Excel: Querying Web/Sharepoint in Drop-Down - excel

I am trying to create a very small Excel file which queries an Online/Sharepoint Excel file.
I don't want to import all the data as this increases the final size of the document (I know I can make a VBA Macro to delete the data but I can't reply on the people using the spreadsheet to run this macro).
Ideally, I would like to have each section in a drop down list; ie 1st Drop Down selects category of item, which directly influences the 2nd Drop Down of Manufacturer which directly influences Model etc. with each section only being queried as it is required.
Is this possible?

you can ask your macro to be triggered on an automatic event without replying on the user.
Could you define : category, item, Manufacturer, Model and section?
with words like : Sheet, Workbook, Row, Range
Or And give a sample spreadsheet


Editing data through a filter in Excel

I have a large imported .csv as a (Query) table in an Excel workbook. I'd like for users of the workbook to be able to select a small subset of that data and update some values without having to play around with filters on the table.
To that end, I've set up a FILTER on a separate sheet, something like:
=FILTER(my_table[some_column], my_table[id_column]="some value")
That pulls in values from the relevant column and displays them.
My question: is there any way to allow users to edit the values retrieved with the FILTER, so that the changes are reflected in the original table? Attempting to edit such a value now just edits the underlying field, causing the FILTER to update and display #SPILL! (which makes sense, since there is not enough free space to render the result).
I've looked at options for FILTER, and thought about writing some custom VBA code to do what FILTER does "manually", and then watch the sheet for updates in that range - but that seems like a lot of coding to do something I would imagine is more commonly needed?
Am I going to have to code this up in VBA? Or is there some alternative approach to using the FILTER?

Copy and paste Excel rows between two workbooks based on criteria from exported Access data

I have no previous experience in Access, VBA coding or in Excel macros prior to teaching myself the past month via these forums. Thank you forums and contributors. I have enjoyed my Access learnings so far, the challenge that it has provided and appreciate any help that I can get. As such, the code and methods that I have used to this point may well be convoluted and confusing. I will do my best to provide relevant details and accurate terminology.
I work in a lab and I am creating an Access Form for semi-automated reporting. Samples are received from clients and are logged into the Excel Table R&D Log. The worksheet is InProcess. Samples are sorted based on the site in which they originate and given a one or two letter site code (G, D, WH, etc.) and an ID "yy-000" in separate Excel columns (i.e. D 18-096). Samples may be submitted for multiple analyses (Metals, Water, Soil, etc.) and may even have multiple rows of reporting if multiple analytes are identified in the sample. There are several other columns, such as receipt date, reporting date, units, etc. Once samples are reported, I manually copy and paste them into the Archived worksheet, and delete the record and blank row from the InProcess worksheet. Since one sample may have multiple analyses and even more potential results, each record would be reported on a new Excel row (with the same D 18-096 ID number). Thus, there is not a single unique identifier or primary key for each sample in the current format. R&D Log is updated manually by lab technicians and the worksheet InProcess is a linked table in an Access Database.
The Access Database is using two combo boxes on a Form frmInProcess to filter a Query qryInProcess of the linked table. The combo boxes are filtering the report destination (one client may receive multiple site codes) and the analysis (reports are separated based on type of analysis). The Query is also filtering out blank results and blank dates, so only completed samples will appear on the filtered Form. I have generated VBA code to this point that will export the Form to a .pdf, save the file with unique filename, and open outlook to mail out the report. I have also managed to export the filtered Form frmInProcess to an Excel file Access Test (not the linked file).
What I would like to do now is to automate the transfer of completed test results from the Excel worksheet R&D Log: InProcess to R&D Log: Archived and delete the record from the InProcess worksheet. I am not sure if I can export the filtered Form into a linked Excel table, or if I must use a separate Excel file (or if it even matters for simplicity of code?). I would now like to read the exported filtered Form in Excel Access Test, lookup matching rows in R&D Log based on several criteria (site, ID, Analysis, Analyte, Report Date) and automate the transfer of records between R&D Log worksheets. End result being that Access generates reports for completed tests, and the records are removed from InProcess testing and transferred to Archived testing in Excel. I am guessing that I may need to close the Access application and perform this in Excel. Hope this is easy enough to follow.
Thank you.
In my experience, importing an Excel document into a temporary NEW (or totally empty) Access table is usually the easiest way to go. Then you do not have to worry about cell references like you do in Excel VBA. Even if the Excel document has old data in it with just a few new changes each time, importing it into a temporary Access table could be the simplest way to go, because then you can compare the data in this table with the data in another, permanent Access table and update the latter based on the former.
As far as the original Excel file, if you need to delete rows there, it might be quicker to export a new Excel file with just the data the old one is supposed to end up with, and then use VBA to delete (or - safer! - rename) the old file.
So the development process goes something like this:
Save import steps by first importing an Excel file via Access' ribbon options "External Data" (tab) ->"Excel" and when you finish, be sure to check the "Save import steps" box and note the name you give the "saved import" because you will need that in your VBA code.
In Access, write a function for deleting the table. The VBA code is:
Const cTable = "MyExcelTempTable"
If TableExists(cTable) Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, cTable
End If
Now you can test your delete function on the data you imported.
Write VBA code to import the same spreadsheet to create the same table:
Const cSavedImport = "Import-MyExcelTempTable"
' Import the Excel file
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport cSavedImport
Write more VBA function(s) to check the imported table for bad data and then to copy it into the permanent table. You might be updating existing records or adding new ones. Either way, you could use Access queries or SQL to do this and run them from VBA.
Write a VBA function to rename the old Excel file. (You could use an InputBox if the Excel file name is different each time. I do this for importing Excel files, and I set a default value so I do not have to type as much.)
Write a VBA function to export the new version of the Excel file.
Make yourself a button on a form that, when clicked, runs a VBA function. Inside that function, run Steps 2 through 6, above.
I am not sure my answer exactly matches what you are trying to do, but hopefully you get enough of a picture of the workflow to figure out the details of what you need.

Excel : Selecting data and keeping it up to date

I'm not a hero when it comes to Excel...
I have an Excel file with one sheet that contains all data. It's basically a list of tickets, displaying the ticket ID, type, value and 5 dates per row.
I'm looking for a way to have new sheets in the Excel that actually display only tickets of a specific type. So on the sheet Bug Tickets I want to diplay like a filtered sub-set of the raw data in the first sheet.
However, this new sheet needs to refresh it's data automatically when I add new data to the main list.
Is this possible in Excel?
Ok here is a way using a Pivot Tables and Tables.
You should set it up like below: (in the SS, I put the pivot in the same sheet but you can put it in another).
You need to create a table out of your data. See here on how to do it.
Then create a Pivot Table out of your table. See here on how to do it
After that you just need to format it the way you want.
The Pivot table will update everytime you add data on your table.
It will display what you've filtered.(in my example I filtered type A).
Notice: Apologies I cannot create a step by step procedure for you(very tedious). I wouldn't have posted this as answer if only it would fit as comment.

VBA to update multiple sheets from main spreadsheet based on department name

I have a spreadsheet that is used to track audit scores for 9 different departments in a plant. The 9 departments are broken down to 117 different area locations. Once a month I add a new column and update the scores. What I would like is a seperate sheet for each department with the audit scores updating automatically when I import the original data in. I'm new to VBA programming and this may be over my head a little bit, is there a way to do this?
Why not using a pivot table in each tab ?
You'll only have to use the "actualize" command once ( Data-->Refresh all) whenever you're adding a column.
The thing you have ot be careful with is to set-up you master table as a list (Home tab-->Format as a table command ) or else the pivot table will not take account of an added new column.
Without seeing the actual data and the format the it is currently in...
Assuming that you make a separate sheet for each department each with a row corresponding to its respective area...
I would utilize a class to hook the application's events and update each sheet on the Worksheet_Change event. Chip Pearson provides an excellent example of this concept here and I'm sure that a cursory search of SO will turn up quite a few examples as well.
From that point it is a matter of identifying the imported data and it's corresponding location in the workbook.
If you have an example I would be happy to look at it...

Excel Show Data Based on user Choice

Excel 2007: I get my data from Access tables the Excel sheet is called "Data". My Excel report cells are populated by linking to those data cells(=Data!A1) and some report cells have simple code. But my question is this; my report needs to specify one record. Example: Data record 1: Name=Joe, Birth=7/29/62, Country=USA: record 2: Name=Sam, Birth=4/13/74, Country=China... How do we control the report display to a specific record? If I add a DropDown or ListBox, how do we make only the records for the name picked show in the report. Is there a way to put the code behind the listbox, or should I scrap the list and create a macro, what is the best way for a user to pick the data to be displayed on the report? Suggestions please...
There are two approaches I would use.
When you embed a query object in Excel (which is, I assume, how you are fetching the data from Access) you have the ability to edit that query in the little Query Editor tool.
You can add criteria to that query in this tool - there's a filter icon, you select let's say the Name column, and then type "Sam" in the box below, and that will produce a SQL statement that now includes "Where Name = 'Same'" at the end.
However, that's not that helpful for reporting, since most likely we want the name to be a parameter passed in from the Excel sheet itself. If in the criteria box, you type "[enter name]" instead of "Sam", the square brackets tell the Query tool that this is a user supplied parameter. When you run the query from the tool now you get a pop up box asking you each time for the name.
Now when you exit the query tool and return to Excel, you can edit the Query Parameters for that embedded query object. The parameter you made (name) is there, and it can either take on a static value, prompt the user, or take the contents of a cell. You can even set a flag to refresh the query when the cell contents change.
The other approach goes a little further and manipulates the query object in some VBA code. If you need to do some heavier lifting, or other logic, for example, and you don't want to deal with writing it all out as spreadsheet formulas. An easy way to do that is to drop in a button on the report sheet and have the VBA code start on that button's click event.
