Check if a function exists inside another function in nodejs - node.js

Propose the following situation:
function functionExists(functionName) {
if (typeof window[functionName] == 'function') console.log("It's a function");
What would be an equivalent function in nodejs for functionExists where there is no global window variable?
My concrete situation uses webpack instead of nodejs, but basically the problem is the same. I could use window here, but it would be too complicated to implement everything cleanly, and it isn't advised by webpack to mitigate things out to the window global variable.
Basically, I have a PHP backend, which generates a html <form> adding some options to it via a data attribute. When the page is loaded, my javascript initializes this <form> and gives it a bunch of functionalities (like validation for example). Another thing javascript does with this form, is that it parses the data attribute of it, and instead of the normal page reload submit, it changes the form so it is being submited over an ajax request to the server.
When this submit happens, it is set up, that the button and the whole form gets disabled, until my Ajax script sends back a response. How this is done, is that I have a Project_Form class, which when it is initialized, attaches itself to the jQuery submit event, stops the basic submit event, and runs an inner function which sends an ajax request to an api method. The ajax request is set up, that when a response is received, the same instantiated class will receive this response, so I can continue working with it.
When the form receives the response, it must do something with it. In the most basic situation, it must show a success message to the user, but there are some more complex situation, where for example, it has to make a page redirect (for example a login form). Right now, it is set up, that as a default, it will show a message, but when I define this form in PHP, I have the option to "hijack" this default behaviour, and instead of it, send the ajax response to a custom function, which will resolve the situation specifically.
When I am rendering the form in PHP, I already know where the form should send a success response (to which javascript function), but I can only provide this information to javascript, via a string. So my Project_Form class, should fetch this string, and should try to fetch a function from it which it will use. This is where my problem is coming from.

Unless you specifically KNOW that this is a global function (which is almost never the case in nodejs), functions by default in nodejs are scoped to the module and there is NO way to look them up by string name like you did with the window object in the browser, just like there is no way to look up local variables by name inside a function in Javascript.
In general, don't pass functions by string name. Or, if you have to, then you need to create a lookup table that you can check the function name against.
I'd suggest you explain the real problem you're trying to solve here because passing the function by string name is not how you would generally want to do things.
There is a bit of a hack using eval() that can see if a string represents a function name that is in scope:
// Warning, you must know that the argument f (if it is a string) does not
// contain harmful Javascript code because it will be used with eval()
function isFunction(f) {
// if already a function reference
if (typeof f === "function") {
return true;
// see if string represents a function name somewhere in scope
} else if (typeof f === "string") {
try {
return eval(`typeof ${f} === "function"`);
} catch(e) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
Note: This tests to see if the function is in the scope of the isFunction() function. If you want to test if it's in your current scope, then you need to do the:
eval(`typeof ${f} === "function"`)
inline in your current scope so it runs in the scope you want to do the lookup from.
To ever consider using this, you will HAVE to know that the source of your string is safe and cannot contain harmful code. But, as I said earlier, it's better to design your program differently so you aren't referring to functions by their string name.
And, here's a runnable snippet that shows it in action (also works in a node.js module):
function test() {
console.log("in test");
function isFunction(f) {
// if already a function reference
if (typeof f === "function") {
return true;
// see if string represents a function name somewhere in scope
} else if (typeof f === "string") {
try {
return eval(`typeof ${f} === "function"`);
} catch(e) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
console.log(isFunction("test")); // true
console.log(isFunction(test)); // true
console.log(isFunction("notAFunction")); // false
More added after question edit
If you only have the function name as a string and the function that it points to is not a property of some known object, then the only way I know of to turn that string into a function reference is with eval().
You could directly execute it with eval() such as eval(functionName + "()") or you could get a reference to the function with eval("let fn = " + functionName) and then use the newly defined fn variable to call the function.
If you control the various functions that could be referenced (because they're your Javascript), then you can make all those functions be a property of a known object in your Javsacript:
const functionDispatcher = {
Then, instead of using eval(), you can reference them off the functionDispatcher object like you would have referenced before with window (except this isn't a global) as in:
This would be a preferred option over using eval() since there is less risk of insertion of random code via an unsafe string.

In node.js you can achieve this like:
function functionExists(functionName) {
if(functionName && typeof functionName === "function")
console.log("It is a function");
Hope this works for you.


setTimeout & "this" keyword in nodejs

const person = {
talk() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
I know when you call a stand-alone function in javascript, "this" will refer to the global object (i.e., the window object in browser, or the global object in nodejs).
Since a callback function is a stand-alone function, I expect it will print window/global in the above example.
However, when I test it in browser, it did return the window object.
But when I run it in node, it returns a Timeout object rather than the global object. What is the reason behind it?
setTimeout() is not actually part of the Javascript standard - it is supplied by the host environment.
In the nodejs implementation, a timer is an actual object and nodejs calls the timer callback by calling a method on that object like this:
where this is set in the contructor of the object like this:
this._onTimeout = callback;
to the timer callback. Thus, this will be the timer object (due to the method call). You can examine the nodejs timer object source yourself here.
One of the reasons for nodejs to turn a timer ID into an object is that it also has other methods such as .ref() and .unref() which are cleaner to implement and expose to the programmer if the timer handle is an actual object rather than adding more functions to the global namespace.
The browser has a different implementation that calls the callback as a normal function. And, in Javascript (when not in strict mode) calling a normal function sets this to the global object in the function.
As I said in the comments, you should NOT rely on any value of this that is not explicitly documented to be what you want or controlled by the way you have called things. To do so is just playing roulette.
If you want to explicitly reference the global object, then I'd suggest you just specifically refer to the global object as window.x or global.x depending upon your environment.
The answer to your question can be found here:
Different behaviour of setTimeout in nodejs and Chrome.
In short, Node's setTimeout is a different function than a browser's setTimeout, despite having similar functionality and identical name. I do not know the underlying reason they were created to have different this references, but they do.
The reason behind this is that this binding is determined based on where it was called not where it is declared.
There are four rules according to You don't Know JS books
Default Binding
let world = "hello world"
function hello() {
hello() // prints hello world and global object
//the call site is on the global environment
Implicit Binding
let object1 = {
world: "I am being called from object1 site ",
hello: hello
let object2 = {
world: "I am in 2",
object1: object1
object2.object1.hello() //will print " I am being called from object1 site because of the taking the object that is closest level to the function and that is objec1"
obj.hello() // print "I am being called from object1 site and object1 properties
Explicit Binding
This occurs when you are 'explicit' about the object you want this to refer to and in this case you use call, apply and bind (which is more stronger in binding this to expected object)
Example in this case this will refer to object1. In an event where call or apply does not work you can use bind to make a hard bind .That is why you would see this pattern a lot
Let say you want to refer to the person object
const person = {
talk() {
function () {
};; // `this` will refer to the person object
Let say you want to refer to global object in Node
let globalObject = globalThis;
const person = {
talk() {
function () {
};; // this will refer to global object
New Binding: this is using keyword new to create an object
Example let b = new life()
To determine this in code you have to know how it was used in the call site and they take precedence over in this order: new binding > explicit binding > implicit binding > default binding

Trouble with scopes and blocks in javascript. Declaring variables

When I declare a variable inside of one of my functions I am not able to call on it outside of that function.
async function submitCardInfo () {
try {
const example1 = 'testing';
let example2 = 'testing2';
} catch (error) {
setRunningError('Error Submitting Card Credentials')
this is my function to submit Card info and I declare a couple of variables at the bottom. When I call on those variables later in my code(outside of the function submitCardInfo) they aren't defined. That console.log example will say that example1 is undefined.
async function submitCardInfo () {
try {
data = {
} catch (error) {
setRunningError('Error Submitting Card Credentials')
} await submitCardInfo()
Ok when I run a similar code to this I still get undefined. Can you please try and example using this example and explain how you would do it.
Hello what I do now is use class and this.(variable) and I am able to change the value of the variable and use it anywhere in my code. Another way is to declare a variable using var outside of the local scope and then you are able to use that variable other places in your code.
Variables in Javascript are only accessible within the function that they are declared in. And, each time you call the function, it creates a new and different variable in that function. This is referred to as "function scoping". If you declare the variable with const or let (instead of var), then the variable is only available within the block that it is declared in. This is referred as "block scoping".
There is a "global scope" where variables can be accessible anywhere, but this is nearly always discouraged for a variety of reasons. And, calling a function that changes a global value as its function is referred to as "side effect" programming and is also discouraged.
If you want to call the function and communicate the value of that variable back to the outside world (outside the function), then you can return it from the function where the caller can use the return value.
If you want to return more than one value, then you can put them in an object or an array and return the object or the array as the single return value.
If the function is async, then all async functions return a promise and the returned value inside the async function becomes the resolved value of the promise that is returned. The caller would use await or .then() to get the resolved value of the promise.
In your specific function example, you should not that async functions would generally only be used if you had asynchronous operations inside the function and thus were interested in using await inside the function. If you have no asynchronous operations, then it is simpler to code the function as a regular function (without the async keyword) and then you can just directly return a value and the caller can directly receive the return value.
Thats happening because variables have diferrence scopes. Function and global scope, let and const also have another scope which is block scope, that means that if you declared it inside curly braces {} (Ej: your try, catch block, a function, etc.) they will only live there. Thats why you can't access them from ouside of any other part of your code. The only way you can access a variable from any part of your file is that if you declare it in the global scope

Is it considered bad practice to manipulate a queried database document before sending to the client in Mongoose?

So I spent too long trying to figure out how to manipulate a returned database document (using mongoose) using transform and virtuals, but for my purposes, those aren't options. The behaviour I desire is very similar to that of a transform (in which I delete a property), but I only want to delete the property from the returned document IFF it satisfies a requirement calculated using the req.session.user/req.user object (I'm using PassportJS, but any equivalent session user suffices). Obviously, there is no access to the request object in a virtual or transform, and so I can't do the calculation.
Then it dawned on me that I could just query normally and manipulate the returned object in the callback before I send it to the client. And I could put it in a middleware function that looks nice, but something tells me this is a hacky thing to do. I'm presenting an api to the client that does not reflect the data stored/retrieved directly from the database. It may also clutter up my route configuration if I have middleware like this all over making it harder to maintain code. Below is an example of what the manipulation looks like:
app.route('/api/items/:id').get(manipulateItem, sendItem);
app.param('id', findUniqueItem);
function findUniqueItem(req, res, next, id) {
Item.findUniqueById(id, function(err, item) {
if (!err) { req.itemFound = item; }
function manipulateItem(req, res, next) {
if (req.itemFound.people.indexOf(req.user) === -1) {
req.itemFound.userIsInPeopleArray = false;
} else {
req.itemFound.userIsInPeopleArray = true;
delete req.itemFound.people;
function sendItem(req, res, next) {
I feel like this is a workaround to a problem with a simpler solution, but I'm not sure what that solution is.
There's nothing hacky about the act of modifying it.
It's all a matter of when you modify it.
For toy servers, and learning projects, the answer is whenever you want.
In production environments, you want to do your transform on your way out of your system, and into the next system (the next system might be the end user; it might be another server; it might be another big block of functionality in your own server, that shouldn't have access to more information that it needs to do its job).
That example might not be super-helpful in terms of an actual how, but that's sort of the point.
As you can see, you could link that system of events up to another system of events (that does its own transform to its own data-structure, does its own filtering/mapping, transforms that data into whatever its API promises, and passes it along to the next system, and eventually out to the end user).
I think part of the sense of "hacking" comes from bolting the result of the async process onto req, where req gets injected from step to step, through the middleware.
That said:
function eq (a) {
return function (b) { return a === b; };
function makeOutputObject (inputObject, personWasFound) {
// return whatever you want
var personFound = req.itemFound.people.some(eq(req.user));
var outputObject = makeOutputObject(req.itemFound, personFound);
Now you aren't using the actual delete keyword, or modifying the call-to-call state of that itemFound object.
You're separating your view-based logic from your app-based logic, but without the formal barriers (can always be added later, if they're needed).

Chrome Extenion - chrome.tabs.executescript - how to pass a variable in the code parameter [duplicate]

How can I pass a parameter to the JavaScript in a content script file which is injected using:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: "content.js"});
There's not such a thing as "pass a parameter to a file".
What you can do is to either insert a content script before executing the file, or sending a message after inserting the file. I will show an example for these distinct methods below.
Set parameters before execution of the JS file
If you want to define some variables before inserting the file, just nest chrome.tabs.executeScript calls:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {
code: 'var config = 1;'
}, function() {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: 'content.js'});
If your variable is not as simple, then I recommend to use JSON.stringify to turn an object in a string:
var config = {somebigobject: 'complicated value'};
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {
code: 'var config = ' + JSON.stringify(config)
}, function() {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: 'content.js'});
With the previous method, the variables can be used in content.js in the following way:
// content.js
alert('Example:' + config);
Set parameters after execution of the JS file
The previous method can be used to set parameters after the JS file. Instead of defining variables directly in the global scope, you can use the message passing API to pass parameters:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: 'content.js'}, function() {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, 'whatever value; String, object, whatever');
In the content script (content.js), you can listen for these messages using the chrome.runtime.onMessage event, and handle the message:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// Handle message.
// In this example, message === 'whatever value; String, object, whatever'
There are five general ways to pass data to a content script injected with tabs.executeScript()(MDN):
Set the data prior to injecting the script
Use to pass the data (set prior to injecting your script).
Inject code prior to your script which sets a variable with the data (see detailed discussion for possible security issue).
Set a cookie for the domain in which the content script is being injected. This method can also be used to pass data to manifest.json content scripts which are injected at document_start, without the need for the content script to perform an asynchronous request.
Send/set the data after injecting the script
Use message passing(MDN) to pass the data after your script is injected.
Use in your content script to listen for the background script to set a value using
Use (set prior to executing your script)
Using this method maintains the execution paradigm you are using of injecting a script that performs a function and then exits. It also does not have the potential security issue of using a dynamic value to build executing code, which is done in the second option below.
From your popup script:
Store the data using
In the callback for, call tabs.executeScript()(MDN).
var updateTextTo = document.getElementById('comments').value;{
updateTextTo: updateTextTo
}, function () {
file: "content_script3.js"
From your content script:
Read the data from
Make the changes to the DOM.
Invalidate the data in storage.local (e.g. remove the key with: (MDN)).'updateTextTo', function (items) {
function assignTextToTextareas(newText){
if (typeof newText === 'string') {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('textarea.comments')).forEach(el => {
el.value = newText;
See: Notes 1 & 2.
Inject code prior to your script to set a variable
Prior to executing your script, you can inject some code that sets a variable in the content script context which your primary script can then use:
Security issue:
The following uses "'" + JSON.stringify().replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/'/g,"\\'") + "'" to encode the data into text which will be proper JSON when interpreted as code, prior to putting it in the code string. The .replace() methods are needed to A) have the text correctly interpreted as a string when used as code, and B) quote any ' which exist in the data. It then uses JSON.parse() to return the data to a string in your content script. While this encoding is not strictly required, it is a good idea as you don't know the content of the value which you are going to send to the content script. This value could easily be something that would corrupt the code you are injecting (i.e. The user may be using ' and/or " in the text they entered). If you do not, in some way, escape the value, there is a security hole which could result in arbitrary code being executed.
From your popup script:
Inject a simple piece of code that sets a variable to contain the data.
In the callback for chrome.tabs.executeScript()(MDN), call tabs.executeScript() to inject your script (Note: tabs.executeScript() will execute scripts in the order in which you call tabs.executeScript(), as long as they have the same value for runAt. Thus, waiting for the callback of the small code is not strictly required).
var updateTextTo = document.getElementById('comments').value;
code: "var newText = JSON.parse('" + encodeToPassToContentScript(updateTextTo) + "');"
}, function () {
file: "content_script3.js"
function encodeToPassToContentScript(obj){
//Encodes into JSON and quotes \ characters so they will not break
// when re-interpreted as a string literal. Failing to do so could
// result in the injection of arbitrary code and/or JSON.parse() failing.
return JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/'/g,"\\'")
From your content script:
Make the changes to the DOM using the data stored in the variable
if (typeof newText === 'string') {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('textarea.comments')).forEach(el => {
el.value = newText;
See: Notes 1, 2, & 3.
Use message passing(MDN)(send data after content script is injected)
This requires your content script code to install a listener for a message sent by the popup, or perhaps the background script (if the interaction with the UI causes the popup to close). It is a bit more complex.
From your popup script:
Determine the active tab using tabs.query()(MDN).
Call tabs.executeScript()(MDN)
In the callback for tabs.executeScript(), use tabs.sendMessage()(MDN)(which requires knowing the tabId), to send the data as a message.
var updateTextTo = document.getElementById('comments').value;
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, {
file: "content_script3.js"
}, function(){
updateTextTo: updateTextTo
From your content script:
Add a listener using chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener()(MDN).
Exit your primary code, leaving the listener active. You could return a success indicator, if you choose.
Upon receiving a message with the data:
Make the changes to the DOM.
Remove your runtime.onMessage listener
#3.2 is optional. You could keep your code active waiting for another message, but that would change the paradigm you are using to one where you load your code and it stays resident waiting for messages to initiate actions.
function assignTextToTextareas(message){
newText = message.updateTextTo;
if (typeof newText === 'string') {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('textarea.comments')).forEach(el => {
el.value = newText;
chrome.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(assignTextToTextareas); //optional
See: Notes 1 & 2.
Note 1: Using Array.from() is fine if you are not doing it many times and are using a browser version which has it (Chrome >= version 45, Firefox >= 32). In Chrome and Firefox, Array.from() is slow compared to other methods of getting an array from a NodeList. For a faster, more compatible conversion to an Array, you could use the asArray() code in this answer. The second version of asArray() provided in that answer is also more robust.
Note 2: If you are willing to limit your code to Chrome version >= 51 or Firefox version >= 50, Chrome has a forEach() method for NodeLists as of v51. Thus, you don't need to convert to an array. Obviously, you don't need to convert to an Array if you use a different type of loop.
Note 3: While I have previously used this method (injecting a script with the variable value) in my own code, I was reminded that I should have included it here when reading this answer.
You can use the args property, see this documentation
const color = '#00ff00';
function changeBackgroundColor(backgroundColor) { = backgroundColor;
target: {tabId},
func: changeBackgroundColor,
args: [color],
() => { ... });
Edit: My mistake - This only applies to injected functions, not files as the question specifies.
#RobW's answer is the perfect answer for this. But for you to implement this you need to initiate global variables.
I suggest an alternative for this, which is similar to #RobW's answer. Instead of passing the variable to the file, you load a function from the content.js file and then initiate the function in your current context using the code: and pass variables from current context.
var argString = "abc";
var argInt = 123;
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: "/content.js" }).then(() => {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
allFrames: false,
code: "myFunction('" + argString + "', " + argInt + "); ",
This is inspired from #wOxxOm's answer here. This method is really going to be helpful to write a common source code for Manifest v2 & v3

Is there a way to log all DOM method calls

Is there a way (preferably Firefox or Chrome) to log all the DOM methods invoked/properties modified by a Web app?
I need this to understand some of the working of web apps whose code I don't have in non-minified version.
I understand that this won't give me the complete picture, but I am more interested in the web app's interaction with the browser for my purpose.
You can log all method calls for specific class of objects by wrapping all of its methods with a custom logging function:
var originalMethod = SomeObject.prototype.someMethod;
SomeObject.prototype.someMethod = function() {
//log this call
originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
I've created a function that hooks up such wrappers to all (non-inherited) methods of given class and logs all calls to the console:
function logMethodCalls(className) {
function wrapMethod(className, methodName, prototype) {
var orgMethod = prototype[methodName];
return function() {
window.console.debug('%c'+className+'::%c'+methodName, 'color: #FBB117; font-weight: bold', 'color: #6F4E37', {
details: {
scope: this,
arguments: arguments
return orgMethod.apply(this, arguments);
if(!window[className] || typeof window[className] !== 'function') {
window.console.error('Invalid class name.');
var prototype = window[className].prototype;
for(var i in prototype) {
if(prototype.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if(typeof prototype[i] === "function") {
prototype[i] = wrapMethod(className, i, prototype);
I'm running it like this:
["Document", "DocumentFragment", "Element", "Event", "HTMLElement", "HTMLDocument", "Node", "NodeList", "Window"].forEach(function(i){
You can customise the array above to track only classes that you are interested in.
The output looks like this:
To be perfectly honest there is so much output that I don't think this type of debugging may be usable. You can try extending this solution even more by observing all properties (e.g. by defining getters and setters or proxies for all objects), but this will get even more messy.
Great idea! Tracking DOM changes may be useful when trying to understand how website/app works, but also while searching for performance bottlenecks (DOM access is expensive).
I haven't found extension that does exactly what you are asking for, so I've created one. You can install DOMListener from Chrome Web Store.
DOMListener extension uses MutationObserver to catch all DOM changes and outputs friendly messages to the DevTools console. Note that I'm using console.debug() so you can easily filter these messages out:
Code is available on GitHub. If you prefer to avoid installing the extension or you want to get a similar output in Firefox, simply grab the DOMListener.js file and run it in the console.
