Azure Data Factory, How get output from scala (jar job)? - azure

We have a Azure Data Factory pipeline and one step is a jar job that should return output used in the next steps.
It is possible to get output from notebook with dbutils.notebook.exit(....)
I need the similar feature to retrieve output from main class of jar.
Image of my pipeline

Actually,there is no built-in feature to execute jar job directly as i know.However, you could implement it easily with Azure Databricks Service.
Two ways in Azure Databricks workspace:
If your jar is executable jar,then just use Set JAR which could set main class and parameters:
Conversely,you could try to use Notebook to execute dbutils.notebook.exit(....) or something else.
Back to ADF, ADF has Databricks Activity and you can get output of it for next steps.Any concern,please let me know.
There is no similar feature to dbutils.notebook.exit(....) in Jar activity as i know.So far i just provide a workaround here: storing the parameters into specific file which resides in the (for example)blob storage inside the jar execution.Then use LookUp activity after jar activity to get the params for next steps.
Updates at 1.21.2020
Got some updates from MSFT in the github link:
Sending output is a feature that only notebooks support for notebook
workflows and not jar or python executions in databricks. This should
be a feature ask for databricks and only then ADF can support it.
I would recommend you to submit this as a product feedback on Azure
Databricks feedback forum.
It seems that output from jar execution is not supported by azure databricks,ADF only supports features of azure databricks naturally. Fine...,you could push the related progress by contacting with azure databricks team. I just shared all my knowledges here.


Running Code in Azure Repo from Azure Data Factory

Main problem:
I need to orchestrate the run of Python scripts using an Azure Data Factory pipeline.
What I have tried:
Databricks: The problem with this solution is that it is costly, a little slow (the need to spin up clusters), and it requires that I write my code in a notebook.
Batch activity from ADF: It too is costly and little slow. I don't have to write my code in a notebook, but I have to manually put it in a storage account, which is not great when debugging or updating.
My question:
Is there a way to run code in an Azure repo (or Github repo) directly from the Data Factory? Like the batch activity but instead of reading the code from a storage account read it from the repo itself?
Thanks for your help
Based on the statement in the document "Pipelines and activities in Azure Data Factory", the Azure Git Repos and GitHub Repos are not the supported source data store and sink data store for ADF pipelines. So, it is not possible to directly run the code from the git repository in the ADF pipelines.
However, ADF has the Source control option to allow you to configure a Git repository with either Azure Repos or GitHub. Then you can configure CI/CD pipelines on Azure DevOps to integrate with ADF. The CI/CD pipelines can directly run code from the git repository.
For more details, you can see the document "CI/CD in ADF".

How to export files generated to Azure DevOps from Azure Databricks after a job terminates?

We are using Azure DevOps to submit a Training Job to Databricks. The training job uses a notebook to train a Machine Learning Model. We are using databricks CLI to submit the job from ADO.
In the notebook, in of the steps, we create a .pkl file, we want to download this to the build agent and publish it as an artifact in Azure DevOps. How do we do this?
It really depends on how that file is stored:
If it just saved on the DBFS, you can use databrics fs cp 'dbfs:/....' local-path
if file is stored on the local file system, then copy it to DBFS (for example, by using dbutils.fs.cp), and then use the previous item
if the model is tracked by MLflow, then you can either explicitly export model to DBFS via MLflow API (or REST API) (you can do it to DevOps directly as well, just need to have correct credentials, etc.) or use this tool to export models/experiments/runs to local disk

Custom Script in Azure Data Factory & Azure Databricks

I have a requirement to parse a lot of small files and load them into a database in a flattened structure. I prefer to use ADF V2 and SQL Database to accomplish it. The file parsing logic is already available using Python script and I wanted to orchestrate it in ADF. I could see an option of using Python Notebook connector to Azure Databricks in ADF v2. May I ask if I will be able to just run a plain Python script in Azure Databricks through ADF? If I do so, will I just run the script in Databricks cluster's driver only and might not utilize the cluster's full capacity. I am also thinking of calling Azure functions as well. Please advise which one is more appropriate in this case.
Just provide some ideas for your reference.
Firstly, you are talking about Notebook and Databricks which means ADF's own copy activity and Data Flow can't meet your needs, since as i know, ADF could meet just simple flatten feature! If you miss that,please try that first.
Secondly,if you do have more requirements beyond ADF features, why not just leave it?Because Notebook and Databricks don't have to be used with ADF,why you want to pay more cost then? For Notebook, you have to install packages by yourself,such as pysql or pyodbc. For Azure Databricks,you could mount azure blob storage and access those files as File System.In addition,i suppose you don't need many workers for cluster,so just configure it as 2 for max.
Databricks is more suitable for managing as a job i think.
Azure Function also could be an option.You could create a blob trigger and load the files into one container. Surely,you have to learn the basic of azure function if you are not familiar with it.However,Azure Function could be more economical.

Azure data factory data flow task cannot take on prem as source

I am having trouble in creating a Data Flows task which uses an on-prem source. Is this not possible in the Preview version?
I have created a self hosted IR to connect ADF to my laptop, and that is what I want to use. In the pic below I am trying to create a dataset off self hosted IR. It works great in Copy task but for Data Flows it is greyed out.
For this question, I asked Azure support for help and they replied me with the answer:
This means on-premise SQL server is not supported as dataset in data flow in current stage.
Screen shot:
Data flow now only support Azure IR so it doesn’t support on-premise dataset.
Refer to Integration runtime types.
Hope this helps.
If your goal is to use visual data transformations in ADF using Mapping Data Flows with on-prem data, then build a pipeline with a Copy Activity first. Use the Self-Hosted Integration Runtime with the Copy Activity to stage your data in Blob Store. Then add a subsequent Execute Data Flow activity to transform that data.
I made video on how to do this:
Reproduce your issue on my side ,however nothing about this feature is claimed on the official document. As you can see everywhere about data flow cliams that:
You could submit any voice here:
Also found a feedback for data flow in ADF for your reference.If you need push the progress of it,you could vote up it. Also,i would suggest you referring to the comments in the link:
For access to the 80+ ADF connectors, use Copy Activity to stage data
for transformation.
Data Flows will access data in your lake (Blob, ADB, ADW, ADLS) for
Think of Copy Activity as your data heavy-lifting activity and Data
Flow as your data transformation engine.

Scheduling U - SQL Job

I am trying to schedule a U SQL job. Please let me know whether I can schedule the U SQL job.If so,how can I schedule.
To my mind, the best way to orchestrate your U-SQL job along with concomitant data management such as getting source data, pushing output data and etc is Azure Data Factory V2. ADF has reach API. Basically, you can run your jobs using either PowerShell or C# or a trigger.
See my very simple example of the job and how to add a trigger below. In this example, I process the documents with my U-SQL job and then push output file (CSV or Avro file) into Azure SQL Server
You could use Azure Automation (with the help of the Azure Data Lake Analytics Cmdlets) or Azure Data Factory to schedule a U-SQL script in the cloud.
You can get some guidance regarding creating a ADF Pipeline here:
