How to enable other people's Android phone to use the test version of your unreleased Google Action? - dialogflow-es

I am developing a Google Action for Google Assistant and it is not yet a state where I can release. Even so I want it to be available for some tester, and in a near future, my client.
The simulator with the "test" is somewhat limited at auth request, name recognition (since it will only knows my action) and experience (to show my client), so I prefer not to depend on it for this case.
I found it is only possible to interact with a test version of an action if the project owner's account is logged in as a Google account in the phone where you want to call the action. Is it correct? Or there is another way?
I even tried adding my wife's Google account as a viewer to the project, but I am unable to call my action from her phone.

You can add people as a viewer to the project. Before those users can call your action on any of their devices, they will need to use the test console at once, this will enable testing on their device. After that they will be able to interact with your action on their devices.
Do note, the time in which the action is available on their account is limited by a time period (about a couple of months). If they cant access the action any more after a couple of months, just repeat the above step to reactivate testing for their account.
One thing that you could consider in the two approached posted by #Prisoner and me is if your testers need to test on just a device or need access to the console as well. Using the approach from #Prisoner will allow your users to test on devices. The above approach will also allow testers to use the console at

In addition to #Jordi's answer, you can also do an Alpha Release of your Action. This lets you permit up to 20 additional accounts to the released version
Once you permit them using the console, you will send them the opt-in URL, which they should visit on a mobile device with that account. Once they have opted into the Alpha, they can activate it using the regular trigger phrase.


Facebook messenger webhook not sending data for users that are not associated with the app

So this has been such an annoying issue I've been having with facebook.
We :
created a messenger app
verified the web-hook
submitted the app for review
got approval from Facebook
Everything works perfectly if we use the developers and users associated with the app, but for some reason any other user will not work at all!
The only explanation I see why it isn't work is because the app is in development mode, but apparently facebook removed that and replaced it with Access Levels.
I've been looking at documentation and can't find anything! Any directional help that I may have missed would be greatly appreciated!
The only explanation I see why it isn't work is because the app is in development mode, but apparently facebook removed that and replaced it with Access Levels.
You are indeed completely right!
The old system, consisting of Development Mode and Live Mode, has been replaced by respectively Standard Access and Advanced Access (cf. this documentation).
Apps in Development Mode can only request Permissions from app users who have a Role on the app or in a Business that has claimed the app. This is the same as Standard Access. Apps in Live Mode can request Permissions from anyone, but only if the Permissions have been approved through App Review. This is the same as Advanced Access. Features, although they cannot be requested from app users but are instead active/inactive, behave the same way.
This snippet was taken from this post.; Side note: They even wrote a paragraph about why they decided to switch and which features/improvements the new update brings - it's on the same site, just below the quote above
Anyhow, due to logistic reasons (supposedly) the update is only being pushed gently into the broad mass:
Access Levels are gradually being applied to all existing Business apps automatically.
You can find the banner on the previously mentioned site:
Summing up: Yes - the modes are actually replaced by their new "level system", though the update might haven't covered your Business app yet (but will so in the near future).
I got this message from API, maybe this covers the reason:
"(#10) Cannot message users who are not admins, developers or testers
of the app until pages_messaging permission is reviewed and the app is
live.", "type":"OAuthException", "code":10, "error_subcode":2018028, "fbtrace_id":"AL....i9"}}

How can I create an action that is available only to me

I've tried now several times understanding if it is possible, and if yes how, to create custom actions that are available just for me on a Google Home device. I have a working Dialog Flow agent that works well in the Dialog Flow simulator. It used to work in the Google Assistant simulator and I could enable it for one hour, but now that doesn't work either.
I would be happy using IFTTT if it had webhook responses instead of just fixed responses...
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
There is not a good way to have private actions for a given user. The only way to do it is to enable testing for a given project. Then all devices using your account should be able to "talk to my test app" and communicate to your webhook. However, this test may end after a few days.

actions on google demo code is not working on my android phone

I followed tutorial and built my first google action. The action is working fine on my laptop browser in the test (Followed "Preview the App" section of the tutorial) environment. However, when I am trying to use this action on my phone by saying "OK Google talk to my first app". It's not working. Is it supposed to work on my phone as well? I have logged in with the same Gmail account on my phone also.
PS - I have posted the same question on "actions on google" google plus community google as well but I am not sure if that community is to post such questions or not. Therefore, I am posting it here also.
Thanks in advance!
Once you have enabled testing through the simulator, it should be available on all devices (mobile, speakers like Google Home, etc) with the same account your simulator is running in. Double check to make sure they're the same account.
In your case, however, you may be using the wrong invocation phrase. If you actually said what you did above, you need to say the exact same thing that you typed to invoke it.
If you haven't set a name in the configuration, then that phrase will be
Talk to my test app
As you note in the comments - you also need to make sure you're running the Google Assistant, and not one of the other voice search components. The Google Assistant requires:
Android 6.0 or higher
Google app 6.13 or higher
Google Play services
1.5 GB of memory
720p screen resolution
Phone set to a supported language
As you probably already know you have to enable Web & App Activity, Device Information, Voice & Audio Activity in the Activity controls page.
Then you also have to be sure that the language of your agent is the same used by your google assistant.
I solved thanks this last step.
Hope this helps

Launching app from Google assistant via Dialogflow

I'm using Dialogflow to interact with my users (they can ask questions, ask to receive reports etc...) and I would like to launch an Android application when they invoke one the intents I created, is there a way to that?
Short answer: Not really.
Longer answer: While you can't have one of your Actions trigger any Android Intent directly, you do have a few options to strongly suggest to a user that they do so. For example:
You can use something like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to trigger a notification/event.
If you're relying on the screen of the Android device, you can send a card that includes a URL, and that URL can deep link into your application if you've configured it.

Email Notifications Chrome Webstore Support

Is it possible to receive email notification for new comments on the Support page of a Chrome extension in the webstore?
On the support page of a Chrome extension I can add a new question, suggestion or bug report but I don't receive any notification about responses.
I had the same problem. I have several apps in the Chrome Web Store and I found it tedious to be constantly checking. I found an extension that claimed to have this functionality, though I found it periodically lost my list of extensions and wasn't able to actually fetch reviews consistently. You can try the extension here: It is also open source, so it could be improved.
I ended up writing some of my own scripts to periodically check and send me an email when there is a new review or support request. I made it available to use as a hosted service (currently free, though I plan on asking for a little money to defray the hosting costs as well as some coffee money). Check out the hosted service at It has a full list of the Chrome webstore apps and extensions and can send you notifications on a new support issue or review. Right now it only checks hourly and sends on the hour.
Also, when you respond to a support request, the user who reported it doesn't get any kind of notification. The best way around that I've found is to actually message that person's Google+ profile, either by adding them to a circle (e.g. App users) posting publicly and mentioning them in the post, or for some users it's possible to message directly with hangouts.
[update: Oct 2015. It's now possible to "Reply" to reviews in the web store, so that's probably the best way to respond to user reviews directly]
As far as I know, there is no such option. You will have to periodically check it.
Which makes using the built-in Feedback quite useless - you're better off using something like a public bug tracker as your "Support" link and disabling Feedback.
Existing feature request:
As of 2015-03-23, it is untriaged.
No, that has not been implemented, even approaching a decade later.
New Solution:
The two options in the current answer are no longer working, so I made a small utility app to solve this problem.
You can submit your extension's id and your email address and Webstore Watch will notify you within 1 minute of a new support request.
Let me know if this goes down or if you experience problems. I can't guarantee 100% reliability, but I will do my best to maintain it.
