mongodb query referenced objects inside array - node.js

I'm using mongoose in nodejs. I'm trying to query some fields that contains a list made of referenced objects. I created two schemas
var PilotSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
races: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Race'}],
var RaceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
start_ms: Number,
Here I wrote only the relevant fields.
In the race schema I have a key start_ms that indicates the date of the start of the race in millisecons, and in the PilotSchema races field I save the references to many races.
What I want to do is:
Take a date in the future ( my_date ) in milliseconds
Retrive all the pilots that have not a race in the interval (my_date - 2_hours, my_date + 2_hours)
I try to do an example for explain better.
My date: Feb 23 2020 - 12:00:00 ( in milliseconds ),
In the pilot field races I have many refences to the RaceSchema and in each refenced object ther is the time of the start of a race.
Now querying the Pilots collection I want to retrieve all the pilots that in they races field have not a race that start during (Feb 23 2020 - 10:00:00 - Feb 23 2020 - 14:00:00)
I tried using this query but didn't work
races: {$not:
{ "$gt" : min_time, "$lt" : max_time }
min_time, max_time = my_date - 2_hours, my_date + 2_hours
Actually I don't know how to do it, I saw that for retrive a number in an intervall I can use $gt and $lt but I don't understand how to query an array of referenced objects that respect this specific conditions.

You'd have to write an aggregate query for this, finding your reference of races from pilot & filter them based on your condition
"$gt" : min_time, "$lt" : max_time
Assuming that you have name in your pilot schema, you can get list of all such pilots by writing this query


retrieve all whose `date` is within last 6 minutes

I have a Product collection stored in MongoDB. It has a attribute date :
const productSchema = new mongoose.Schema<ProductAttrs>({
date: {
type: Date,
required: true,
I would like to retrieve all products whose date is within last 6 minutes comparing with current time. What is the efficient way to retrieve that in mongoose ?
I am using express.js + typescript + mongoose v5.11 in my project.
You must use Mongoose to search every record where the time is greater than now - 6 minutes.
I have no way to test it, but the query should look something like this:
const sixMinutes = (6*60*1000); // 6 minutes
let sixMinutesAgo = new Date();
sixMinutesAgo.setTime(sixMinutesAgo.getTime() - sixMinutes);
const products = Product.find({
date: {
$gte: sixMinutesAgo
If your MongoDB server version is 5.0 you could use the new operator $dateDiff. In this case it is very handy and you do not even need an aggregate:
"$expr": {
"$lte": [
"$dateDiff": {
startDate: "$date",
endDate: new Date(),
unit: "minute"
It allows you to specify the unit field, which makes the query very straightforward in my opinion.
$expr evaluates an expression and returns true or false, just that. If the expression result is true then the row is returned, otherwise it is not.
$lte means less than or equal (the <= operator) and it returns true only when the first argument is less than or equal the second operator. Basically, this is what it does in pseudocode:
foreach doc in collection
if (minute)(currentDate - <= 6 then
return document

Timezone problems with MongoDB and NodeJs

So the problem I'm currently having is :
I've a list of gym classes, which every class has an OpeningTime. I want to fetch all the classes from the current day, but. I'm not getting the same result locally and in production, cause for some reason, when Im deploying my backend to Heroku, the timezone is being setted by default to UTC (when I've a GMT-3 timezone).
Here is my query :
var now = moment();
var startOfDay = now.startOf('day').format();
var endOfDay = now.endOf('day').format();
var clasesDB = await Clase.find({ $and: [{ openingTime: { $gte: startOfDay } }, { openingTime: { $lte: endOfDay } }] })
So, like I said before, the problem is ocurring when, for example:
When I fetch the classes at my local time (Ex: 02-26-19 21:00hs ( GMT-3) ), the queries are actually showing the classes from 02-27, because, at MINE 21:00hs, on the server side is already 00:00, so, the date is not 02-26 anymore. And I dont want this kind of output.
How can I get a workaround to solve this?
Thanks in advance! :)
Don't use .format(), this makes a string. Compare directly Date values, i.e. use
var now = moment();
var startOfDay = now.startOf('day').toDate();
var endOfDay = now.endOf('day').toDate();
By default moment uses local times, so moment().startOf('day') returns midnight of local time. If you want to get midnight of UTC then use moment.utc().startOf('day').
If you don't rely on "local" time zone, then you can specify it like"America/New_York").startOf('day')
No matter which time you need, never compare Date values by string, use always actual Date value.
By default in MongoDB a date field is stored in UTC, You can create a date with offset while writing to store it in your timeZone. But you've not done it while writing documents then you need to convert date field to your required timeZone while reading data from database. Check this below example.
JavaScript Code :
const today = new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined, {
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric'
}) // 02/26/2020. If your Heroic server is in different location then specify your locale in place of undefined - whereas undefined picks local time by default. Ex:- 'en-Us' for USA
Query :
{ $addFields: { timewithOffsetNY: { $dateToString: { format: "%m/%d/%Y", date: "$openingTime", timezone: "America/New_York" } } } },
{ $match: { timewithOffsetNY: today } }, { $project: { timewithOffsetNY: 0 } }
Above query is written for New York timeZone, you can convert it according to your timeZone, In test url you can see 1st doc is not returned though it is on 2020-02-26 cause offset to New York as of today is 5hrs, So after converting date becomes as 2020-02-25.
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Ref : $dateToString

Mongoose: Running Scheduled Job Query by Date

I want to create a scheduled job for patients in a hospital. The patients will be informed every month by their reg_date.
I'm using new Date().getDate() inside my scheduled Jobs to run at 8.00 AM in the morning to send SMS to my patients. Meanwhile, I had been using string format date to save reg_date in my mongoDB. Here is snippets of my mongoDB docs :
customer: "John",
reg_date: "2017-02-17T16:39:26.969Z"
I've ben surfing for solutions but it turns out nothing, so I decided to post myself. Here is what i am trying to do :
customer.find({"reg_date.getDate()" : new Date(2017, 03, 17).getDate()})
.then(function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
E.g: What I am doing is "I want to get every patient who register at 17th day of the month and send them a SMS".
Any help will be appreciated. :D
For this type of bit complex query you need to use aggregation method instead regular find method.
$project this will help you to project your fields, here we are creating a new temporary field day with only date of the reg_date. Then we query using the new field day and we get the result.
This temp field day will never added to your schema or model, it is just like temp view we are creating like in SQL.
Here i projected only customer and day but Please project all the fields necessary in the result.
function getCustomerList(day, callback){
"customer": "$customer", //repeat the same for all field you want in result
"reg_date": "$reg_date",
"day":{$dayOfMonth:"$reg_date"} //put day of month in 'day'
"day": day //now match the day with the incoming day value
], function(err, result){
callback(err, result);
getCustomerList(17, function(err, result){ // call the function like this with date you want
// Process the err & result here
Result will be like this
"_id" : ObjectId("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),
"customer" : "John",
"reg_date" : ISODate("2016-04-17T08:58:16.414Z"),
"day" : 17
"_id" : ObjectId("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),
"customer" : "Prasanth",
"reg_date" : ISODate("2016-04-17T08:58:16.414Z"),
"day" : 17
Ignore the day field projected during your process...
With reg_date in string you can't query for day of month as it only works with ISODate. I suggest first you convert the string in reg_date in all your documents with a script.
Then the following query should work
"document": "$$ROOT", //to get the whole document
"day":{$dayOfMonth:"$date"} //put day of month in 'day'
"day": 17 //match 17
], function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
Use greater than and less than
var previousDate =new Date(2017, 1, 16); //month starts with 0
var nextDate=new Date(2017, 1, 18);
customer.find({reg_date : { $gt:previousDate,$lt:nextDate}})
.then(function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
Since reg_date is stored as a string, and not a Date/ISODate, you're limited as to what kind of query you can run (so I concur with the comment in one of the other answers that you should consider converting them to proper ISODate).
Considering that you want to query a date string for entries with a particular day-of-month, you can use a regular expression query:
customer.find({ reg_date : /-17T/ })
Or, dynamically:
let today = new Date();
let dom = ('00' + today.getDate()).slice(-2); // zero-pad day of month
let re = new RegExp('-' + dom + 'T');
customer.find({ reg_date : re })
You should also read this regarding speed optimizations, but still, regex queries aren't very fast.

Mongodb Deep Embedded Object Array Query

Hi I am facing a problem in updating an embedded object array using mongoose!
Here is the Schema:
var event = {
eTime : [String]
var schedule = {
events: [event]
var group = {
gName: {type:String},
sDate: { type: Date, default: },
schedules: [schedule]
MainSchema {
id : String,
groups : [group]
The thing which I want to do is that to update the array of eTime in events with an object of schedules. I am using this query
'id': 'MongoDb',
but the schedules->events->eventTime is not updating with a value!!!
What wrong I am doing here?
My Main Scenario is to find the id(MongoDB) with associated gName and then update its schedules array of it.
My find query is working great but can not update the schedules... and events can be many
If I'm reading your schema correctly, the core part is an array containing an array containing an array containing an array of strings. I think you would do much better "inverting" the schema so each document represents an event. Metadata grouping multiple events can be duplicated into each event document. An example:
"event" : "cookie bake-off",
"gName" : "baking",
"sDate" : ISODate("2015-03-02T21:46:11.842Z")
The update that you are struggling with translates into an insertion of a new event document in the collection.

In Mongoose, how to filter an array of objects

I have the following schema:
var sampleSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
dates: [{
date: Date,
duration: Number
I'd need to filters the records according to the following rule: if one of dates is later than a given date date_begin, keep the record, otherwise, don't.
I have the impression that $gte or $lte are the function I need, but I can't find a way to use them correctly. I tried
sampleSchema.find({date_begin: {$gte: 'date'}});
or some variants of that, but I can't seem to be able to make it work. Anyone has an idea of how I am supposed to do this?
To do querying on elements inside arrays, $elemMatch is used :
SampleModel.find( { dates : { $elemMatch: { date : { $gte: 'DATE_VALUE' } } } } )
If you're using a single query condition, you can directly filter:
SampleModel.find( { '': { $gte: 'DATE_VALUE' } } )
