How to list all files in all directory in linux using linux cmd - linux

I'm trying to read all the files available in all directories along with complete path, using bash script. Have tried
ls -R cmd but it is not listing the files properly.
My requirement is to have the output which should have complete path for the file.

Maybe you want the find utility which is recursive by default.
find . -type f
The . means the current pwd/directory

You can use find command for listing all the files from a particular directory.
find /your_path/ -type f 2>/dev/null
/your_path/ : provide the path from where you will execute the command, the output will have the complete path of the files.
2>/dev/null : to suppress the STDERR
right now what you are trying is to list all of the sub-directories using ls -R, so this would not fulfill what you are trying to achieve.
See man ls:
-R, --recursive
list subdirectories recursively


How to find files without a directory path in Linux

I have a directory:
What i need as a output:
I need to hide the dir.path at the output
It depends on your criteria which files should be included in the output, but if you want to print the names of all *.sh files under test/, you can do:
$ find <path_to_test_folder> '*.sh' -printf %f\\n
(If you're running it from the root folder of the search, you can drop the <...> part.)

How to ls all the files in the subdirectories using wildcard?

ls * can list all the files in the subdirectories.
ls *.pdb can only list all the files with extension pdb in the current directory.
So how to list all the files with extension pdb in the subdirectories?
My subdirectories are named as 1, 2, 3, .... I would like the output also include the directory information, so that I can use the output as an ensemble of input files. For example, the output should be like:
1/a.pdb 1/b.pdb 1/c.pdb 2/a.pdb 2/b.pdb 2/c.pdb 3/a.pdb 3/b.pdb 3/c.pdb
3 solutions :
Simple glob
ls */*.pdb
Recursive using bash
shopt -s globstar
ls **/*.pdb
Recursive using find
find . -type f -name '*.pdb'
Try this too:
locate */*.pdb
Its for previously made database
You can see the difference, if you code some Python and right after that use both
locate */*.py
ls */*.py

How to list down the full paths to all files in multiple directories of a certain file format?

I am looking for a Bash solution to my dilemma here. I have directory project, and within that I have project/Batch1 project/Batch2 project/Batch3 and so on.
Within each Batch folder, I have a mix of files but what I am interested in are files in the .txt format, for example. I am able to recursively acquire the names of every file in my project directory using the ls -LR command. However, how should I get full paths including the file names, and also only for .txt files?
Use find command. Open man 1 find and check possible option you need for above task.
Here is the simple example. Open terminal and run
find pwd -type f -name "*.txt"
find pwd -name "*.txt"
Or you can do same using bash script also.

Shell Script to Recursively Loop Through Directory and print location of important files

So I am trying to write a command line shell script or a shell script that will be able to recursively loop through a directory, all its files, and sub-directories for certain files and then print the location of these files to a text file.
I know that this is possible using BASH commands such as find, locate, exec, and >.
This is what I have so far. find <top-directory> -name '*.class' -exec locate {} > location.txt \;
This does not work though. Can any BASH, Shell scripting experts help me out please?
Thank-you for reading this.
The default behavior of find (if you don't specify any other action) is to print the filename. So you can simply do:
find <top-directory> -name '*.class' > location.txt
Or if you want to be explicit about it:
find <top-directory> -name '*.class' -print > location.txt
You can save the redirection by using find's -fprint option:
find <top-directory> -name '*.class' -fprint location.txt
From the man page:
-fprint file
[...] print the full file name into file file. If file does not exist when find is run, it is created; if it does exist, it is truncated.
A less preferred way to do it is to use ls:
ls -d $PWD**/* | grep class
let's break it down:
ls -d # lists the directory (returns `.`)
ls -d $PWD # lists the directory - but this time $PWD will provide full path
ls -d $PWD/** # list the directory with full-path and every file under this directory (not recursively) - an effect which is due to `/**` part
ls -d $PWD/**/* # same like previous one, only that now do it recursively to the folders below (achieved by adding the `/*` at the end)
A better way of doing it:
After reading this due to recommendation from Charles Duffy, it appears as a bad idea to use both ls as well as find (article also says: "find is just as bad as ls in this context".) The reason it's a bad idea is because you can't control the output of ls: for example, you can't configure ls to terminate filenames with NUL. The reason it's problematic is that unix allows all kind of weird characters in a file-name (newline, pipe etc) and will "break" ls in a way you can't anticipate.
Better use a shell script for the task, and it's pretty simple task too:
Create a file, edit the file to contain:
for i in **/*; do
echo $PWD/$i
Give it execute permissions (by running: chmod +x
Run it from the same directory with:
and you're good to go!

Search recursively for files in a parent directory in Linux

I am trying to list all the files in a parent directory and its subdirectories. However, I am running this command from another location. So, at first, I need to traverse to the directory (from where I want to run this command).
Please note that I am using the find command instead of ls because I also want to list down the absolute path for each file in front of it. This is not possible with the ls command.
here is what I am doing:
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
This command does not show any output.
Here is the directory structure:
this has multiple subdirectories:
each of these subdirectories again have subdirectories and files inside them.
however, now if I do:
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1/level2_dir1;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
it will do the recursion properly for all the subdirectories in level2_dir1 and show output like:
date level1_dir1/level2_dir1/path/to/file/filename
so, I wanted to print out for all the level2 directories, this way (by using the wild character):
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1/*;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
but it prints out the results only for the first directory in level2 (that is level2_dir1)
how can I make it list down the files for all the subdirectories?
How about this?
find ../../../level1_dir1 -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
If you want all the files, you don't even need -name in the find command. If you don't want to see the directories and only the files, just add "-type f" before -printf.
Hope this helps...
