I am new in Azure DevOps. I have configured a pipeline for Continuously Deploying application on IIS Server. Right now its working fine but my issue is how can i Skip/Exclude some files and folders (Configurations files, Documents folders etc.) from Publishing Artifacts and Deploying the application on IIS Server.
I did some R&D internet on it a find a solution in shape of .artifactignore file. But this is not working OR maybe i am doing wrong. I did as explained here.
Is there any other ways or any one can explain this to me.
I am deploying our NodeJS application to our Azure App service using Azure's local git. What I am basically doing is making our CICD pipeline git commit our changes and do a force push to Azure's Local Git. Then, Azure will build the application from the committed files, which seems to be working fine.
But today, I have made a shocking discovery, after couple of weeks of deployment, the files in the wwwroot folder does not match the files in the Local Git Repo. The files that do not exist anymore in the Local Git repo are still in the wwwroot folder
For example, the git repo contains the following files under prisma/migrations
But in the Azure App service wwwroot folder, the same directory contains more than that:
So, these files are actually from previous deployments that do not exist in the latest version of the master branch of the Local Git.
Upon looking at their deployment step, I learned that they are simply copying whatever files are created in their deployment "Oryx/Kudu" deployment step into the wwwroot folder without checking if there should be files needed to be deleted:
If this is the case with this approach, is there a proper way to do this?
Or is there a quick way to clean the existing wwwroot folder first before their deployer copy the files?
Hope somebody can help.
If you use the Azure App Service Deploy task in Azure DevOps Pipeline to deploy your application and select Web Deploy method option, there is an additional option to Remove Additional Files at Destination.
If you check this option, the deployment process will remove any files at the destination where there is no corresponding file in the package that is being deployed.
In other words, it'll remove any left-over files from a previous deployment that are no longer required.
Please refer to the similar ticket: How to clean up wwwroot folder on the target Azure Websites Windows Server before each deployment in VSTS.
ON deploying from TFS 2015 to onpremise Server,it deletes empty folders in App Data Folder.I want to include the empty folders in AppData and set Read,write/full control permissions to that folder.I use WINRM IIS Web Deployment task.
This is how the feature has been designed. Take a look from our MSFT'S reply at this similar question: Publish Artifacts task does not copy up empty folders
I can confirm this is by design. I am assuming you are uploading
artifacts to Azure DevOps Service rather than to your own file share.
You should think of Azure DevOps Service's artifact storage more like
blob storage than a giant file share.
I see you say you need these empty directories at deployment time. Can
you create them as a step during the release rather than as a step
during the build? I would say that fits best with the build vs.
release abstraction.
Compressing all of your artifacts into a .zip before you copy them to
the artifact staging directory should also work. You will just have to
unzip them as part of the release.
As suggested, you can create the empty folders via a script to workaround the issue. It will also apply to the situation if you choose to publish to file share path. Besides, you could also zip the artifact and upload and unzip it during release.
I'm setting a CI/CD using Azure Pipelines. As the output of the build, I'm generating a zip file. If I manually upload the produced zip artifact to wwwroot using Kudu, it works fine. However, using the Release of Azure Pipelines, it's creating a new folder and dropping the content into it.
I've tried several different approaches:
-without zipping the output of the build
-using msbuild rather than dotnet build
-deploying using msdeploy
-cloning from existing builds / releases
For all the previous approaches I'm getting the same result: the output inside Backoffice folder. I've found a similar problem on VSTS release pipeline to Azure web app deploys to wwwroot subdirectory but I did the steps described in the answer and I'm still with the problem. Any clues?
I was able to solve this issue using the Zip Deployment from preview version.
Having never used Azure before I'm attempting to deploy a simple F# Suave app to Azure using FTP. Ultimately I want to deploy via github but I initially thought FTP'ing it would be the easy first step. According to https://suave.io/azure-app-service.html it should be straight forward.
These are the steps I followed
Created a new web app in Azure including a resource group
and app service plan. All on the Free Tier.
Downloaded the publishsettings XML file that Azure created.
Cloned this repo: https://github.com/isaacabraham/fsharp-demonstrator
Used FileZilla to connect via FTP using the creds
from step 2.
Uploaded the files (via FTP) from
fsharp-demonstrator/src/SuaveHost (which includes the necessary web.config file) from the repo cloned at step 3 to
the site\wwwroot on Azure.
Navigated to Azure site url.
Then I receive the error:
The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process.
(When I look at the folders on Azure under site\wwwroot I don't see any obj or bin folders. I don't think any msbuild process occurred. That doesn't seem right.)
Anybody got any idea what the problem is?
I suspect the issue is that when you deploy via FTP, then Azure does not automatically run the deploy script specified in the .deployment file.
The build.fsx script uses Kudu service to deploy the built files, so it might be easier to just use Github deployment rather than FTP - this way, Azure will do the deployment for you.
If you want to deploy via FTP, you'll need to build the project locally and upload the output. I'm not sure how to best do this with Isaac's Kudu-based demo though (ultimately, you need web.config that points to your built executable like this)
I have an existing website that I would like to deploy on Azure, using Visual Studio Team Services. The website is made up of static files, there's no ASP.NET or anything else involved.
Within Visual Studio Team Services, I created a build which executes npm install and a gulp build. This results in a dist folder containing all the files for the website. In Azure, everything is set up correctly (subscription, web app,...).
However, I'm unsure on how to push my code to Azure. Exploring the options in the Release tab in VSTS, an 'artifact' always seems to be required, but I just have a bunch of files. I need to publish the files in the dist folder and make sure index.html is served.
How can I do that?
This question is related to this one, however, the answers all state to start from Azure, and do not mention how to deploy existing code using Visual Studio Team Services.
The trick is to create the artifact yourself, which can be as simple as a zip file containing the static website files. The zip file should be copied as an artifact to the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) target directory. Next, you can use a simple Web App deployment task to publish the zip file to Azure. If index.html is in the root directory, Azure is smart enough to serve it.
Below is a working build and deploy flow. It assumes gulp is used to build the website and write the build output (i.e. the static files) to a dist folder.
The easiest way is to deploy from a source control, if you take a look under "Settings" for your Website in the Azure portal you will probably see "Continuous deployment".
From there you can deploy from Visual Studio Team Services, Github, etc.
Every check-in will be deployed, also wrong ones, so you may want a introduce a staging environment as a deployment slot as well, where you can swap staging with production whenever you feel your site is ready for production.
Without the need to create an artifact, another solution could be FTP deployment after creating an Service Endpoint in VSTS