Why FixedTargetTracking in Spark AR does not working with colored logo? - instagram

So. We do a promotional mask for instagram in Spark AR Studio. It should become visible when you hover over the company logo. A texture with a color logo has been added to FixedTargetTracker, but the mask only works when you hover over a black and white logo, if you hover over a color logo it does not work.

Try to use black and white target!


How to remove a blue tint in my SFSafariToolbarItem Image?

I'm building a Safari App Extension on MacOS. However my toolbar item in Safari is blue tinted. And whatever the PDF image I put in my project, the toolbar item does change the image, but the tint stays blue. Is there a way to put the initial gray tint back ?
Try to recolor your icon applying a Sepia filter.
That will make your icon appear B&W.

How to transform a Grayscale background SVG, to white or black colors

I have Gray SVG icons next to each Menu item (inherited from another project) and displaied as background.
I need to show them black or white but I don't how to achieve this.
As backgrounds I can't use fill css property. I tried with filter:brightness(100) to make them white but I loose anti-aliasing (and analogue with filter:brightness(0) to make them black).
Mask has still serious compatibility issues (e.g. Firefox does not allow external svg).
I tried also to import them as data-uri with LESS feature, but it was unuseful, so.... any suggestion?

IS Google ignoring white text with dark background?

My Website iascoachingindia.in have some coloured boxes with white text on, however background colour is dark and clearly visible to human eye, but I felt Google proffered text which is black in text with white background.
Please anybody have some experienced in the same??
Google can crawl and index all the fonts and color, but the most important thing is to avoid make it spammy by adding the same font color with the same background color.
Also if its with the same color, still Google can access them and index them but you will get a penalty.

Images change color on device and in simulator

So I have this image:
And it changes colors on devices, the top logo should be red-orange, the three buttons on the left blue and the three on the bottom orange and they are on my computer and in Illustrator and Photoshop, but when I add it to the scene as a spritenode it changes. Why is this happening? The colors change on a device and in the simulator
For some reason it changed colors here as well... Is this another "The Dress"
It's in JPEG
This is probably because you're using JPEG. Use PNG instead

How can I make website objects appear to fadeout as you scroll? (Transparent gradient)

I have a website with some text on the body and a fixed menu bar on top.
I want the text to 'fade-out' as you scroll, instead of disappearing behind other element.
My website's background is grey, so II made a gradient that goes from grey to transparent.
It works great, except that you can sort of tell that there's a grey band across the website.
Notice the band (starting right above the red arrow) on this screen I printed
Why does irt show an off color?
I know about PNG gamma correction, but this is not it, I have removed the gAMA part, I have also tried "fine-tuning" it, nothing will work. (I know I am doing this right because I tried it on a solid PNG, stripped the gamma data, and it perfectly matches the CSS background).
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?! (I can use any other method, doesn't need to be a PNG gradient, but I do need it to be a fade-out).
Make a gradient from opaque gray to transparent white.
