Authenticating using ws WebSocket - node.js

I'm using ws webSocket (can't use and I'm a bit new to it. I know how it works, but don't fully get a couple of things.
How can I authenticate using jwt? The docs say that using the upgrade event is the correct way to go about it, but when the client connected, the code in the upgrade function didn't run.
What's the correct way to add an event type? In, one can listen using client.on('eventType', function). What's the webSocket ws equivalent?
When and why would one use paths in webSocket ws?
The update event doesn't get fired on my end. Here's the code I have:
File 1
const server = require('http').createServer(app);
File 2
module.exports = function(server) {
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });
server.on('upgrade', function(request, socket, head) {
wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, function(ws) {
wss.emit('connection', ws, request);
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
console.log('received: %s', message);

How can I authenticate using jwt? The docs say that using the upgrade event is the correct way to go about it, but when the client connected, the code in the upgrade function didn't run.
Well, there are lots of different choices. You could pass a token as a query parameter of a custom header when first making the connection. You could require that the first data sent over the webSocket is a token and disconnect if such a token does not arrive soon and first. If the client was already authenticated and there's an http cookie that indicates that, you could examine that cookie upon websocket connection.
What's the correct way to add an event type? In, one can listen using client.on('eventType', function). What's the webSocket ws equivalent?
The message types (or event types as you call them) are something that adds on top of webSocket. The webSocket protocol itself does not have such a thing. You send a data packet and that data packet arrives at the other end. All data packets are of the same webSocket "type". If you want to identify your data packets as being a certain type of message, then you have to invent a way of doing that inside your data back. For example, if your data was JSON formatted, you could add a type: "someType" property to event message and then examine that property upon receipt (this is essentially what does although it does it outside of the payload).
When and why would one use paths in webSocket ws?
You may have two completely separate parts of code that use a webSocket for different things that have nothing in common and reside in separate modules and it's just more straightforward for each to have its own webSocket connection. And, they may be used by two completely separate types of clients.
How to access the orignal URL when a webSocket client connects to your server is shown here on your server's upgrade event used with the ws library.
You will note in that example that the upgrade event occurs on the http server, not on the websocket server instance.

ws provide auth examples.
These work when a HTTP server first handle the auth requests. Then pass a
HTTP upgrade request to ws rather than ws itself listening on a port. Note
the noServer: true option they include in the setup:
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ clientTracking: false, noServer: true });
The jwt component will be easier using koa or express in HTTP
first then doing the upgrade in this way. Otherwise you would need to
write a ws message handler to look for some token data and verify it.
The message is the event in ws. You get to write anything more specific on top of the message event, which is a big reason to use that has done all that for you (including client callback functions, which are super helpful).
Using a URI path in the ws:// or http upgrade request would usually be to connect to a separate ws context on the server side. A simple way to namespace or separate connection into discreet groups.


Websocket Endpoints and Express Router

I was trying to implement web-sockets (npm ws) in my express application, but got stuck on how I should implement my websockets so that they work with express router.
Currently, my endpoints look like this...'/create-note', jwtAuthentication, NotesController.createNote);
router.get('/get-notes/:id',jwtAuthentication, NotesController.getUserNotes);
router.??('/socket-endpoint', NotesController.wssNote);
As you can see, I am unsure of what method to call on my router. I have tried using 'get' and 'post, but for some reason it only works after I try a second connection on postman. (I click connect, nothing happens, I then click disconnect and connect again and it works.)
I know that I can pass in the path when creating the WebSocketServer...
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/hereIsWS"});
This does work, but if it is possible to use routers with web-sockets, I think it would make my whole project much cleaner and more organised.
I have come across people recommending 'express-ws', but was wondering if there was a better method to solve my problem, specifically a method that does not involve other packages.
Thanks in advance!
You do not use Express routers with webSockets. That's not the proper architecture for webSockets. Your webSocket server can share an http server with Express, but that's pretty much all the two have to do with one another.
webSockets connect on a particular path which you pass to the webSocketServer() constructor as it appears you already know. Once they are connected they stay connected and form a TCP pipe that you can send packets of data from client to server or from server to client. There is no Express routing used for that.
You can create your own message handling within a webSocket message by creating a message name as part of the webSocket payload if you want (this is something that the layer on top of webSockets does for you), but it has nothing to do with Express at that point. That's just in how you choose to handle the incoming webSocket packets.
if there was a better method to solve my problem
What is your specific problem? Perhaps if you stated the specific problem you want help with, we could provide further assistance.
To handle incoming webSocket messages, you can follow the example in the ws server doc:
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function message(data) {
console.log('received: %s', data);
To further break up this to handle different types of incoming webSocket messages, you have to create your own message format that you can branch on or use instead on both client and server that does that for you.

How to proxy websocket connections to other websockets in NodeJS

I need to create a small authentication layer on top of a 3rd party web-socket based chat application. I have a simple API (get) that can validate api tokens from requests. What I want to do is essentially validate their token (which I know how to do) then proxy the websocket connection to the actual chat server.
I've been looking for solutions and this thread seems to give some pointers in the right direction however I can't get any of the solutions to work.
var http = require('http'),
WebSocket = require('faye-websocket'),
conf = require('./conf.json');
var server = http.createServer();
server.on('upgrade', function(request, socket, body) {
console.log('upgrade fired');
var frontend = new WebSocket(request, socket, body),
backend = new WebSocket.Client('ws://');
server.on('connection', function(socket) {
backend = new WebSocket.Client('ws://');
console.log('Listening on '+port.conf);
The connection event is fired, however the upgrade event which is supposed to be fired on a ws connection never is.
The goal is to first authenticate a api key to an external server, then open a proxy to the chat websocket all through a request to this node server via a websocket connection. I'll most likely pass the api key as a get parameter for simplicity. I also looked at this package and attempted using it however it didn't work as well.
The issue ended up being with nginx. I forgot I was proxying requests through the reverse proxy and by default nginx does not support the ws:// connection so it drops it.

Using with Sequelize

I am trying to use and Sequelize to create a chat app. will handle the socket to allow for instant messaging. Sequelize will handle storing the messages so when you refresh the screen you still have your messages.
What is happening is that on localhost my socket works, but it does not send the messages to the database. When I put it onto Heroku, my database worked, but it does not use the sockets.
My socket is located in app.js and my database route is located in routes/messages.js.
I have been working on this bug for a while now and I have been trying to get help with it. I think the best way to share this is with my markdown I created detailing my efforts to fix my bug that can be found at here. My repo for this can be found here.
There are a few different parts that you need to distinguish:
the HTTP server, in your code represented by the variable http
the Express app, represented by app
the Socket.IO server, represented by io
a Socket.IO (client) connection (see below)
The HTTP server directs "normal" HTTP requests to the Express app, which will handle them according to the middleware and routes that are set up. A router handler gets called with (at least) two arguments, generally called req and res, to represent the (incoming) HTTP request and the (outgoing) HTTP response.
The Socket.IO server gets to handle specific Socket.IO requests, which get sent to the server by the Socket.IO client (running in the browser). When such a client sets up a connection with the server, the connection event gets triggered on the server. Any handlers for this event will get passed an argument, generally called socket, that represents the (bidirectional) connection with that client.
That Socket.IO connection can receive messages (sent from the client running in the browser), which trigger events on the socket. You can install a handler to listen for particular messages (like "chat message"), which will receive, as argument, the data that was sent to it by the client.
The issue in your code seems to be with setting up everything to handle those chat messages. The correct setup order would be:
listen on the Socket.IO server for connection events
when such an event is received, add a listener for the chat message event on the connection
when such an event is received, write the data to the database.
In code:
// Listen for new client connections.
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
// Listen for the client to send a _"chat message"_ message.
socket.on('chat message', function(data) {
// Store the data in the database.
message : data.message,
username : data.username
As you can see, req and res aren't available inside of those Socket.IO event handlers, because those are only used for normal HTTP requests.
Also, as opposed to HTTP, you don't necessarily have to send anything back to the client when you have received a message, so I left that part out. The handler above only writes the message data to the database (it also doesn't check for, or handle, errors, which eventually you should add). client connection cannot be made on the 2nd time

Currently, I am implementing an API using nodejs express, then it needs to connect to and send event.
The API is located in (client), and it connects to (server)
1st API call: success
The connection is made for the 1st call of the API, message is sent and socket can be disconnected, with the 'disconnect' callback is invoked both on client and server side.
2nd API call: failure
When the API is invoked the 2nd time, the connection to server cannot be made, 'client' callback on client side is not called.
3rd API call: success
Then I tried to restart the client side, keeping other things unchanged. The API is called again, and the connection to is made successfully and everything is fine.
Can anyone explain the logistics behind this?
App.getByUserId(message.to_id, function(error, app) {
var socket = io.connect('');
socket.on('connect', function(){
console.log("client connect socket id:" +;
console.log("appkey:" + app.private_token);
socket.emit('appkey.check',{appkey: app.private_token, uuid: message.to_id.uuid}, function(data){
socket = null;
You just hit one of Socket.IO's many "features" or "bugs" depending how you see this. Socket.IO tries to be smart and re-use connections (which causes a lot of connection issues actually) The way around this is use the force new connection option in your io.connect:
io.connect('', { 'force new connection': true });
What you could also do is use which wraps Socket.IO if you use the transformer. Internally, it completely removes the use of the io.connect and uses the much more lower level io.Socket constructor to create more stable connections that you would get with a stock
With socket 1.0+, you have to use this for forcing new connection.
io.connect(SERVER_IP, { 'forceNew': true });

Adding data to a socket object

I am trying to add some custom information to my socket object on connect, so that when I disconnect the socket, I can read that custom information.
// (Client)
socket.on('connect', function(data){
socket.customInfo = 'customdata';
// (server)
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
Since it is JavaScript you can freely add attributes to any object (just as you did). However does give you a built-in way to do that (so you won't have to worry about naming conflicts):
socket.set('nickname', name, function () {
socket.get('nickname', function (err, name) {
console.log('Chat message by ', name);
Note that this is only on one side (either client or server). Obviously you can't share data between client and server without communication (that's what your example suggests).
The socket in your browser and the socket in the server won't share the same properties if you set them.
Basically you have set the data only at the client side (which is in your browsers memory NOT on the server).
For anyone still looking for an answer, there are a couple of things you can do to share data from the client to the server without actually sending a message.
Add a custom property to the auth property in the client socketIo options. This will be available to the server event handlers in socket.handshake.auth.xxxx.
Add a custom header to the transportOptions.polling.extraHeaders property in the client socketIo options. This will ONLY be presented when the client is connected via polling and not when "upgraded" to websockets (as you can't have custom headers then).
Add a custom query property to the client socketIo options. I don't recommend this since it potentially exposes the data to intermediate proxies.
