access:
CA Issuers - URI:
S/MIME Capabilities:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
So the issue seemed to be with the TLS certificates from the peers, they where generated before go 1.16 and didn't had the SANs in them, and the error seemed to be getting reflected to the go SDK. #yacovm thank you for your help figuring it out.

Endorsement policy failure error is taking a long time in hyperledger fabric v2.2

I have discovery enabled and I am testing if a transaction will fail if the endorsing organizations set in the transaction do not match the organizations actually involved in the transaction.
I am attempting to create a private data collection with ORG1 and as part of the transaction I have used the following method to set the endorsing organizations:
The test is failing but it is taking 60 seconds to do so.
The logs are as follows:
peer (org1) logs:
2021-01-25 13:31:50.876 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 055 [default] Received block [15] from buffer
2021-01-25 13:31:50.878 UTC [vscc] Validate -> ERRO 056 VSCC error: stateBasedValidator.Validate failed, err validation of endorsement policy for collection _implicit_org_1 chaincode test-chaincode in tx 15:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy
2021-01-25 13:31:50.878 UTC [committer.txvalidator] validateTx -> ERRO 057 Dispatch for transaction txId = 5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084 returned error: validation of endorsement policy for collection _implicit_org_1 chaincode test-chaincode in tx 15:0 failed: signature set did not satisfy policy
2021-01-25 13:31:50.878 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 058 [default] Validated block [15] in 1ms
2021-01-25 13:31:50.878 UTC [gossip.privdata] fetchPrivateData -> WARN 059 Do not know any peer in the channel( default ) that matches the policies , aborting
2021-01-25 13:31:50.878 UTC [gossip.privdata] populateFromRemotePeers -> WARN 05a Failed fetching private data from remote peers for dig2src:[map[{5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084 test-chaincode _implicit_org_1 15 0}:[]]], err: Empty membership channel=default
2021-01-25 13:31:51.879 UTC [gossip.privdata] fetchPrivateData -> WARN 05b Do not know any peer in the channel( default ) that matches the policies , aborting
2021-01-25 13:31:51.879 UTC [gossip.privdata] populateFromRemotePeers -> WARN 05c Failed fetching private data from remote peers for dig2src:[map[{5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084 test-chaincode _implicit_org_1 15 0}:[]]], err: Empty membership channel=default
2021-01-25 13:31:52.880 UTC [gossip.privdata] fetchPrivateData -> WARN 05d Do not know any peer in the channel( default ) that matches the policies , aborting
2021-01-25 13:31:52.880 UTC [gossip.privdata] populateFromRemotePeers -> WARN 05e Failed fetching private data from remote peers for dig2src:[map[{5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084 test-chaincode _implicit_org_1 15 0}:[]]], err: Empty membership channel=default
fetchPrivateData and populateFromRemotePeers warnings repeat over and over until
2021-01-25 13:32:50.873 UTC [gossip.privdata] RetrievePvtdata -> WARN 0d4 Could not fetch all 1 eligible collection private write sets for block [15] (0 from local cache, 0 from transient store, 0 from other peers). Will commit block with missing private write sets:[txID: 5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084, seq: 0, namespace: test-chaincode, collection: _implicit_org_1, hash: c189e3f3e8546ecde9b98b3aae67885cb8effeac1d35371a512c47db6a84
] channel=default
2021-01-25 13:32:50.873 UTC [validation] preprocessProtoBlock -> WARN 0d5 Channel [default]: Block [15] Transaction index [0] TxId [5c52e14fa24a6e90effbd9dffcbb3fbc6cac1091c1bf3b6512616084] marked as invalid by committer. Reason code [ENDORSEMENT_POLICY_FAILURE]
2021-01-25 13:32:50.903 UTC [kvledger] CommitLegacy -> INFO 0d6 [default] Committed block [15] with 1 transaction(s) in 29ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=11ms state_commit=16ms) commitHash=[bcfc168b343de9297a2cd4d9f202840dbde2478ab898998915b2c589]
2021-01-25 13:33:00.433 UTC [gossip.privdata] fetchPrivateData -> WARN 0d7 Do not know any peer in the channel( default ) that matches the policies , aborting
2021-01-25 13:33:00.433 UTC [gossip.privdata] reconcile -> ERRO 0d8 reconciliation error when trying to fetch missing items from different peers: Empty membership
2021-01-25 13:33:00.434 UTC [gossip.privdata] run -> ERRO 0d9 Failed to reconcile missing private info, error: Empty membership
The problem isn't the result, it's the time it takes to return the error. Anyone know what could be causing this and is it expected behaviour to take this long? In the peer logs it looks like the validation of the endorsement policy fails right at the beginning, but then it continues to try and fetch the private data anyway.
Check the core.yaml. The usual default setting is
pullRetryThreshold: 60s
That looks like the variable that might control that.

TLS handshake fails between organizations

I am running a custom Hyperledger Fabric network with TLS enabled in all communications. Everyting looks great inside of an organizations and CLI can connect to its org peers with TLS and CLIENTAUTH enabled. This is the status of the network:
- peer0
anchor: true
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: true
- peer1
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: true
- orderer0
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: false
- peer0
anchor: true
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: true
- peer1
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: true
- orderer0
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: false
- orderer0
tls_enabled: true
tls_clientauth_enabled: false
However, once I start a channel than involves multiple organizations, I get Gossip and TLS hanshake related errors. This is an example (log from peer0.org1):
2019-10-07 10:01:45.615 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 046 Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel global
2019-10-07 10:01:48.620 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 047 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:01:51.622 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 048 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:01:54.638 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 049 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:01:54.638 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 04a Could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}]
2019-10-07 10:01:54.638 UTC [deliveryClient] connect -> ERRO 04b Failed obtaining connection: could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}]
2019-10-07 10:01:54.638 UTC [deliveryClient] try -> WARN 04c Got error: could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}] , at 1 attempt. Retrying in 1s
2019-10-07 10:01:58.640 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 04d Failed connecting to {orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:01:59.833 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 04e TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:00.828 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 04f TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:01.642 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 050 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:02:02.609 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 051 TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:04.647 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 052 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:02:04.647 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 053 Could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}]
2019-10-07 10:02:04.647 UTC [deliveryClient] connect -> ERRO 054 Failed obtaining connection: could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}]
2019-10-07 10:02:04.647 UTC [deliveryClient] try -> WARN 055 Got error: could not connect to any of the endpoints: [{orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org1:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} {orderer0.org3:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]}] , at 2 attempt. Retrying in 2s
2019-10-07 10:02:04.755 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 056 TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:05.755 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 057 TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:07.118 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 058 TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
2019-10-07 10:02:09.651 UTC [ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 059 Failed connecting to {orderer0.org2:7050 [org1MSP org2MSP org3MSP]} , error: context deadline exceeded
2019-10-07 10:02:10.595 UTC [gossip.gossip] func1 -> WARN 05a Deep probe of peer0.org2:7051 failed: context deadline exceeded*gossipServiceImpl).learnAnchorPeers.func1
2019-10-07 10:02:10.595 UTC [gossip.discovery] func1 -> WARN 05b Could not connect to Endpoint: peer0.org2:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org2:7051, PKI-ID: <nil>, Metadata: : context deadline exceeded
How can I solve it? I tried to share CA Pems between orgs and set CORE_PEER_TLS_CLIENTROOTCAS_FILES to "/public/org1/ca-chain.pem /public/org2/ca-chain.pem /public/org3/ca-chain.pem", but it does not work. Do I have to add the client cert for each peer/orderer to every one of my nodes? Where? Is this problem not related to TLS? I am really lost.
Thank you.
Have you specified CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE, CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE and CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE (this one is for the CA) for each peer?
And if you run your CA Server with TLS you have to specify the cert and keyfiles for TLS there as well.

how to set cert when calling createChannel in Fabric Node SDK

Help me please with channel creation.
In node sdk i have
// // extract the channel config bytes from the envelope to be signed
const envelope = fs.readFileSync(`${channelConfigPath+channelName}.tx`),
channelConfig = client.extractChannelConfig(envelope),
signature = client.signChannelConfig(channelConfig);
// get an admin based transactionID
// send to orderer
const request = {
config: channelConfig,
signatures: [signature],
name: channelName,
txId: client.newTransactionID(true)
But i get error in docker logs
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 120 Signature set did not satisfy policy /Channel/Application/Gov1MSP/Admins
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 121 == Done Evaluating *cauthdsl.policy Policy /Channel/Application/Gov1MSP/
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [policies] func1 -> DEBU 122 Evaluation Failed: Only 0 policies were satisfied, but needed 1 of [ Gov1MSP.Admins ]
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 123 Signature set did not satisfy policy /Channel/Application/ChannelCreationPolicy
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 124 == Done Evaluating *policies.implicitMetaPolicy Policy /Channel/Application/ChannelCreationPolicy
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [orderer/common/broadcast] Handle -> WARN 125 [channel: usachannel] Rejecting broadcast of config message from because of error: Error authorizing update: Error validating DeltaSet: Policy for [Groups] /Channel/Application not satisfied: Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining
-2018-06-26 14:41:04.631 UTC [orderer/common/server] func1 -> DEBU 126 Closing Broadcast stream
So, how should I set cert from /etc/hyperledger/msp/users/ in Fabric Node SDK?
P.S. with the cert above i can create channel using peer channel create
I am using "^1.2.0" version for fabric-client and fabric-ca-client.
To set the signing identity of the client you need to use the setAdminSigningIdentity method.
For the private key I used the private key in the keystore directory of the msp folder.
In my case it was: "crypto-config/peerOrganizations/".
And for the certificate I used the same folder but the file "signcerts/".
Then you need to use newTransaction(true) because if you don't it will use the userContext which you do not want because you provided the adminSigningIdentity.

[client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [skillbillchannel] creator org [Org1MSP]

I was trying to query the data ledger on Azure Hyperledger Fabric and I ran the scripts: enrollAdmin.js and registerUser.js successfully, but I failed to query the data (node query.js) and got error:[client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [skillbillchannel] creator org [Org1MSP].
error from query = { Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [skillbillchannel] creator org [Org1MSP]
at Object.exports.createStatusError (/home/skillbilladmin/blockchain_dapp/node_modules/grpc/src/common.js:87:15)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/home/skillbilladmin/blockchain_dapp/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:1214:28)
at InterceptingListener._callNext (/home/skillbilladmin/blockchain_dapp/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:590:42)
at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (/home/skillbilladmin/blockchain_dapp/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:640:8)
at callback (/home/skillbilladmin/blockchain_dapp/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:867:24)
code: 2,
metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} },
details: 'access denied: channel [skillbillchannel] creator org [Org1MSP]' }
And here is logs from peer container when I queried and got the error:
*2018-06-11 04:16:04.071 UTC [protoutils] ValidateProposalMessage -> WARN 040 channel [skillbillchannel]: MSP error: the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
2018-06-11 06:34:43.331 UTC [protoutils] ValidateProposalMessage -> WARN 041 channel [skillbillchannel]: MSP error: the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority*
P/s: I have 1 CA, 1 Orderer, 2 Peers, 1 CLi and started successfully.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
